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Taliban Rioted Over CIA Executions
US Intelligence Forces Executed Five Before Being Overwhelmed

11/30/2001 11:13:26 AM
LSN Staff

Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan -- The Taliban prisoners who rioted in
Mazar-i-Sharif were being summarily
executed by US CIA agents, and the CIA agent killed, Johnny “Mike” Spann,
involved in the torture of prisoners, sources today informed LSN.

According to LSN sources, as many as 250 Taliban soldiers had been tied up
5 had been executed when the remainder of the prisoners of war rebelled,
overwhelming guards and executing the agents instead.

The prisoners of war had been promised safe treatment as part of their
surrender agreement at Kunduz.

The CIA execution were a violation of the Geneva convention, and on par
the execution of American prisoners by the Japanese and Vietnamese and the
and torture of German prisoners by the Soviets after World War II.  Even
Nazi Germans refused to torture or execute captured British and American
fighter pilots until late in the war, when the prohibition on execution

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