-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

USS Indianapolis: Miracle at Sea
by William F. Jasper

In the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, the USS Indianapolis was sunk by
the Japanese. The tale of how the crew survived in the open sea is nothing
short of miraculous.

Ensign Harlan Twible was coming off his watch, sky aft, in the crow’s nest of
the USS Indianapolis. Just eight weeks out of the Naval Academy, he was at
the bottom of the officer ratings, but the 23-year-old son of Massachusetts
mill workers would soon demonstrate his mettle and his leadership. Along with
his shipmates, he was about to take part in one of history’s most harrowing
and heroic epics of survival.

It was 14 minutes after midnight, July 30, 1945. Ensign Twible was getting
ready to start down the ladder to the main deck when a Japanese torpedo
struck with thunderous impact. The ship’s bow was blown away. Seconds later
another torpedo struck the great ship on its starboard side, exploding the
powder magazine and fuel bunkers. "At one and the same time I heard the
explosion and felt the tear at my side," recounts Twible. "Then another
explosion. Without thinking I reached down to my side and felt wetness." He
had received a shrapnel wound. But, as he told THE NEW AMERICAN in a recent
interview, "There was no time to think about my problem. I had other
responsibilities to tend to. When you blow a ship to smithereens like that
virtually everyone is wounded or injured. I think that probably all but 10
percent of the crew suffered some wound from the attack."

He ran to the quarterdeck, where the executive officer told him to go aft and
get the men to the high side of the ship. "When I had arrived amidships, our
starboard side was about one foot above the water and sinking fast. I yelled,
‘Over the side.’ No one moved or let go of the lifeline he was holding. Who
wanted to go into that forbidding sea? Many of them were only 17, 18, 19
years old; they were frightened — we were all frightened. Then I yelled,
‘Follow me’ and jumped into the water. The crew followed."

He had to get them away from the ship, so that it would not roll over on them
or suck them under when it went down. The water was covered with oil and most
of them had swallowed some of the toxic substance. Ensign Twible told the men
to vomit to get the oil out of their system and then had them smear oil on
their heads and faces to protect against exposure to the sun and the elements.

An estimated 300 of the ship’s 1,200 crew were killed upon impact; as many as
880 were cast into the sea alive, though many were severely injured. Many of
the men were badly burned or had suffered broken limbs, gaping wounds, or
internal injuries. A large number of men had been forced to abandon ship
without life jackets. Survival in the open sea was doubtful enough for men in
peak condition; for this mass of maimed and mangled sailors it would take a
miracle — and courage beyond measure. Pain, exhaustion, dehydration, blood
loss, hunger, thirst, heat, cold, delirium, depression — and sharks — took
their deadly toll. By the time help finally arrived, four-and-a-half days
later, only 321 remained.

Ensign Twible had the men count off. There were 325; only 151 would survive
until rescue ships arrived. They had only four rafts. "I told them to put the
worst wounded into the rafts and for everyone else to tie themselves to the
floater nets."

Off in the dark Pacific night, in the rolling waves, another, larger group of
nearly 400 were assembling, under the leadership of Dr. Lewis Haynes, Marine
Captain Edward Parke and Father Conway, the Catholic chaplain. They had no
life rafts; Dr. Haynes called them his "swimmers." Only 66 from their group
survived. Other smaller groups and individuals were scattered across the
waves. By the time help arrived, the survivors had drifted 100 miles and were
strung out along a swath 18 miles long.

Seaman first-class Ed Brown was in Dr. Haynes’ group. "There was a huge
explosion and a big ball of fire that shot up into the sky — probably 200
feet or more," he recounted to THE NEW AMERICAN. "It did not take very long
for the ship to start listing badly. I jumped; it was about 70 feet down to
the water." He swam for about 100 yards, then turned back to look at what
seemed "just like a Hollywood production. We could see the keel standing up,
the fantail with the screws still turning, silhouetted against the moon."
Then, as the ship sunk beneath the waves, the moon hid again in the clouds
and all was dark.

A few days before, Ed Brown had unknowingly played a key role in world
history. On July 26th, the Indianapolis, one of the Navy’s most prized
cruisers, had completed a record-setting run from San Francisco to the island
of Tinian (about 100 nautical miles north of Guam and nearly 5,300 nautical
miles from California). It was a secret mission, delivering critical
components for an ultra-secret weapon: two uranium-235 triggers for the
atomic bombs that would be dropped on Japan.

At Tinian, Brown had operated the crane that unloaded the mysterious cargo.
"It wasn’t until after our rescue, while we were at the hospital in Guam,
that we learned that our cargo was the A-bomb," Brown recalled.

What was the worst part of his ordeal in the water? "Physically, there was,
of course, the heat and the cold. We took that for granted, but we only
expected to have to endure it for a day before we would be rescued. The
thirst and dehydration was terrible and many men went mad from drinking the
sea water. And the sharks, of course. But even worse than the terror of the
sharks was the anguish of feeling utterly deserted and alone out there in
this huge expanse of sea. It seemed at times so hopeless, that help would
never come. Especially after the second day."

Did he pray? "Oh yes, I think everyone prayed," said Brown, agreeing with the
old maxim that there are no atheists in foxholes — or on sinking ships. "We
were bobbing there in the water and someone said, ‘How do you pray?’ I
hadn’t always been that religious, but I led them in the Lord’s Prayer. In a
desperate situation like that you quickly realize how vulnerable you are and
how dependent you are upon God. I was at the end of my strength, within an
eyelash of death when I was picked up. I had just started to fall asleep and
would have drowned."

Harlan Twible agrees that it is by the grace of God that he was saved. "I
never thought that I was going to die. I knew I was in God’s hands and was
sure he was going to keep me alive to help keep the other men alive," he told

The experience profoundly changed him and the other men of the Indianapolis.
"In those four days and five nights,we had experienced a tragedy beyond
dimensions," he says. "We had watched our shipmates die tragic deaths of
their wounds because there was no means of assuaging their pain. We watched
our shipmates give up all hopes of life because weakness of body had
overtaken their strength of mind. We watched as our shipmates were snatched
from life by those foraging sharks. We watched as our shipmates expended
energy on their wounded friends which they could have marshaled for their own
survival. We saw man’s love for his fellow man. We saw men holding up other
men while they themselves were dying. We saw true greatness.

"We came out of that water different men than we were when we went in. We
would forever think of those who had given their lives, who would never see
their loved ones again. We were quiet, stronger, and somehow more
knowledgeable than we were before and probably ever would be again. We
believed in the brotherhood of man because we had seen that brotherhood in
action. We didn’t know how or why but we had become different people. I’ve
been asked, ‘Why did you live, Mr. Twible, when other people died?’ My
answer was that it was God’s will. We know that it was through God’s grace
that those of us who survived did survive. We have tried to fulfill the
obligation cast upon us of living the life that honors those who gave theirs.
We will never forget, we must never forget. They gave up their places at the
table of Life so that we could have ours. We owe it to them to make our lives
ones that were worth their sacrifices."

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