-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


ARTICLE 04 – Feedback: Readers Respond to Hack’s Columns


Clinton Destroyed the Armed Forces

I am retired Army master sergeant with 33 years of service including six
years with  Special Forces. I really enjoyed David Hackworth’s informed
comments regarding “De-Clintonizing” our armed forces (“It’s Time to Set
the U.S. Army Straight,” Nov. 21).

I had served every Commander-in-Chief since President Lyndon Johnson. I felt
outrage about the changes to the Army brought about by President Bill
Clinton. I retired in 1997 – I could have been boarded for sergeant major and
stuck around for a few more years, but the grief I experienced over what that
man did to my Army made me cynical and angry.

Clinton used our armed forces to implement his sick programs regarding gays
and other useless social experiments. He destroyed an effective Reserve and
Guard force by reducing the numbers of good units to dangerous levels and, in
many cases, changing their mission. He relegated the status of American
fighting men to second-class citizens in terms of pay, housing and benefits.
He took away our sense of pride in serving with useless guidelines on
political correctness.

-- John G. Saittis

New Army Leadership Needed

In response to David Hackworth’s column, one of the first things I would do
as president would be to fire [Army Chief of Staff] Gen. [Eric] Shinseki. He
singlehandedly demoralized every Ranger, and every other right-thinking
soldier, with his beret decision.

He is also the premier “perfumed prince” who is able to harm our entire Army
by promoting fellow “perfumed princes.”  It only takes a few well-placed
“princes” to undo all the good done by good soldiers.  The last eight years
is an excellent example: I recently watched a special on the Discovery
Channel about the Rangers.  It stated that the Rangers were the only U.S.
Army troops taught hand-to-hand combat.

If they did not already know it, we just told all potential enemies our
troops are not fighters. As a matter of fact, if today's soldier gets in an
old-fashioned fistfight he may be discharged as a disciplinary problem. Maybe
I am off the mark, but I think the Army should bring back the “Spirit of the
Bayonet,” and hand-to-hand combat training for all soldiers. These programs
would not only be an addition to unit PT  programs, but designed to enhance
the “warrior spirit.”

-- William F. Sauerwein, First Sgt. USA (Ret.)

An Army Plagued with Mistrust

I read with interest David Hackworth’s column in the DefenseWatch archives on
current leaders unwilling to allow soldiers to load ammo (“Let’s Lock and
Load Now,” Oct. 17). On Sept. 11, U.S. posts went on Threatcon Delta
expecting terrorist attacks. My post is shared by conventional Army and
Special Forces units.

Guards were ordered to draw weapons, but only the guards from the SF unit
actually had combat loads of ammo. When the post commander found out troops
were packing, he ordered magazines to be kept at SOG’s post. This is another
example of the ‘CYA’ mentality in the conventional Army.

Officers don’t trust NCOs – much less soldiers – to soldier. Also, weapons
training from fixed foxholes at pop-up targets is unrealistic. The average
soldier (non-combat arms) will fire 114 live rounds a year during semi-annual
weapons qualification.  Actual fire on the move training, walking with loaded
guns, isn’t conducted. Soldiers are uncomfortable with weapons since they
aren’t trained enough.

-- A Concerned Sgt. 1st Class USA

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 5 – Editorial Comment: Shabby Treatment Of Navy Hero


Editor’s Note: The following editorial appeared on the editorial page of The
Washington Times on November 25, 2001.

Just when you thought bureaucratic stupidity and robotic adherence to “the
rules” couldn't possibly get any more ludicrous, the rude awakening cometh.
Two days

before Thanksgiving, The Washington Times reported that the Navy has denied a
pension to the widow of Lt. John Russell, who helped rescue the USS Cole in

Yemen last October after Osama bin Laden's thugs did their dirty work.

Lt. Russell, age 41, suffered a fatal heart attack while helping another
Naval officer trim trees in a Jacksonville, Fla., back yard on Nov. 11. Three
days later - on the

afternoon of his wake - Lt. Russell's widow, Mary, was told that she would
not be receiving his lifetime pension of approximately $1,500 a month. “It
makes me

very angry,” said Mrs. Russell, who is now left alone to raise the couple's
10- and 14-year-old boys. “He gave up his youth for the Navy. And I
sacrificed a lot

waiting for him to come home.”

Lt. Russell, a 20-year Navy veteran, enlisted on Aug. 14, 1981, under an
arrangement permitting him to report for duty on Dec. 14 of that year, which
is considered the official start of his service. This means that at the time
of his death, he was a mere 33 days short of qualifying for his Navy pension.

Late last year, he was on the USS Tarawa in the Arabian Sea when a bin Laden
suicide attack was staged against the USS Cole, which was moored in the Yemeni

port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors perished in that attack. Upon
arriving at the scene, Lt. Russell commandeered a Yemeni tugboat and
maneuvered it over

to the crippled Cole. As Islamic radicals jeered at him from the nearby
shore, Lt. Russell maneuvered the ship to safety.

His former commanding officer, Capt. Mike Miller, now works for President
Bush in the White House. When he learned of the pension problem, Capt. Miller
started making phone calls to all the appropriate folks in the Navy
bureaucracy. Time and time again, he has been told that nothing can be done
for Lt. Russell's widow and their two children. Meanwhile, Lt. Richard
Tucker, the “benefits coordinator” assigned to the Russell family case, is
working furiously to assemble a package of benefits from the Veterans
Administration and the Social Security Administration.

But there is absolutely no other way to put it: The treatment visited upon
Mrs. Russell and her sons is nothing less than shabby, disgraceful and
outrageous. Lt.

Russell was and is an authentic hero who put his life on the line for his
fellow sailors and his country. It's time for Mr. Bush and Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld

to take immediate action to ensure that the Russell family gets the full
amount of his pension.

© 2001 The Washington Times; reprinted with permission.

Table of Contents

ARTICLE 06 – Feedback: Let’s Bring Back the Draft


I was drafted into the Army in 1954. Combat training was the hardest work I
have ever done before or since. I weighed 135 lbs. when drafted, and 152
lbs. of bone and muscle two months later. I don't believe very many women
could have did what I did and I am not a large or especially strong man.

I firmly believe that the draft ( for men) would be good for the national
good. I would not have enlisted, but after being drafted I was ready to do my
duty. I would have done anything the country needed me for. I believe young
men would have a greater appreciation of what it means to serve.

Other services benefit indirectly from the draft. One young man that I knew
opened his mailbox and found a draft notice. He closed the box, went down and
joined the Air Force. I opened my mailbox and was drafted shortly thereafter.
I was home in two years, while he was gone for four years.

-- Lloyd Markell

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 07 – Ambush in Afghanistan


Editor’s Note: This is probably a true story.

A large group of Taliban soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a
voice call from behind a sand dune.  “One U.S. Special Forces soldier is
better than ten Taliban.”

The Taliban commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune
whereupon a gun battle breaks and continues for a few minutes, then silence.

The voice then calls out “One U.S. Special Forces soldier is better than one
hundred Taliban.”

Furious, the Taliban commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune
and instantly a huge gunfight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again

The American voice calls out again “One U.S. Special Forces soldier is better
than one thousand Taliban.”

The enraged Taliban Commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them
across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine-guns ring out as a huge battle
is fought. Then silence.

Eventually one wounded Taliban fighter crawls back over the dune and with his
dying words tells his commander, “Don't send any more men, it's a trap.
There's actually two of them.”

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 08 – Medal of Honor Recipient – ASHLEY, EUGENE, JR. SFC USA


Rank and organization: Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 5th
Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces.

Place and date: Near Lang Vei, Republic of Vietnam, 6th and 7th February 1968.

Entered service at: New York, N.Y. Born: 12 October 1931, Wilmington, N.C.

Citation: Sfc. Ashley, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity while serving with Detachment A-101, Company C. Sfc. Ashley was
the senior special forces advisor of a hastily organized assault force whose
mission was to rescue entrapped U.S. special forces advisors at Camp Lang

During the initial attack on the special forces camp by North Vietnamese army
forces, Sfc. Ashley supported the camp with high explosive and illumination
mortar rounds. When communications were lost with the main camp, he assumed
the additional responsibility of directing air strikes and artillery support.

Sfc. Ashley organized and equipped a small assault force composed of local
friendly personnel. During the ensuing battle, Sfc. Ashley led a total of
five vigorous assaults against the enemy, continuously exposing himself to a
voluminous hail of enemy grenades, machine gun and automatic weapons fire.
Throughout these assaults, he was plagued by numerous booby-trapped satchel
charges in all bunkers on his avenue of approach. During his fifth and final
assault, he adjusted air strikes nearly on top of his assault element,
forcing the enemy to withdraw and resulting in friendly control of the summit
of the hill. While exposing himself to intense enemy fire, he was seriously
wounded by machine gun fire but continued his mission without regard for his
personal safety. After the fifth assault he lost consciousness and was
carried from the summit by his comrades only to suffer a fatal wound when an
enemy artillery round landed in the area.

Sfc. Ashley displayed extraordinary heroism in risking his life in an attempt
to save the lives of his entrapped comrades and commanding officer. His total
disregard for his personal safety while exposed to enemy observation and
automatic weapons fire was an inspiration to all men committed to the
assault. The resolute valor with which he led five gallant charges placed
critical diversionary pressure on the attacking enemy and his valiant efforts
carved a channel in the overpowering enemy forces and weapons positions
through which the survivors of Camp Lang Vei eventually escaped to freedom.

Sfc. Ashley's bravery at the cost of his life was in the highest traditions
of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit,
and the U.S. Army.

Editor’s Note: If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has
passed away recently, please email  MOH Correspondent James H.  Also, if you
would like more info on MOH recipients and their stories, please email James

Table of Contents


EDITOR'S NOTE: Your Support is Important!
Footnote: The ultimate success in reviving and expanding SFTT depends on
everyone. We need your financial contributions to continue our operation.
While any amount is welcome, we suggest a $30 annual contribution from each
member will enable us to succeed.

The IRS recognizes SFTT as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Educational Foundation (IRS
EIN 31-1592564).

Donations are tax deductible. Send us some moral support and encouragement
to help in the struggle to improve combat readiness. Every little
contribution helps. Mail your checks to:

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation

P.O. Box 11179

Greenwich CT 06831

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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