-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

30 November 2001
Federalist Edition #01-48
Friday Digest

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"The hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this
army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers
and Soldiers, that you are Freemen, fighting for the blessings of
Liberty - that slavery will be your portion, and that of your
posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men." --George


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Top of the fold...

"The Marines have landed, and we now own a piece of Afghanistan,"
declared Brigadier General James Mattis, commander of the attack task
force setting up a forward operating base in southern Afghanistan to
further President George W. Bush's war on terrorism. An expected 1,000
Marines from the base will be in hot pursuit of terrorist enemies --
if necessary, right into the stinking rat holes where Osama bin Laden,
his al Qaeda henchmen and Taliban hosts are hunkering and hiding!

New York's 10th Mountain Division soldiers have also entered northern
Afghanistan. Airstrikes continued pounding emerging targets --
including sites suspected in research and production of weapons of
mass destruction. More than 40 such laboratories and industrial
facilities are being investigated as possibly involved in development
of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made clear that our forces will keep
no real estate -- and take no prisoners, saying, "The United States is
not inclined to negotiate surrenders, nor are we in a position, with
relatively small numbers of forces on the ground, to accept
prisoners." Indeed, al Qaeda mercenaries from the fallen Taliban city
of Kunduz were transported to a fort, where they staged a bloody
uprising that claimed the first overseas combat fatality for U.S.
fighters. Johnny "Mike" Spann, USMC retired, and CIA operative, was
killed after attempting prisoner interrogations. Mr. Rumsfeld said,
"Any idea that those people ... who have been fighting so viciously
.. should end up in some sort of a negotiation which would allow them
to leave the country and go off and destabilize other countries and
engage in terrorist attacks on the United States is something that I
would certainly do everything I could to prevent. They're people who
have done terrible things."

U.S. forces hit another major terrorist leadership compound southeast
of Kandahar. "It clearly was a leadership area," Rumsfeld said, noting
the likelihood of fatalities. "Whoever was there is going to wish they

Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, still on the run, released a
statement of defiance Wednesday: "Stick to your positions and fight to
the death. We are ready to face these Americans. We are happy that
they have landed here and we will teach them a lesson."

Where to, after Afghanistan? President Bush on Monday warned Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein to allow UN weapons inspectors back into his
country -- or else ... "he'll find out" the consequences. Mr. Bush
deflected questions about whether Iraq was next on the list of state
targets in the U.S.-led war against terrorism: "First things first.
We're going to make sure that we accomplish each mission that we

Former CIA Director James Woolsey added, "As far as 9-11 and the
anthrax goes, I think there are three or four relevant points. There
have been a lot of high-level contacts between al Qaeda and the Iraqi
government, particularly Iraqi intelligence.... I think that Iraq is
very much at the heart of the problems of the Mideast today, and
Saddam Hussein's regime, in my judgment, really needs to be put in the
crosshairs." Let us hope we get back to Iraq sooner rather than too
late! (You may recall that forces deployed in Desert Storm predicted
if Saddam were left in power we would have to return in 10 years.
Time's up!)

And Pakistani authorities have detained two retired nuclear scientists
implicated in providing weapons expertise to al Qaeda. The scientists
admit twice meeting with bin Laden, but deny helping him make chemical
weapons with anthrax, although uncovered evidence suggests they did
just that.

On the home front, Osama bin Laden declared in a recent videotape,
"The battle has been moved inside America, and we shall continue until
we win this battle, or die in the cause and meet our maker."

Bin Laden is correct -- his agents of terror are still lurking on U.S.
soil, and he and his evil cadre will, eventually, "meet their maker."
While some suggest that the 9-11 assault was bin Laden's best shot, we
do not accept this dangerous thesis. We believe that agents of
Jihadistan in the U.S. still have both the means and capability of
launching one or more terrorist assaults that will have significant
impact on U.S. continuity of government and commerce. According to
well informed intelligence sources, the next high alert window for
such an assault -- 24 December through 4 January.

Anthrax claimed another victim under mysterious circumstances, with
the death of 94-year-old Ottilie Lundgren in Connecticut, and
impounded congressional mail contained an anthrax-laced letter to
Vermont's Sen. Pat Leahy. Stateside investigators have focused on a
domestic culprit, the "Unaplaguer" as The Federalist dubbed him in
October. At the same time, there is increasing evidence that
international terrorists and terror-sponsoring states are active in
"weaponized" anthrax development and may still be the source of the

Some media talkingheads have suggested that highly infectious anthrax
can be "homemade," but anthrax is not produced in 5 gallon buckets in
suburban backyards. An anthrax culture produced outside a specialized
facility would be "self-solving" -- as the producers would be at great
risk of self-contamination. While anthrax production is dangerous for
amateur anarchists, that is not to say it cannot be produced in a
clandestine laboratory by a very bright anarchist with the right
knowledge and equipment -- one smart enough to direct his attacks
against high profile Leftists to provide fodder for "right wing
conspiracy" theorists. Coincidentally, the FBI is investigating the
November 16th disappearance of Harvard biologist Don Wiley after a
scientific gathering. His rental car, fuel tank full and key in the
ignition, was abandoned in the middle of a bridge over the Mississippi
River near Memphis, Tennessee. Wiley's primary research specialty is
in biological pathogens -- the stuff of bio-warfare.

Quote of the week...

"I don't believe [Islam] is a wonderful, peaceful religion. It wasn't
Methodists flying into those buildings, it wasn't Lutherans. It was an
attack on this country by people of the Islamic faith." --Franklin

On cross-examination...

"We should remember that the image of the United Nations as a
benevolent peacemaker is a myth, as evidenced by the sad history of
its military actions over the past 30 years.  In almost every instance
its so-called 'peacekeeping missions' have done nothing but intensify
regional conflicts. Kosovo and Somalia are poignant examples of UN
policy gone bad, creating lasting resentment and instability rather
than peace." --Rep. Ron Paul on the Nobel Peace Prize award to the UN
and Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Could this possibly be why the Afghans are resisting UN peacekeepers
in their land?

Open Query...

"What is Saddam thinking right now as he sits in Baghdad, perhaps a
marked man? The mullahs of Iran, as they sit above a powder keg of
domestic unrest? Yasser Arafat, as he watches what a dollop of
American power has wrought in Afghanistan?" --Rich Lowry
We hope they are mulling over retirement spots or burial plots!

The BIG lie...

"A Thanksgiving Message from the Democratic Party.... During this
holiday season, we Democrats have plenty to be thankful for. ... This
week, we are thankful that we live in a society where the rule of law
prevails." -- DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe
With the possible exception of eight years of Bill Clinton's lies,
including that "perjury" thing and those extraconstitutional abuses of
executive power...!

News from the Swamp...

In the Executive Branch, during a confab with Mr. Bush, visiting Prime
Minister Jose Maria Aznar of Spain said his country intends to
negotiate extradition of eight al Qaeda suspects in Spanish custody,
for U.S. guarantees they won't face the death penalty or trial in a
military court.

Friend of The Federalist Rich Galen suggests, "Just close the consular
offices in Madrid and Barcelona.  Hang out a sign:  Apesadumbrados,
somos cerrados.  No estamos publicando visas. Va la visita Yemen o
Iraq." According to the U.S. Census Bureau's Foreign Trade Division,
in 2000 we imported about $6 billion worth of goods and
services from Spain. Let it pile up on the docks until the
unconditional surrender of these terrorists.

And Mr. Bush and conservative leaders called for a quick ban on human
cloning, accusing the company claiming to have cloned a human embryo
of "crossing the line." "The use of embryos to clone is wrong," Mr.
Bush said. "We should not as a society grow life to destroy it. And
that's exactly what's taking place. It's morally wrong...." The
president called upon the Senate to pass H.R. 2505, the cloning ban
that the House approved in July.  "In nine months," warned
Jean-Francois Matteihe, a French bioethics expert, "we will be in a
position to have a cloned baby." In Rome, Vatican authorities rejected
assertions that the cloned human embryo is not human life: "If what
they call in their article...an early embryo...isn't human life, then
what is it?"

Mr. Bush also received Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, the American
Christian aid workers freed two weeks ago from Taliban imprisonment,
saying, "It's a wonderful story about prayer, about a faith that can
sustain people in good times and in bad times."

In the House of Commons, National Review editors alerted us of the
recent House resolution recognizing "Native American Month." (Hey, all
of us born on American soil are "native" Americans.  American Indians,
like the rest of us, migrated from elsewhere.) As resolutions go, it
largely falls into the "accolades for contributions made by the group"
category, but includes two notable misconceptions.

The first states that "Native American governments developed the
fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers
in government, and these principles form the foundation of the United
States Government today." This assertion, based on the notion that the
Iroquois Confederation was the template for the post-revolutionary
Confederation of States, has been thoroughly debunked. The Statistical
Assessment Service's David Murray, notes that this proposition "has
been pretty convincingly demolished [but] keeps bouncing back."

The second false assertion is that  "Native American societies
exhibited a deep respect for the Earth and its resources, and such
values are widely held today." This popularized myth is based on the
fact that most American Indian tribes were limited in numbers by a
lack of innovation regarding the cultivation of natural resources. As
for the "widely held values today," it is true that some tribal
traditions of earth-worship have been adopted by 20th century
eco-theologists, but as Louis Warren wrote, "to claim that Indians
lived without affecting nature is akin to saying that they lived
without touching anything, that they were a people without history."

During discussion of the measure, House members waxed about how
Americans should learn more about "Native American" history. Since we
recognize all Americans born here as "native," perhaps those doing the
waxing should take half that advice themselves!

In better news, Congress must be taking a page from The Federalist,
which, immediately after 9-11, issued the following recommendations --
arming pilots (many are former military officers and well-trained in
firearms use) as well as "allowing" suitably disposed aircrew and
passengers, such as military and law enforcement travelers, to fly
armed or at least occupy the most forward seats in the aircraft --
providing a gauntlet between harm and the flight deck. Now, several
congressmen are advancing legislation to allow commissioned law
enforcement officers to serve as "sky marshals" when in transit -- a
step in the right direction.

In the House of Lords, Senate Democrats Wednesday agreed to halve
their demand for $15 billion in new spending, but the White House
insisted they would have to forgo the other half before President Bush
signs an economic stimulus bill. "Seven weeks ago, I asked Congress to
send me an economic stimulus package," Mr. Bush stated. "This country
is waiting for action, and in the time that we've been waiting, more
than 415,000 workers have lost their jobs. Further delay could put
more Americans and more families at risk. So let's move. Let's get the
job done."

Senate Demo Leader Tom Daschle and House Demo-Minority Leader Richard
Gephardt  took a Thanksgiving junket south of the border to plan
forging ahead with "immigration reform" early next year, despite
alarming links between lax immigration and terrorist "easy pass" into
our country. "I think that it ought to be our goal that we have a free
pass border at some point in the future," Daschle said.

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of justice on the right, a New York federal appeals court
ruled that a lower court erred in permitting expansion of protest-free
"bubble zones" around abortion clinics. "The First Amendment clearly
protects the pro-life message and it is encouraging that the appeals
court determined that the district court went too far in limiting the
free speech of those articulating a pro-life message," said American
Center for Law and Justice senior counsel Vincent McCarthy.

In the halls of injustice on the left, New Jersey served up a double
helping of bad news. The Supremes turned away from consideration a
challenge to New Jersey's 1990 ban on semiautomatic firearms. Great
timing, when our country is in a war of self-defense to evade an
opportunity to reaffirm citizens' Second Amendment rights to excellent
self-defensive weapons!

Melissa Drexler (AKA "the Prom Mom"), convicted of manslaughter in
1998 after giving birth to and strangling to death her 6.5-pound son,
is out of jail after serving only three years of her 15-year sentence.
But then, if lives aren't worth defending with adequate firearms,
lives aren't worth defending in court either....

On the Left...

America's first black president closed the deal to remove an
African-American landmark in downtown Little Rock to make room for his
presidential library. Demolition began on the 103-year-old freight
depot while historical preservationists were still seeking to save it.
Commenting on the controversy, Bill Clinton remarked, "No one can see
it now, no one can use it now, it's of no use to anybody."

The Commissars...

The FBI unveiled efforts to develop and employ "Magic Lantern"
software allowing secret surveillance of personal computers via the
Internet. The FBI also detailed efforts to encourage telecom companies
to ease wiretapping capabilities.

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

AIDS research spending mushroomed after the Clinton administration
granted the sexually transmitted disease "protected" status, while
AIDS deaths were falling after 1995 and were always lower than deaths
related to heart disease and breast and prostate cancer. "Since Sept.
11, we've had a new concern in this country called bioterrorism. And
looking at the [Health and Human Services Department] budget, the AIDS
and sexually transmitted disease [part] has over a billion dollars in
it," noted Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Michigan). "But in bioterrorism, we
have only about 18, 17 percent of that budget, like $180 million."
Stupak proposed giving HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson the authority to
"reprogram" AIDS funds for bioterror diseases. "Thank you so very
much," Thompson said. "I think especially now, the department
certainly needs more flexibility. We have to scrimp and scrape from
every place we can" to fund bioterrorism defenses. The National
Institutes of Health spends some $200 million a year for AIDS vaccine
research alone, while the U.S. is hard-pressed for vaccines to protect
more than 280 million adults and children against deadly anthrax and
smallpox outbreaks from potential terrorist attacks. "Since I've
become president, we're spending 10 times as much per fatality on
people with AIDS as people with breast cancer or prostate cancer,"
boasted President Clinton in 1997.

>From the department of military readiness...

Outgoing New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani asked that Congress and the
Defense Department rethink Clinton era military base closures near the
9-11 terrorist targets -- and reopen the U.S. Coast Guard station on
Governors Island closed in 1998 and the Homeport naval base on Staten
Island shut down in 1994. Giuliani noted: "I think it creates just
more proximity if, in the future, you're ever going to need that kind
of help."  Sounds like lots of other base locations.

>From the department of military correctness...

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) recently introduced legislation
moving Veterans Day to Election Day in presidential election years
beginning with 2004, which prompted Nebraska Republican Rep. Lee Terry
to counter with H. Res. 293, to keep Veterans Day commemorating the
"11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month in 1918 when the
Armistice ended World War I." American Legion National Commander
Richard Santos said, "The best way to pay tribute to those who have
sacrificed for freedom is with an undiluted holiday on November 11.
Veterans Day has a unique and transcendent tradition that must remain

>From the states...

In the People's Republic of Maryland, on the heels of Montgomery
County's reluctant revocation of an attempted ban on smoking in
private homes, the Montgomery County community of Kensington has
banned Santa Claus from its annual tree lighting ceremony.... "Because
two families in our town felt that they would be uncomfortable
with Santa Claus being a part of our event," explained Mayor Lynn
Raufaste. (You may recall that a previous attempt by another
Montgomery County mayor to ban "outside" smoking was unsuccessful, and
the mayor in question, who also "served" as an usher at the Episcopal
National Cathedral, was later convicted of sexual assaulting a
14-year-old boy in a Cathedral restroom.)

And smokin' down in North Carolina, Kids Gym Schoolhouse owner Laura
Johnson received rating demerits from the Early Childhood
Environmental Rating System after an evaluator found nine "violent"
toys -- little plastic, green soldiers. "If stereotyping or violence
is shown with regard to any group, then credit cannot be given," wrote
evaluator Katie Haselden. Her supervisor, Anna Carter, supervisor of
North Carolina's Division of Child Development's Policy and Program,
agreed: "...[Toy soldiers] don't enrich the environment and can be
potentially dangerous if children use them to act out violent themes.
They'd be more likely to use the toy soldiers to hurt the other army
men or to shoot the stuffed animals." (Send your comments to Ms. Diana
Jones Wilson, Chairman of the Child Care Commission,

In economic news...

It's official; the economy is in recession -- although economists
assert it will be a mild one, as spending is not as low as feared.

The "Dumb and Dumber" Department...

>From a counterterrorism pamphlet cosponsored by the FBI in Phoenix,
Arizona, and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office: "If you encounter
any of the following, call the Joint Terrorism Task Force --
Right-Wing Extremists, 'defenders' of the U.S. Constitution against
federal government and the UN and groups who make numerous references
to the U.S. Constitution."  Printed during Clinton's tenure, the
pamphlet was not distributed due to objections from local FBI agents
and sheriff deputies offended by references linking advocates of our
Constitution to terrorism. Lest you become complacent over recent
anti-terror moves, consider "just who" Department of Justice
Clintonistas singled out as "terrorists" while Islamic terrorists were
busy settling into American suburbs -- even in Phoenix. Perhaps
readers of The Federalist?

Culture comment...

Planned Parenthood of Virginia is selling "red, white and blue"
condoms, ostensibly to raise money for victims of the 9-11 attack on
our nation. A spokesman for the organization said, "Offering patriotic
condoms will...let Americans display their colors proudly."
(Definitely an idea that ought not to have been run up the flagpole.)

Faith Matters...

Cockpit voice recorder tapes from 9-11 United Flight 93 confirmed that
the first combat-related casualties from the war on terror were
patriot-passengers led by Todd Beamer, who fought their hijackers once
they learned the Islamics were going to crash their plane into a
Washington, D.C., target -- most likely the U.S. Capitol. After
reciting the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm, Beamer said, "Let's
roll." The Federalist has advocated that the current "war on
terrorism" should be code named "Let's Roll" in Beamer's honor.

On the frontiers of science...

As The Federalist has reported previously, science is finally catching
on that prayer works! A study at North Carolina's Duke University
Medical Center found that patients with heart problems who received
alternative therapy after angioplasty were 25 to 30 percent less
likely to suffer complications, while those who were subjects of
"intercessory prayer" on their behalf had the greatest successful
recovery rate. The study of 150 patients, conducted between April 1997
and April 1998, involved random assignment of patients to study
groups, and neither the patients nor the physician researchers were
aware of the group assignments. Prayer had the greatest health
benefits, surpassing such alternatives added to standard heart care as
guided imagery, stress relaxation, and healing touch therapies.

Around the world...

Our remaining unrepentant Communist adversaries are being let off the
hook for consequences of their central planning tyrannies. Archer
Daniels Midland and Cargill, among other suppliers, will sell Cuba
grain and soybeans, the first such sales in 40 years. And Vietnam on
Wednesday approved "normalized" trade relations with the U.S., despite
grousing about monitoring of the Red's egregious citizens' rights
violations. Vietnamese Trade Minister Vu Khoan said, "We demand that
this act must be buried along with the dark past so together we can
look forward to a better future."

And last...

Some remarkable banners are flying in our battle against Jihadistan.
One, new battle colors for the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis, was
discovered on September 15th buried in the World Trade Center's
rubble, and has already covered the earthly remains of our massacred
countrymen. This is the flag that "was still there." Others,
emblazoned with messages from victims' families, will be carried into
battle by Marine units. A sampler from the 26th MEU's new flag: "For
my sons Joe and John Vigiano. They gave their lives doing what they
loved -- helping others." "United we stand, united we fight." "These
colors don't run." "Unleash hell boys." "Be safe and do us proud."
(And to Osama) "May the last breath you take be spent looking at this
flag." ...Reminding us this is still "the land of the free and the
home of the brave."

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