-Caveat Lector-

A nation's leader gunned down. A patsy manipulated
into place at the crucial moment. A conspiracy by the
secret police. A government commission which issued a
lone-gunman theory explaining the killing. And an
"amateur photographer" who caught the whole thing on
film. No, we're not talking about the Kennedy
assassination. We're talking about the murder of
Yitzhak Rabin, and his killers are still at large.
Barry Chamish, editor of the political intelligence
journal Inside Israel, probes the troubling evidence
indicating a Rabin assassination conspiracy.


The Conspiracy to Assassinate Yitzhak Rabin
by Barry Chamish

The sloppy Shabak (General Security Services)
conspiracy to assassinate Yitzhak Rabin is slowly
being exposed. The most unlikely Israelis are becoming
convinced that Yigal Amir did not murder Rabin, but
that he was actually killed in his car after Amir shot
two blank bullets. Such is the weight of evidence that
Amir is expecting a million dollar advance on a book
that will tell his side of the story. Amir's literary
agent Avi Feinstein says, "Amir was a government agent
and he will expose the whole conspiracy in his book."

That is, if he can recall it after his extensive
experience with sophisticated mind control.

The most convincing evidence that Amir did not kill
Rabin came from police forensics expert Baruch
Glatstein, who testified at Amir's trial. After
examining Rabin's suit and shirt, he concluded that
two shots from point blank range killed the prime
minister. Amir was filmed shooting from at least five
feet away. According to Glatstein's testimony, one
shot came from a distance of 25 centimeters, while the
second was a contact shot. Glatstein rationally
explained that Rabin's shirt was torn to shreds in a
way that could only occur if the gasses from the
cartridge exploded on his skin.

Further, Glatstein tested the shirt of Yoram Rubin,
Rabin's bodyguard who was shot in the forearm. He
found traces of copper and lead in the bullet hole
while Amir's bullets were composed entirely of copper.
In short, Amir didn't shoot Rubin either.

Glatstein's testimony agrees with that of Dr.
Skolnick, a surgeon who operated on Rabin. Dr.
Skolnick concluded that his injuries were caused by
contact shots.

In July, the Supreme Court heard testimony from a Tel
Aviv taxi driver who picked up a passenger on the day
Amir was convicted. After hearing a radio report on
the conviction, the passenger said he was a
pathologist at Ichilov hospital who examined Rabin. He
insisted that Amir could not have shot Rabin because
his wounds were from point blank range. He then
produced his Ichilov ID card, proving he was, in fact,
a pathologist working at the hospital.

Dozens of witnesses heard five shots fired, and in
July, a police officer assigned to the fateful rally
where Rabin died, Yossi Smadja, told the press that he
also heard five shots. But their testimony was not
welcomed at the Shamgar Commission's coverup of the

The "amateur film" of the Rabin assassination has
since been examined by numerous analysts in frame by
frame sequence and found to have been sloppily cut and
edited. More sinister is Rabin's reaction to being
shot. Instead of lurching forward from the bullets,
Rabin alertly turns back, seemingly aware of the
events taking place. Most sinister of all, during the
final seconds of the film while Rabin is supposedly
being lain on the back seat of the car, followed by
the wounded bodyguard, someone closes the opposite
back passenger door of the car from inside. Clearly,
that someone was awaiting Rabin from inside the car.

Then there is the testimony of Shimon Peres who saw
Rabin's body in the hospital. He claimed in Yediot
Ahronot that Rabin's forehead was swollen and bruised,
he thought from being pushed on the pavement after he
was shot. This is in direct contradiction to the
eyewitness report of Miriam Oren who was beside Rabin
after Amir pulled the trigger. She told Israel
Television news moments after the incident that Rabin
walked into the car under his own power. Where, and
how, did the bruises that Peres claims he saw occur?

Finally, there is the indisputable proof offered
unintentionally by Rabin's aide, Eitan Haber. While
surgeons were operating on Rabin at Ichilov hospital,
for reasons unexplained to this day, Haber rifled
through his suit and shirt pockets looking for
something and pulled out the songsheet Rabin had held
at the rally. Haber produced it for the cameras as he
announced Rabin's death and it was deeply
bloodstained. Unless Rabin put it in a non-existent
back pocket of his suit, he was shot from the front.

Support for that contention came from a most unlikely
source. On the night of the murder, a close Rabin
compatriot, Member of Knesset Ephraim Gur, left
Ichilov Hospital and told a Reuters reporter that he
had seen Rabin, and that he was shot through the chest
and abdomen.

On September 20, two Israeli newspapers unexpectedly
printed interviews with subtle advocates of the
conspiracy thesis. After nine months of silence,
Shlomo Levy gave an interview to Yerushalayim. Levy,
an associate of Amir's at Bar Ilan University, was a
soldier in the Intelligence Brigade of the IDF. After
hearing Amir's threats to kill Rabin, he reported them
to his commander who told him to go to the police. The
police took his testimony very seriously on July 6,
'95 and transferred it to the Shabak where it was
ignored until three days after the assassination.

The report concludes, "Levy's was only one of a number
of reports the Shabak ignored about Amir...The fact
that the Shabak let the reports gather dust until
Rabin was murdered lends credence to numerous
conspiracy theories."

Levy was asked, "If you did the right thing, why have
you been hiding in your home out of fear?" He replied,
"The Shabak is big and powerful and I'm a little guy.
The assassination is an open wound with them and who
knows how they'd react if I let myself be

On the same day, Rabin's son Yuval was interviewed in
Yediot Ahronot. Asked if he believed his father was
killed in a conspiracy, a question that said much
about the public's interest, he replied, "I can't say
yes or no. It's not hard to accept it... One thing is
certain, no one was punished. The worst that happened
to any Shabak agent was he lost his job."

October saw the blatant inconsistencies between the
official version of events surrounding the Rabin
assassination and the truth. Early in the month,
Maariv's weekend magazine published a remarkable
collection of testimony from seven policemen and
security agents on duty at the assassination scene
that fueled suspicions of a conspiracy from many
formerly skeptical readers. On October 18, the author
of this piece was the victim of an eight minute
hatchet job on Israel Channel Two Television's weekend
magazine show that was shown again the next night.
Despite the blatant attempt at character
assassination, as Yediot Ahronot reported the
following Sunday, I succeeded in igniting renewed
national interest in the possibility that Rabin's
murder did not happen as it was officially reported.

First, let's look at the Maariv report. We begin with
the issue of whether the bullets used by alleged
assassin Yigal Amir were real or not. It is not denied
by the Shamgar Commission that "Blanks, blanks," was
yelled by someone while Amir fired his weapon. The
conclusion is that Amir yelled it to confuse Rabin's
bodyguards, a contention he denies. It turns out that
more than just "Blanks, blanks" was shouted.

S.G., Shabak Agent Under Command of Rabin's bodyguard
Yoram Rubin: "I heard very clearly, 'They're not real,
they're not real,' during the shooting."

A.A., Personal Security Head of the Shabak: "I heard
one shot and someone shouting, 'Not real, not real.' I
can't say with certainty if it came from the shooter."

Avi Yahav, Tel Aviv policeman: "The shooter yelled,
'They're caps, nothing, caps.'"

None of the police or security men heard the famous
'Srak, srak,' (blanks, blanks) shout. The scene they
describe is of a number of people shouting different
phrases. What united the shouters was their belief
that blank bullets were being shot.

How many bullets were shot?

A.H., Agent assigned to Yoram Rubin's staff: "I heard
one shot, followed by another."

Maariv to A.A.: "Are you certain you only heard one

A.A.: "Absolutely certain."

Avi Yahav: "I heard a number of shots. I'm not sure
how many."

S.G.: "As I approached the car, I heard three shots."

The inability of trained security and police personnel
to agree on the number of shots is puzzling, but on
one issue all agree: none thought Rabin was hurt.

Y.S., Shabak Head of Security for the Tel Aviv rally:
"I heard Rabin was wounded only when I arrived at
Ichilov Hospital some minutes later."

S.G.: I didn't hear any cry of pain from the Prime
Minister and didn't see any signs of blood
whatsoever... It wasn't until some time after that I
was told that Yoram Rubin was hurt."

A.A.: "Only after a number of inquiries as to whether
Rabin was hurt, did I drive in shock to Ichilov."

None of the security or police personnel detected any
sign that Rabin was hurt, a quite inexplicable fact
when one considers that he was not merely hurt but
supposedly shot in the lung and spleen by two
hollowpoint 9 mm bullets. However, the "amateur" film
of the assassination exonerates the witnesses. After
the film shows the blast from Amir's gun, Rabin is not
pushed forward by the pressure of the bullet, nor does
he evince pain. Rather, he keeps on walking and turns
his head quickly to his left.

Before examining the next issue of the Maariv article,
let us skip to Channel Two's report on my research.
Despite the snow job, one of my points came across
loud and clear and went a long way towards keeping my
name from being totally besmirched. I showed the
assassination film and pointed out that as Rabin
entered his car, the opposite side passenger door is
slammed shut. I said, the only way the door could be
shut was if someone was inside the car shutting it.
This would be in contradiction of the Shamgar report,
which has Rabin and Rubin entering an empty car.
Channel Two saved my dignity by saying the door was
shut by the vibrations caused by Rabin's entrance.
Throughout the country, people opened their back car
doors and started shaking their vehicles. Nothing
could make their doors shut. Further, Rabin's door was
armored and weighed several hundred more pounds than
the average car door. Furthermore, the open front door
of Rabin's car did not shut with the back, and the
film shows no shaking of the vehicle whatsoever.
Therefore, someone -- perhaps the real murderer -- was
waiting for Rabin inside the car.

Now let us consider the testimony of Yoram Rubin,
Rabin's head of personal security. On November 8, 1995
he was quoted as saying in the New York Times that
Rabin's last words to him in the car were that he was
hurt but not seriously. Let's look what he told the
police on the night of the murder and later testified
to the Shamgar Commission and at Yigal Amir's trial.

Rubin to the Police at 1:07 a.m. on November 5, 1995:
"I lifted the prime minister and pushed him into the

To the Shamgar Commission, he said: "He (Rabin) helped
me get up. That is to say, we worked together... We
jumped, really jumped. I'm surprised, in retrospect,
that a man his age could jump like that."

At Amir's trial, Rubin stated: "I grabbed him by his
shoulders and asked him, 'Yitzhak, do you hear me,
only me?" In this version Rabin did not answer at all.
In previous versions he said he wasn't hurt badly or
actually helped Rubin to his feet.

Perhaps the most confusing piece of testimony concerns
the critical moments when Rubin enters the car with
Rabin. The assassination film shows the opposite back
passenger door being pulled closed from the inside and
the other back door being pushed closed from the
outside. Yet Rubin testifies, "We fell onto the seat
together and I slipped between the front and back
seat. His legs and mine were dangling outside as I
yelled to the driver, 'Get out of here.' He started
driving and I lifted his (Rabin's) and my legs inside
and closed the door. This all took 2-3 seconds."

A most curious incident occurs on the way to Ichilov
Hospital, normally less than a minute's drive from the
supposed murder site. The trip took from 9:45 to 9:53.
With a minute and a half driving time to go, Rabin's
driver Menachem Damti picks up a policeman, Pinchas
Terem, to help direct him to the hospital. Damti, an
experienced driver, needed no help in finding Ichilov,
but even that isn't the main point. With the prime
minister dying beside him, the altruistic Yoram Rubin
says to the new passenger, "I'm wounded. Bandage me."
As for Rabin, we can only guess he didn't care that
his wounds needed much more urgent attention. Terem
completed his bizarre testimony by noting that Damti
did not notify Ichilov by radio that he was coming and
thus the hospital staff was totally unprepared for
Rabin's arrival.

One conclusion of many that can be reached from the
testimony of all the witnesses is that Rabin was
unhurt by Amir's blank bullets and was shot inside the
car. Rubin took a harmless arm wound to cover his role
in the event and Damti picked up a policeman as a
witness in case of future disbelief.

If this scenario or something more insidious is not to
be given credence, all the contradictory testimony
will have to properly sorted out at an honest
commission of inquiry. And this hypothetical
commission will have to answer how the back passenger
door of Rabin's car really closed as he entered the
vehicle. Until this is done, compelling doubts about
the official version of Rabin's assassination will


Barry Chamish is the editor of Inside Israel, a
political intelligence report on Israeli affairs. He
can be reached at:

Phone/Fax : (972)-2-9914936

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