-Caveat Lector-

So Bill the day they cut back was when they pulled out the truck loaded
with gold, and it took two Brinks trucks to unload which made me wonder
- whose and what truck was this upon which the Twin Tower landed?

Further my son returned from New York and said he visited to site - not
right on it but the stench is in the air.......he hopes he does not have
to go back too soon.

Further this plane crash Globe carried an article just picked it up
where they believe somebody messed with the bolts on the engines of the
planes for they may have been loosened and this ship had been gone over
by mechanics, the night before.

So yesterday I had put out on the web story about the racketeering
involved selling inferior bolts and materials to certain Airlines which
were causing crashes way back in 1996, believe it was dated.

So a big plane comes down in Queens and oh how they close this one up.

They have introduced and pushed the enemy within.......but yet the call
is to come to New York to see the shows?

Tell me did this guy mention the stench from burning flesh ????

My son returned last week and this guy likes to have fun......but it
would take years before he would return to New York - so back to
Paradise Island, I presume.

What I cannot forget is the day after this demolition with burning flesh
smouldering at the botton of the Twin Towers - Larry Silverstein already
had plans on his drawing board for new Twin Towers or maybe 4 - this man
who held the 99 year lease?   Herein lay the truth of the
matter....further Giuliani - in 7 World Trade Center with CIA and

Well over the world people begin to believe it was CIA and Mossad that
pulled this off - but the word is MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA.....so they call
Osama the "Contractor" and out of Afghanistan came the killers?

This was all home grown stuff and for over two years people have
questioned the activity of foreign agents and intruders and military
invading this Country?

So go to Queens and see that mess - they got off pretty lucky at

The start checking pedigress and find who are saying they are Muslims
and are not?

The pictures I saw on these terrorists - well speaks for itself, from
Kenya, Tanzinia, but we slaughter people in Afghanistan?

How did they know there was a gold truck caught under the rubble?
Whose gold was it.....why was it not in a Brinks truck...was their a
heist at the bottom of the Center for billions of gold down there and
most of it Saudi gold.....what about this FBI agent who went to work for
Silverstein who had lost briefcase containing TUNNELS UNDER THE WORLD
TRADE CENTER......where the gold was.....and part of their terrorism

What about that plane in Queens......oh so unfortunate - more living
burnt sacrifices.....a plane dropping big engines like hailstones from
the sky?

It will get worse - for Sharon was here yeser and left chaos for
Jerusalem....that guy is already described as the Slaughterman and he
sets such a nice stage....


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