06 December 2001
Taliban Kill 93 US Commandos and Capture Six

"Severe damage has been done to the Americans but the media keeps it in the dark," says Taliban Interior Minister

QUETTA (Islam News): The Interior Minister of Afghanistan says that it is absolutely ridiculous and baseless that the Americans, resting in a desert, 220 miles away from Kandahar claim to have captured the city of Kandahar. Similarly, the Pashtun claim to have captured Kadahar is based on false reports. He further said that the local and the international media reveal only one side of the picture, but the truth is that heavy damage has been done to the Americans in Afghanistan. In recent operations, Taliban troops killed 93 Americans and captured six. Dozens of soldiers were killed in and around Takhta Pul. Furthermore, an Amercian helicopter was also destroyed in this battle, but the media continues to keep such news in the dark. The Minister informed about World about the wellbeing of the Kandahar Taliban Corps Commander, Mulla Akhtar Uthmani and Taliban Air Force Commander, Akhtar Mansoor. According to him, the Taliban have total control over Spin Boldak and the news about the retreat of the (local) Taliban commander in Spin Boldak is incorrect.

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