-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Wed, 05 Dec 2001 18:47:00 -0800 (PST)
From:                   Herb Jamieson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The son of the CIA officer head of the Houston office during the former Pres
Bush presidency informed me that his father signed a nondisclosure
statement that upon retirement,he would agree to be deprogrammed. He
was brought to Washington,D.C. upon retirement, and brainwashed so badly
that his mind turned him into a mental vegetable and it eventually killed him.
CIA techniques are not mild mannered, and basically come directly from all
the Nazi scientist brought here after WWII  by Allen Dulles with Rockefeller
money. Rockefeller heading a commission of CIA abuses. What a big joke!!

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:08:20 -0800 (PST)
From: eric stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dr. Frank Olson's life was a mystery, full of dubious experiments for the CIA,
and unexplained trips to Porton Down. His death, in 1953, was stranger still.
Was it suicide? A failed exercise in brainwashing? Or murder? And what did
he know that made his death so convenient? Next week, a grand jury may
finally hear the truth about the Cold War's darkest Secret.


THE OLSON FILE A secret that could destroy the CIA by Kevin Dowling and
Phillip Knightley

In the early hours of 28 November 1953, Armand Pastore, the night manager
of the Statler Hotel, New York, was startled to hear a crash of breaking glass
and then a sickening thump on the pavement outside his hotel. He rushed out
to find a middle-aged man lying semi-conscious on the ground.

Pastore looked up to see light shining from a shattered window of a room on
the hotel‚s thirteenth floor. He knelt down alongside the man, cradled his
head in his arms and leaned closer as the man made an effort to speak, then
died. He had obviously jumped out of the window, just another suicide in a
city where the plunge from skyscraper to pavement was a shocking but not
unusual event.

Suicide was certainly the finding at the inquest—Dr Frank Olson, a United
States Army scientist, for reasons no one could fathom, had taken his own
life. And that was what the record showed for the next twenty-two years.

Then in 1975 the Rockefeller Commission, set up by President Ford to
examine the extent of the CIA‚s illegal domestic operations, revealed that an
unnamed army scientist had died after CIA experts, experimenting with mind-
bending drugs, had secretly slipped him a dose of potent LSD. During the
ensuing uproar, the scientist was identified as Frank Olson.

The US government moved immediately to show how sorry it was for what
had happened. Congress passed a private humanitarian relief bill which
authorised a payment of $750,000 to the widow, Mrs Olson, and her three
children. Mrs Olson and her son Eric were invited to the White House where
President Ford publicly apologised to them. And the then CIA director,
William Colby, held a lunch for Mrs Olson and Eric in his office at the CIA,
apologised and gave them the CIA file on the case.

According to the file, Olson had suffered a “chemically-induced psychotic
flashback” a week after he had been slipped the dose of LSD. So a CIA
doctor, Richard Lashbrook, had been deputed to look after Olson until he
was normal again. Lashbrook had been sharing the hotel room with Olson
and was asleep in a bed next to him when, he said, he was awoken by the
sound of breaking glass and realised that Olson had crashed through the

Eric, who is now 54,was never very convinced by this version of events but
kept quiet so as not to distress his mother. Then when she died in 1994 he
decided to test the official story of his father’s death. Experts told him that in
order to achieve the momentum needed to vault over a central heating
radiator under the window, burst through the closed blinds and smash
through the hotel’s heavy glass panes, Olson would have had to struck the
window travelling at more than 30km per hour. A trained athlete takes about
fifty metres to accelerate to that speed. But the hotel room was only 5.5
metres long.

Next there was Dr. Lashbrook‚s strange behaviour when the hotel manager
Pastore arrived in the room to tell him that his colleague was dead on the
pavement below. Lashbrook went to the telephone, rang a number and
simply said, “Olson’s gone”. Then he hung up and retired to the bathroom
where he sat on the lavatory with his head in his hands.

Eric Olson, a Maryland clinical psychologist, began to spend every spare
moment trying to get at the true story of what had happened to his father.
Today he is convinced he is on the brink of doing so. But the story is so
strange, so reminiscent of the TV series “The X-Files,” that despite
compelling evidence, it is uncertain that anyone will believe it.

THE TERMS of the $750,000 government settlement for Olson‚s death
prevented his family from pursuing the matter in the civil courts. But if Eric
Olson could convince the authorities that his father’s death was a criminal
matter, then he might eventually get at the truth. Four years ago he had his
first breakthrough when he won a court order to exhume his father’s body.

“When he was buried the coffin had been sealed. They said he had been so
badly mutilated in the fall that it wouldn’t be right for the family to see him. But
when we opened the casket a lifetime later, I knew Daddy at once. He had
been embalmed and his face was unmarked and untroubled. He hadn‚t been
hurt the way they said he had.”

A new autopsy confirmed Eric Olson's impression and entirely contradicted
the findings of the first inquest. Carried out by a team led by James Starrs,
Professor of Law and Forensic Science at The National Law Centre, George
Washington University, it could find no sign of the cuts and abrasions that the
first autopsy said had been caused by crashing through the window glass.

On the other hand, there was a haematoma, unrecorded at the first post
mortem examination, on the left hand side of Olson’s skull. This had been
caused by a heavy blow, James Starrs decided, probably from a hammer,
before the fall from the window. Starrs and his team concluded that the
evidence from their examination was “rankly and starkly suggestive of

Although the team did not say so—because it could be only
supposition—someone had struck Olson on the head with a hammer,
smashed open the window, probably with the same hammer, and had then
thrown Olson out. But the new autopsy findings were certainly enough for a
New York public prosecutor, Stephen Saracco, to win the right for a grand
jury to begin hearing the evidence he had uncovered. If the jury, too, found the
evidence of murder compelling, then Saracco requested that it should hand
down indictments for murder and conspiracy to murder.

Saracco, an ambitious, aggressive lawyer with no fear about taking on the
American establishment, says that the men he wants named in the
indictments will include some of America’s most respected CIA veterans
and, if the grand jury agrees to his request to widen his investigations, former
officers of the British Secret Intelligence and Security Services as well.

Already there are indications that the international intelligence community is
running scared. The CIA and the Department of Justice have resisted
Saracco 's attempts to subpoena Dr. Lashbrook, who now lives in California,
to question him, among other things, about Olson’s last hours, the telephone
call that Lashbrook made immediately after Olson's death and the work that
Lashbrook and Olson had been engaged in together.

Early in July, after months of negotiation, the two government departments
gave in and agreed that the grand jury should hear Saracco's team examine
Lashbrook at Venture County Courthouse during the week beginning 24
August. Saracco has already offered Lashbrook immunity from prosecution
in return for his testimony. He was too late, however, to do the same for
William Colby, the CIA chief who apologised for Olson’s death.

On 27 April 1996, after Saracco won the right to a grand jury hearing, Colby
who realised that he would be forced to give evidence, vanished from his
country retreat about forty miles south of Washington. It looked as if he had
left in a hurry: the lights and the radio were still on, his computer was still
running, and a half finished glass of wine was on the table. The next day his
empty canoe was found swamped on a sand bar. Five days later divers
found a body identified as Colby’s. He had apparently been the victim of a
boating accident.

If so, it would appear that Maryland waters are particularly unkind to retired
members of the CIA. In 1978 another CIA officer, John Paisley, also
vaanished there in another boating accident. A week after Paisley‚s
abandoned boat was located, a body with a gunshot wound to the head was
found. But the condition of the body meant that precise identification was
impossible—making the area a conspiracy blackspot.

Suppose the grand jury does in the end find that the evidence that Olson was
murdered and that the perpetrators were other CIA officers, there will still
remain a major barrier to an eventual conviction--what was the motive? What
was so sensitive to the CIA that it would kill one of its own? To find an answer
we have to go back to the fifties when the two great ideologies of the 20th
century, communism and capitalism, were locked in a battle to the death and
no act no matter how morally shocking was ruled out in the struggle for


THE NUCLEAR stand-off of the Cold War had sent both sides back to their
drawing boards. If it were impossible to employ nuclear weapons without
assuring mutual total destruction, what other weapons could the boffins come
up with—given virtually unlimited funds and no moral restraints—that would
win any future war? Two possibilities attracted attention. The first was
bacteriological warfare.

Bacteriological warfare is remarkably cheap; it has been described as “the
poor man‚s nuclear bomb.” A deadly virus sufficient to wipe out every living
person over an area of one square mile would cost only about $50. In the
1950s both sides in the Cold War set up research establishments to develop
biological weapons, methods of delivering them, and methods of protecting
against them. Dr. Frank Olson worked in this area.

Trained as a biochemist, he had been employed since 1943 in the Special
Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was associated with a CIA
secret research unit known at the time as MK-ULTRA, and came to Britain
frequently between 1950-53 to work at the British Microbiological Research
Establishment (MRE) at Porton Down. Olson was part of a team which was
developing aerosol delivery systems for biological weapons that included
staphylococcus enterotoxin, Venezuelan equine encephalo- myelitis, and
anthrax. Olson seems to have concentrated on counter- biological warfare,
trying to find vaccines and special clothing that would protect against attack.

Deadly effective though it may be, biological warfare has drawbacks. There
is always the risk that it may get out of control and attack not only the enemy
but those who decided to employ it in the first place. Like nuclear warfare,
biological warfare could wipe out civilisation as we know it. So Olson and
some of his colleagues became intrigued by another type of weapon
altogether, one which attacked not the body but the mind.

Those scientists in the Western intelligence community who supported the
idea of developing brain-washing programmes had two gurus—Dr Douglas
Ewan Cameron, a Glasgow-born psychiatrist, and Dr. Sydney “The Gimp”
Gottlieb, the CIA‚s top expert on brainwashing. Cameron won his post-
graduate diploma in psychiatric medicine at the University of London before
joining the staff at John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, in 1926. He became
convinced that the mentally ill posed a grave threat to Anglo-American
civilisation and should be forcibly sterilised.

During the Second World War he was a member of the Military Mobilization
Committee of the American Psychiatric Association and was appalled to
learn that of the fifteen million men inducted into the US armed forces, two
million had to be rejected on neuropsychiatric grounds, a proportion far
higher than in any other nation. He set about finding remedies including
electroshock (60,000 ECTs in a single year), lobotomies and other forms of
psychosurgery, sensory deprivation and mind-altering drugs--all used on
patients who had little or no say in their treatment. Conscientious objectors,
many of them Quakers, were defined by Cameron as mentally-ill and
sometimes forced to accept treatment.

When the end of the war revealed that the Nazis had been carrying out
similar experiments—23 German doctors were convicted at Nuremberg—the
Western intelligence community suddenly became very interested in
Cameron’s work. This interest grew to an obsession after the Stalin show
trials with the robotic, apparently artificially-induced confessions made by the
accused. Then the behaviour of American POWs held in Chinese camps
during the Korean War and their subsequent denunciation of the American
way of life, futher convinced the CIA that the communists were already well
advanced in mind control techniques. In intelligence circles there were
rumours of a Soviet plot to place brain-washed zombies in the White House
and other citadels of Western power.

The American response was MK-ULTRA. Its director, Dr. Gottleib, sought
help from his Scottish hero, Cameron, and set him up with cover
organisations to distance the CIA from some of the more abbhorent aspects
of MK-ULTRA‚s work. So Cameron founded the Society for the Investigation
of Human Ecology, ran a proprietary company called Psychological
Assessment Associates, and contributed papers to learned journals on
“Psychic Driving”, “The Restructuring of the Personality” and “Suggestion and
Extra-Sensory Perception.”

The short term goals were to counter any communist plot to insert brain-
washed assassins into the West. However, according to authors Gerald
Colby and Charlotte Dennett, biographers of Nelson Rockefeller—one-time
chairman of a committee overseeing the MK-ULTRA operation—the
scientists also wanted to find drugs or techniques by which “a man could be
surreptitiously drugged through the medium of an alcoholic cocktail at a
social party . . . and the subject induced to perform the act of attempted
assassination of an official in a government in which he was well-established
socially and politically.”

A far-fetched ides, perhaps, but one whose currency was not limited to the
CIA. A few years later, the surreptitious administration of a mind-altering drug
in a drink at a party was suggested as a possible solution to a strange
double death in Sidney, Australia. On the morning of January 1, 1963, Dr.
Gilbert Bogel, and his lover, Mrs. Margaret Chandler, were found dead on a
river bank after a riotous party given by staff of the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research Organization. Bogle, a brilliant scientist, had told
friends that he was about to go to the US to work on scientific research of
great military importance. The deaths were never solved, but Sydney
detectives became convinced that Bogle and his colleagues had been
experimenting with LSD and the effect it produced on their thought-
processes—the invitation to the New Year's party required each guest to
bring a painting done under the influenced of the drug—and their either by
accident or by design someone had slipped the couple what turned out to be
an overdose.

Repeated requests to the BBI under the Freedom of Information Act asking
for details of the work that Boigle would have been doing in the US have met
with refusal on the grounds of national security. But the speculation is
irresistible that it might have involved experiments in mind control similar to
those that Olson had worked on.

The long-term aim of these experiments with mind-altering drugs is thought
by those who have studied the MK-ULTRA programme to have been to
ensure the dominance of Anglo-American civilisation in the “war of all against
all—the key to evolutionary success.” Brain-washing would be used not only
to defeat the enemy but to ensure compliance and loyalty of one's own

Where did Dr. Olson fit into all this? A Harley Street psychiatrist, Dr. William
Sargant, now dead, was sent by the British goverment in the early 1950s to
evaluate MK-ULTRA. On his return he told a colleague and friend, former
BBC television producer, Gordon Thomas, that what Cameron and Gottlieb
were up to was as bad as anything going on in the Soviet gulags.

Thomas, whose books include a 1988 study of the CIA's forays into mind-
control, Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers,
says “Sargant told me that he had urged the British government to distance
this country from it. He said it was blacker than black.” According to Thomas,
Sargant told him that Frank Olson had come to Britain between 1950-53 to
work on attachment at Porton Down and had also made frequent visits to “an
intelligence facility” in Sussex. This is confirmed by entries in the special
passport that Olson used.

The stamps on the passport, which declare that the bearer was on “official
business for the Department of the Army” indicate a pattern of travel that took
Olson between various British military airfields, France, Occupied Germany,
Scandanavia and the United States between May 1950 and August 1953.
Prosecuting attorney Saracco believes that something happened on one of
these trips that holds the key to Olson’s death. Since the matter is still before
a grand jury Saracco cannot talk about it but Gordon Thomas has his own
idea of what it was. “The CIA was using German SS prisoners and
Norwegian Quislings [collaborators] taken from jails and detention centres as
guinea pigs to test Cameron’s theories about mind control. The agency
preferred to conduct such clinical trials outside the United States because
sometimes they were terminal—the human guinea pig ended up dead. Olson
was accustomed to seeing lethal experiments done on animals but when
human beings were used in this way it was too much for him. I believe that he
wanted out.”

Mike Miniccino, an American businessman and historical researcher who
has spent 25 years studying the MK-ULTRA programme and developing a
database on its activities says that if Olson expressed doubts about MK-
ULTRA and its work then he would have done so to William Sargant, the
Harley Street psychiatrist, who had evaluated MK-ULTRA‚s work and who
had been a close colleague of Olson’s.

And although—as we already know—Sargant wanted the British government
to distance itself from the CIA’s work with MK-ULTRA, Miniccino says he
nevertheless was committed to the principle of mind control and became the
link between the British Secret Intelligence Service and MK-ULTRA.
Miniccino adds, “So if Frank Olson expressed serious doubts about the MK-
ULTRA project to Sargant, then he signed his own death warrant.”

What Miniccino is implying and what public prosecutor Saracco wants to
prove is that the MK-ULTRA mind control project—with its clinical trials on
unsuspecting human beings—was such a sensitive issue with the western
intelligence community that it would go to any lengths to prevent an insider
like Olson, from blowing the whistle.

Is this, then, what happened? Did Olson tell the British psychiatrist/SIS agent
Sargant that he wanted out of the mind-control project, and that his
conscience might compel him to reveal publicly what the intelligence services
had been doing? Did Sargant then pass this on to SIS, who in turn told the
CIA? Was a decision then taken to make certain that Olson never talked by
destroying his memory with drugs and, when this failed, by murdering him
and making it look like a suicide?

Apart from the evidence set out earlier, there is another compelling fact that
supports this theory. Until Mrs Olson died in 1993, a regular visitor at her
house was Olson’s former boss in Special Operations, Vincent Ruwet. Ruwet
would spent long-daytime hours with Mrs Olson. The two would drink together
at her house (Mrs. Olson became an alcoholic) while Ruwet listened to the
problems she faced in bringing up her three fatherless children. Everyone
considered him to be a sympathetic family friend. But newly-discovered
documents reveal that Vincent Ruwet had been assigned by the CIA to “keep
track of the wife.”. If Olson was a threat because of what he knew, and
knowledge can be passed on, then the CIA would have to spy on all those
who had been close to him in case he had told them the truth about MK-
ULTRA? THE CIA has always maintained as a matter of historical record that
it has never murdered an American citizen on American soil. If, as a result of
Eric Olson's persistence in trying to uncover what really happened to his
father, and the investigating skills of public prosecutor Saracco, this turns out
to be a lie, it could well be the beginning of the end of the agency.

Eric Olson says, “The Cold War is over and there are now ongoing national
debates about the future of the CIA and about unethical medical testing on
humans. My father's case covers both. The use of hallucinogens, hypnosis,
electroshock and other procedures in an attempt to control the way people
behave was the CIA‚s equivalent of the Manhattan [atom bomb] Project. MK-
ULTRA was secret, shocking and incredibly dangerous. They couldn‚t afford
to take the risk of letting my father continue to be involved or, considering all
he knew, allowing him to quit. So he was terminated instead. My father's
murder crossed a line in the sand which the U.S. government has always
publicly respected. The guilty ones will not be allowed to get away with it.” Or
as Fox Mulder would say, “The truth is out there.”

THE SPHINX AND THE SPY The Clandestine World of John Mulholland By
Michael Edwards http://www.frankolsonproject.org/Articles/Mulholland.html

Family to sue Henry Kissinger for death.

12/3/01 - Attorney General John Ashcroft warned Sunday that religious or
political groups normally free from government intrusion could be monitored
by agents if they are suspected of engaging in terrorism.

Congressman Ron Paul, House of Representatives, November 29, 2001
Keep Your Eye on the Target

Where Is The Vice President, Uhhh Whats his name?

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"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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