December 7, 2001
Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers:

The United Nations and various Afghanistan factions have supposedly agreed upon a new government in the post-Taliban era. This has been termed by President Bush as nation-building. The United Nations is supervising this project. The United States military paid by the American taxpayer is rooting out leaders that oppose the New World Order. The leadership of these nations will be replaced by those who will play ball with a One-World-Government organization. It was the terrorist event of September 11, 2001 that set in motion the opportunity to overthrow these Islamic nations opposed to the New World Order.

Has anyone noticed that another event occurred on September 11, 1990? Former President George Herbert Walker Bush reacted to the Iraqi attack upon Kuwait by immediately sending U.S. military forces to the Middle East with a coalition of 27 other nations from the United Nations. He went to the U.N. where he supported sanctions against Iraq. He turned to the United Nations, not the U.S. Constitution to which he had sworn a solemn oath to uphold, for authorization for his military moves. He then began to state his goals over and over.

*September 11, 1990 televised address:
"Out of these troubled times, our 5th objective, a new world order - can emerge. We are now in sight of a United that performs as envisioned by its founders" (Communists). Former President Bush continued 210 times in stating he wanted a New World Order. A New World Order [Novus Ordo Seclorium] was the 7th objective laid down by Adam Weishaupt the modern day founder of the Illuminati - worshippers of Lucifer. Then, on the Larry King Weekend Live show for October 14, 2001, Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico said that one outcome of this war on terrorism might just be a New World Order. Following his statement came a Russian newspaper interview with Mikhail Gorbachev in which he called for a fair and just New World Order.

In the 1940s, Wayne Gaither, then President of the Ford Foundation revealed that the President of the United States had told them to use their tax exempt foundation to fund programs that would so alter the lifestyle of the U.S. that they could effect a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union. Has this alteration been escalated by September 11? Former President George H. W. Bush was still discussing his sought after New World Order as late as 1999 at a Southern Methodist University speech entitled "A Decade of the New World Order: The Challenges That Remain."

Everyone of the former president's advisers were also advising his son, current president, as he stood on stage in May 2000. All were members of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, which had as one of its founders Marxist Col. Edward Mandell House of Austin, Texas. The U.S. government KNEW the attacks were coming. How can I write this? Tom Kennedy, a member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] "National Urban Search and Rescue Team," revealed in a national TV interview with CBS News anchor Dan Rather that FEMA sent the team to New York City the night before the attack to be one of the first teams on the scene to help New York. He said they arrived on late MONDAY night.

This means there was an agenda for allowing the September 11, 2001 attack. It's the establishment of the New World Order. Why weren't we also told that on October 6, 2001, President George W. Bush formally announced: "America is dedicated to a strong and secure Israel alongside a peaceful Palestinian State. America is prepared to make the declaration to support the immediate establishment of a Palestinian State."

General Colin Powell followed this with the Official State Department statement: "This statement is nothing new or a change of official U.S. policy. We have always favored Palestinian Statehood. It was on our agenda to present the General Assembly of the United Nations our resolution for the immediate recognition of Palestinian Statehood at 10:00 AM on September 11, 2001." The question becomes: WHY did George Tenet recall ALL CIA staff from the West Bank and Gaza and evacuate them from Israel precisely one week BEFORE September 11? Were they recalled also because the U.S. Government expected an eruption of conflict in all the Palestinian Authority territories and throughout Israel when the U.S. recognized Palestinian Statehood? Could it be that recognition of a Palestinian State WITHOUT a Cease Fire and WITHOUT a Peace Agreement was believed to have the potential of setting off a powder keg that would explode in Israel? The time bomb they left ticking exploded in the U.S. instead of Israel!

This terrorist attack prevented the U.N. session until over two months later. Now the U.N. has the excuss it needed for nation building to create a socialist/communist world dreamed of by Karl Marx and being implemented by American taxpayer money. How ironic! A declared Christian nation supporting the Beast organization that will try to persecute them out of existence!

David J. Smith

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