-Caveat Lector-


Church & State Magazine

Operation Potomac

Taking Advantage Of The 'Faith-Based' Atmosphere In Washington,
Christian Reconstructionists -- The Most Radical Fringe Of The
Religious Right -- Are Marching Into The U.S. Capitol And The White

By Rob Boston

The Rev. William Einwechter has a novel solution to the problem of
incorrigible juvenile delinquents -- stone them to death.

Einwechter says the stoning penalty is clearly called for in the
Bible (Deuteronomy 21:18-21), and he’s not ashamed to say that the
punishment should still apply today.

"Properly understood," the Pennsylvania pastor argued in a January
1999 article, "it displays the wisdom and mercy of God in restraining
wickedness so that the righteous might flourish in peace. It is those
who reject this case law that should be embarrassed, for they have
cast reproach on God and his law, cast aside the testimony of Christ
and substituted their own imaginations for the blessed word of God."

Einwechter’s piece appeared in Chalcedon Report, a magazine published
by Christian Reconstructionists, the most aggressive and extreme wing
of the Religious Right. Currently serving as vice president of an
organization called the National Reform Association (NRA),
Einwechter’s writings frequently appear on the group’s website

Reconstructionists -- also called "theonomists" or advocates of
"dominion theology" -- want to impose "biblical law" (or, more
accurately, their interpretation of biblical law) on the United
States. Under their view, demo
cracy should be scrapped and replaced with a theocratic state based on a literal 
reading of the Old Testament’s legal code.

In a "reconstructed" society, government would be dramatically scaled back. Most 
government institutions, including public schools and various welfare/social service 
programs, would be abolished and replaced with church-r
un efforts. Political leaders would look to the Bible, not the Constitution, as the 
nation’s governing document.

As if this were not controversial enough, Christian Reconstructionists also advocate 
an extreme vision of social policy. Citing passages from the Old Testament Books of 
Deuteronomy and Leviticus, many Reconstructionists w
ould institute the death penalty for a number of offenses, among them striking or 
cursing a parent, adultery, homosexuality, "unchastity," rape of a betrothed virgin, 
witchcraft, "incorrigible" juvenile delinquency, blasp
hemy and propagation of "false" religious doctrines. Some favor stoning as the 
biblically preferred means of execution.

Reconstructionists also argue that the Bible sanctions some forms of slavery and 
accords women a second-class status. One Reconstructionist writer, Steve Schlissel, 
has asserted that the "God-ordained order" places "God a
bove all, man joyfully under God, woman lovingly under man, and the animals at bottom."

Reconstructionists have little use for separation of church and state. Einwechter 
recently asserted that the separation concept be thrown aside in favor of something he 
calls "national confessionalism."

Under this principle, Einwechter writes, "First, the church must be
planted in a particular nation. Then as the church grows and
faithfully disciples the converts, Christian citizens and rulers will
see their duty to establish a Christian civil government. When the
nation comes to a place of explicitly recognizing the authority of
Christ over the state, it will become a Christian nation with both
church and state, in their own proper spheres, confessing Christ as

Einwechter dismisses America’s traditional model of a secular
government that protects the rights of believers and nonbelievers
alike. "Secularism is so patently false," he writes, "that it is
amazing that this is the view of church and state that is supported
by so many Christians."

Although Reconstructionism may seem so far out as to be easily
dismissed, the philosophy has in fact provided the intellectual basis
for much of the Religious Right’s thinking and political activism.
Stripped of its more extreme features, watered-down versions of
Reconstructionism are the driving force behind groups like the
Christian Coalition, whose leaders, during the group’s early years,
talked openly of the need for far-right Christians to take control of
government from local school boards all the way to the White House.

Not content to be assigned to the lunatic fringe of American
politics, Reconstructionists are now making a serious play for the
big time. Through their "Operation Potomac" project, Einwechter, NRA
president Jeffrey A. Ziegler and other group leaders have made three
forays into Washington, D.C., since July 2000, meeting with members
of Congress and their staffs. With the help of powerful House Whip
Tom DeLay (R-Texas), they hope next year to host a "biblical
worldview" conference for congressional staff on Capitol Hill.

The future promises even more political activism. In January Ziegler,
a Presbyterian minister, announced plans for a dramatic expansion
into the political realm. "NRA Board Member and author John Fielding
III has been tasked with gathering all information needed to expand
NRA operations beyond its current educational efforts," he wrote,
"creating an official lobbying arm through the concurrent formation
of a Political Action Committee and a separate 501 (c4)

"My goal is to get [the National Reform Association] back to its
original avocation and have a political arm," the 41-year-old Ziegler
said in an interview with Church & State. "In that context, we have
had ‘Operation Potomac’ missions. We meet with congressman and
senators. We go there to disciple, not to lobby on issues."

Continued Ziegler, "There will be a separate overtly political arm.
It will develop campaigns, the candidacies and actually run those
campaigns….We want to see an overtly political arm of the NRA develop
so that we have that two-track agenda. One, we have the think tank,
and two, we’re actually doing the business of politics."

The National Reform Association, a Pittsburgh, Pa.-based group,
represents a new wave of Reconstructionist thinking. Christian
Reconstructionists trace their roots to 16th-century French church
reformer John Calvin, but their modern spiritual grandfather was
Cornelius Van Til (1895-1987), an American theologian and author
whose ideas laid the philosophical foundations of Reconstructionism --
 but did not necessarily call for full-blown political activism.

In 1959, ex-missionary Rousas John Rushdoony began popularizing Van
Til’s ideas when he published a seminal work of Reconstructionism
titled By What Standard? An Analysis of the Philosophy of Cornelius
Van Til. Rushdoony subsequently coined the term "Christian
Reconstructionism" and in 1966 founded the Chalcedon Foundation, the
first Reconstructionist think tank.

According to Reconstructionist theology, believers of their stripe have to take 
control sooner or later -- the Bible mandates it. Unlike many modern fundamentalists, 
Reconstructionists believe that Jesus Christ will not r
eturn until society has been rebuilt to their liking. Their "purification" of an 
ungodly America, they assert, will pave the way for the Second Coming. (This view, 
called "post- millennialism," was common among 19th-centu
ry Christians. It conflicts with the more widespread evangelical belief that Jesus 
will return only after a period of chaos and then impose a reign of peace and order, a 
view known as "premillennialism.")

>From the Foundation’s headquarters in Vallecito, Calif., a small town west of the 
>Sierra Nevada Mountains in northern California, Rushdoony spent nearly four decades 
>issuing books, reports and white papers that attracted
a small but enthusiastic group of followers, most of them ultra-conservative 
Presbyterians or others in the Reformed camp.

But Rushdoony, tucked away in an overlooked corner of rural California, never had much 
of a direct impact on national politics. Nor did he seem to want to. Rushdoony, who 
died last year at the age of 84, was content to is
sue dense tomes arguing about the proper "biblical" way to order a reconstructed 
society, literally obsessing over every jot and tittle in the law.

By contrast, the new breed of Christian Reconstructionists are eager to jump head 
first into politics, and increasingly they are finding the doors of Congress and the 
White House wide open to them.

NRA activists made their first venture to Washington on March 1, 2000, where they met 
with a number of Republican lawmakers. Ziegler, Einwechter and two others 
"reestablished the lobbying arm of the National Reform Associ
ation in the nation’s capital" during the visit, Ziegler reported.

The four met personally with Reps. Asa Hutchison (R-Ark.), John Hostettler (R-Ind.), 
J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.), Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Steve LaTourette (R-Ohio) and met with 
staffers of other House and Senate members, inclu
ding Ohio senators George Voinovich and Mike DeWine and Don Nickels of Oklahoma, all 

Five months later, Ziegler, Einwechter and other group leaders returned to Capitol 
Hill. Reporting on the July 13, 2000, visit, Einwechter and Ziegler proudly noted that 
they had met with staffers from the offices of then
-Majority Leader Trent Lott (R- Miss.), Sens. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), John Ashcroft 
(R-Mo.), Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), Ben Campbell (R-Colo.), Strom Thurmond (R- S.C.), Tim 
Hutchison (R-Ark.), Bob Smith (R-N.H.), Chuck Ha
gel (R- Neb.), Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.), Phil Gramm (R-Texas) and Jesse Helms 

During the second meeting, NRA representatives met personally with several House 
members, including Reps. James Traficant (D- Ohio), Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) and Steve 
Buyer (R-Ind.). They met with staffers from other office
s, including House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) and Reps. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), 
Steve Largent (R-Okla.) and Chris Smith (R-N.J.)

Following the November elections, with the landscape in Washington greatly changed, 
the Reconstructionists came back. On April 25, 2001, the group again met with several 
House members, including Majority Whip DeLay, House
 Republican Conference Chair J.C. Watts (R-Okla.) and Reps. Mark Souder (R- Ind.), Pat 
Tiberi (R-Ohio) and LaTourette.

During the last visit, the Christian Reconstructionist delegation also stopped at the 
White House, where it was warmly received by an official in the Office of Public 
Policy and Liaison; they also stopped in to visit with
 the staff of Ashcroft, now serving as attorney general.

While meeting with DeLay, Ziegler reported, the NRA officials made plans to sponsor a 
"biblical worldview seminar to be conducted at the Capitol" for congressional 
staffers. Although a date for the event has yet to be ann
ounced, Ziegler says it will occur next year. He also hopes to meet with President 
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney later this year or next.

This type of access and influence is nothing short of remarkable, considering the 
extreme views taken by some Reconstructionists. Some activists in the movement, 
including Rushdoony and Atlanta-area leader Gary DeMar, who
 runs a group called American Vision (www.americanvision.org), have asserted that the 
Bible mandates the death penalty for homosexuals and doctors who provide abortions. 
Asked about the matter on Atlanta radio station WSB
 in 1991, DeMar offered cold comfort by saying that gays would be executed only if two 
witnesses had observed them engaging in homosexual acts.

Ziegler denies that he goes that far. He told Church & State that the NRA advocates a 
type of political libertarianism with a small federal government and power based in 
the states. Under this model, he insisted, local co
ntrol would prevail.

"If you’re asking me if a homosexual should be executed just for being a homosexual, I 
would say no," Ziegler said. "But if he is harming individuals through actions like 
rape, then there should be some penalty."

Zielger conceded that under "national confessionalism," states could legally apply the 
death penalty for certain offenses, such as homosexuality or providing abortions. But 
other states, he said, would retain the right to
 go in the opposite direction.

Will this more moderate form of Reconstructionism provide a suitable platform for 
political activism? Ziegler thinks so. In an article titled "Take Me Out to the Ball 
Game: How to Build a Christian Political Farm Team," Z
iegler outlined his vision -- a political plan that relies more on old-fashioned 
grassroots organizing than divine intervention.

Swiping a page from the Christian Coalition’s political handbook, Ziegler recommends 
that Reconstructionists infiltrate local party units and take them over. 
"Concentration is on trained Christians who look to control the
 executive committees and various other committees (finance, public relations, 
candidate recruitment, etc) with an eventual Christian party chairman," he wrote. He 
goes on to say that once "sufficient control is establish
ed in one local county party" the goal should be "branching out into the contiguous 
counties within the same congressional district."

Ziegler, who serves as a staff minister at Shiloh Christian Church in Leroy Township, 
Ohio, has little patience for pessimists who say the task is too daunting. "A dominion 
attitude," he writes, "rejects defeatist notions
, and embraces long term biblical strategies which ensure a ‘little by little’ 
conversion, or defeat, of entrenched political adversaries."

In duplicating a model that worked so well for the Christian Coalition for many years, 
Ziegler unintentionally underscores just how much influence the Reconstructionists 
have had on the nation’s leading Religious Right gr
oups. Indeed, it seems unlikely that the Religious Right would have become as powerful 
as it did without the intellectual platform built for it by Reconstructionists.

In the late 1970s and ’80s, a large number of conservative evangelicals entered 
politics and sought a biblical basis for their actions. Reconstructionists had already 
provided that justification.

Robert Billings, an early Religious Right strategist and one of the founders of the 
Moral Majority, said it best in 1980 when he stated bluntly, "If it weren’t for 
[Rushdoony’s] books, none of us would be here."

More recently, Reconstructionist writer Gary North, Rushdoony’s son-in-law, commenting 
on Rushdoony’s death, told the Los Angeles Times, "Rushdoony’s writings are the source 
of many of the core ideas of the New Christian
Right’s political activism."

Television preacher Pat Robertson also owes a debt to the Reconstructionists. Although 
Robertson has always denied being a Reconstructionist, Rushdoony once made an 
appearance on Robertson’s show and much of the televange
list’s rhetoric about Christians taking control echoes theonomist rhetoric. In 1999 
Robertson told his "700 Club" audience that he reads a newsletter produced by North.

(Although North, a prolific writer and founder of the Institute for Christian 
Economics, married Rushdoony’s daughter, the two men became estranged. North spent 
much of 1999 predicting the collapse of American society ove
r the "Y2K" problem and relocated to an isolated compound in rural Arkansas to ride 
out the expected civil unrest. Despite the failed prediction, he still publishes 
investment newsletters and pontificates on other matters
. The Dallas Morning News on Feb 3 published a North opinion piece criticizing the 
film version of Tim LaHaye’s "Left Behind" novel.)

D. James Kennedy, the TV preacher who runs Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, 
Fla., also has Reconstructionist ties. In May of 1996, Kennedy addressed a banquet 
sponsored by DeMar’s American Vision. The group’s ne
wsletter noted that "American Vision has enjoyed a wonderful friendship and working 
relationship with Dr. Kennedy and others at Coral Ridge for many years."

In addition, George Grant, one of the most vociferous and anti- gay of the 
Reconstructionists, is a former vice president at Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Ministries and 
still lectures at Kennedy’s Knox Theological Seminary. Both
 Kennedy’s ministry and the Christian Coalition have sold copies of a Grant book, 
Legislating Immorality, which laments the fact that legal codes calling for the death 
penalty for gay people have been abandoned.

Grant also speaks regularly at events sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund, an 
umbrella legal group created by prominent Religious Right leaders (Kennedy, James 
Dobson and Donald Wildmon among them). Grant addresses law
 students every summer as part of the Alliance’s "Blackstone Fellowship" program.

Dobson’s Focus on the Family currently sells Grant’s Grand Illusions: The Legacy of 
Planned Parenthood, a book that attacks reproductive rights and calls the separation 
of church and state "a myth." FOF also sells a taped
 interview with Grant. (Dobson has stated that in 1996 he voted for Howard Phillips, 
the presidential candidate of the Reconstructionist-oriented U.S. Taxpayers Party.)

Reconstructionists have also influenced various ultra-conservative forces that oppose 
public education. Several high profile attacks against public schools and teachers 
unions, especially the National Education Associatio
n, have come from the pen of Reconstructionist Samuel L. Blumenfeld. His books, 
including  N.E.A.: Trojan Horse in American Education, which labels the NEA an 
"educational Mafia," are frequently sold on right-wing website

Even allegedly intellectual conservative writers have lauded the movement. Following 
Rushdoony’s death, Peter J. Leithart, a professor of theology and literature at New 
St. Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, wrote a fawnin
g piece in The Weekly Standard saluting Rushdoony and asserting that he had "as great 
an impact on American life as other, better known American theologians of the past 

It’s not surprising that far-right publications and television evangelists like 
Robertson and Kennedy, who take extreme views on many social issues, would not 
hesitate to laud the Reconstructionists. What’s more alarming
is that some influential politicians are starting to do the same.

Although it’s not well known, President George W. Bush’s former welfare guru, Marvin 
Olasky, has clearly been influenced by Reconstructionists. Olasky, who coined the term 
"compassionate conservatism," has written several
 books over the years studded with references to Reconstructionist writers like 
Rushdoony, North, DeMar and Grant. (Grant, is a former columnist for Olasky’s World 

Olasky has never publicly admitted that he is a Reconstructionist. But his books and 
articles often parrot Reconstructionist views, including his belief that churches, not 
the government, should provide for the poor. Olas
ky also agrees with the Reconstructionists on some social issues. In one tome, 
Fighting for Liberty and Virtue (1995), he goes so far as to adopt the 
Reconstructionist view defending slavery, noting that Scripture "does n
ot simply ban all of its modes."

Ironically, Olasky’s influence in Washington may be waning at the same time more overt 
Reconstructionists are winning new entrée. He has become disenchanted with the first 
major religious thrust of the Bush administration
 -- the so-called "faith-based initiative." Olasky believes that the Bush approach 
would foster too much government interference in church affairs and lead to state 

In Washington, the Reconstructionists’ outreach has been almost exclusively focused on 
the Republican Party. This is especially noteworthy, considering that the movement has 
in the past tried to form a political unit -- t
he Constitution Party (formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party), headed by Howard Phillips, 
a Jewish convert to Reconstructionism and former Nixon administration official. (Grant 
was also instrumental in the formation of the pa

Although Phillips sits on the National Reform Association’s advisory board, Ziegler 
bluntly admits that his party is not a viable vehicle for political action. (The party 
has run Phillips for president three times since 1
992, in 2000 garnering only 98,020 votes nationwide, less then one-tenth of 1 percent.)

"My mantra is, there are two trains going to Washington -- it’s the Republican and 
Democratic parties, and we have to look at them," said Ziegler. "They are the 
vehicles….I support Howard and what he does, but I look at h
is party as kind of a lobbying operation. At the end of the day, if you really want to 
be effective in electing people you’ve got to be dealing with the major parties."

Ziegler clearly puts more emphasis on the GOP. In late 1999 he threatened to run for 
Congress against LaTourette in the Republican primary, charging that the congressman 
was too moderate. He later dropped the idea after a
 county GOP official convinced him that a hard-right candidate could not carry the 
district. Ziegler now says the move was just an attempt to get LaTourette to take his 
movement seriously, and notes that he has since met
with the congressman.

A Ziegler run would not have been unprecedented. Reconstructionists have had some 
success in state politics. In California and Texas, well-heeled far-right activists 
Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. and Steven Hotze, both of whom h
ave ties to Reconstructionist groups, have successfully assisted candidates seeking 
state and local offices.

Ahmanson, a muti-millionaire, served for many years on the board of the Chalcedon 
Foundation and was a major funder of that organization. He left the board in 1996, and 
now claims he does not agree with all of Rushdoony’s
 teachings. Hotze has served on the board of American Vision and was active in the 
Coalition on Revival, another Reconstructionist-oriented outfit. (Hotze denies being a 
Reconstructionist, calling himself a "restorationis
t," but he has called on both church and state to conform to "God’s Law- Word.")

Reconstructionists have also been politically active in Ziegler’s home base of Ohio. 
In 1996 they helped elect Ron Young to the Ohio House of Representatives, and Zielger 
boasts that his activists knocked off an entrenche
d Republican in the primary to do it. Young had previously run for Congress on the 
U.S. Taxpayers Party ticket and, during that race, brought Atlanta Reconstructionist 
DeMar to speak on his behalf at local appearances.

James W. Watkins, a United Church of Christ minister in northeastern Ohio who has 
opposed the Reconstructionists’ political efforts, notes that movement backers have 
learned to downplay the more controversial aspects of t
heir platform and focus instead on more palatable pocketbook positions that may 
resonate with many voters.

For example, Watkins recalls that during Young’s campaign, the Reconstructionists 
steered clear of controversial religious issues. Instead, they highlighted Young’s 
opposition to a highly unpopular vehicle emissions test.

"They actually ran a very good, carefully organized telephone campaign through the 
entire district," said Watkins. "Every registered voter was called; I even got a 
call….They know what it takes to win, at least to people
around here on a local legislative level. They put in the resources and the time and 
effort to do that."

Watkins said he encountered difficulty convincing people that the Reconstructionists 
are extreme. "If you read the books and the stuff they have written, when they talk 
about freedom or other American concepts they are ta
lking about it inside their theocratic framework," said Watkins. "They don’t really 
believe that true democracy exists outside their theocratic framework. It’s like 
talking to the communists. They could talk about electio
ns and democracy, but they had their own definition for that kind of thing. You had to 
be careful because you would think they were talking about the same kind of things you 
were. You always have to bear that in mind when
 you’re talking to Reconstructionists."

Watkins urged people to not sell the Reconstructionists short in the political arena. 
"On the one hand, they are an insignificant little group," he said. "On the other 
hand, from the standpoint of laying an intellectual f
ramework, they are a very important group. When they choose to use their resources in 
a state legislative or even congressional race they are formidable."

What lies ahead for the Reconstructionists? Ziegler says the National Reform 
Association has five state chapters and aims to create more. He notes that the plans 
to form a separate 501(c)(4) organization and a PAC are pro
ceeding apace and told Church & State that an activist in northern Virginia has agreed 
to be the group’s full-time lobbyist.

Ziegler insists Americans should not be alarmed by this activity and says people have 
nothing to fear from his brand of "reconstructed" politics. He admits favoring 
theocracy but asserts that an officially "Christian" gov
ernment is the best vehicle to protect everyone’s rights. In addition, he says, all 
Americans will benefit from a smaller federal government.

"I am very suspicious of government," asserts Ziegler. "I’m very suspicious of a 
monarchial, oligarchical state. That goes for a theocratic state as well. I’m for 
theocracy with a small ‘t,’ from the bottom up."

October 2001
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Christian Reconstructionism: Threat to Liberty
by Jan Brazill

After the all-too-vivid tragedy of September 11, and the further
threats from anthrax, Americans now recognize that our country is
under attack. Most citizens want to stand together, supporting each
other regardless of differing religious or philosophical beliefs.
Displaying the unity of pluralism expressed in our country's original
motto, E Pluribus Unum (out of the many, one), some non-Muslim
citizens of Colorado Springs went to the defense of our Muslim
community against the threat of religious prejudice.

Now we need to be vigilant for another threat against our nation,
coming not from overseas terrorists, but from those within who would
change the basic structure of our country, modifying it to reflect
one narrow religious view. For years they have opposed the
constitutional principle of separating church and state, and now with
a religious president and opportunistic friends in Congress, they
seek to advance that agenda.

The October issue of CHURCH & STATE, a publication of Americans
United for Separation of Church & State, describes this threat. It
shows that many Republican members of Congress are now showing favor
to Christian Reconstructionists, the most extreme wing of the
Religious Right -- a group whose views would be unbelievable to most
Americans. They would impose their interpretation of "biblical law"
on our country, replacing democracy with a theocratic state based on
a literal reading of the Old Testament's legal code.
Reconstructionism would eliminate many of democracy's manifestations,
such as labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools.
Political leaders would look to the bible, not the Constitution, as
the nation's governing document.

In the 1960's, the writings of Rousas John Rushdoony made popular
some of the more extreme opinions of Reconstructionism, such as
advocating the death penalty for a number of offenses, among them
striking or cursing a parent, adultery, homosexuality, "unchastity,"
witchcraft (shades of the Middle Ages!), blasphemy and propagation of
"false" religious doctrines. Some of his followers even favor stoning
as the biblically preferred means of execution. All would make our
country a "Christian Nation," with no allowance for other views or

The Promise Keepers group follows Reconstructionist teachings in
their view of the family with wife and children "in submission" to
the husband. President George W. Bush's welfare guru, Marvin Olasky,
was clearly influenced by this philosophy in his belief that
churches, not the government, should provide for the poor.

The biggest current threat seems to be from the National Reform
Association, whose president, Jeffrey Ziegler, is determined to
become a political player in promoting Reconstructionism.  He has met
three times with members of Congress, once with staffers of my own
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell. In July 2000 he met with Rep.Tom
DeLay to plan an upcoming "biblical worldview" conference for
congressional staff on Capitol Hill.

Ziegler feels that the Republican party is the best vehicle to
accomplish his goal of establishing an officially "Christian"
government, and has begun running Reconstructionist candidates.
Observers note that these candidates have learned to downplay the
controversial aspects of their philosophy and focus instead on more
palatable pocketbook positions that appeal to voters. Thus many
voters never realize their true intentions.

Reconstructionism represents a threat to each American's guarantee of
individual religious liberty. Losing that would be a disaster
unequaled by any other.

Read more about this in the October issue of CHURCH & STATE,
available on Americans United's website, www.au.org.
For background on Christian Reconstructionism, see the article by
Frederick Carlson on www.publiceye.org.

Date published: 11/22/2001
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