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Options -- Once Complicated, Now EVEN Easier!

With This Man's Advice You Can Turn $5,000 Into $268,000 No
Matter Which Direction The Market Takes

Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

On September 1st, 2001 before terror struck... before the indexes
tanked, then rebounded against all odds... I wrote to you asking
a simple question: With such incredible uncertainty in the
markets -- how can you possibly make money?

For an answer, we went straight to the source: a man whose
remarkable trading service has issued 62 winning trades out of 74
since October 24th, 1999. (A "kill ratio" of 84%! ) I don't have
to tell you, these have been some of the most difficult markets
to trade in over a decade... yet he's averaging a positive return
of 123% per trade!

In a new fully updated special report, which I'm including with
this e-mail, Steve Sarnoff, son of legendary options trader Paul
Sarnoff, shows how he's been using a method called
"superleverage" to nail spectacular successes like the 1202%
winner he closed out on August 5th, 2001.

Of course, that was before the WTC attacks. How has
"superleverage" performed since then? Let's take a look:

9/30/01         Dow Jones Industrial    Call/Put Spread 49%
10/7/01         Sears                   Puts    47%
10/21/01    Michaels Stores         Puts    16%
10/21/01    Bed, Bath and Beyond    Calls   160%
10/21/01    Georgia Pacific Corp.   Puts    -47%
10/28/01    AOL Time Warner         Calls   97%
10/28/01    Flextronics Int. Ltd.   Puts    -14%
10/28/01    Sun Microsys.           Calls   161%
11/4/01         Target                  Calls   152%
11/11/01    Boston Scientific   Puts    17%
11/11/01    MapInfo                 Calls   90%

Not too bad... 9 out of 11 winners -- for an average return of
66% -- since terror struck!

In your report (link below) Steve reveals how you can use
"superleverage" to boost your own portfolio in a few easy steps.
In just a few moments, you'll see how easy it is to enjoy the
strictly limited risk -- and maximum profit potential -- of
options trading. And decide if this particular strategy is right
for you.

If you're interested -- simply click on the link provided.
There's no obligation to buy. I do urge you to read your report
today. Buying stocks for the long run –- especially in such an
unpredictable market –- is simply not going to work anymore.

But that doesn't mean you have to stop making money.

In fact, if you're still in the market and still expecting to
make money -- you may as well rely on the advice of someone who's
doing it every day... even over the last (completely
unpredictable) 12 week period. Click here:

Strictly Limited Risk, Maximum Profits


Addison Wiggin
The Daily Reckoning

P.S. Steve has closed out 9 winning trades out of 11 since terror
changed the markets forever... I urge you to take a look to see
how "superleverage" can boost your portfolio in these difficult
times, too. Again, there's no obligation to buy.

P.P.S. Of course, options are not for everyone. That's why,
included with the report are complete details on how you can get
a free copy of Steve's trading bible: "The Option Buyer's
Handbook." To get your FREE copy –- and to learn how you can
apply "superleverage" to your maximize your own profits...no
matter which way the market is headed, please click on the link


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