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Sharon Refuses Hamas, Islamic Jihad Peace Offer
Says He Won't Stop Assasinating Their Leadership

12/10/2001 9:36:16 AM
Islamic Association of Palestine Press Release

Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine -- Assalamu'alaikum,

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says "No"

by Khalid Amayreh

Occupied Jerusalem: 10 December, 2001 (IAP News)


The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks
inside 1948 Palestine (Israel) if the Israeli occupation army and
Jewish terrorists agree in return  to stop assassinating Palestinian
and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

The two main Islamic organizations Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, as well as
Fatah, headed by Yasser Arafat, said in a joint leaflet widely circulated
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that their offer was meant to deprive the
Israeli government of dividing the Palestinian ranks and undermining
national unity.

"We are giving the Zionist enemy a period to stop its assassinations,
destruction, murder and bombardment of Palestinian population centers. In
return we will stop our martyrdom and armed attacks within the borders of
the occupied land of 1948 during this period which will begin as of
midnight December 10 until the end of the month of Ramadan."

The offer was rejected outright by the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon.

A senior Israeli official was quoted as saying that "Israel will continue
to fight terrorism no matter what."

The apartheid Israeli regime considers all forms of Palestinian resistance
of Israel's colonial occupation of Palestinian land as "terrorism" while
calling its own state-sponsored terror against Palestinians "legitimate

Observers in Palestine suggest that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, a
certified war criminal himself with a long history of heaping death and
destruction on the Palestinian people, is not really interested in
reducing the
level of violence in Palestine as this would shift attention to the
problems pertaining to the Israeli occupation.

On Sunday, US envoy Anthony Zinni threatened to leave Palestine and return
home if progress in security talks  between the two sides was not made.

Zinni reportedly made his threat after another meeting between Israeli and
PA officials ended without any results.

According to Palestinian sources the Israeli government was refusing to
the military siege of Palestinian towns and villages which observers have
pointed out reduced the population centers to "virtual concentration

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