-Caveat Lector-

LONDON is still a haven for Islamic extremists
preaching global terrorism, despite tough laws passed
last year to curb their activities.

Investigators trying to destroy Osama bin Laden's
financial network are now looking right in there own
backyard -- at U.S. banks that had direct
relationships with a bank founded by bin Laden,
reports CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson.

Osama bin Laden's extensive financial interests in
Britain were outlined yesterday in a French
parliamentary report that says the City of London
financial center is a money-laundering haven for
billions of dollars of tainted and terrorist money.

Laden associate enjoys asylum in UK

Terrorist flaunts 'covenant' with British

Governments Worldwide Protest London Safehousing of

American State Terrorism

Why is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
mounting an attack on pastas, cereals and salad
dressings, among other products?

The Israeli army launched a night-time raid on an Arab
village, shooting dead four policemen, setting fire to
one house and dynamiting another, and arresting
several dozen residents.

On 12/9/01 the Montreal Gazette reprinted a story by
Christina Lamb for the London Daily Telegraph about
even more deaths from starvation and cold at another
camp near Herat: "A dirty gray blanket on the hard
desert ground is all that is home for Bibi Gul and her
family in the new Afghanistan.... It is more than a
week since she and her five children had their last
meal - a begged bowl of rice - and on Friday she woke
to find her 2-year-old son, Tahir, stiff and cold,
frozen to death in the rain. While the West celebrates
the surrender of Kandahar and the collapse of the
Taliban, here in Maslakh camp in western Afghanistan
there is no celebratory slaughtering of goats or
distribution of sweets, but only weeping and
funerals.... Every night as the temperature dips well
below zero, as many as 40 people die from cold and
starvation. In the six cemeteries scattered through
the camp, many of the piles of stones marking graves
are so tiny that it is clear most victims are children
and babies."

According to the Pentagon's Defense Science Board, a
strong correlation exists between U.S. involvement in
international situations and an increase in terrorist
attacks against the United States. President Clinton
has also acknowledged that link. The board, however,
has provided no empirical data to support its
conclusion. This paper fills that gap by citing many
examples of terrorist attacks on the United States in
retaliation for U.S. intervention overseas. The
numerous incidents cataloged suggest that the United
States could reduce the chances of such
devastating--and potentially catastrophic--terrorist
attacks by adopting a policy of military restraint

The academics maintain that the term "Islamic
fundamentalism," especially when used as
indiscriminately as it is, merely generates
stereotypes and misinforms policy. Esposito points out
that Iran, Saudi Arabia and Libya are labeled
fundament-alist. He wonders what exactly is common to
a revolutionary Islamic Iran that is hostile to the
United States, a traditional monarchy in Saudi Arabia
that is its best ally in the region and a socialist
Libya that is as vulnerable to Islamic resurgence — as
are other states such as Tunisia and Morocco.34
Islamic fundamentalism, in Esposito’s opinion, is a
pejorative used to demonize Islamic resurgence.35
Others, such as Zachary Karabell, Graham Fuller and
Ian Lesser, have also argued that the use of the term
serves to delegitimize and demonize attempts by
Muslims to apply their religion to their own lives.

When I met a few days earlier with Osama al-Farra, the
mayor of Khan Younis, he explained to me why the
Israelis chose to build a settlement right between
Mawasi and Khan Younis: "It is over the aquifers. In
1980 the Israelis began to drill. They have thirty-two
wells. They built a pipeline in 1994 to carry the
water into Israel. There are probably about 1,000
people in the settlement next to the camp, but they
consume one third of our water supply, though about
160,000 people live in Khan Younis."

For a brief period in September-October 1999 it
appeared that Washington was making some progress over
the matter with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif,
who for the first time publicly accused the Taliban of
supporting sectarian violence and fueling Islamic
extremism in Pakistan. However, within days of
speaking out, the prime minister was deposed in a
coup, led by General Pervez Musharaf, bringing to
power the very forces (the military and the ISI) that
had been the real shapers of Pakistan's Afghanistan
and Kashmir policies since the early 1980s.

Significant new data on the "quiet" Carlyle-ite,
Daniel D'aniello (associate of steve norris)

The first we knew that something was wrong was when
the car stopped in the middle of the narrow, crowded
street. A film of white steam was rising from the
bonnet of our jeep, a constant shriek of car horns and
buses and trucks and rickshaws protesting at the
road-block we had created. All four of us got out of
the car and pushed it to the side of the road. I
muttered something to Justin about this being "a bad
place to break down". Kila Abdulla was home to
thousands of Afghan refugees, the poor and huddled
masses that the war has produced in Pakistan.

A striking aspect of America's apparent victory in
Afghanistan is that there were few pitched battles.
U.S. planes started bombing, the Taliban pulled out of
the cities and the Northern Alliance moved in. Yet
soon enough, the winners could find themselves working
with former Taliban, who easily change identities. PNS
Editor Franz Schurmann is an emeritus professor at UC
Berkeley. He is the author of "The Mongols of
Afghanistan" published by Mouton in 1962.

Danger, to many Americans, before John Walker Lindh --
the 20-year-old Californian who fought with the
Taliban -- had a brown face. What happens, asks PNS
Editor Richard Rodriguez, when militant Islam has blue
eyes and a white face? Rodriguez is author of "Days of
Obligation: An Autobiography With My Mexican Father"
and the forthcoming "Brown: The Lost Discovery of

We need to bring out all the progressive-minded people
in their districts to provide some backbone and
direction on these issues. We need to get ourselves
organized to keep the pressure on those who are
supposed to be our national, progressive, political
leaders. (We can't wait for the day, hopefully soon,
when there's a decent group of independent
in Congress.)

So the world is being told that a tape has been found
in which bin Ladin admits all.

Hogs breath.

Yes, the Yakima-Herald-Republic carried the same story
with exactly the same suspicious elements and

The United Nations publicly rebuked the United
States Monday over brutality in its prisons and called
for an end to chain gangs and to the use of
electro-shock belts for restraining inmates. The U.N.
Committee against Torture said it was concerned
about breaches of the international convention against
torture in the United States, citing the alleged
sexual assault of female prisoners by law enforcement
officers and the holding of minors in adult jails.

Nearly 30 years ago, the British Society for Social
Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) warned that a new
technology of repression was being spawned in an
effort to contain civil unrest.  In 1977, BSSRS
published The Technology of Political Control which
analyzed the function of these new technologies.
Largely created as a result of research and
undertaken as part of Britain's colonial wars, work on
this technology was further enhanced by technical
developments achieved by the US' military-industrial

US intelligence officials appear to have drawn up a
detailed target list of terror bases across the globe.
They are urgently assessing the risks posed by
facilities in the Aceh region of Indonesia (a
secessionist part of Sumatra), the Hadramawt region of
Yemen, and Ras Komboni in southern Somalia, near the
Kenyan border. The sites have been identified from
documents and confessions from captured fighters.

POLICE Chiefs are proposing the effective
de-criminalisation of heroin, with plans to supply it
free to eliminate dealers and associated crime.

Binyamin Netanyahu, a leader of the Likud Party and an
ex-prime minister of Israel has been all over the news
lately.  Why did no one ask him about these
incredible statements he made in Hebrew but available
in English and widely cited.

Attorney General John Ashcroft has released an Israeli
suspect in the Sept. 11 terrorist events who “had
trouble” with a seven-hour polygraph test administered
by the FBI—but who “did better on a second try.” In
other words, the suspect still flunked both times.

More than 100 signatories of the Geneva Convention
gathered in Switzerland yesterday to reprimand Israel
for "indiscriminate and disproportionate violence"
against Palestinian civilians in the occupied
territories.  The 114 states, including Britain and
the rest of the European Union, issued a declaration
urging Israel to abide by international laws enshrined
in the 1949 accord seeking to protect civilians in
wartime or under occupation.

"Russia is vehemently opposed" to a U.S. attack on
Iraq, and President George W. Bush's demand that Iraq
allow the re-entry of U.N. weapons inspectors "is used
as a pretext" to justify an attack on Iraq, according
to official Russian sources.

It is a bitter pill for middle-class baby boomers that
their parents are dying without seeing the fabulous
future which they once reasonably expected would
emerge, certainly by now, from their years of
collective sacrifice and toil.

In its latest attack on medical services, Israeli
authorities have announced that all ambulances and
medical vehicles in Gaza will require a permit from
Israeli government to travel between Gaza and Rafah.

This afternoon, Israeli Apache helicopters killed two
Palestinian children and injured nine Palestinians in
an assassination attempt on a Palestinian activist in

The Bakers were closely aligned with Rice University
and with Exxon--having been involved in both
institutions from creation.  The Bakers also created a
bank which merged with the one started by Jesse Jones,
located in the second building Jones constructed for
Gulf Oil.  This Texas Commerce Bank would later become
Chase Bank.   The Bakers had also been involved in gas
distribution in Houston through a company that merged
into Houston Natural Gas in 1976, a few years before
the Houston group merged with Omaha gas interests to
become ENRON.  Omaha, of course was the headquarters
of the Union Pacific Railroad--Harriman
interests--which gets up back to our starting
point--Brown Brothers and Harriman, which put so much
money (from such unknown sources) into railroads, oil
and gas.

It is far from clear that Woodward represented a
threat to anyone except himself at the time of the
shooting. Witnesses have said police officers warned
Woodward to drop the knife, but nothing except
Woodward’s refusal to drop the knife has emerged as a
reason that he was shot. And that is not sufficient
grounds for shooting to kill.

The Right of Return organization, Aidun from both
Lebanon and Syria proposed a paper that would reaffirm
and clearly state the importance of the Palestinian
right of return initiative, which is the only durable
solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This
paper was modified by the attending participants and
finalized in Arabic text. An English translation of
the paper will be completed soon. Anyone interested in
obtaining a copy of this paper prepared on behalf of
the Palestinian ROR Coalition (ROR Network) should
contact Badil at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The right of Palestinian refugees to return is not
only legal. It is possible. The notion that Israelis
would have to be displaced to allow for the refugees'
return is a myth. Demographic studies show that about
78% of Israeli Jews live in 14% of Israel. About 20%
live in a few Palestinian cities and the remaining 2%
live on 86% of the land which belongs to the
refugees. In contrast, 5,000 Palestinian refugees live
per square kilometer in the Gaza Strip while their own
land, beyond the barbed wire, is practically empty.

Many Arab governments seem to be waiting for Europe
and, especially, the United States to take action on
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Picture of crazed cop with gun at Mumia rally

Scott + Scott, LLC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), a
Connecticut-based law firm with offices also outside
of Philadelphia, filed an Amended Class Action
Complaint on December 6, 2001 for Violations of the
Federal Securities Laws in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Texas (Civil Action
No, H-01-4071) on behalf of purchasers of publicly
traded debt securities of Enron Corporation (NYSE:
ENE) during the period of October 19, 1998 to November
19, 2001, inclusive.

on Israeli Terrorism [update]

Former US Senator Robert Kerrey, newly inaugurated as
the president of the New School University, one of the
most prestigious positions in American academia, has
admitted participating in a death squad attack on a
Vietnamese village 32 years ago, in which he and six
soldiers under his command killed 21 women, children
and elderly men.

The SS - 'Security Service' (official title), MI5, is
Britain's domestic military intelligence division. The
SIS or 'Secret Intelligence Service', MI6, is
Britain's foreign military intelligence division.
Though described as 'services' they are more like
plain clothes military units with out an effective
system to ensure they serve the public. Appropriately
called the Secret State they operate as a 'state
within a state' having almost no legal or democratic
accountability. And going to great lengths through
draconian use of the Official Secrets Act to stave off
embarrassing revelations about what a waste of our
public money they are.

How unreal... the 'experts' trying to justify war on
our TV screens again. But are we being served up
reasons, or excuses? The mainstream media's double
standards stink to heaven. Has nobody told them that
the US and other Western governments started this
'war'? And how, if our governments address the Western
sponsored injustices in Palestine, Iraq and other
non-compliant countries, the terrorist threat will
evaporate. Or could it be they like it this way?

Schools have you for all of your most formative years.
John Taylor Gatto calls them vast laboratories of
behavioral modification. Much of the world 'order'
rests on this foundation stone of ensuring conformity
and efficiently preventing too much critical awareness
or interest in what is really going on.

You know, Ross Perot was damned—I never liked the guy
too much—but he was damned wrongly by Gore, when Gore
was Vice President, on this question of outsourcing
with respect to NAFTA. And Perot was right. He may
have had the wrong spin on it, but it was right: that
the jobs and the well-being of American communities
were being destroyed by exporting U.S. jobs,
agriculture, and so forth, to cheap labor markets. It
was a mistake—a very bad mistake.

The charge of insanity to be made against both
President George W. Bush and Israel's "Mega" minister
Ariel Sharon, is that, considered either separately,
or in their present combination, they are,
functionally, clinically insane.

Whatever else the early future might bring for
Georgia's Newt Gingrich, he, and his infamous
"Contract With America" will continue to typify the
variety of fascist intention which currently dominates
the radical, populist right-wing of the U.S.
Republican Party.[1] This is not only a national issue
of U.S. internal affairs; it is a strategic threat,
both to the United States itself, and of global
importance for humanity as a whole.

During the past days, the New York Council of Foreign
Relations (CFR), a bastion of such notables as China
specialists Henry A. Kissinger and Winston Lord, has
unleashed its efforts to manipulate the leadership
succession of the government of China. The featured
element of this onslaught has been the unveiling of
what are alleged to be authentic records, which it
calls "The Tiananmen Papers," allegedly secret records
from circles of the China leadership from the period
of the celebrated 1989 student demonstrations in
Tiananmen Square. This release, published in the
January/February edition of CFR's Foreign Affairs, has
already been a featured subject of a major,
cold-war-style propaganda barrage in the U.S.A.

the above was written in march of this year - of
course, a couple of months ago kissinger was named one
of the top advisers to a chinese oil firm...larouche
seems so on the ball sometimes one teeters on the
verge of calling him a prophet...see:

from january:

LaRouche was responding to a question from a
representative of the Congressional Black Caucus, who
questioned Ashcroft's ability to uphold the principles
of the U.S. Constitution, given his ardent support of
Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy. The questioner
asked what could be done from the House of
Representatives, given that no member of the Senate
Judiciary Committee has so far indicated a willingness
to mount a serious challenge to Ashcroft's

The U.S. Strategic Interest in Russia

In and of itself, the shocking experience of the
attack upon the USS Cole,[1] should have awakened
relevant, witting U.S. policy-shapers to the urgency
of an immediate and sweeping reversal of the process
of "privatization" of the military and immediately
related institutions and functions of the U.S.
government. Unless the U.S. military were efficiently
obliged, and equipped to operate under what had been
those traditional U.S. notions of rules of engagement,
which requires reversing recent trends toward
privatization, such important matters as the issue of
responsibility for the security of U.S. forces
deployed, tend to fall between the cracks of diverse
and ill-coordinated governmental and other agencies.
Such is but one among the several classes of closely
related leading issues implied in the fatal
fueling-stop of the Cole.

The following memorandum, dated Jan. 11, 2000, was
prepared for delivery to U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright. It is a request to launch an
investigation, pursuant to placing Great Britain on
the list of states sponsoring terrorism.

LaRouche to Clinton: Tell the truth about China
Embassy bombing

Mad Brzezinski's chessboard

On the surface, the evidence points to the recent
bombing attack at the U.S. Embassy in Kenya's capital,
as being an expression of London's, and also Israeli
Prime Minister Netanyahu's rage, against what they
regard as the U.S. government's interference with
London's ongoing, continent-wide stage-managing of
mercenary armies' deployments in Africa raw-materials

How the top one percent of American citizens think
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

British terrorism in Africa

A Ring around China

Tamil Tiger rebels fighting in Sri Lanka have warned
that the peace process will be seriously undermined if
they are banned in Britain.

A decision on whether to include the Tigers on a list
of organisations proscribed under new anti-terrorist
legislation in the UK is expected shortly.

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