Mon Dec 10 20:53:42 2001

The purpose of this site is to show that major world events, headline news and the entire NASA Space Program -
although they may appear to happen as random events - are in fact orchestrated from 'behind the scenes' by a secret
group known as the Illuminati - the 'enlightened ones', whose goal is the complete control of the planet and the
subjugation of the masses.

As these events take place, key stars and other astronomical bodies which represent their Gods, are at specific
altitudes above/below or on the horizon when viewed from 'sacred temple' sites here on Earth, the Moon and Mars.
These are hereafter known as ILLUMINATI RITUAL ALIGNMENTS.

They own everything. Banks, Oil, Media, Stock Markets, Military, Intelligence Community, Presidents, Governments, the
lot. If they want something to happen, it will. Not only will it happen, but it will happen on schedule, at a predetermined
point in time. My results should prove that.

Their plan: complete domination - of you. The New World Order. It is a plan to control the world under a One World
Government, with them at the top. This also includes a one world army, police, judiciary, currency and religion.
Think Big Brother, 1984. It would be a Global Totalitarian State, Communism in full effect. You will earn your right to live.
NWO Citizens will have to contribute to society. Don't have a job? You'll be given a one of their nice 'work camps'.
The ones with watchtowers and machine guns. Still can't make a contribution? Maybe you're a career criminal, you're
psychologically unbalanced, or just refuse to play along. Then say goodbye. They'll chop off your head and use your
organs to keep people who do contribute alive. Think that couldn't happen? Read more. Someone's got plans for us.
There are US Patents for mind control devices and 'Chemtrails' over the western world. Tracking devices, linked to the
GPS network, will let them know exactly where you are at any given time.

Their control of the media and TV networks allows them to pump propaganda directly into your living room 24 hours a
day. The mass media is one of the most effective mind control operations in history. They control the information you
receive and are therefore able to control you; by keeping you ignorant of all the facts, telling you only what they want you
to know to suit their own needs. Remember Kosovo? - practically everyday you'd see video footage of a missile hitting its
target with pinpoint accuracy, striking a blow for freedom and democracy etc etc. What they didn't tell you at the time
was that this was a fairly rare occurrence. Over a third of missiles fired missed their targets, many causing civilian
casulties. By showing you this footage, they were trying to justify the whole thing, show that the enemy were no match
for their superior technology (like the F117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter the Serbians shot down (the aircraft they tell us that
doesn't show up on radar)) and that they would win the day. Read the news now and see what's going on in the area.
Some victory.

Unfortunately, too many people blindly accept the information they get, believing that the media wouldn't lie - they can be
trusted. One of the reasons governments are trying to regulate or control the Internet these days is because information
is everywhere and they can't stop you getting to it (yet). People are able to communicate on a global scale and can find
information previously inaccessible. Devices such as the FBI 'Carnivore' (now known as DCS1000 - sounds less
threatening) or laws such as the Regulation of Investigatory Powers in the UK are their attempts to enforce their control.
The Illuminati don't like people thinking for themselves.

The New World Order is almost here. It is currently known as the United Nations. I don't really have time to detail
everything here, but it is extremely important that you research some of the U.N. laws, charters and programs for
yourself. U.N. law is now the supreme law, over-riding those of nation states. There are plans to disarm the global
population and reduce national defence capabilities (downsizing of armed forces, reduction of weapon stockpiles etc).
The only group with the weapons would be the U.N. They have international courts now, as well as a religion. The rest is
close at hand.

The scariest thing I've read is the terms 'valid' and 'in-valid' when referring to people. A 'valid human' has rights (the rights
given to them by the U.N.) because they make a contribution to society basically. An 'in-valid' has nothing. A 'valid' can
become 'in-valid' if, when exercising his rights, he does something detrimental to the U.N. or any of its institutions. 'Valid'
and 'In-Valid' - 'Gattaca' anyone?

We will be used as they see fit. If they decide to cull the global population (one of their well known goals), killing 2-3
billion or more, then so be it. We will be their slaves. They'll distract us with all the material detritus we think we need to
be happy. Living the lives they want us to lead, thinking what they want us to think, lining their pockets with money and
keeping them in power through our ignorance. We, the ordinary people, or the 'profane' to use an Illuminati phrase (it
means 'not esoteric/ordinary' or 'vulgar'), are obviously at the short end of the stick (literally, once their militarized police
are patrolling the streets and the civilian population has been disarmed so we can't fight back).

Some, if not all of the Illuminati are also members of other more political secret societies, such as the Trilateral
Commission, the Bilderberger Group and the Council of Foreign Relations (among others). They are all fronts of the
Illuminati. This is where the plans for progressing the New World Order are formulated and discussed. For example,
although the CFR is a non governmental organisation, casually referred to as a 'think tank', the ideas published in its
reports and journals often end up as government policy. The influence of these groups should not be under-estimated;
if you think the leaders and politicians you voted into power are the ones in charge, you're wrong.

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