Hiram Abiff Rises From The Dead

(Conspiracy Nation, 12/14/01) -- In Masonic legend, Hiram Abiff was employed by the Biblical King Solomon in the building of his fabulous temple. Hiram Abiff is notably the "son of a widow." Hiram possessed arcane secrets of Masonry which he refused to divulge to the uninitiated: for that he was murdered, then buried in a secret location. King Solomon's deputies discovered the burial site and the body was exhumed.

"The murder and exhumation, or 'raising' of Hiram, accompanied by extraordinary lamentations, form the climax of Craft Masonry... the whole story can only be regarded as the survival of some ancient cult relating not to an actual event, but to an esoteric doctrine," writes Nesta Webster. [1]

For her time, Ms. Webster was an informed authoress. But she wrote before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices. Relying partly on the resurection of those ancient documents, and partly on their own research, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas convincingly show that the legendary assassination of Hiram Abiff is based on historic fact. [2]

Knight and Lomas trace the Hiram Abiff story back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptian king Seqenenre Tao II, demonstrate the authors, was murdered when he refused to divulge the "secrets of Osiris." This history was inadvertantly discovered by the secret society of Knights Templar when they excavated beneath Solomon's Temple in the 12th century. The "son of the widow" relates to Egyptian mythology regarding Osiris, who married Isis, and was murdered by Set. Set dismembered Osiris and threw his body parts into the Nile. Isis recollected the body parts, reassembled them, "then lowered herself onto the divine phallus and the seed of Osiris entered her." [2] Isis gave birth to a son whom she named Horus. Horus is therefore, "the son of the widow."

A plethora of books have appeared over the past 10-or-so years dealing with the hidden history of the Knights Templar. These books are earth- shattering in what they reveal and Conspiracy Nation hopes to delve further into what is now being brought to light. The Knights Templar are truly a "Rosetta Stone" into hidden history. On the other hand, some authors and underground journalists warn against a plan to introduce a "New World Order religion," for example Rayelan Allan in her extraordinary book, "Diana, Queen of Heaven." [3] Ms. Allan warns of a "face" which will be placed upon a global faith to thereby cement together current animosity between various creeds. By melding the differing beliefs into one, this facilitates the transnational corporate plot to enslave the world.

One face which may be placed upon the New World Order religion is "Maitreya," a fellow living in London who supposedly amalgamates Judeo-Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam into one big happy family of serfs. Another "face," sneaking in through the back door, could be an eruption of Freemasonry, newly interpreted into a key to the various religions of the world. Dethroning the traditional image of Jesus Christ from a 6-foot tall, blonde-haired man, Knight and Lomas cite a Slavonic text from the writings of ancient historian Josephus. Reportedly, the Romans circulated a "wanted" notice describing Jesus as a hunchbacked dwarf with scanty hair and severe facial features.

This is hardly an Hellenic ideal for the "son of God."This is all up in the air at the moment. Knight and Lomas as well as other recent authors have written extremely fascinating books dealing with the Knights Templar who are, whichever side of the fence you sit, a stunning subject, especially in light of documents now slowly coming to light.

[1] Webster, Nesta. *Secret Societies and Subversive Movements*. ISBN: 1-881316-88-2
[2] Knight, Christopher & Lomas, Robert. *The Hiram Key*. ISBN: 1- 931412-75-8
[3] Allan, Rayelan. *Diana, Queen of Heaven*. ISBN: 0-9670060-0-7

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