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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

 Printed from http://www.thenation.com
© 2001 The Nation Company, L.P.
FEATURE STORY | December 17, 2001 

Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore

The late Murray Kempton once noted that although the New York Times 
likes to pose as being above the battle, this position has never 
stopped the Times, once the battle's fought, from sneaking onto the 
field and shooting the wounded. November 12, krauthammers at the 
ready, Times persons swept through the electoral swamps of Florida, 
shooting those survivors who questioned "President" Bush's alleged 

In the old Soviet Union, various Russian friends were often 
surprisingly well informed about the world despite the fact that 
their view of it was largely shaped by their New York Times, Pravda. 
When asked how do you find out what's really going on, they would 
give secret smiles: "You must know how to read Pravda." Now the USSR 
is gone and we are on our own, trying to sort out our Pravda's often 
contradictory mendacities, on such lurid view a few weeks ago in an 
edition that contained three or four not exactly synoptic tales of 
the findings of a "ballot review conducted for a consortium of news 
organizations." Apparently, 175,010 ballots from throughout Florida 
were examined. As always, when the Times's dread sharpshooters are 
slithering across a bloody no-man's land, one must first deconstruct 
the headline for clues. "Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds 
Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote." So much for those 
conspiracy theorists who dared attack the Court's interference in the 
election when the Court was, simply, as always, anticipating the will 
of the majority of those people that the Court has, from the very 
first admiralty suits of the original Republic to now, cherished--
property owners. Wall Street Journal headline: "In Election Review, 
Bush Wins Without Supreme Court Help." Conspiracy? No. They all think 

The story: Paragraph one: "A comprehensive review of the uncounted 
Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that 
George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court 
had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the 
Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward." That's pretty 
plain. State was always for Bush. No point in wading any farther into 
the joint prose of sharpshooters Ford Fessenden and John Broder (the 
second name suggests that the hereditary principle is at work not 
only at the presidential level but even at the humblest journalistic 
one--but since John M. is not related to David M., was he, like a 
pope, obliged to change his name from...whatever?). 

Paragraph two: "Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice 
President Al Gore have charged..." Note "partisan." Ugly word. Do 
anything to win. We know about them. Bushites compassionate. Dumb 
maybe but real nice. Sincere. "...close examination of the ballots" 
found that Mr. Bush would have won if the Florida court's order to 
recount had not been reversed by the Supreme Court. This is bald, 
bold. True? Keep reading the Times. 

Paragraph three: Gist: Even if Gore had got his four-county hand 
count, which the Supreme Court denied him, Bush would have kept his 
lead. Get that, sore losers? Real Americans hate a sore loser. You 
may stop reading this story now because... 

Paragraph four: The Times's two scouts step on a landmine. Watch two 
scouts explode. "But the consortium, looking at a broader group of 
rejected ballots than those covered in the court decisions...found 
that Mr. Gore might have won if the courts had ordered a full 
statewide recount of all the rejected ballots.... The findings 
indicate that Mr. Gore might have eked out a victory...." Only 
someone truly slimy "ekes." A real man wins big with a 5-to-4 
vote. "...if he had pursued in court a course like the one he 
publicly advocated when he called on the state to 'count all the 
votes.'" So after paragraph three's firm Bush wins without Supreme 
Court, the Times, on further evidence, finds Gore "eking" out a 
victory. What next? 

Paragraphs five and six: "In addition, the review found statistical 
support for the complaints of many voters, particularly elderly 
Democrats in Palm Beach County," that the ballot was so confusing 
that "more than 113,000 voters cast ballots for two or more 
presidential candidates. Of those, 75,000 chose Mr. Gore and a minor 
candidate; 29,000 chose Mr. Bush and a minor candidate." Justice 
Sandra Day O'Connor, no fan of the inept lower orders, went on 
record: The butterfly ballot certainly seemed clear to her. But the 
Times story has now gone off the rails, and I suspect that at this 
point good Howell Raines, the new executive editor, must have 
realized that his gunmen were shooting themselves in the feet. So 
this sentence was added to...clarify? annul? any suggestion that the 
ballot design was deliberately flawed, leaving the bewildered 
consortium to conclude that since "there was no clear indication of 
what the voters intended, those numbers were not included in the 
consortium's final tabulations." So here we are in paragraph five of 
what paragraph one told us was "a comprehensive review," only to 
learn that a significant number of ballots were not counted because 
the voter, confused by the design of the ballot, voted for both Gore 
and the Vegetarian candidate! So there is, we are assured, no way of 
knowing which of the two was wanted. No way? Surely the fact that 
Gore's name was listed first suggests that he was the voter's choice, 
unless, maddened by a surfeit of broccoli, his name was so placed as 
a tease. 

As these paragraphs unfurl, the newspaper of cracked record begins to 
resemble one of Robert Benchley's hilarious movie shorts of 
yesteryear, The Treasurer's Report. 

Paragraph seven: recklessly concedes that "the most thorough 
examination of Florida's uncounted ballots provides ammunition for 
both sides...but it also provides support for the result: a Bush 
victory by the tiniest of margins." No, Howell, it doesn't, as this 
fabulous story makes clear. 

Paragraph eight: The Times starts to implode. First, a major 
concession. The consortium of eight news organizations, aided by 
professional statisticians, found that "under some methods [of 
recounting--which ones?] Mr. Gore would have emerged the winner; in 
others, Mr. Bush." Paragraph nine: The Times digs a trap and falls 
into it. Quotes from the Supreme Court's majority opinion denying 
Florida a full recount, as ordered by the Florida courts, on the 
ground that such a recount "using varying standards" (there are no 
standards other than varying in Florida) threatened "irreparable 
harm" to Mr. Bush. Yes. He would have been sent home to Crawford. 
With paragraph ten the Times rationale becomes surreal: "The 
consortium's study shows that Mr. Bush would have won even if the 
justices had not stepped in...." Too late, Howell. Too little. 
Schizophrenia now reigns in Times Square. Paragraphs eleven through 
thirteen quibble about voting machines. Fourteen repeats how Gore 
should have demanded a statewide count and how wise the Bushites were 
to resist. Paragraph fifteen: "In a finding rich with irony" (a vein 
of metal inaccessible to Times miners), "the results show that even 
if Mr. Gore succeeded in his effort to force recounts of undervotes 
in the four Democratic counties...he still would have lost.... a 
statewide recount could have produced enough votes to tilt the 
election his way" (a mere tilt? Well, that's one way of putting 
it) "no matter what standard was chosen to judge voter intent." 

Finally, paragraph sixteen: "A New York Times investigation earlier 
this year showed that 680 of the late-arriving [overseas] ballots did 
not meet Florida's standards yet were still counted. The vast 
majority of those flawed ballots were accepted in counties that 
favored Mr. Bush after an aggressive effort by Bush strategists to 
pressure officials to accept them." I then got out this earlier story 
(July 15, 2001). It is somewhat less homogenized than the current 
account. "In an analysis of the 2,490 [overseas] ballots...the Times 
found 680 questionable votes," of which "four out of five were 
accepted in counties carried by Mr. Bush," making him victor by 537 
votes. Yet on July 15 the Times felt "all [680 votes] would have been 
disqualified had the state's election laws been strictly enforced." I 
suggest that the editors, to show good faith, should have used 
paragraph sixteen as their lead paragraph: Start with the crime and 
then unravel it--or deep-six it if that's your plan. Putting it as 
the coda to a confusing story suggests a desire to obscure, not 
illuminate, what happened. 

In the end, thanks to the acceptance of 680 illegal ballots, 
Bush "won" by 537 votes, since at least that number were counted, 
rightly or wrongly, for Bush, otherwise--brace yourselves--why should 
such obviously illegal ballots be counted at all by his partisans? 
Put another way, if other magical counters had counted these ballots 
for Gore that would have taken away 537 votes from Bush's tally and 
given them to Gore, who would then, depsite the Supreme Court's 
ominous meddling, have become the 43rd President. The Times, having 
consulted the Delphic oracle and, presumably, a thorough examination 
of a mad cow's entrails, called in a Harvard "expert" who wisely 
opined--a word creeping into newspaper jargon on "eke's" shoulders--
that there was no way to declare a winner with "mathematical 
certainty." That man was worth his fee. 

November 12 was quite a day at the Times. After the Fessenden/Broder 
front-page story, there was the Richard Berke story headed "Who Won 
Florida? The Answer Emerges, but Surely Not the Final Word." I'll 
say. Where Fessenden/Broder begin with "A comprehensive review" of 
the ballots, Berke begins on a note of triumph. He changes the 
article "A" to "The comprehensive review of..." etc. This may be much 
the same story, but it still sounds a bit thin as it tries to 
convince us that all is well in a wonderful world because after "the 
drama of those 36 days last fall, most of the country moved on long 
ago," marching as to war, one might say. September 11 is referred to 
as the moment of truth for all patriots, and "many partisan Democrats 
are loath to question the legitimacy of a president in wartime." The 
writer mentions President Grover Cleveland's defeat in 1888--won 
popular vote, lost Electoral College, re-elected four years later. 
Case not applicable. Cleveland was not robbed of election like Gore. 
A closer analogy is with New York Governor Samuel Tilden--a Democrat--
who won the election of 1876 with a plurality of a quarter-million 
votes and then was well and truly robbed of the election by the 
Republican Party, whose troops still occupied parts of the South.... 
etc. Since the Times refers to its victories, I shall draw the 
reader's attention to my novel 1876, in which I describe how the 
election of that year was hijacked and how Tilden went quietly, as 
did Gore. Tilden was never heard of again. 

The most depressing aspect of this whole story is how little interest 
the people seem to have in the unconstitutional usurpation of a 
presidential election by a rogue Supreme Court majority. It is also 
striking how little moved they are by the rights we are so rapidly 
losing in the never-to-be-won war against never-to-be-
defined "terrorism." The current confusions of the New York Times are 
not so much that paper's usual problems with honest reporting but 
what looks to be a perfect indifference to the welfare of this 
Republic, as opposed to corporate cheerleading for the new homeland 
that November 2000, not September 2001, made possible. Meanwhile, 
Vice President Cheney, in his "undisclosed" bunker, is no doubt 
wondering whether or not to postpone the certain-to-be-divisive 
presidential election of 2004. After all, homeland security comes 

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