-Caveat Lector-

It's So Easy: In a Real Audio recording of George Bush
found in an apartment near Tora Bora, George Bush
admits all your worst fears. (some in Washington have
questioned it's authenticity, having verified his
speech pattern from previous speeches we think this is
nonsense!) decide for your self.

Within minutes of the horrific suicide bomber attack
in Jerusalem that killed 12 and injured 180 innocent
Israeli civilians in West Jerusalem, all the cable
networks, CNN, FOX, MSNBC had extensive live coverage
of the bloody chaotic scene.

~this is called psyops...traumatize the viewer and
offer a scapegoat...it works because we are all

Amnesty International yesterday renewed its call for
an inquiry into the shooting of hundreds of prisoners
in northern Afghanistan after unprecedented video
footage showed British SAS troops fighting alongside
anti-Taliban forces at the time.

Right now the world activist community is running from
one springing leak to another while the powers that be
keep punching new holes in the dam, be it attacks on
the environment, new wars, civil liberties being
stripped, human rights abuses, US domestic terror
threats, etc.

Our scattered focus makes us relatively powerless.  IF
we could gather our strength and FOCUS LIKE A LASER
BEAM on this issue of "was there US govt. collusion in
9-11?", we could create a ROAR of demand worldwide
that could command a full investigation into the inner
workings of a network that has manipulated foriegn
govt.s, repressed people's of the world, strip mined
the environment, etc. in the name of greed.

Please think of the Akha people and the needs in the
villages this winter during your Christmas Season. It
is only November but we are already experiencing a
very cold winter. December and January will be worse
and many blankets are needed.

Although back then, Clark didn't take the strong
antiwar stance he advocates today, his Justice
Department record boasts some major
accomplishments: He supervised the drafting and
passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil
Rights Act of 1968. He denounced police shootings and
authorized prosecution of police on charges of
brutality and wrongful death. He opposed electronic
surveillance and refused to authorize an fbi wiretap
on Martin Luther King Jr. He fought hard against
the death penalty and won, putting a stay on federal
executions that lasted until this year, when Timothy
McVeigh's death sentence was carried out.

If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by
inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive
the people of all property until their children
wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers
conquered.... The issuing power should be taken
from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it
properly belongs.

"Arafat's real crisis is among his own people. They
see him as just an Israeli sheriff who happens to
speak their language."

On October 1, 2001-approximately two weeks prior to
the first publicly announced anthrax mailing-FBI
officials received an urgent warning from this author.
Investigators were directed to consider certain
pharmaceutical and/or military contractors as suspects
in anthrax-related psychological operations (PSYOPs)
and bio-terror-linked sabotage.

The elite behind this movement are narcissistic men
and women who wish to see the United States under a
totalitarian regime which, of course, will not
apply to them, only to the general population. The
architects and engineers of this plan are, in reality,
about as "liberal" as Pol Pot or Idi Amin. The
plan is being implemented through the bill entitled
"Goals 2000" which was enacted in 1994.

European lawyers have denounced a European Union
proposal to establish a definition of terrorism so
broad that it could include workers' strikes or
protests against globalization.

The actions of Mossad, in misdirecting and suborning
information, led to it pulling the wool over its
allies eyes globally. It also enabled the Jewish
state to put suspicion on Arab states with coordinated
covert operations that led to some of the Arab and
Muslim states being targeted by the United States.

The gravest problem with corporate market
fundamentalism is that it is decoupled from society’s
life conditions. It is, in fact, incapable of
recognizing any value to anything except corporate
“value adding” which, it is assumed, should regulate
all peoples and conditions of life on earth for
“efficiency” and “maximum growth”. To this point,
there has been no outside margin to this total
doctrine’s demands, or government subservience to

What Is Permaculture?

Currently, we live in a world of permanent warfare,
not a decade of the last century passed without
British soldiers being at war somewhere in the world,
and not a year passes in which some section of our
world community is not being ravaged by a war.

Bush Slip Reveals Total 9.11 Complicity --
Says Saw Film of FIRST Attack on WTC:

** Comments show complicit gov't elements had OWN
cameras in place to film OWN attack!!!

A strange story claiming that in an abandoned al Qaida
training camp, a reporter for a Portuguese daily found
an 82-page, highly detailed plan for a bomb to be set
off in London. The article says that lots of reporters
have found lots of al Qaida papers in abandoned
training camps.

I, Sarah Elizabeth Schottenstein, am a citizen of our
United States of America. I am entitled by our United
States Constitution to express my wishes and desires,
to be treated equally, and be respected by every
human being.

Pakistan's tribal areas are free passage zones for
Taliban and al-Qaeda's foreign legionnaires escaping
from Afghanistan, a UPI team has verified in a
weeklong investigation along the Pakistan-Afghanistan

the following is snipped from a pro-masonry site...it
shows the arrogance which would lead to an ethos
conducive to manipulation and subjugation of the
common man:
"One of the most frequently asked questions, yet one
of the most difficult to answer simply and concisely -
indeed, it is almost impossible to condense into a few
words - is just what this great fraternity, having
hundreds of thousands of members of every possible
race, colour and creed in every walk of life
throughout the world, really is.

There is a simple description, which the Freemason
hears quoted on numerous occasions throughout his
Masonic career "A system of morality, veiled in
allegory, and illustrated by symbols" and this does
make sense to those already in the Craft; but it is
perhaps too enigmatic for the non-Mason to

Who runs the country? High level CIA officials have
said the CIA, and not the president or other elected
officials, should run the country and world affairs.

It is true that the American colonials have "free
elections", in which they have the absolute right to
vote for one of two opposing candidates, both of whom
have been handpicked and financed by the Rockefeller

If the qualified professional now assisting us comes
up with what he believes is definite, objective PROOF
that I am being deliberately targeted by a
direct-energy EM/RF weapon or system of some sort,
full-on legal proceedings will be brought to bear
against the federal government for this outrage.
Without doubt, this kind of thing is significantly
more insidious and disturbing than the regular bouts
of harassment and constant email tampering from
cyber-goon squads which have been so much a part of
the NewsHawk experience, and most assuredly will be
fought against by all possible methods.

Please understand that the Bilderbergers, the Council
on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission,the
Institute for Policy Studies, the Roundtables, the
"Club of Rome",etc are ALL bound by common
denominators of long-standing families ties, and
interests and come together as a single policy-making
body that is known today as "The Committee of 300" .
This has also been known as "The Olympians", the
"Policy Committee".

London On Full Terror Alert

Nepal mulls extending state of emergency

Al-Qaida surrender offer met with bombs

North Korea on Sunday rejected U.S. demands for an
inspection of its alleged nuclear weapons program and
refused to participate in talks on its missile

Officials of a private Houston art museum recently
investigated by federal agents for displaying
allegedly anti-American artwork claim they were
victims of misguided jingoism and that they will not
be censored.

Without a note of irony, President Bush proclaimed
a national “Human Rights Week’’ starting Sunday,
saying the US-led war on terrorism represented an
international defense of individual rights.

The weakness of the anti-war movement is that the
majority want nothing more than a return to capitalist
"peace" rather than the overthrow of the
system that causes war.

Although the chemical industry creates large
quantities of hazardous waste, an even bigger problem
is its products. The OECD says there are somewhere
between one and two million chemical preparations on
the market today, each a mixture of two or more
individual chemicals that do not react with each
other. Each of these preparations must be considered
in light of workplace hazards, accidents involving
hazardous materials, and harmful exposures of workers
in other industries, consumers, the general public,
and the natural environment, says the OECD.
Unfortunately, there is "an immense knowledge gap
about chemicals on the market," says the OECD:
governments "lack adequate safety information about
the great majority of chemicals."

The near future may see U.S. military units employing
beam weapons on the battlefield. Although this may
seem like science fiction, the Air Force and Marine
Corps took a big step toward making this science fact
March 1, when they announced a breakthrough technology
designed to project an energy beam that drives away
adversaries without injuring them.

Osama Bin Laden, or someone who looks a lot like him,
talks on camera about his prior knowledge of the 11
September attacks on the World Trade Center.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanist has honestly asked
America to give clear and substantial evidence for
what it considers Osama to be responsible for, and the
IEA will hand him over to one of the Islamic courts of
the world in order to be tried."


"The United States is an indicted terrorist state,"
Chomsky said. It had committed several acts of
aggression against other nations and frequently
violated all canons of international law. He said it
had no moral right to be a critic of terrorism, having
committed the same crimes.

In its ruling the World Court said America s action in
Nicaragua amounted to unlawful use of force , which in
other words means terrorist state. It ordered America
to put a stop to its crime in Nicaragua and to pay
massive reparations. America ignored the World Court.

Victims by American Attack

is that video really a smoking gun?

For a while I gained the odd impression that the
filming was going on from behind a two-way mirror, as
-- in best Hollywood tradition -- nobody, at any time,
looked at or seemed to notice the camera or operator.
On closer scrutiny, the camera seemed to be held at
waist height throughout; perhaps the operator was
seated, but he can be heard whispering quite clearly
in the foreground -- his whispers are not translated,
and much of the audible dialogue on the screen is left
untranslated, which is a great weakness.

Police often keep property even absent a conviction

Bush, who won the presidency by only a handful of
votes, believes any move against Israel will irritate
the American Jewish lobby, which is described as
'increasingly right-wing'. He failed to pick up much
Jewish support in the election and is trying to
improve his performance.

The US veto of an Arab-sponsored UN Security Council
resolution condemning attacks on civilians "multiplies
terrorism by terrorism," the editor of a state-run
Egyptian daily wrote today.

Joblessness Is Fraying Istanbul's Social Fabric

"Palestinian" agent provocateur urges more bombings

Americans 'covered up massacre of 280 Taliban'

'bin Laden' video:
"It's almost as if it were conducted with the purpose
in mind of checking off a check list of topics that
support various cover stories that have been floated
to explain the unexplainable."

One face which may be placed upon the New World Order
religion is "Maitreya," a fellow living in London who
supposedly amalgamates Judeo-Christianity, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Islam into one big happy family of serfs.

Just recently, I read comments from a former
television evangelist stating that he felt America was
in the midst of the greatest spiritual revival in our
lifetime. I fairly cringed as I read his comments. My
first gut reaction was "You've got to be kidding,
right?" I wondered briefly if he were living in the
same America I was, or if there's another one out
there somewhere that I'm not aware of. If this man
interprets scads of people running up Yankee flags and
singing God Bless America as revival, then I'm afraid
he and I are not on the same page. Moreover, if this
man's thinking is reflective of the church at large,
then we have even more troubles than we thought we

I've found myself spending time putting my finger on
what is troublesome about the new patriotism. It is
superficial. From somewhere I recall hearing a
sarcastic, 'Instant patriotism. Add water and stir.'
Real patriotism is not simply worn on your lapel, or
flown from your car. Real patriotism costs something.

The three young friends accused of killing a respected
Loudoun County scientist were fascinated with fantasy
worlds, witchcraft and the occult, and the slaying had
overtones of their fixation, friends and law
enforcement sources said yesterday.

~what an excellent smoke screen...occult overtones,
once again, used to mask the actual context...whenever
a crime has occult overtones...rarely does an
investigator or a journalist look deeper for anything
else...so weirded out...they are anxious to move on to
their next assignment~

Although many laboratories possess the Ames strain of
anthrax involved in this fall's bioterrorist attacks,
only five laboratories so far have been found to have
spores with perfect genetic matches to those in the
Senate letters, the scientists said. And all those
labs can trace back their samples to a single U.S.
military source: the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) at Fort
Detrick, Md.

~ahh...fort detrick...of AIDS manufacture infamy~

Aaron Patterson is a death row inmate who claims
police punched him and suffocated him with a plastic
typewriter cover 15 years ago to extract a false
confession in the killings of an elderly couple.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has called on the
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to return to the
negotiating table and appealed to militants to cease
their attacks on Israel.

PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat is accusing the Israeli
Mossad (foreign  intelligence service) of carrying out
the October 17, 2001 assassination of Israeli Tourism
Minister Rechavam Ze'evi.

The International Committee of the Red Cross, the
organization committed to protecting civilians and
prisoners in war, is investigating allegations of
torture, mistreatment, and other harm that hundreds of
prisoners and detainees are believed to have suffered
at the hands of the Northern Alliance across

YASSER ARAFAT, the Palestinian leader, issued his
strongest call in 14 months of violence for an end to
attacks against Israelis, saying only dialogue could
lead to his dream of a Palestinian state.

George W. Bush has embarked on perhaps the most
radical course of any president in US history. Without
consulting or even informing Congress, Mr. Bush this
week terminated the landmark 1972 Antiballistic
Missile Treaty that has been the cornerstone of global
nuclear arms control for three decades. And that was
just for openers. While the entire country was
obediently watching the Osama bin Laden video Mr. Bush
was quietly invoking for only the third time in U.S.
history Powers of Executive Privilege.

Behind Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda lie the true masters
of terror - the states that sponsor terrorism - many
of which the U.S. now considers "allies" in the war
against terrorism.

Survival Research Laboratories
Producing the most dangerous shows on earth

art in defense of human rights

Stateless Socialism: Anarchism

It has been estimated that if children's play blocks
represented $1,000 each, over 98% of us would have
incomes represented by piles of blocks that went not
more than a few yards off the ground. The blocks of
the top 1% would stack many times higher than the
Eiffel Tower.

I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the
war-never mind whether it will be plausible or not.
The victor will not be asked afterwards whether he
told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war it
is not right that matters, but victory!
-Adolf Hitler, August 26, 1939

The U.S. national security state and its faithful
lackeys in the news media have pretty much the same
double standard re-garding the question of
"terrorism." They designate as "terrorist" those
individual acts committed by dissident political or
nationalist groups that operate against any of the
major industrial powers. But they never use the term
to describe the acts of massive repression and
destruction perpetrated against whole populations by
U.S. forces or by the armies of CIA-supported client
states, such as in the aerial assaults on working
class neighborhoods in Panama City, or the bombing of
civilian populations in Baghdad, or the burning of 660
villages in Guatemala, or the roundup and mass
executions of democratic supporters in Chile,
Indonesia, Afghanistan, South Yemen, and dozens of
other countries.


There is documented evidence that a disease which
could be recognized as AIDS has been worked on for
years. Testimony before a sub-committee of the House
Appropriations Committee, in Washington, D.C., in
1969, for Department of Defense appropriations for
1970, stated:

Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be
possible to make a new infective micro-organism which
could differ in certain important respects from any
known disease-causing organisms. Most important of
these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we
depend to maintain our relative freedom from
infectious disease. (R. Harris and J. Paxman, A Higher
Form of Killing, 1982, p. 241)

Cannabis sativa seeds-traditionally called
hempseed-contain all the essential amino acids and
essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy
human life. No other single plant source provides
complete protein nutrition in such an easily
digestible form, nor has the oils essential to life in
as perfect a ratio for human health and vitality.
Hempseed is the richest source in the plant kingdom of
essential fatty acids.

"The Alliance"-a national, grassroots movement-started
as a suggestion in "Real Populists Please Stand Up" by
Ronnie Dugger in the The Nation, August 14/21, 1995.
The following comentary by Ronnie Dugger is taken from
his interview on Jerry Brown's We The People radio

Like if it's got anything to do with wild Bohemian
cats and chicks, you'll probably find it here.
Included here are links to pages about Hippies, the
Beat Generation, the Grateful Dead and other Bohemian
bands, outlaw bikers (including the Hells Angels),
plus everything else Bohemian I can find, all the way
back to... Diogenes and the Cynics (funny no 60's band
thought of using that name, however a certain light
show artist did). There's a Hip Dictionary you can use
if you don't understand the meaning of some of the
words and there's even a Who's Who where you can find
out more on the people mentioned here.

This is a comprehensive study of the Rainbow Family of
Living Light, also known as The Rainbow Nation and The
Rainbow Family. The Family, committed to principals of
non-violence and non-hierarchical egalitarianism, has
been holding large non-commercial Gatherings since
1972. They gather to pray for world peace and to
demonstrate the viability of a cooperative utopian
community living in harmony with the Earth. They
govern themselves using a Council whose membership is
open to all interested parties. Money is not needed,
all necessities are free at Gatherings. Everyone is

There are many, many "Native/American Indian/Indian
sites out here in cyberspace...the one you are about
to enter is not intended to amuse, be chatty, or
dazzle you with cutting-edge html code. What is
intended is that you be provided raw data, pertinent
data, foundational data as regards the State of Native
America. It is not intended that this be a "pleasant"
experience as we have many enemies. The site is text
intensive and hopes to provide a "window" through
which you might glimpse what "is."

the non-violence web

Man follows Earth.
Earth follows heaven.
Heaven follows the Tao.
Tao follows what is natural.

Great Thinkers and Visionaries

Afghan Civilian Death Toll Surpasses Sept. 11

The FBI is asking for access to a massive database
that contains the private communications and passwords
of the victims of the Badtrans Internet worm. Badtrans
spreads through security flaws in Microsoft mail
software and transmits everything the victim types.
Since November 24, Badtrans has violated the privacy
of millions of Internet users, and now the FBI wants
to take part in the spying.

The Environmental Protection Agency Friday announced a
moratorium on considering the results of controversial
trials that test pesticides on people.

On a sunny afternoon in 1984, a 66-year-old retired
CIA chemist named Sidney Gottlieb prepared for a most
unusual visitor. Three decades earlier he had promised
a widow named Alice Olson that if ever she wished to
see him she need only pick up the phone.

The 11 million-member church is one of the fastest
growing religious organizations in the world, adding
40 percent to its membership each decade since 1960,
church officials say. The church says it doesn't
release the number of Mormons who drop from the rolls.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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