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From: Joe Eldred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 1:24 PM
Subject:  Show Trial For Osama bin Fake-it?

What's next?  How will they handle the worldwide
derision over the latest bin Laden video?

No problem.  The disinformation people will take the classic measures.

(See "Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression" by David Martin. )

*  Discreditable criticisms of the video will be aired.  Then those criticisms will be discredited.   "See, we told you so ..."

*    If the public opinion surveys show the damage caused by the latest video is serious enough, fake investigators will appear.  We will be treated to Punch & Judy shows -- where puppeteers make their experts box each other's ears for the entertainment of children. Ultimately it will be decided that the video was authentic.

A word on experts: Experts who testify on critical government
scandals are concerned about their careers, which they value over telling the truth.  Witness this: Among the most renowned forensic anthropologists in the world are Drs. Douglas Ubelaker, Curator of Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution, and his colleague, Dr. Douglas Owsley.  Ubelaker and Owsley performed many of the forensic anthropology examinations of the bodies of the Davidian mothers and

Ubelaker and Owsley's names appear on the autopsy reports which
falsely claim the mothers and children died when a concrete building collapsed upon them.  But widely published photographs taken from the ground and from the air on April 19, 1993, show the building had not collapsed at all.

Despite years of public exposure as liars, scientific charlatans, and accessories after the fact of murder, neither of these two Smithsonian Institution experts has renounced his fraud.

Moreover, a 1993 meeting of the professional association of medical examiners voted to keep the press out of a conference in which the autopsies of the Davidians was being discussed, "after deciding that exposing some information could hurt court cases against cult members . . ." (Washington Times, September 11, 1993).  Anything to protect the government's lies.

Eight years later, not one medical examiner has broken ranks and openly discussed the anomalies in the autopsy reports.  So the conspiracy to cover up the murders of the Davidians is endemic in that entire community of experts.

So much for experts.  They are dependent on the power of the throne, and are paid for their loyalty.  If the public did not know the truth and the king need the testimony, video/audio experts would swear on a stack of Bibles that Forrest Gump *did* actually talk to President Kennedy.

Now allow me raise another possibility.

With all the hype about capturing bin Laden, bringing him to trial, etc., there surely is a chance the US will "capture" a bin Laden stand-in and conduct a Stalinist show trial.

The Osama bin Laden stand-in ("Osama bin Fake-it") could confess to all manner of wicked deeds to justify the savagery of the US attack on Afghanistan.  He could also testify that he has thousands of supporters in the US and other countries, justifying a perpetual war on terrorism overseas and a reign of terror here at home.

Ramsey Clark, the impostor who pretends to be a dissident lawyer, would be the likely choice to defend Osama bin Fake-it.   Clark was one of the lawyers who represented Branch Davidian family members during a civil suit against the government.  While he pretends to be an adversary of the government, he covered up clear and convincing
evidence that the Davidians were murdered with malice aforethought. For more information on the fake dissident lawyer Ramsey Clark, see "Waco Suits for Waco Suckers," at:

Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
See the handiwork of the world's leading terrorist organization, the FBI:
Visit the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

911 Lies exposed at
* Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
*  The Taliban Home Video
*  911 Terror:  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
*  Osama bin Surplus
*  Osama bin CIA Agent
*  Press Uses Actors In War On Islam

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