The following is being posted for those who have been following the political aspects of the New Age movement. 

Constance Cumbey, a Detroit lawyer, has been following the activities of  Javier Solana for the past six years.  She recently sent out the following, which I am posting with her permission.  Solana does not have a high media image but has much power as the following list will show.  As part of her research on the political aspects of the New Age movement, Cumbey learned that Javier Solana was a participant in the Fire in the Crystal conference held in Italy.  A search done on other participants at that conference led to information about the Darjeeling Declaration.  Following the following bio information on Solana, I've listed sites with detailed information about both.  For many reasons Solana bears watching. 

Cumbey writes:

I have studied him since 11-22-95, the date I first became aware of him.

1.  He is currently the acknowledged "czar" of all European foreign and military policy.

2.  His "empowering resolution" giving him virtually dictatorial emergency powers over Europe, drafted by him, and for him, is believe it or not, "Assembly Recommendation 666".  Paragraph 12 gives him the power to convene the PSC (Political Security Committee) of the Council of the European Union in the event of a political emergency.

3.  The Political Security Committee is selected by Solana and reports only to Solana.

4.  The European Army generals report to Solana and are appointed by him.

5.  When he formerly headed NATO (from December 1995 through October 1999), he was given sole power to make the military decisions over Yugoslavia.  This is more power than any NATO leader has been given before or since.

6.  Javier Solana was made the head of the ten nation Western European Union in November, 1999.  Supposedly, it was to fold its power into the European Union, but then it was decided that the Brussels Treaty of 1948 prevented it from giving up that power.  They then came up with a weighted voting scheme, but bottom line, Javier is in charge.

7.  He was on our subversive list for years.  He was THE LEADER of the Spanish opposition to NATO and not during his juvenile years either -- during the same time that I was diligently trying to educate folks on the New Age Movement -- during the 1980s.

8.  He was officially a Marxist until September 29, 1979.

9.  He is a known anti-clerical activist.

10.  He is the only person on the so-called "Mitchell Commission" who has the power to bind governments without going home for permission.  He is working, per his own words, on seeking a "permanent solution" for peace in the Middle East.

11.  When he was still Foreign Minister for Spain, as acting "President of the Council of Europe" during Spain's two curiously coinciding presidencies of the European Union and Western European Union, during a six month period in 1995, he negotiated, concluded, executed and signed a "Treaty of Association" between the European Union and Israel.  THIS WAS DONE ON NOVEMBER 20, 1995.

12.  On NOVEMBER 27-28, 1995 he chaired and presided over the BARCELONA CONFERENCE which had the goals of (1) BATTLE RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM -- WORLDWIDE; (2) FAVORABLE TRADING TERMS FOR THE EUROPEAN MEMBERS vis a vis THE OIL PRODUCING COUNTRY MEMBERS OF THAT 27 NATION ALLIANCE; (3) ELIMINATE AND/OR GREATLY REDUCE USA PRESENCE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN.  He achieved this "Barcelona Treaty" and was given sole credit for the accomplishment.  This is a self-conscious revival of the old Roman Empire.  Only Libya declined to participate (they have since come crawling to him, however) and if God spoke once through Baalam's ass, he could speak once through Muammar Khaddafy as well.  Khaddafy prophetically railed at the other African participants saying, "What's the matter with you idiots, can't you see this is a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony over our region?!"

13.   Two days after this conference concluded, Javier Solana, as a surprise dark-horse candidate was UNANIMOUSLY picked to be the new head of NATO.

14.  When the bombs were to begin falling on Yugoslavia in March of 1999, President Clinton spoke to our nation.  His words were "I agree with Javier Solana's decision to do this."  Few Americans bothered to ask, "WHO'S JAVIER SOLANA?"

15.  Two days after he signed the treaty with Israel, on November 22, 1995, there was a massive earthquake in the Middle East which is the ONLY earthquake of which I have known to be historically revised downwards.  The correct data still appears on US Geological Service data bases.  The earthquake was 7.2 mw; but very quickly many sources started to report it as only 6.2 mw to the dismay of hapless architects and engineers blamed for designing buildings which could not withstand an earthquake of that magnitude.  The quake was so severe that heads rolled from ancient royal mummies in the Great Pyramids of Egypt and it reported violently shook the entire North African plate.  It had 10,000 aftershocks.  I have the actual seismic plates which  I took from the University of Michigan and Ohio State University Seismic information sites.  I also have a reluctant email admission from Rami Hofstetter, head of the Israeli Geophysical Institute that the 6.2 mw figure is misleading, even though HIS institute reports it at that.  He basically said, "that's the public perception of it and that's where it will remain. . ."  My suspicion:  they worried that coming as it did after the treaty and immediately before the Barcelona conference that somebody might interpret it as a supernatural warning.  MAYBE IT WAS!!!

I have MUCH, MUCH more if you are interested.  Feel free to pass this on.

Attorney at Law
2525 Telegraph Road, Suite 304
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-0289
(248) 253-0333; 253-9037 FAX

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fire in the Crystal Conference - To understand the importance of the Darjeeling Declaration, read this. - To read the Darjeeling Declaration

To understand the pyramid structure of WSI, I've posted this from the following site:

World Service Intergroup - USA.

This group of more than 100 active disciples, representing 45 different esoteric
groups from 20 countries, has met in conclave during the past three years for 4-5 days at the time of one of the Spring full moon festivals. These Conclaves were held on Wesak 1996 in Washington, DC; Gemini, 1997 in Los Angeles; and Aries 1998 in London; with Wesak, 1999 being planned for Geneva. The group is coordinated by a Steering Committee representing esoteric groups from around the world, with an Advisory Board representing many additional groups. (

As I wrote at the beginning, this is for those who are in the process of researching the political end of the New Age movement. 

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