By David Icke

Gatekeeper police and soldiers

Police, the military, government officials, and “civil servants” are at the front line in the imposition of Illuminati policy on the global population. What I am about to describe is “democracy”, a word that has become interchangeable with “freedom” in the newspeak of Illuminati propaganda. I wonder if you think this sounds like freedom: first you elect a government by voting once every four or five years and choosing between two or more masks on the same Illuminati face. These governments then do almost whatever they like in their period in office and there’s nothing that can be done within the “law” to remove them until another farcical election is upon us in which we can, if we want “change”, elect another Illuminati mask. Governments pass laws in which you have had no say and, because of their majority in Parliament or Congress among the voting fodder that pass for “politicians”, they can get virtually any legislation into “law”. Once that happens, yet more fodder-people – gatekeepers – appear on the scene. We call them police and soldiers. Theirs is not to reason why, theirs is just to do or die. You are not paid to think, just to implement the law and follow orders. We pay for the use of your body and your trigger finger, not your brain, soldier. Now FIRE! YES, SIR! If it were not so tragic, it would be hilarious. Little boys playing soldiers at the expense of other people’s lives.

Hey, soldier, you left a pile of bodies there in a country you only arrived in yesterday. What did they do to you?

“They’re the enemy, Sir.”

Have you ever spoken to them?

“Of course not, Sir.”

Never considered that they are just like you, with families and children, and aspirations to build a better life in the face of the bloody dictator your army has been flown in to defend?

“No, Sir.”

Ever read anything about this country you’re in?

“No, Sir.”

Then how do you know they’re your enemy?

“My commanding officer told me, Sir.”

An who told him?

“His commanding officer, Sir.

And who’s the chief commanding officer at the top of this heap?

“The President, Sir.”

And who commands the President?

“The people, Sir, this is a democracy.”

How many of “the people” just told you to kill that pile of bodies?

“Well, one, Sir.”

And who was that?

“My commanding officer, Sir.”

And who told him?

(See above) .

The training in the military is pure, classic, mind control. It is designed to break the spirit of a recruit to the point where he will do, by reflex action, whatever he is told to do, whenever and wherever, he is told to do it. The more elite the regiment, the more profound is the mind control. The training for the elite of the British military like the SAS and the Parachute Regiment, or the Delta Forces or Green Berets in the United States, is designed to produce robotic psychopaths because that is the mentality most suited to requirements. Thinking in the military is another bad career move. It is these clones of someone else’s commands that are used to implement the decisions, often on innocent people, of the Illuminati networks operating within global politics, the United Nations, and NATO. They are perhaps the nearest thing to zombies that you could imagine. That is not to say that out of uniform there are not intelligent, thinking, people among them. There are. But once the military garb is upon their person, their programming locks in and the gatekeepers take their positions at the checkpoint. If soldiers, and others in uniform, refused to follow orders without asking for justification, the Illuminati could not survive. Then the dog would wag the tail, instead of, at present, the other way around.

The police are the same. It is not that we don’t need the police in today’s society, it is that we need them to think for themselves and assess situations on their merits, and not implement the law to the letter no matter what. There are some who try to do that, but the system constantly discourages them, as it does with teachers who tell their pupils to think and question. Many world police forces have “quotas” to maintain every month and so we have the pathetic situation in which more drivers are ticketed for speeding at the start of the month to get them off to a good start and at the end of the month when they are trying to complete their quota. It’s called justice. We need the police to ask themselves if a course of action is fair in the circumstances, even if the law insists that rules are rules. Otherwise they are just robots to another’s command. Thinking for yourself is called “insubordination”. You see this on a minor level when cars are targeted for illegal parking even though they are not causing a problem and there are reasons why they are there. We have reached the point now where parking a car in an “illegal” area for two minutes can cost you £50 and, if it is clamped, far more than that. To some, the cost of being unclamped is a week’s wages that should be putting food in their family’s bellies instead of in the pockets of vicious “security” firms who win the clamping contracts. The more they clamp, the more they collect. This is another of the system’s little tricks. You make sure that those who serve you and implement your agenda benefit financially from doing so. In this way, you divide and rule the population by setting enforcer and victim at war with each other and making the enforcer benefit from the victim’s plight. Why is it that dictators always ensure that their army is well looked after? The explosion of laws and regulations and of signs all round us telling to do and don’t, are designed to bombard our minds with a constant flow of orders and commands. This programmes the subconscious into weary submission to following orders and opens people to react robotically to another’s instructions. If you drive into your town or city, park the car, and walk through the streets, you will be astonished at how many times you are instructed what to do.

People like soldiers, police, wheel clampers, and government officials all glean their power over others from the “law”. This “law”, they know, will back them every time, even though to implement it in certain circumstances may be insane. That’s the point you see. The “law” has become the god of society. Laws are passed by “elected” dictatorships, implemented by unthinking yes-men, and defended by the general population who are conditioned to “respect the law” and be “a law-abiding citizen”. What more obvious prison can we live in than to see laws passed in which the people have had no say, and those same people to believe that, even though the law is ludicrous if fascist, they must respect it? People should only respect the law when the law respects the people. The “law” is just a piece of paper that results from a group of mostly uninformed or corrupt politicians voting for its introduction. That’s all it is. If the Suffragettes had respected the law that denied women the vote in Britain and had they not protested and chained themselves to official buildings (against the law) women would not have won the right to vote when they did. Had the peoples of Serbia and the countries of Eastern Europe respected their laws they would still live in open dictatorships. The very people who say we must respect the law would jump for joy if the Chinese people broke their laws and overthrew the Communist regime. What hypocrisy. What self-delusion. The only difference between the Chinese dictatorship and the “democratic” dictatorships at the level of “law” is that one is an open dictatorship and the other masquerades as freedom. The police and the military are front-line gatekeepers and, like traffic wardens and cops, wheel clampers, security guards, and all the other uniformed enforcers, they are the most obvious examples of the masses policing themselves. They think they administer the law when the law administers them. They do not answer to what is right and just in given circumstances, they answer to their masters who introduce the “law” and, in truth, the masters of their masters, the Illuminati.

pages 402-404

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