-Caveat Lector-


Rooting Out Terrorism

By Joe Burton

" I am the Spirit of Special Operations past. Those who believe in
Liberty know that it's continued survival is measured only in the
willingness of people to defend it - defend it from ignorance,
hunger, frustration and subversion, as well as overt aggression. I
was, am and always will be prepared to engage the enemies of freedom
regardless of the background or mission. For let it be known by all
that Special Operations is more a dedication than a duty, more a
commitment than an enlistment, and more a way of life than a job"

It's in the above vein that we support and salute our brave young
troops fighting terrorism overseas in Afghanistan. The President
(POTUS), has asked us to be the "eyes and ears" to root out terrorism
here at home. And why shouldn't we? It's our "duty" to defend the
"homeland"! (The fact of this being a UN sanctioned war not

Sadly, the rooting out of terrorism here at home may be more painful
than most people can
imagine. Terrorism is rooted in governments. Never forget that. Our
own is no exception, so the trail of terrorism can and will lead back
home. We saw it recently in New York City, Reston, Virginia
(Pentagon), as well as the fields of Pennsylvania. We've seen it
before in OKC as well as Waco. It's not a pretty site. Think of
terrorism as a weed in your back yard. Mow it as many times as you
like and it still comes back. If you pull it up and don't get all the
roots (tentacles) it still comes back. You must dig hard and deep to
get all the roots out to be successful. This article is about getting
at those roots.

Shortly after 911, the FBI had to leave the scene of the crime
(terrorist attack). If you remember they cited a strain on resources
with the anthrax attacks and said they had Intel on more pending
attacks on the fuzzy horizon. This did wonders for their budget and
powers, but it has left a void that you and I must fill to defend our
"homeland". If we are going to be "eyes and ears" per POTUS we better
get crackin', pardon the pun.

Of course along the way we must be careful not to get thrown off
track. The
government/corporate/media complex left us with the impression that a
bunch of diaper heads had come over here and went to crop duster
flying schools. Yet they did pinpoint crashes into the Pentagram
errr, I mean Pentagon and Temples of Set errr I mean World Trade
Centers in jumbo jets. How did they accomplish this magic? The answer
may lie in the following information.

In April of 1999 in the beautiful gulf coast town known as Mexico
Beach, Florida a few Arabs came to visit. They didn't come to enjoy
the white sand beaches or emerald green waters. No, they were there
to do a little flight training and visit Tyndall Air Force Base
located nearby.
Visiting in order of PROTOCOL were the following:
Lt.Col.Turki bin Bandar (VIP)
Lt.Col (retired) Saad Al-Otaibi
Major Mohammed Al-Ghamdi
Major Abdulrahman Al-Jumah
Major Ali Al-Nashri
Major Abdulaziz Al-Subayee
Mr. Majed Al-Asker

They stayed for four nights at the beautiful Driftwood Inn
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Raytheon Systems Company reserved 8
rooms, but they did it under the name of Fred Maughn.
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) The details were handled by Adrian Kemps,
Travel Co-ordinator, Raytheon Systems International, Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Copies of the reservation confirmations
went to Kemps as well as ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and

Shortly after their visit, I was alerted to it and though I thought
it strange, put it in the dustbins of my mind and files. Then 911
happened. Oddly enough, when I read the accounts of the suspected
hijackers, I noticed three of them were named Al-ghamdi. Where had I
heard that name before, I wondered? Then I began a search through my
own massive files to find the above info. It still didn't necessarily
mean anything, but it put me on a search to find Mohammed w/o
studying the Koran. But now, sitting here in East Tennessee, I
wondered. Well the "global village" is sometimes smaller than it
appears. This is what I found:


ALGHAMDI, Muhammed Nasir Bin Hasher
18 USC § 1028(a) Document fraud, § 1546(a) Passport and visa fraud,
USC § ud0006841(a)(1) Drug violations

Bingo! A fourth Al-Ghamdi. I was mildly concerned re: the Mohammed /
Muhammed spelling, but thats done allot with Arab names. Besides, I
remember at CIA man Chuck Hayes' (fifth column) trial, star witness
Lawrence Myers name was intentionally misspelled by FBI and US
Prosecutors, M-e-y-e-r-s to hide evidence from the defense.(
i.e..Osama / Usama) The Al-Ghamdi's are from the Saudi area's of
Mecca and Medina. The holy areas of Islam.

Raytheon is not the only defense contractor to bring over Arab
pilots, officials and civilians etc. SAIC, Lockheed-Martin,Boeing and
many others have done the same. Unfortunately what they all have in
common is CIA / Saudi connections and $$$'s. Remember every Tomahawk
cruise missile fired cost $600,000. War is BIG MONEY. But wait didn't
Osama/Usama bin Ladin/Laden (AKA Tim Osman
http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ binladin_timosman.htm) have those same
"spooky" CIA/Saudi connections? Of course he did and let's look at
that a little closer as well.

How embarrassing will it be for the CIA / US to explain: the very
tunnel complex Osama is thought hiding in is the Khost tunnels? Built
with CIA black budget funds near the Pakistan border. We already know
of the Bush/ bin Laden/ Ladin families connections with the Carlyle
group. (defense contr.)

Our government/corporate/media complex wants us to think Osama is the
grand poobah. But it goes much deeper than that. The head of this
particular terrorist monster lies in Saudi Arabia wrapped in it's
state religion of Wahhabism and rich in oil. It is the Islam linked
religion of the Saudi Royals and countrymen including their Air
Force. (see above list again)

catching the bombs and missiles that should be landing in Riyadh. Of
course that will never happen. After this so called "war on
terrorism" catches it's fall guy, we'll go on looking for other third
world countries to blast. The American sheeple will be happy getting
the bad guy (dead of course), The Saudis will still be counting the
big oil bucks while stewing about our continued support of Israel.
One thing for sure, the UN/ NWO sure makes for some strange

Now about a jihad on those roots, I want to buy some chemicals to
deal with them, but I'm afraid it might arouse suspicion. I'm sure
the FBI "carnivore" will pick this article up and they will reward me
my share of the 25 million. *

Disclaimer - This article was once protected under the First
Amendments "Freedom of Speech". Since the Constitution is no longer
valid, I am forced to try to satisfy the USA (so called) Patriot Act
with the following:
**********************************************Watch Watch for my next
two reports dealing with Homeland Defense and Patriotism/Profiling


>From http://www.orlingrabbe.com/homepage.html

Rooting Out Terrorism

Feds Harass "joe 6pk" Over Article "Rooting Out Terrorism"

by Joe Burton

Federal "AGENTS" began harassing me and my family shortly after my
publishing of a three part series of articles titled "Rooting Out
Terrorism"(hereafter referred to as ROT).

The articles apparently struck a nerve by barring truth about
government and media's at least "complicity" in terrorism in AmeriKa.
One of my family members in Florida was visited last week on Monday
and Friday (12/10 and 12/ 14/01).One "AGENT" was OSI (Tyndall AFB)
and one was believed to be FBI. (FL. License 33865) My family was
questioned regarding its and my Patriotism among many other query's.

Additionally an FBI plane is making regular runs over my home in
Tennessee. I am very familiar with this plane from my coverage of
events in Andrews N.C. regarding the Eric Rudolph/Olympic Bomb/FBI
"capers". The single engine plane with light yellow on fuselage
extending half way out on it's wings, and turning maroon from there
to it's wing tips. This plane is occasionally in companion with a
white single engine of government ilk.

Let me assure these fine folks up front that I very much am; not only
Patriotic, but an American Patriot as well. That means telling
"truth" to real Americans who want it! Since apparently "my hour" is
getting late via these "AGENTS" and the death of the "First
Amendment" / "Constitution", let me quickly tell more of the story. (
Intimidation does not work)

My article "ROT" titled above can be found here
http://www.allsouthwest.com/ burton.html though I attached below this
article the most pertinent parts to this story [omitted--see separate
link]. Below that, be sure to also see what happened to All Southwest
News after they published my series.

In "ROT" I was telling you of the connection of the fourth Al-Ghamdi
and his connection to terror,Saudi Arabia, Tyndall AFB and Raytheon.
At that time I did not know about the fifth Al-Ghamdi. The same very
Sheikh Al-Ghamdi who appeared in the Usama video.
DailyNews/OBLtaperelease011214.html .

Of course no where else but here will you read or hear of the 5 Al-
Ghamdi's in this WTC/Pentagon "plot". The government/media complex
does not want this info connection out in public domain! Now the
Saudi Al-Ghamdi 5 were pretty famous people in the Islamic world
including Chicago/Detroit etc. You could call them "stars", hailing
from Mecca/Medina; shrines of Islam. See: http://
www.astrolabepictures.com/audio-quran.html .

You may want to find out more about this famous Sheikh so see:
http:// www.google.com/search?q=Sheikh+Al+Ghamdi&btnG=Google+Search .

Now some questions must be asked:

How far did the Al-Ghamdi 5 penetrate the military/industrial complex
of the US?
Why were they allowed to?
Was Usama the Al-Ghamdi 5's bosses? Or was it the other way around?
Who were they all working for?
How long can the media keep a lid on this for the government and/or
Was Mohammed Al-Ghamdi the real 20th highjacker? Will they ever
charge him with his part? (held on unrelated chgs.)

YOUR questions fit here?

Shouldn't we be allowed to know more about Raytheon than this, since
they are making big war bucks? See:

Of course the song the government/media is singing sounds much like
the Al- Ghamdi songs. But somebody needs to explain the mumbo jumbo
to 220 to 260 million American's, why it is again we should surrender
or "Rights"? (count doesn't include all the illegal's)

Why also, on a no fly day, did six black choppers go into Tennessee's
South Cherokee Nat'l forest at: Big Junction grid 6? You know that
secret base area used quite frequently? The football sized LZ is
quite handy though secluded, is it not? Oops; I forgot no one is
supposed to know ;-))

We were told initially that 7,000 Americans died in the WTC the
morning of 9- 11. While I agree one is too many; how many real
American's were killed in this NWO Temple after you subtract police,
fire and airplane travelers from the current 3,000 total? Most after
that were foreign global money puppets. Hummm. Who profited? Where
were the big shots that day?

Do the government "AGENTS" work for the big shots? Say.... now I
think I figured out where my problems are coming from;-)) Tune in
next time when I may write: "More Al-Ghamdi Stew" OR where someone
else writes: joe 6pk arrested by the KGB!

Joe Burton - AKA outlaw "joe 6pk" Amer I CAN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS. Dear "AGENTS", When the "world" asks: "Where were you on 9-11"? I
have to answer: "On my way to serve jail time for crimes
(misdemeanor), that I did not commit". Say.... can you tell I am
p%&&*$ about that? Anyway thanks for not declaring Martial Law! The
jail would have been "cleansed" and we ALL would have missed some
"REAL TRUTHS"!! If we are going to get those roots, we have got to
dig deep!

Fear God not man!
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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