-Caveat Lector-

The UNHCR estimates that there are at least one million Afghans starving
to death at the moment.

Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange, a human rights organization based in
San Francisco, recently sent a fact-finding delegation to Afghanistan and
Pakistan. "I didn't know that massive numbers of people were not getting
food aid because the U.S. was blocking an international force from coming
in to open up the roads so that aid could get in," Benjamin reports.

Police fired teargas and made mounted baton charges against protesters
clamoring for the Argentine president's resignation outside his palace
Thursday, after days of rioting over austerity measures left 16 dead and
forced the economy minister to quit.

Just about the same time that the world was being treated to the Osama bin
Laden "home video" which was supposed to provide conclusive proof that
cave-man bin Laden and he alone was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks,
a story broke in the U.S. media, starting on Dec. 11, pointing in a very
different direction.

Troops claiming to be US soldiers landed on the Comoran isle of Moheli,
seizing control of the security forces on the island, a former prime
minister said by phone.

As EIR has documented, there is no such thing as "Islamic" terrorism.
Virtually every terrorist group in the world-including those falsely
labeled as "Islamic"-is headquartered in London, enjoying the protection
of the British Crown and British intelligence, fundraising there without
restriction, and plotting terrorist acts abroad, with no fear of arrest or

There once was a young person named Little Red Riding Hood who lived on
the edge of a large forest full of endangered owls and rare plants that
would probably provide a cure for cancer if only someone took the time to
study them.

Defense officials are considering the possibility of developing a
low-yield nuclear device that would be able to destroy deeply buried
stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons. Such a move would require
Congress to lift a 1994 ban on designing new nuclear warheads.

American opinion makers differ sharply with foreign colleagues over
whether U.S. policies were a major cause of the Sept. 11 attacks, with a
majority of non-Americans believing such policies were responsible, a
major opinion poll said on Wednesday. The Pew Global Attitudes Project
poll found that only 18 percent of American respondents believed U.S.
policies brought on the attacks, while 58 of non-Americans believed they
were responsible.

The informal community of Internet software pirates has been ripped apart
by the recent international law-enforcement raids on many of its elite
crackers, members of the shadowy scene said this week.

The University at Albany, N.Y., has shut down a research project
investigating the claims of individuals who believe that they were
surgically implanted with communications devices which can read and
transmit their thoughts.

[price fixing on gold]
The following documentation and statements were presented in Reg Howe's
lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Boston against the Bank for
International Settlements, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, New York Fed
President William J. McDonough, J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc., Chase Manhattan
Corp., Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, and
former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers.

As a Jew, whose family lost numerous members to the inconceivable savagery
and mind-numbing systematic, organized brutality of Naziism and the Third
Reich, I am profoundly offended, sickened and saddened by
Israel's flagrant racism and constant, relentless, ongoing oppression of

flight 587:
"I saw exactly what Tom saw. I was near a stop light at the Marine Parkway
Bridge. First, the small explosion. The plane kept on going, tail intact,
then the big explosion and the plane nose-dived. The first thing I said
was: 'The bastards did it again.'" . . .

As far as the major news media are concerned – but not the Post – these
people are delusional. They have to be. Because, if there really were a
pair of explosions, that plane was probably destroyed by terrorists. These
terrorists must have been on the inside. This is the opinion of Joel
Skousen, and I agree with him. They did this two months after airport
security was supposedly tightened. Such an interpretation of the breakup
of Flight 587 is not what the airline industry wants, nor is it
politically correct today in light of the successful anti-terrorism
efforts of the government. So, the explosions never happened. They
couldn't have.

Church Committee Hearings, 1984 Iran/Contra Hearings

At a moment when the popular mind-set once again links the words "Arab"
and "Islamic" with all things retrograde and threatening—including
terrorism (cue the new Charlie Daniels anthem and revel in the poetry:
"This ain't no rag, it's a flag/And we don't wear it on our heads. . . .
/We're gonna hunt you down like a mad dog hound")—it came as a surprise to
some that the latest malefactors accorded POW status in the "War on
Terrorism" turned out to be Jewish.

The European Commission said Tuesday that the
United States had sought to block the deployment of a
European system of navigation known as Galileo, with
the Americans arguing that an enemy could turn it
against the West in the event of a war.

But what about the fact that Jerry Falwell was involved in the kidnapping
of my daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan, and is right now holding my
daughter a prisoner in his "Lynchburg Christian Academy" in Lynchburg,

The following are photographs taken in Putumayo, a southern state of
Colombia, in December 2001. The US and Colombian governments began a
fumigation campaign on November 13, 2001. At the time of these photos, the
campaign was still going on. Witness for Peace issued a report about the
fumigation and joined with 61 other organizations to urge Secretary of
State Colin Powell to cease this horrible policy.

The double standards never seem to end. When an  Israeli cabinet
official, Rechavam Zeevi, was assassinated by Palestinians in October  of
2001, Sharon and some U.S. officials denounced it as "terrorism."  If the
shooting down of Zeevi is indeed terrorism, what should we  call many
years of Israeli assassinations of hundreds of Palestinian
political figures, philosophers, clerics and poets?
Why doesn't the  press point out that Zeevi was himself a Jewish
Supremacist who described Palestinians living and working illegally in
Israel  as "lice" and a "cancer in our midst.(14)" Zeevi himself was a
terrorist who advocated the forcible expulsion of all Palestinians from
the occupied territories and the assassination of all those who  resist
Israel occupation. He even publicly called for the assassination of Yassir
Arafat. Yet, the same press that calls his assassination "terrorism" never
calls the pro-assassination Zeevi a terrorist or even a Jewish

During a recent analysis of two meteorites scientists got a sweet
surprise; they detected the presence of a sugar and many sugar-related
compounds. The sugar and sugar-like molecules, collectively called
polyols, were found in the Murchison meteorite that fell in Murchison,
Australia, in 1969 and the Murray meteor that fell in Kentucky in 1950—two
meteorites that are rich in carbon.

In 1966, actor Patrick McGoohan created a thought-provoking television
series entitled The Prisoner. Far from being the simple TV action show it
appeared on the surface, this prescient series raised deep, unsettling
questions about the place of an individual in society, the right to
privacy and to freedom thought, the abuses of computer technology and
education, and many more topics which have only become more urgent in the
past generation. In the more than 30 years since this 17-episode series
first aired, it has been broadcast almost continuously on UHF, PBS and
cable television channels. The series spawned a set of videotapes, a trio
of novels, a role-playing game, a graphic novel, several books, a
world-wide cult following… and inspired endless debate over the meaning of
the sociology, psychology, symbology and secrets of the multi-leveled

Wilson's social commentaries, psychological essays and personal anecdotes
seem to employ a tactic rarely encountered elsewhere. Where most writers
are merely content to tell their tale, RAW employs Zen warfare to lead his
readers up the creek of expectation, followed by a swift *wake-up* blow of
the paddle to get his point across. It works. RAW forces the reader to
stare their own preconceptions in the eye while delivering a knee to the
groin of dogma.

The Bush administration is stepping up pressure on the
European Commission to approve imports of a dozen
crops made with genetically- modified organisms,
warning that a continuation of the moratorium could
escalate into a serious trade dis-pute.


This manifesto outlines a strategy to eradicate suffering in all sentient
life. The abolitionist project is ambitious, implausible, but technically
feasible. It is defended here on ethical utilitarian grounds.
Nanotechnology and genetic-engineering allow Homo sapiens to discard the
legacy-wetware of our evolutionary past. Post-humans will rewrite the
vertebrate genome, redesign the global ecosystem, and abolish suffering
throughout the living world.

"I am not a Church numeral; I am a free variable!"

"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians
and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?' the
media challenged me. `You're not going to bring atheists into the
government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the
Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus
and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.'"
-from Pat Robertson's "The New World Order," page 218

Traumatic Abuse in Cults: An Exploration of an Unfamiliar Social Problem

Three weeks ago, the Tamil Tigers attacked and blew up a fuel ship in
Jaffna Harbor, a successful suicide attack in one of the most heavily
defended waterways on the island of Sri Lanka.  You probably didn’t hear
about it.  Sri Lanka is a world where suicide bombings are so routine they
don’t make a ripple in the international news.  (And, since Americans did
not get killed, the Western press deemed it unimportant.)

Virtually the entire top leadership of the Taliban has survived the
American bombing and eluded capture by American-backed Afghan forces,
according to United States officials and people close to the Taliban.

The tracks of secret financing for the Nicaraguan contra war may cross a
troubling money-raising tactic passed on from Adolf Hitler's Nazis to
their ideological heirs in Argentina: the liquidation of property from
victims killed in death camps.

We're now arming the same groups of people we had formerly declared to be
"terrorists," those who had been fighting with Russia in Chechnya. But now
they're our "friends," so we're going to arm them. Then when they become a
problem (next week), we'll spend another billion dollars of American
taxpayers' money to go after them -- after we've equipped them with our

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Tuesday called for an
emergency Arab summit to be held at Islam's holiest city - Mecca in Saudi
Arabia - to discuss Israeli attacks on Palestinians.

German computer experts are working round the clock to unlock the truth
behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two
hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center on September

With the declaration last week that Israel would no longer recognise
Yasser Arafat, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has publicly refuted the 1993
Oslo Accords and the perspective of achieving a negotiated settlement with
the Palestinians.

This was a massive demonstration, at one point stretching from Hyde park
to Trafalgar square, and was much larger than the previous national
anti-war demonstration in London. This was not the "wobble" ambassador
Blair has spoken of, no weak willed doubting of the means but a thorough
rejection of the war effort.

Men, women and children have been bombed and gunned to death by US forces
in Afghanistan and on Saturday 15th of December men women and children
from the four corners of Ireland gathered at Shannon airport to protest at
the use of that facility as a stop over and refuelling point for US death

Millionaires go to WAR!
Expect world's workers to fight for them!!!

At the start of a war the national governments often receive a huge boost
in popularity, in particular when the war is perceived as just. But as the
war goes on and both the reality of war and the real agenda behind it is
revealed the mood can change. War is a time when the state seeks to
mobilise the people, in uniform and out behind its agenda. We need to help
turn this mobilisation around and direct it at the real enemies.

There are good reasons to begin talking about terror as such and within a
global context. To a large extent terror can also be viewed apart from
whatever motives that may hide behind particular expressions of it, or
whether it is carried out of states or not. If the end result is the same,
in both a shorter and longer term perspective, such distinctions become
less important. Which does not mean we should overlook the question of
ideological legitimisation It is no coincidence that terror has formed
such a central part within fascist movements. Nor that words such as class
are absent in Osama bin Laden's as well as George Bush's legitmisation of

The situation in Palestine is verging on that of a humanitarian crisis.
The Palestinian population, 3.2 million people, is currently under the
worst siege in their entire history.

The Security Council passed two Resolutions on terrorism between September
11 and America’s attack on Afghanistan on October 7. Now editorial writers
have tried to cut and paste the words of these resolutions to make it seem
like they authorize this attack, but this is just a lie and you can prove
it yourself by reading the resolutions at

As a lawyer, it’s natural that I look at things from the legal point of
view. From the legal point of view, this war is illegal. Of course, it’s
also immoral and it won’t prevent terrorism. But it’s very important that
it’s illegal. The war is illegal because it’s a flagrant violation of the
express words of the Charter of the United Nations. In fact, it’s not only
illegal, it’s criminal. It’s what the Nuremberg tribunal called "the
supreme crime", the crime against peace. The Charter of the United
Nations, the most authoritative document in international law, seeks to
ban war as a "scourge" Its very first words are "We the Peoples of the
United Nations, Determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge
of war…." War is permitted only when it is absolutely and demonstrably
necessary. And the Charter does not leave that question to the individual
States, no matter how powerful. Necessity is entirely a matter for the
Security Council, with only one exception: the very narrow and strictly
limited right of self-defence.

If you have a fast computer and a fast connection to the Internet, you
make Hollywood nervous. And Tinseltown is nervous not because of what
you're doing now, but because of what you might do -- grab digital
Hollywood content with your computer and broadcast it over the Internet.

A political powerhouse behind global energy deregulation and major GATS
designer, the Enron Corp. has been a pivotal figure in the
military-industrial network of cartels behind the Bush administration. Now
filing for bankruptcy, Enron is the topic of Senate hearings, the subject
of SEC investigations, and the possible target of criminal charges (for
concealing massive debt in ‘partnerships’ with de facto subsidiaries). The
story of Enron’s rapid rise and fall illustrates many times over the
flippant ease with which leaders of multinational cartels can and will
engineer global social and economic crises – banking on disaster.

In mainstream political discourse, Israel's recent atrocities are
described as 'retaliatory acts' - answering the last wave of terror
attacks on Israeli civilians. But in fact, this 'retaliation' had been
carefully prepared long before. Already in October 2000, at the outset of
the Palestinian uprising, military circles were ready with detailed
operative plans to topple Arafat and the Palestinian Authority.

The State Department’s “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices  2000:
Occupied Territories” (February 2001)  states unequivocally that “Israel’s
overall human rights record in the occupied territories [is] poor.” It
goes on to report that “Israeli security forces committed numerous serious
human rights abuses during the year…. Since the violence began, [September
2000] Israeli security units often used excessive force against
Palestinian demonstrators. Israeli security forces sometimes exceeded
their rules of engagement, which provide that live fire is only to be used
when the lives of soldiers, police, or civilians are in imminent danger.
…Israeli security forces abused Palestinians in detention suspected of
security offenses. … There were numerous credible allegations that police
beat persons in detention. Three Palestinian prisoners died in Israeli
custody under ambiguous circumstances during the year. Prison conditions
are poor.  Prolonged detention, limits on due process, and infringements
on privacy rights remained problems. Israeli security forces sometimes
impeded the provision of medical assistance to Palestinian civilians.
Israeli security forces destroyed Palestinian-owned agricultural land.
Israeli authorities censored Palestinian publications, placed limits on
freedom of assembly, and restricted freedom of movement for Palestinians.”


Aiming to foster a secure environment for the political transition in
Afghanistan, the United Nations Security Council today authorized the
establishment of an International Security Assistance Force to assist the
Afghan Interim Authority in Kabul and its surrounding areas.

The family of Chilean military commander Rene Schneider, who was killed 31
years ago during a botched kidnapping, filed a federal lawsuit in
Washington yesterday accusing Henry A. Kissinger, Richard M. Helms and
other officials in the Nixon administration of orchestrating a series of
covert activities that led to his assassination.

Florida AIM is deeply disturbed by the termination of Dr. Sami Al-Arian as
a tenured professor at the University of South Florida ("USF"). We are
concerned that this termination is a direct indication that the University
of South Florida is not an academic institution, but a capital enterprise
in which academics, discourse, the truth and knowledge play second fiddle
to the economic bottom line.

Of course there is much missing from Bush's assertion that Islamic
terrorists are simply jealous as hell of the democratic freedoms "enjoyed"
in the US. The simple truth is that throughout the Middle East, indeed the
world, the US has, despite its alleged support for movements towards
democracy and greater freedoms for all, generally hampered provisional
steps in the direction of democratisation whilst it has increased its
support for despotic regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Morocco.

NASA has notified Don Campbell, Associate Director of the National
Astronomy and Ionosphere Center at Arecibo and Head of the Radar Astronomy
Group, that all funding for Arecibo radar studies will be terminated on
January 1 2002. The Division for Planetary Sciences of the American
Astronomical Society believes that "the Arecibo program should not be
terminated to meet an arbitrary deadline."  The Planetary Society
"strongly condemns NASA's decision, announced today, to terminate radar
observations of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) from the Arecibo Observatory in
Puerto Rico. Arecibo is the most powerful radio observatory on Earth and
is the most accurate instrument we have for studying NEOs."

UN votes 161 to 3 against for Palestininian state

Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies examines the basis for
an end to conflict between Israel and Palestine, why all previous "peace
plans" have failed, the role of Ariel Sharon, Yassir Arafat and the US.

The purpose of this work will be to survey the covert operations that have
been undertaken by the CIA in the past forty years and to assess the
effectiveness of a number of these activities. We shall begin by examining
the various shapes that covert operations may take. They are propaganda;
political action; economic activities; and paramilitary operations.

Timothy Leary 1920-1996
by Mikal Gilmore
Rolling Stone
July 11-25, 1996

China continued to supply arms to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist
even after the group began the September 11 attack on America, says a
senior U.S. official.

When a Twin Cities flight instructor phoned the FBI last August to alert
the agency that a terrorist might be taking lessons to fly a jumbo jet, he
did it in a dramatic way:

"Do you realize how serious this is?" the instructor asked an FBI agent.
"This man wants training on a 747. A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be
used as a weapon!"

The FBI is pursuing the possibility that financial gain was the motive
behind the mailing of letters containing deadly anthrax bacteria and has
conducted extensive interviews of personnel at two laboratories and
possibly more, according to government officials.

The FBI has turned down family requests that it release the cockpit voice
recording from an airliner hijacked on Sept. 11 that crashed in a
Pennsylvania field, saying the horror captured on the tape would do little
to assuage their grief.

Captial Confusion Over Anthrax Vaccine

A US astronomer claims he has found the first mention of the star of
Bethlehem outside the Bible. The reference is in a 4th-century manuscript
written by a Roman astrologer and Christian convert called Firmicus
Maternus. Michael Molnar, formerly of Rutgers University in New Jersey, is
the originator of the idea that the star of Bethlehem was not a
spectacular astronomical event such as a supernova or a comet but an
obscure astrological one.

An enormous squid that grows 23 feet long and lives more than 3,000 feet
under the ocean, has baffled scientists with what they call its strange
looks and weird behavior.

Isn't it strange that in the past people were so peculiar in their tastes,
their prejudices, their sexual attitudes, their treatment of animals, and
their family relationships? Even now, people in some parts of the world
have some really strange ideas about how to feel and behave. Were our
ancestors stupid? What about the great scientists and philosophers of the
past, who seemed very intelligent, yet showed little understanding for the
problems of women and minorities? Many of the great leaders and statesmen
of the past even had slaves. Are we just smarter now -- or what? No, those
strange folks in other times and other lands were making decisions in the
same way you do now -- decisions based on the memes and genes that inhabit
their minds.

On Sep 11 2001, three groups of hijackers blew up passenger planes into
WTC and killed more than 3900 innocent people (per NY Times). The whole
world condemned the barbaric act of those suicide terrorists. [Link -
Massive Attack on America ] In retaliation, USA-led war against terrorism
starting with bombing campaign on Afghanistan is incurring an unfortunate
but real cost: the loss of innocent lives.

This is American Justice???

Now, I want you all to stop and think for a minute of the full
ramifications of this. Israeli interests have the ability to listen in on
ANY phone in America connected to any of the systems used by Amdocs or
Comverse Infosys. They have had this ability for several years. They can
listen in and track the phone calls made by anyone's phone, whether police
officer, elected official, media talking head, editor, policy setter, news
mogul, even the President of the United States.

Israeli "spy-phone" company Comverse Infosys now buying into the Instant
Messaging business through Odigo, the largest Instant Messaging company.

Odigo, it should be remembered, is the Israeli owned company whose
employees received a two hour advance warning to leave their offices on

map showing location of Odigo offices relative to WTC

>From the Odigo web site.

Gabriel Matsliach, PhD, Chief Technology Officer at Odigo, has overall
responsibility for Odigo's R&D activities. One of the founding members of
Odigo, Dr. Matsliach holds a PhD in computer science from the Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology, and has over 12 years of experience in
leading and managing software development projects. Previous to his
position with Odigo, Dr. Matsliach worked at Amdocs, a leading
telecommunication-software company, where he led the development of
cutting edge technologies and their deployment to mobile operators in
Europe and North America. In 1998 he was awarded the "Prime Minister's
Award for Software Development".


Israeli spy ring largest ever uncovered inside United States!

Report of Israeli Eavesdropping On White House Telephones Gets Varying
Media Treatment

Yemeni forces have attacked a village in the east of the country where
they believe members of Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network may be hiding.

President Bush's top national security advisers have made no
recommendation to attack Iraq. But serious consideration to drive
President Hussein from power, and planning how to do so, are under way in
the State Department and at the Pentagon, officials said.

John Hull--Simple Rancher or U.S. Government Terrorist?

Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and
prosecutes government corruption, announced today that an active FBI
Special Agent filed a complaint last week concerning FBI/Justice
Department interference in and mishandling of terrorist investigations.
The FBI Special Agent, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time,
alleges that he was retaliated against when he continued to push for and
pursue certain terrorist investigations over the objections of his FBI and
Justice Department supervisors. The FBI Special Agent, who is represented
by Judicial Watch and David Schippers, Esq., filed the complaint last week
with the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (IG) and Office
of Professional Responsibility (OPR).

US coerces other nations to buy US warplanes

An estimated 200 U.S. scientists dealt with the anthrax program over the
last five years and federal authorities have told ABCNEWS they are now
investigating the activities of a senior research scientist who FBI
sources say was twice fired from Battelle and who allegedly made a threat
to use anthrax in the days after Sept. 11.

Mossad Link to First WTC Bombing Raises Eyebrows

Israeli tanks and armored vehicles rumbled back into two Palestinian-ruled
cities after withdrawing briefly yesterday, sparking a fresh gunbattle in
the West Bank.

Is it possible that the right-wing blitzkrieg of legislation America and
the world has been hit with, was only devised since 9-11?  It stretches
the imagination to believe so.  Military experts say it would take many
months to put together the kind of military action the US is now involved

There is strong continuing support for the Taleban among ordinary people
in Pakistan, according to a BBC World Service opinion poll.

A source has claimed that Iraq does have sites at which bio-weapons can be

The timing of this alleged "news" is so PERFECT, in terms of WELL-KNOWN
plans by the BushMob to unleash a massive assault against Iraq, that it
absolutely BOGGLES the rational mind.

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. said Thursday that
Israel has agreed to buy 52 additional F-16 fighter jets, exercising a
$1.3 billion option under a contract signed last year.

Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo on Thursday expressed their
“support” for the decision of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to call for
a halt to armed operations against Israel. They also said they would
“boycott” Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his isolation of the
beleaguered Arafat.

Following recent Israeli military strikes on Palestinian Authority targets
and its declaration that Arafat was ''irrelevant,'' one resolution
by the assembly on Thursday stressed Arafat's administration ``remains the
indispensable and legitimate party for peace and needs to be preserved

According to a story published by the Pakistan News Service on the 1st of
December, documents referring to US anthrax vaccine-maker BioPort Inc.
were found in the possession of the al-Qaeda in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Enron suckers who invested heavily in the benevolent Enron retirement
account were not allowed to sell their shares and had to watch their
savings evaporate like steam from a vaporizer. Energy giant Enron "barred
them from selling Enron shares from their retirement accounts."

And how 'bout that Northern Alliance! Thanks to them, my weekly supply of
heroin will finally be reinstated. Whoo-hoo -- and just in time for New
Year's Rockin' Eve! Those Taliban simply did NOT have the best delivery
system for the stuff, kinda like why you never see Beaman's gum anymore --
poor distribution and shelf placement. According to the New York Times,
the Northern Alliance has put all the poppy farmers back to work, and they
are promising a "bumper crop" by spring.

"MIND CONTROL IS COMING," the New York Times reported in 1965. And mind
control has, in fact, come for MOST of us. Boobus Americanus lives in an
imaginary house, one said to have "moral authority" in the geopolitical
sphere, when in fact this is a nation that thrives on a foundation of
death squad politics, political assassinations, media industry
manipulation, federally-sanctioned drug operations, illicit wars, black
ops, etc., etc.

Caught in a blatant psyop fabrication, "they" still don't know when to
give up:
Bin Laden Names Sept. 11 Hijackers

The abundance of conservatives and Republicans at Fox News Channel does
not seem to be a coincidence. In 1996, Andrew Kirtzman, a respected New
York City cable news reporter, was interviewed for a job with Fox and says
that management wanted to know what his political affiliation was. "They
were afraid I was a Democrat," he told the Village Voice (10/15/96). When
Kirtzman refused to tell Fox his party ID, "all employment discussion
ended," according to the Voice.

As the endgame approaches in the war against Osama bin Laden, Pakistani
professor Pervez Hoodbhoy has written a thoughtful essay, published in two
installments, which ponders the next steps that must be taken. "If the
world is to be spared what future historians may call the 'Century of
Terror,' we will have to chart the perilous course between the Scylla of
American imperial arrogance and the Charybdis of Islamic religious
fanaticism," he writes.

GNN's first news video, THE DIAMOND LIFE, puts the spotlight on the brutal
atrocities committed by the Sierra Leone rebel forces (Revolutionary
United Front) and the international diamond cartels, who have been willing
to pay almost any price to maintain the artificial value of their gems.
Produced in association with Witness and cut to the haunting music of
Peter Gabriel, THE DIAMOND LIFE features interviews with UN officials, top
political commentators and Sierra Leone television journalist-in-exile
Aroun Rashid Deen.

This documentary highlights the personal experiences of child combatants
and abducted survivors of sexual violence in Sierra Leone, and features
the work of powerful local activists working for peace and justice.

What may be driving this great nation to destroying smaller, poor and more
vulnerable countries is greed. Greed for wealth. Greed for power. Greed
for recognition. In their violence against violence, the US has used
helicopter gunships, chemical and biological agents, nuclear bombs, cruise
missiles, fumigation campaigns, the IMF and World Bank, embargoes,
sanctions, etc.

The [Kenyan] Department of Defence (DoD) yesterday remained firm that
Kenya will not be used as a base by Americans to attack Somalia.

President Fernando de la Rua fled the Casa Rosada, Argentina’s
presidential palace, aboard a helicopter December 20 after a day of
violent clashes between riot police and thousands of workers and youth who
defied a state of siege to protest the government’s economic austerity

Some 300 subcontractors at Alcoa’s Kwinana alumina refinery near Perth in
Western Australia went on strike late last month over the company’s
cancer-causing emissions. Alcoa workers have been in dispute with the
giant multinational since 1996 because more than 200 workers have suffered
health problems, including nine cases of serious illness. The strikers
have returned to work while Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU)
officials hold talks with management.

The U.S. government is delighted by the smoking gun tape, which was
mysteriously "found" in Afghanistan a few days ago. The White House says
the tape should dispel any lingering doubts bin Laden was behind the Sept.
11 mass killings.

But two other Arabic experts say the tape's audio quality is so poor that
almost nothing bin Laden says on it can be verified. To my ears, well
accustomed to Arabic, half of bin Laden's words were inaudible. The
translation was sometimes out of sync with the action on screen. Bin
Laden's statements looked cut up and edited.

Selfridges, one of London's major department stores, yesterday announced
that it has withdrawn a range of goods produced on Israel's illegal
settlements in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. There has
been sustained pressure from Palestinian rights groups who held regular
pickets asking the public to boycott the store until it the goods were

U.S. farmers this year harvested a record soybean crop and one of the
largest corn crops in history, but the number of hungry Americans in rural
areas continues to grow, according to public policy experts and food
pantry supervisors. "We've seen this fall an increase in people who are
coming to the food bank for the first time in three or four years,'' said
Barb Prather, executive director of Northeast Iowa Food Bank, in Waterloo,
Iowa. "We're also seeing an increase in seniors and in the number of
people who are in crisis. A year ago, we were seeing about 24 to 30 people
daily,'' she said. "Now we're seeing about 30 to 40 people per day.''

Just as Blair's values can enable him to curry favour with Israel's Ariel
Sharon, architect of the slaughter in Qibya in 1953 and the 1982 massacres
in Sabra and Shatila, so can these same ideals prompt him into friendly
dialogue with President Karimov, whose airfields are suddenly
strategically important now the bombing of Afghanistan has commenced.

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