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[Add this to Americas' Mayors' list of dubious accomplishments. Apart from Giulianus' completely useless 13 million dollar bunker set up in the US building complex most expected to be attacked by terrorists, WTC 7 housed CIA, FBI and other Federal offices. I guess if you want to destroy some incriminating evidence there's nothing like 6,000 gallons of fuel oil to do the trick. For the real story on the "Giuliani Legacy" see http://baltech.org/lederman/ ]


City Had Been Warned of Fuel Tank at 7 World Trade Center

December 20, 2001


Fire Department officials warned the city and the Port

Authority of New York and New Jersey in 1998 and 1999 that

a giant diesel fuel tank for the mayor's $13 million

command bunker in 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story

high-rise that burned and collapsed on Sept. 11, posed a

hazard and was not consistent with city fire codes.

The 6,000-gallon tank was positioned about 15 feet above

the ground floor and near several lobby elevators and was

meant to fuel generators that would supply electricity to

the 23rd-floor bunker in the event of a power failure.

Although the city made some design changes to address the

concerns - moving a fuel pipe that would have run from the

tank up an elevator shaft, for example - it left the tank

in place.

But the Fire Department repeatedly warned that a tank in

that position could spread fumes throughout the building if

it leaked, or, if it caught fire, could produce what one

Fire Department memorandum called "disaster."

Putting a tank underground typically protects it from

falling debris, and impedes leaks or tank fires from

spreading throughout the building.

Engineering experts have spent three months trying to

determine why 7 World Trade Center, part of the downtown

complex that included the 110-story towers, collapsed about

seven hours after being damaged and set on fire by debris

from the damaged landmark buildings.

Some of the experts, who said that no major skyscraper had

ever collapsed simply because of fire damage, have recently

been examining whether the diesel tanks - there were others

beneath ground level - played an important role in the

building's stunning demise.

The Port Authority, which owns the land on which the

building stood and issued the building permit for the tank

and its fireproof enclosure, said yesterday that it

believed the structure had in fact met the terms of the

city's fire code. Though the tank was on a tall fireproof

pedestal, it was still effectively on the lowest floor of

the building, as the code requires, said Frank Lombardi,

the Port Authority's chief engineer.

The authority also worked with Fire Department officials to

eliminate the department's original objections, Mr.

Lombardi said.

"We made sure that it was in agreement with the code," Mr.

Lombardi said, adding that the tank was placed in an

eight-inch- thick masonry enclosure.

A spokesman for the Fire Department said yesterday that he

could not authoritatively say whether all the concerns of

its officials had been addressed by the Port Authority. But

when reached yesterday, the department official who wrote

several of the warning memorandums said he regarded the

Port Authority's interpretation of the code to be "a

stretch." The official, Battalion Chief William P. Blaich,

said he still considered the tank's placement to have been


The Port Authority has long held that, as a matter of law,

it does not have to abide by city fire codes. But after the

1993 bombing of the towers, the Port Authority signed a

memorandum of understanding with the city pledging to not

only meet the city's fire codes, but also to often take

additional precautions.

A spokesman for the city's office of emergency management,

Francis E. McCarton, said the city accepted the Port

Authority's determination that the tank and its placement

were properly safe. He said it was essential that the

mayor's command center have a backup energy source and

placing it on ground floor was unacceptable because the

area was deemed to be susceptible to floods.

"We put it in the area where we needed to put it," Mr.

McCarton said. Any suggestion that the tank's position was

a factor in the collapse of the building was "pure

speculation," he said.

He added that the tank had fire extinguishers and was

surrounded by the thick, fire-resistant containment system,

and that the fiery collapse of the towers could never have

been anticipated in the city's planning.

No one is believed to have died in the collapse of 7 World

Trade Center. But its collapse did further complicate the

rescue and recovery efforts under way at the scene.

The engineering and fire experts who have been examining

the collapse of 7 World Trade Center have not settled on

the final cause of the disaster. But they have seen

evidence of very high temperatures typical of fuel fires in

the debris from the building and have raised questions

about whether the diesel accounted for those conditions.

At least two firefighters who were at the scene, Deputy

Chief James Jackson and Battalion Chief Blaich, said that

the southwest corner of the building near the fuel tank was

severely damaged, possibly by falling debris, and that the

tank might have been breached.

Mr. Jackson said that about an hour before the building's

collapse, heavy black smoke, consistent with a fuel fire of

some sort, was coming from that part of the building.

The Port Authority said it was unlikely the heavy masonry

surrounding the tank could have been breached, and its

officials have raised the possibility that the two diesel

tanks buried just below the ground floor of the building

might have contributed to the fire. They have also asserted

that structural damage from falling debris is a more likely

culprit in the collapse.

Several fire experts said that, whatever the questions

surrounding the city's code, installing giant fuel tanks

above the occupied spaces of a building posed serious




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