-Caveat Lector-


King's ransom: How vulnerable are the Saudi royals?
by Seymour M. Hersh
The New Yorker
October 22, 2001

Since 1994 or earlier, the National Security Agency has been
collecting electronic intercepts of conversations between members of
the Saudi Arabian royal family, which is headed by King Fahd. The
intercepts depict a regime increasingly corrupt, alienated from the
country's religious rank and file, and so weakened and frightened
that it has brokered its future by channelling hundreds of millions
of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist
groups that wish to overthrow it.

The intercepts have demonstrated to analysts that by 1996 Saudi money
was supporting Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and other extremist groups
in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the
Persian Gulf region. "Ninety-six is the key year," one American
intelligence official told me. "Bin Laden hooked up to all the bad
guys-it's like the Grand Alliance- and had a capability for
conducting large-scale operations." The Saudi regime, he said, had
"gone to the dark side."

In interviews last week, current and former intelligence and military officials 
portrayed the growing instability of the Saudi regime-and the vulnerability of its oil 
reserves to terrorist attack-as the most immediate thr
eat to American economic and political interests in the Middle East. The officials 
also said that the Bush Administration, like the Clinton Administration, is refusing 
to confront this reality, even in the aftermath of th
e September 11th terrorist attacks.

The Saudis and the Americans arranged a meeting between Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld and King Fahd during a visit by Rumsfeld to Saudi Arabia shortly before the 
beginning of the air war in Afghanistan, and pictures o
f the meeting were transmitted around the world. The United States, however, has known 
that King Fahd has been incapacitated since suffering a severe stroke, in late 1995. A 
Saudi adviser told me last week that the King,
with round-the-clock medical treatment, is able to sit in a chair and open his eyes, 
but is usually unable to recognize even his oldest friends. Fahd is being kept on the 
throne, the N.S.A. intercepts indicate, because of
 a bitter family power struggle. Fahd's nominal successor is Crown Prince Abdullah, 
his half brother, who is to some extent the de-facto ruler-he and Prince Sultan, the 
defense minister, were the people Rumsfeld really ca
me to see. But there is infighting about money: Abdullah has been urging his fellow- 
princes to address the problem of corruption in the kingdom-unsuccessfully, according 
to the intercepts. "The only reason Fahd's being k
ept alive is so Abdullah can't become king," a former White House adviser told me.

The American intelligence officials have been particularly angered by the refusal of 
the Saudis to help the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. run "traces"-that is, name checks and 
other background information-on the nineteen men, mor
e than half of them believed to be from Saudi Arabia, who took part in the attacks on 
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. "They knew that once we started asking for a 
few traces the list would grow," one former offic
ial said. "It's better to shut it down right away." He pointed out that thousands of 
disaffected Saudis have joined fundamentalist groups throughout the Middle East. Other 
officials said that there is a growing worry insi
de the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. that the actual identities of many of those involved in 
the attacks may not be known definitively for months, if ever. Last week, a senior 
intelligence official confirmed the lack of Saudi coö
peration and told me, angrily, that the Saudis "have only one constant-and it's 
keeping themselves in power."

The N.S.A. intercepts reveal the hypocrisy of many in the Saudi royal family, and why 
the family has become increasingly estranged from the vast majority of its subjects. 
Over the years, unnerved by the growing strength o
f the fundamentalist movement, it has failed to deal with the underlying issues of 
severe unemployment and inadequate education, in a country in which half the 
population is under the age of eighteen. Saudi Arabia's stric
t interpretation of Islam, known as Wahhabism, and its use of mutawwa'in-religious 
police-to enforce prayer, is rivalled only by the Taliban's. And yet for years the 
Saudi princes-there are thousands of them-have kept tab
loid newspapers filled with accounts of their drinking binges and partying with 
prostitutes, while taking billions of dollars from the state budget. The N.S.A. 
intercepts are more specific. In one call, Prince Nayef, who
has served for more than two decades as interior minister, urges a subordinate to 
withhold from the police evidence of the hiring of prostitutes, presumably by members 
of the royal family. According to the summary, Nayef
said that he didn't want the "client list" released under any circumstances.

The intercepts produced a stream of sometimes humdrum but often riveting intelligence 
from the telephone calls of several senior members of the royal family, including 
Abdullah; Nayef; Sultan, whose son Prince Bandar has
been the Saudi ambassador to the United States since 1983; and Prince Salman, the 
governor of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital. There was constant telephoning about King 
Fahd's health after his stroke, and scrambling to tak
e advantage of the situation. On January 8, 1997, Prince Sultan told Bandar about a 
flight that he and Salman had shared with the King. Sultan complained that the King 
"barely spoke to anyone," according to the summary of
 the intercept, because he was "too medicated." The King, Sultan added, was "a 
prisoner on the plane."

Sultan's comments became much more significant a few days later, when the N.S.A. 
intercepted a conversation in which Sultan told Bandar that the King had agreed to a 
complicated exchange of fighter aircraft with the Unite
d States that would bring five F-16s into the Royal Saudi Air Force. Fahd was 
evidently incapable of making such an agreement, or of preventing anyone from dropping 
his name in a money-making deal.

In the intercepts, princes talk openly about bilking the state, and even argue about 
what is an acceptable percentage to take. Other calls indicate that Prince Bandar, 
while serving as ambassador, was involved in arms dea
ls in London, Yemen, and the Soviet Union that generated millions of dollars in 
"commissions." In a PBS "Frontline" interview broadcast on October 9th, Bandar, asked 
about the reports of corruption in the royal family, wa
s almost upbeat in his response. The family had spent nearly four hundred billion 
dollars to develop Saudi Arabia, he said. "If you tell me that building this whole 
country . . . we misused or got corrupted with fifty bil
lion, I'll tell you, 'Yes.'. . . So what? We did not invent corruption, nor did those 
dissidents, who are so genius, discover it."

The intercepts make clear, however, that Crown Prince Abdullah was insistent on 
stemming the corruption. In November of 1996, for example, he complained about the 
billions of dollars that were being diverted by royal fami
ly members from a huge state-financed project to renovate the mosque in Mecca. He 
urged the princes to get their off-budget expenses under control; such expenses are 
known as the hiding place for payoff money. (Despite it
s oil revenues, Saudi Arabia has been running a budget deficit for more than a decade, 
and now has a large national debt.) A few months later, according to the intercepts, 
Abdullah blocked a series of real-estate deals by
 one of the princes, enraging members of the royal family. Abdullah further alarmed 
the princes by issuing a decree declaring that his sons would not be permitted to go 
into partnerships with foreign companies working in
the kingdom.

Abdullah is viewed by Sultan and other opponents as a leader who could jeopardize the 
kingdom's most special foreign relationship-someone who is willing to penalize the 
United States, and its oil and gas companies, becaus
e of Washington's support for Israel. In an intercept dated July 13, 1997, Prince 
Sultan called Bandar in Washington, and informed him that he had told Abdullah "not to 
be so confrontational with the United States."

The Fahd regime was a major financial backer of the Reagan Administration's anti- 
Communist campaign in Latin America and of its successful proxy war in Afghanistan 
against the Soviet Union. Oil money bought the Saudis en
ormous political access and leverage in Washington. Working through Prince Bandar, 
they have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to charities and educational 
programs here. American construction and oil companies
do billions of dollars' worth of business every year with Saudi Arabia, which is the 
world's largest oil producer. At the end of last year, Halliburton, the Texas-based 
oil-supply business formerly headed by Vice-Presiden
t Dick Cheney, was operating a number of subsidiaries in Saudi Arabia.

In the Clinton era, the White House did business as usual with the Saudis, urging them 
to buy American goods, like Boeing aircraft. The kingdom was seen as an American 
advocate among the oil-producing nations of the Middl
e East. The C.I.A. was discouraged from conducting any risky intelligence operations 
inside the country and, according to one former official, did little recruiting among 
the Saudi population, which limited the United Sta
tes government's knowledge of the growth of the opposition to the royal family.

In 1994, Mohammed al-Khilewi, the first secretary at the Saudi Mission to the United 
Nations, defected and sought political asylum in the United States. He brought with 
him, according to his New York lawyer, Michael J. Wi
ldes, some fourteen thousand internal government documents depicting the Saudi royal 
family's corruption, human-rights abuses, and financial support for terrorists. He 
claimed to have evidence that the Saudis had given fi
nancial and technical support to Hamas, the extremist Islamic group whose target is 
Israel. There was a meeting at the lawyer's office with two F.B.I. agents and an 
Assistant United States Attorney. "We gave them a sampli
ng of the documents and put them on the table," Wildes told me last week. "But the 
agents refused to accept them." He and his client heard nothing further from federal 
authorities. Al-Khilewi, who was granted asylum, is n
ow living under cover.

The Saudis were also shielded from Washington's foreign-policy bureaucracy. A 
government expert on Saudi affairs told me that Prince Bandar dealt exclusively with 
the men at the top, and never met with desk officers and t
he like. "Only a tiny handful of people inside the government are familiar with 
U.S.-Saudi relations," he explained. "And that is purposeful."

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the royal family 
has repeatedly insisted that Saudi Arabia has made no contributions to radical Islamic 
groups. When the Saudis were confronted by pres
s reports that some of the substantial funds that the monarchy routinely gives to 
Islamic charities may actually have gone to Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks, 
they denied any knowledge of such transfers. The interce
pts, however, have led many in the intelligence community to conclude otherwise.

The Bush Administration has chosen not to confront the Saudi leadership over its 
financial support of terror organizations and its refusal to help in the 
investigation. "As far as the Saudi Arabians go, they've been nothi
ng but coöperative," President Bush said at a news conference on September 24th. The 
following day, the Saudis agreed to formally cut off diplomatic relations with the 
Taliban leadership in Afghanistan. Eight days later,
at a news conference in Saudi Arabia with Prince Sultan, the defense minister, Donald 
Rumsfeld was asked if he had given the Saudis a list of the September 11th terrorist 
suspects for processing by their intelligence agen
cies. Rumsfeld, who is admired by many in the press for his bluntness, answered 
evasively: "I am, as I said, not involved with the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
that is conducting the investigation. . . . I have every r
eason to believe that that relationship between our two countries is as close, that 
any information I am sure has been made available to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

The Saudis gave Rumsfeld something in return-permission for U.S. forces to use a 
command-and-control center, built before the Gulf War, in the pending air war against 
the Taliban. Over the past few years, the Saudis have
also allowed the United States to use forward bases on Saudi soil for special 
operations, as long as there was no public mention of the arrangements.

While the intelligence-community members I spoke with praised the Air Force and the 
Navy for their performance in Afghanistan last week, which did much to boost morale in 
the military and among the American citizenry, the
y were crestfallen about an incident that occurred on the first night of the war-an 
incident that was emblematic, they believe, of the constraints placed by the 
government on the military's ability to wage war during the
last decade.

That night, an unmanned Predator reconnaissance aircraft, under the control of the 
C.I.A., was surveilling the roads leading out of Kabul. The Predator, which costs 
forty million dollars and cruises at speeds as slow as e
ighty miles an hour, is equipped with imaging radar and an array of infrared and 
television cameras that are capable of beaming high-resolution images to ground 
stations around the world. The plane was equipped with two p
owerful Hellfire missiles, designed as antitank weapons. The Predator identified a 
group of cars and trucks fleeing the capital as a convoy carrying Mullah Omar, the 
Taliban leader. Under a previously worked-out agreement
, one knowledgeable official said, the C.I.A. did not have the authority to "push the 
button." Nor did the nearby command-and-control suite of the Fifth Fleet, in Bahrain, 
where many of the war plans had been drawn up. Ra
ther, the decision had to be made by the officers on duty at the headquarters of the 
United States Central Command, or CENTCOM, at MacDill Air Force Base, in Florida.

The Predator tracked the convoy to a building where Omar, accompanied by a hundred or 
so guards and soldiers, took cover. The precise sequence of events could not be fully 
learned, but intelligence officials told me that
there was an immediate request for a full-scale assault by fighter bombers. At that 
point, however, word came from General Tommy R. Franks, the CENTCOM commander, saying, 
as the officials put it, "My JAG"-Judge Advocate G
eneral, a legal officer-"doesn't like this, so we're not going to fire." Instead, the 
Predator was authorized to fire a missile in front of the building-"bounce it off the 
front door," one officer said, "and see who comes
 out, and take a picture." CENTCOM suggested that the Predator then continue to follow 
Omar. The Hellfire, however, could not target the area in front of the building-in 
military parlance, it could not "get a signature" o
n the dirt there-and it was then agreed that the missile would attack a group of cars 
parked in front, presumably those which had carried Omar and his retinue. The missile 
was fired, and it "obliterated the cars," an offi
cial said. "But no one came out."

It was learned later from an operative on the ground that Omar and his guards had 
indeed been in the convoy and had assumed at the time that the firing came from 
rocket- propelled grenades launched by nearby troops from t
he Northern Alliance. A group of soldiers left the building and looked for the enemy. 
They found nothing, and Omar and his convoy departed. A short time later, the building 
was targeted and destroyed by F-18s. Mullah Omar

Days afterward, top Administration officials were still seething about the incident. 
"If it was a fuckup, I could live with it," one senior official said. "But it's not a 
fuckup-it's an outrage. This isn't like you're six
 years old and your mother calls you to come in for lunch and you say, 'Time out.' If 
anyone thinks otherwise, go look at the World Trade Center or the Pentagon." A senior 
military officer viewed the failure to strike imm
ediately as a symptom of "a cultural issue"-"a slow degradation of the system due to 
political correctness: 'We want you to kill the guy, but not the guy next to him.' No 
collateral damage." Others saw the cultural proble
m as one of bureaucratic, rather than political, correctness. Either way, the failure 
to attack has left Defense Secretary Rumsfeld "kicking a lot of glass and breaking 
doors," the officer said. "But in the end I don't kn
ow if it'll mean any changes."

A Pentagon planner also noted that some of the camps the bombers were hitting were 
empty. In fact, he added, it became evident even before the bombing that troops of the 
Northern Alliance had moved into many of the unused
 Taliban camps. The Alliance soldiers came up with a novel way of alerting American 
planners to their new location, the officer said: "They walked around holding up white 
sheets so when the satellites came by they're sayi
ng, 'Hey, we're the good guys.' "

The American military response has triggered alarm in the international oil community 
and among intelligence officials who have been briefed on a still secret C.I.A. study, 
put together in the mid-eighties, of the vulnera
bility of the Saudi fields to terrorist attack. The report was "so sensitive," a 
former C.I.A. officer told me, "that it was put on typed paper," and not into the 
agency's computer system, meaning that distribution was li
mited to a select few. According to someone who saw the report, it concluded that with 
only a small amount of explosives terrorists could take the oil fields off line for 
two years.

The concerns, both in America and in Saudi Arabia, about the security of the fields 
have become more urgent than ever since September 11th. A former high-level 
intelligence official depicted the Saudi rulers as nervously
"sitting on a keg of dynamite"-that is, the oil reserves. "They're petrified that 
somebody's going to light the fuse."

"The United States is hostage to the stability of the Saudi system," a prominent 
Middle Eastern oil man, who did not wish to be cited by name, told me in a recent 
interview. "It's time to start facing the truth. The war w
as declared by bin Laden, but there are thousands of bin Ladens. They are setting the 
game-the agenda. It's a new form of war. This fabulous military machine you have is 
completely useless." The oil man, who has worked cl
osely with the Saudi leadership for three decades, added, "People like me have been 
deceiving you. We talk about how you don't understand Islam, but it's a vanilla 
analysis. We try to please you, but we've been aggrieved
for years."

The Saudi regime "will explode in time," he said. "It has been playing a delicate 
game." As for the terrorists responsible for the September 11th attacks, he said, "Now 
they decide the timing. If they do a similar operati
on in Saudi Arabia, the price of oil will go up to one hundred dollars a barrel"-more 
than four times what it is today.

In the nineteen-eighties, in an effort to relieve political pressure on the regime, 
the Saudi leadership relinquished some of its authority to the mutawwa'in and 
permitted them to have a greater role in day-to-day life. O
ne U.S. government Saudi expert complained last week that religious leaders had been 
allowed to take control of the press and the educational system. "Today, two-thirds of 
the Saudi Ph.D.s are in Islamic studies," a forme
r Presidential aide told me. There was little attempt over the years by American 
diplomats or the White House to moderate the increasingly harsh rhetoric about the 
U.S. "The United States was caught up in private agreemen
ts"-with the Saudi princes-"while this shit was spewing in the Saudi press," the 
former aide said. "That was a huge mistake."

A senior American diplomat who served many years in Saudi Arabia recalled his 
foreboding upon attending a training exercise at the kingdom's most prestigious 
military academy, in Riyadh: "It was hot, and I watched the cad
ets doing drills. The officers were lounging inside a suradiq"-a large pavilion-"with 
cold drinks, calling out orders on loudspeakers. I thought to myself, How many of 
these young men would follow and die for these office
rs?" The diplomat said he came away from his most recent tour in Saudi Arabia 
convinced that "it wouldn't take too much for a group of twenty or thirty 
fundamentalist enlisted men to take charge. How would the kingdom dea
l with the shock of something ruthless, small, highly motivated, and of great 

There is little that the United States can do now, the diplomat said. "The Saudis have 
been indulged for so many decades. They are so spoiled. They've always had it their 
way. There's hardly anything we could say that wou
ld impede the 'majestic instancy' of their progress. We're their janissaries." He was 
referring to the captives who became élite troops of the Ottoman Empire.

"The policy dilemma is this," a senior general told me. "How do we
help the Saudis make a transition without throwing them over the
side?" Referring to young fundamentalists who have been demonstrating
in the Saudi streets, he said, "The kids are bigger than the Daddy."

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