William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Perfecting the power to impose the will of the State, is the ultimate reason that perpetual war must be waged. The character of a Patriot is now defined as loyalty towards the policies of their government."  ____________________________________________________________

Nakano comments:

Do you remember when Lyndon Johnson said: "Those who oppose our policies in Vietnam are not loyal Americans. Those who don't support this war are disloyal to our men in uniform."

I was in uniform and in Vietnam when he said that.  I wrote a letter to my father and said:  "I do not equate loyalty to America with loyalty to the policies that put us here."   I am in full agreement with that statement this many years later.

Thank you Bill Shannon for posting this on Full Spectrum Dominance.  I wish every American would read this, and think hard about it.  Nakano

"How far we have strayed as a people from that which made Americans unique. 
Willingness to forget that legitimacy for your government is based upon your consent is epidemic. People are eager to demonstrate their devotion to the State, as they surrender their birth right as if it meant nothing. 

No government has ever bestowed freedom upon their citizens.  Liberty and the NWO are not compatible. The aim to rule, requires that the torch of freedom be extinguished."

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