-Caveat Lector-


You maybe interested in the rampant censorship that
Jim Robinson is conducting on "FreeRepublic.com".
Around November 20th he removed an article I posted
("truth4all"), "Rise of The Fourth Reich" by "What
Really Happened."
This piece has nothing to do with Nazi hate
material. It points out disturbing parallels between
1930's Germany and the U.S. today. I emailed Jim about
censoring this article and his reply was "Please do
not post b/s like this to FR." I gave him the benefit
of the
doubt and let it go. But then Jim deleted another
article on December 18th, "The Best Enemies Money Can
Buy" by Michael C. Ruppert.
This is a very good article that traces the Bush
family's ties to Hitler, Bush
seniors arming of Saddam Hussein and the financial
conflicts with defence contractors the Carlyle Group
Osama bin Laden, amongst other observations. The
article is a little too long in my opinion but very
researched and referenced. I wrote to Jim again
pointing out that his written goals and posting
guidelines say
in part,

"Broadly stated, the goals of this site are to further
conservatism, expose political corruption, and recover
truly constitutional form of government. If these are
not your goals, you may find another discussion site
more suitable.

Free Republic expects users to follow a few simple
posting guidelines (described below) and by posting to
forum you and others agree to abide by them. While
Free Republic is not edited or censored, it does
the right to remove any postings that are considered
inappropriate. Examples of inappropriate posts are
that are off-subject or contain advertising,
pornography, obscene material, racist material, Nazi
(or other hate
group) material, materials promoting violence, threats
or illegal acts, etc. "

There is no "advertising, pornography, obscene
material, racist material, Nazi (or other hate group)
materials promoting violence, threats or illegal acts,
..." in either of those posts, so he is censoring
he doesn't agree with.

As I wrote to Jim, he supposedly reveres our First
Amendment but is now eviscerating it with his
of information and opinions that do not serve his
political agenda. Worse, people do not know that it is
on and that they are being deceived by a Judas goat.
Like all censors, he does not give the people he has
gagged any recourse for debate; a most cowardly and
odious deed.

Jim's reply was "The Michael C. Ruppert crap is
nothing but leftist propaganda" and if I don't like
decisions I should move on. It surprises me that
someone supposedly as politically savvy as Jim would
to this extremely simplistic cliche, insisting that if
you think an article by a left wing publication (his
definition) is good then you are a communist. And like
many assumptions, he is totally wrong. Communism is
a worthless ideology that has always failed and is
responsible for tens of millions more dead than
Either Jim did not read the article or didn't like the
facts presented because it most certainly is not
propaganda. In any case, that is his opinion, but he
stopped anybody else from having an opinion by
it and that I cannot abide. I will not be posting
anything further to a forum that is operating under a
lie and is
censored according to Jim's political viewpoint. This
also raises the question of exactly how many articles
have been spiked that I know nothing about.

Just passing the word along. Also, "What Really
has a story about Jim Robinson admitting that he's
only interested in pro-war articles. He has obviously
completely lost it, he's shown his true colors,  an
egotistical tyrant ramming his dogma down everybody's
throat. It will not take long for people to realize
what a sham "CensoredRepublic" has become.
Happy New Year everybody.
Gavin Phillips.
"The Cancer Racket"

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Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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