US Troops Burying WTC
Remnants In Afghanistan

With Carl Limbacher
and Staff

U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan are leaving behind a special token of America's wrath against Osama bin Laden - remnants from the buildings the terrorist mastermind destroyed on Sept. 11.
"We are burying parts of the World Trade Center in different areas of Afghanistan," NBC newsman Tim Russert told radio host Don Imus Wednesday morning.
"U.S. military personnel, joined by some policemen and firemen in New York, are taking pieces of metal and putting it in the ground as a memorial to those who died."
The NBC Washington bureau chief was referring to a report in Wednesday's USA Today, which revealed:
"At a solemn ceremony Tuesday in the shadow of northern Afghanistan's battlefields, U.S. Army commandos laid to rest a small piece of the World Trade Center.
"It was one of many such services taking place across Afghanistan this week as U.S. fighters try to help bring a small sense of closure to the events of Sept. 11."
"We want the American people to know that (the victims) didn't die in vain, that they have been remembered . . . and that something good can come of this," Master Sgt. John Bolduc told the paper.
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NewYear's celebration in NYC -- crystal ball has the names of s-11 dead engraved on crystal pieces


WTC Flag raised in Afghanistan


[05 December 2001]
Space Shuttle Endeavor lifts off for International Space Station (Alpha)
Endeavor also carried 6,000 small American flags that will be mounted on certificates and distributed to relatives of the Sept. 11 victims, as well as some of those who survived the attacks. NASA hopes to give out the flags by spring.
Also on board: large U.S. flags from the World Trade Center and Pennsylvania, a Marine Corps flag from the attacked Pentagon, New York police badges and patches, and a New York Fire Department banner.



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