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The Bigger Picture

Mass-murderer bush willingly admits he did 911

Just in case anyone still had any doubts....
= = = = = = = =
Subject: Fw: President admits again he saw first plane hit
From: "David Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message -----
From: Terry Anderson
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: President admits again he saw first plane hit

I am writing this just minutes after I saw this on CNN and it was LIVE.

Did you just see the president's Town Meeting with the folks in Ontario

Did you hear the little boy ask the Murderer the question, "What did you
think when you first heard about the attack on 9/11"?

Did you hear his response? He said AGAIN that he was watching a TV
screen before he went into that classroom and saw the FIRST PLANE hit
the building.

Bush said that he was thinking that the plane may have had problems or
something, only this time he went on to say that he was thinking that if
we were under attack that his only thought was "We will get them". And
he said that a couple of times.

There were many people from the armed forces in the audience and that
statement sparked much applause. He didn't continue the story of when he
was in the classroom or anything else; he left it there.

Now I am SICK -- really pissed off all over again today.

He is blatantly telling everyone HE DID IT. What the hell else can he be
doing. I am sure he must have been briefed about the last statement that
he made to the displaced workers in Florida when he said he saw the
first plane hit.

He has now taken it upon himself to reiterate that very statement again
with a new twist.......that his next thoughts were that if it were
terrorism (without knowing that a second plane was going to hit the
second building at this time according to his story this morning a few
minutes ago) "WE WOULD GET THEM". And of course no one in the audience
either caught it or had the guts to say anything about that to him. He
only asked two more questions after that. Then he said he was on to
Oregon and then back to his ranch in Texas.

I find it strange that AGAIN it is a little boy to ask the same question
again with almost the same answer from him. Is that some kind of sick
ritual or something?

I'm speechless now. I am shaking all over and so G-D mad I can't think
straight. I will follow the White House page and see if I can get the
transcripts to this meeting.

Best Wishes to all -- I feel very, very sad all over again. Please send
this out to all on your e-mail lists that you contact concerning these

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