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Title: (A)frican (D)eath (L)eague; The face of Hate
The African Death League has been busy, maybe Talidan can bring us more up to date. I thought this should be of interest though I cannot vouch for the Black Republicans.

BlackRepublicans Newsletter

Vol. 01 Number 01
January 1, 2002


Anti-Defamation League

The Face of Hate

Anti-Defamation League

America's Most Powerful Hate Group

The Anti-Defamation League is the longest running and most powerful hate group in the United States with 29 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in over $40 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans).

ADL's Dark History

The Anti-Defamation League was created in 1913 by the racist secret society known as B'nai B'rith. This organization, which exists today excludes people based on their ethnic background and religion. It is exclusively restricted to powerful Jews who believe in racial superiority.

The ADL has spearheaded efforts at censorship against all people who wish to express themselves in a way that by ADL is seen as anti-Zionist or "anti-Semitic". The Director of the ADL Richard Gutstadt wrote to all periodicals he could find to censor the book, "The Conquest of A Continent". Mr Gutstadt brazenly writes, "We are interested in stifling the sale of this book". The ADL was also instrumental in terrorizing St. Martin's Press into canceling their contract last year with David Irving. The ADL recently "hailed" the arrest and imprisonment of a German man who questioned the Holocaust. They also "hailed" the imprisonment of Gerhard Lauck, an American who was kidnapped by German authorities in Denmark and brought to Germany to serve a prison sentence for "sending 'racist' material to Germany from his American home".

The ADL trys to cover its anti-free speech activities by giving out a Free Speech "Torch of Liberty" award occasionally. The most prominent recipient is flesh peddler and woman denigrator Hugh Hefner <> . Obscene pornographer Larry Flynt <> is another supporter who has contributed 100,000's of dollars to the ADL.

ADL's Criminal and Spying Operations

In 1993 the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the ADL were raided for evidence of criminal wrongdoing in many spheres. The raids turned up evidence of the ADL's compliance in the theft of confidential police files stolen from California police departments. The ADL had been paying Roy Bullock <>
a salary for decades to spy on people and steal police files. He stole files from SFPD through corrupt cop Tom Gerard <> . His illicit contact in San Diego was white racist sheriff Tim Carroll <> .

The ADL has been linked closely to organized crime, especially Las Vegas mafia boss Meyer Lansky. Theodore Silbert <> worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate). As a matter of fact the granddaughter of the mafia boss, Lansky, herself is the ADL's liason to law enforcement, Mira Lansky Boland. <> (What a convient arrangement! She used ADL money to treat Tim Carroll and Tom Gerard to an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel.)

Another Las Vegas gangster, Moe Dalitz <> was honored by the ADL in 1985. Another among the shady contributors to the ADL's supremacist activities is the Milken Family Fund <> , of "junk bond" fame. The ADL uses its well-oiled propaganda machine to protect their "friends" in the mafia and pornography industry by shrieking "Anti-Semitism!" at the slightest movement of the law against these perverse interests.

ADL's Ethnic Intimidation

The ADL has mastered the art of intimidation and blackmailing unlike any of the powerful mafias they are associated with. The ADL has influential contacts in media and politics that can ruin a person or business if they don't follow ADL's agenda.

      Already mentioned are instances of bad cops falling under the allure of the ADL, ones such as Tom Gerard <>  
and Tim Carroll <>
. Yet now good cops and even freshmen cops are being "conditioned" for the type of anti-free speech, anti-cultural diversity, police state that the ADL would like for our country.

Throughout the nation the ADL is threatening police departments with all kinds of retribution if they don't initiate state-funded lectures and seminars for law enforcement given by ADL spokesmen. The ADL rakes in large sums of money for these sessions, boosting their already overflowing coffers. Already ADL men have been seen at the scene of crimes ordering cops on how investigations are to be conducted.
Perhaps at no time in history has any other criminal organization, such as the ADL, been able to infiltrate and influence law enforcement to such an extent, and its tenacles are growing. Freshmen sheriffs in San Diego are now being personally "trained" to respond to "crimes" by the Southwestern Director of the ADL, Morris Casuto <> The most alarming part of this horrible story is...The ADL is a very powerful, secretive racial/religious supremacist organization, with substantial ties to the underworld of crime and pornography. To burrow their way into the minds of children the ADL has created the "World of Difference" program designed to influence them at an early stage. In a report to its few, but wealthy supporters in 1995, ADL boasts that it has reached more than ten million students and more are ready to be indoctrinated. The ADL hopes to make children susceptible to the world of crime and vice they and their criminal associates have in store for the USA.

Rogues Gallery of The Criminal ADL

Abe Foxman

National Chairman of the hate group Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. His main job is to write to celebrities and powerful people who say something unkosher and temporarily forget that Jews are a special criticism-proof people. Claims whole family was "holocausted" in the last war.

Roy Bullock

The ADL's paid informant who rummaged through trash for decades for the ADL, until he was given the sensitive position of being the conduit for stolen police files coming from the San Francisco Police Department by way of Tom Gerard. He was paid $550 per week for his services. Also an associate of racist sheriff Tim Carroll. His existance was discovered after the FBI raids on ADL offices in 1993 and resulted in the publicizing of 750 pages of information on the spying operations of the ADL.

Tom Gerard

San Francisco Police Officer who stole sensitive, confidential files from his agency and gave them to Roy Bullock to assist ADL's spying operations on Americans. Among files stolen were ones on the Black Muslims, Arabs and right-wing organizations that were in any way critical of ADL. Received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL.

Tim Carroll

Racist ex-detective in San Diego's Sheriff Department. Remarked in 1993 that he would like to see "all illegal aliens shot" and "all the niggers sent back to Africa on a banana boat". An associate of both Roy Bullock and Tom Gerard. He mysteriously retired from the Sheriff's Department after the raids on the ADL offices at the early age of 54. Also received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL. Despite his overtly racist nature, he was put in charge of security at the ADL's National Convention in September, 1997 using strong-arm tactics against participants and visitors. This is interesting considering it was his bumbling confessions to an investigator that led to the raids on the ADL.

Mira Lansky Boland

The "law-enforcement liasion" for the ADL. She arranged luxurious trips to Israel for certain key police officers who could have something to offer the ADL in return. Among these were file thief Tom Gerard and racist Tim Carroll. She is uniquely positioned in that she is the granddaughter of Meyer Lansky, one of the most powerful mafia figures in US history.

Hugh Hefner

Famous pornographer who was honored by the ADL with its ridiculous "Torch of Freedom" award. From him proceeds protection for all pornography in the US, which is and has always been associated with vice elements like the mob and ADL.

Larry Flynt

This pornographer is a major contributor to the ADL of 100,000's of dollars. He has been jailed often for "obscene pornography" and the general hideous defiling of women in his Hustler magazine (whose description is beyond the limits allowed on a decent web page).

Theodore Silbert

Mob associate of Meyer Lansky, employee of the ADL and mafia front "Sterling Bank." Was simultaneously the CEO of "Sterling Bank" and National Commisioner of the ADL.

Moe Dalitz

Las Vegas mob figure and close associate of Meyer Lansky who was honored by the ADL in 1985.

Milken Family Fund

Billion dollar fund that has given extensively to the ADL, the money of which was made in the "junk bond" scandals.

Morris Casuto

Jewish Southwestern Director of the ADL who personally trains freshmen law enforcement to do the bidding of him and his criminally indicted organization. Morris Casuto is also close friends with white racist Tim Carroll. Boasted in March 1999 that Alex Curtis' "luck will run out. And he will be sent to prison for a very long time." Is this a threat from a man whose group has already been criminally indicted for nefarious connections to rogue police agents?

Rick Barton

National Commissioner of ADL . Another racial integrationist who lives on an expensive cul-de-sac in pure white Olivenhain.

Teresa Santana

Deputy DA of San Diego who works with the criminal ADL and prosecutes non-Jews for imaginary "hate crimes" against precious Jews.

Bill Kolender

Jewish Head of San Diego Sheriff's Office who is a member of B'nai B'rith, the racist secret society that oversees the criminal ADL. The anti-Zionist organisation The Nationalist Observer was raided by the SDSO in April 1999 for political reasons.

Jessica Lerner

Jewish Assistant Director of the San Diego hate office. Morris' back-up spokeswoman when he is out of town or on his annual pleasure trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands - sin capital of the world.  

Dan Willis
La Mesa Police Department detective who is in close contact with Morris Casuto and has personally raided the home of Alex Curtis and the offices of The Nationalist Observer three times in the last year and a half.

      Note: The National Young Black Republicans endorses Radio Islam morally and economically and to this day is the most informative website regarding Anglo-Saxon European Colonial Settler Jews and their criminal activity.  The Black Republicans work closely with this organization in exposing truth.  See, e.g.,

Intelligence rules the world and, Ignorance bares the burden.

National Young Black Republicans
Bellevue, Washington

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