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a culturally and historically out of touch, stone cold antisemite on this
list just published gibberish about the ADL - an org I find square,
conservative, old fashioned, but sincere - altho way too conservative for
me - my position on Israel-Arab relations has always been a Peace Now
position - rather to the left of the ADL - to the extent that they support
Israel's right wing, rather than its left, I do not support them - but
that's a whole other thing - there is a range of opinion on that within the
ADL itself.  I see the ADL as my parents generation, having grown up with
it - too conservative, etc - but the gibbersih I just saw published here is
just so out of touch with reality that it deserves an answer -

the ADL was founded in 1913, by some of the same people who financed WEB
DuBois and A Philip Randolph in their founding of the NAACP a few years
earlier - this was a time when active support of Black freedom in America
was very, very dangerous - ADL financing was instrumental in effecting this
country's seminal antisegregationist legal decision - Brown v Bd of Ed, and
ADL money, and sons and daughters, were an important element of the civil
rights movement.

this culturally out of touch twit thinks it's a bad sign that the ADL honors
Hefner and Flynt - during the 60's, it was Hefner who pumped milllions into
the SDS and underground college radio stations, financing the antiwar
effort - Hefner also made a home for great, bitterly and brilliantly
antiracist artists like Lenny Bruce and whole encyclopedia of Black artistic
geniuses, funded the civil rights movement early on, when it was dangerous
to do so, and is a 1976 founder of NORML, this country's seminal anti-drug
war organization - he was on its first board of directors.

Flynt is directly responsible for funding numerous anti-cia underground
journalists and was often their only outlet - and he risked his life to do
so.  Flynt was shot, almost to death, just after he offered a 1 million
dollar reward for evidence leading to JFK's killers. Try google larry flynt
cia, or larry flynt danny casolaro

And you can take that uptight medieval attitude about sexualtiy and shove it
up your square out of touch ass.  I love a really free press.

The ADL has been a bitter and effective legal enemy of racial profiling by
law enforcement, and as such has always worked closely with great American
Black groups - you know, the ones that aren't antisemitic racists.

Chicago's fourth annual African American-Jewish Seder hosted guest-of-honor
Sherialyn Byrdsong, widow of Ricky Byrdsong, a victim of the shooting
rampage by racist gunman Benjamin Smith, who killed two people and wounded
eight others in July 1999. She led the nearly 600 participants in reading
the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
the Jewish philosopher and theologian who marched with Dr. King in Selma,
Alabama, in 1965.

In Boston, ADL's African American-Jewish and Catholic-Jewish Seders were
attended by more than 1,500 people. At the African American-Jewish Seder,
the second annual Eyes on the Prize award was presented to the late New
England Regional Director Leonard Zakim's widow, Joyce. The award recognizes
her husband's achievements, including the vital role he played in organizing
the first African American-Jewish Seder nearly 20 years ago and making it a
continuing Boston tradition.

In New Jersey, the Statewide Solidarity Seder was conducted in the wake of
1999 bias attacks on the First Baptist Church and desecration of Jewish
cemeteries, as well as the controversy over racial profiling by the State
Police. Numerous Protestant and Catholic religious leaders attended the
Seder, which was preceded by a commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

New York, NY, November 13, 1996...The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its
partner in the ADL/National Urban League "Rebuild the Churches Fund"
presented a check for $225,000 to Black Baptist ministers to help restore
burned houses of worship in the South. ADL paid tribute to others who
rallied in support of the churches, including a Colorado newspaper which
mobilized the Denver community to raise money for the victims, and a music
company donating profits from a gospel CD to the Fund. As part of an entire
afternoon dedicated to strengthening race relations, Hugh Price, head of the
National Urban League, told the ADL leaders at the 83rd Annual National
Commission Meeting "these are troubled times," and improved race relations
in this country are imperative. ADL and the National Urban League have been
actively involved in working together on various projects to combat racism
and anti-Semitism...

"I feel proud and privileged to preside over this session," said David H.
Strassler, ADL National Chairman, after Howard P. Berkowitz, ADL National
Executive Committee Chair, presented the ADL/National Urban League "Rebuild
the Churches Fund" check to Rev. Henry Lyons, President of the National
Baptist Convention, USA, which represents 33,000 churches with 8.5 million
members. This check followed one for $100,000 ADL already gave to the head
of the Congress of National Black Churches for distribution. The donations
to the Fund were an outpouring from ordinary Americans as a result of
full-page ads in The New York Times and other papers asking for financial
and emotional support for the victims.

Joining Rev. Lyons in accepting the check were three African-American
pastors who had traveled long hours from their isolated, rural Alabama towns
to describe their losses and express their appreciation. "What determination
to carry this banner," said Rev. Lyons of Rev. W.D. Lewis, the 93- yr.-old
pastor of Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Boliggee, Rev. Arthur
Coleman, Mt. Zoar Missionary Baptist Church in Boliggee, and Rev. Levi
Pickens, Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Eutaw. Rev. Pickens, leaning
on crutches because of an amputated leg, recalled the December night when he
arrived to see his church burned to the ground. It is a "sad situation," he
said quietly, "when you see all that God has given you destroyed....We are
just asking for your prayers, and ask God to bless you all, one by one."

Newhouse Award Established for Media Initiative in Promoting Tolerance

Paying further tribute to those who fight intolerance and bigotry, Abraham
H. Foxman, ADL National Director, announced the ADL Norman Newhouse Human
Relations Communications Award in honor of excellence in promoting better
human relations through a mass communications medium. Established in memory
of Norman Newhouse, one of the patriarchs of the Newhouse publishing empire,
the award was presented by his daughter, Robyn Newhouse, to Larry Strutton,
Publisher, President and CEO of the Rocky Mountain News for its crusading
efforts in inspiring the Denver community to raise thousands of dollars for
the churches. "There could be no better first-time recipient than the News,"
Ms. Newhouse said, noting how it inspired support by running full-page ads
for weeks, recruiting the mayor and governor, organizing a press conference
and distributing 500,000 donation envelopes at its own expense. The effort
raised approximately $90,000.

Music Company Recognized for Helping Churches

Hiriam Hicks, Senior Vice President/General Manager of Island Black Music,
was recognized for his promise to contribute the net profits from "Don't
Give Up," Island Inspirational All-Stars CD featuring Karen Clark, to the
"Rebuild the Churches Fund."

"When we saw the ad," said Mr. Hicks, "and what ADL and the Urban League
were doing, we said we got to do something. The church is the root of all
music -- the blues, jazz -- and we decided we had to do something for the
children." He pledged $10,000 to the Fund.

ADL Passes Resolution to Support the Black Revolutionary War Patriots

"We are there for you," Mr. Foxman told Mr. Price and the Southern pastors,
as he introduced a resolution to support the Black Revolutionary War
Patriots Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The League leaders
passed it unanimously. "ADL goes on record in the hopes this will serve as a
source of racial healing in America," said Mr. Foxman. "If one church burned
because of bias, bigotry and hate," he continued, "then we should stand up.
Had the world responded when one synagogue was burned on Kristallnacht in
Germany almost sixty years ago, maybe what followed would not have

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