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Israel condemned by 114 countries

By Fiona Fleck in Geneva
Telegraph UK  06/12/2001

MORE than 100 signatories of the Geneva Convention
gathered in Switzerland yesterday to reprimand Israel
for "indiscriminate and disproportionate violence"
against Palestinian civilians in the occupied

The 114 states - including Britain and the rest of the
European Union - issued a joint declaration urging
Israel to abide by international laws enshrined in the
1949 accord seeking to protect civilians in wartime or
under military occupation.

It was the first such declaration by signatory states
since the Convention was signed in 1949, as a similar
session was adjourned after 17 minutes in July 1999.
Israel and its close allies, the United States and
Australia - which are also signatories of the
Convention - boycotted the session.

The declaration expressed deep concern about a
"deterioration of the humanitarian situation" in
Palestinian areas, condemned Jewish settlements there
as "illegal" and urged Israel to refrain from "grave
breaches" such as "unlawful deportation", "wilful
killing" and "tor- ture".

Yaakov Levy, the Israeli ambassador to the United
Nations in Geneva, criticised the declaration as

He said it contained "unsubstantiated allegations" and
should have condemned acts of terrorism against


GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

            ***P A N E L  D I S C U S S I O N***
            Wednesday, Jan 9  -  8.30 PM
                 Tzavta, Ibn Gvirol 30

            = === === === = == = === === === =
              War Crimes and Security
                = === === === === =

                  SHULAMIT ALONI
                  DR. EYAL GROSS - Law Faculty TAU
                  PROF. ADI OPHIR - Philosophy Dept. TAU
                  DR.YIGAL SHOHAT - Air Force Colonel (Ret.)
            DOV TAMARI - Brigadier-General (Ret.)
                  [not yet final] - Palestinian representative

                  Moderator - HAIM HANEGBI

Demolition of homes, detention without trial,
deportations, torture, the "liquidation" of those
deemed to be terrorists, shooting a wounded enemy
so as "to confirm his death" - these and other
practices are defined as war crimes by the Geneva
Convention. War crimes are, of course, strictly
forbidden by International Law and also by Israeli law
and the standing orders of the IDF Supreme Command.

May Israeli soldiers, following the orders of the
superiors, end up as defendants in an International
Court - as members of some armed forces and
militias already are?  Are such acts, when perpetrated
by the Israeli army, conductive to the security of
Israel or, on the contrary, severely damaging to the
country's interests?

Following the panel discussion, the floor will be
opened to the audience.

Entrance fee - 15 Shekel (10 Shekel to


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