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Sun, 6 Jan 2002 19:07:37
From: Paul Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If we say the CIA was the terrorist who committed the
WTC disaster - very likely - then it is also very likely
that the CIA would want Bush to have the 'guilty
knowledge' of seeing the first tower hit... via a private
TV link prepared by the CIA....

Bush Flubs it Again: Details and Confirmation of Prior Knowledge
Duh, geez, our prez ain't so bright, is he?

> From: Paul Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks to a watchful friend Terry, here is the confirmation that President
> George Bush watched the first plane hit the WTC when no televison cameras
> were trained on the buildings since nothing had happened yet. This is the
> second time he has stated this clearly and publicly. The only explanation is
> that he viewed it on closed circuit televison from his limo outside the
> schoolhouse in Florida before going into the class. The conclusion should be
> obvious to anyone with a clue. We all knew he wasn't too bright, but to slip
> up twice on this and for the Whitehouse to post it again is almost too much.
> Maybe they want us to figure it out.
> Here is the first time on December 4th, 2001
> President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011204-17.html
> THE PRESIDENT:  Hi, Patricia; how are you?  How old is Patricia?
> Q       Five, and Jordan is in 3rd grade.  And Jordan has a question, if I
> could give him the microphone.
> THE PRESIDENT:  You bet.  Your mother is relaying the Mike to you, Jordan.
> Q       One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've
> done for this country.  And another thing is that, how did you feel when you
> heard about the terrorist attack?  (Applause.)
> THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Jordan.  Well, Jordan, you're not going to
> believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack.  I was
> in Florida.  And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a
> classroom talking about a reading program that works.  I was sitting outside
> the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the
> TV was obviously on.  And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's
> one terrible pilot.  I said, it must have been a horrible accident.
> But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it.  And
> I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is
> sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower,
> America is under attack."
> And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first.  You know, I grew up in a
> period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my
> mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably.  And I started
> thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be
> under attack.  I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under
> attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America.  (Applause.)
> -end quote
> Now this is the second time on Jan 5th 2002:
> President Holds Town Hall Forum on Economy in California
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020105-3.html
> Q First of all, I'm very impressed in how you handled the situation on
> September 11th.  (Applause.)
> THE PRESIDENT:  That's plenty.  (Applause.)  No.  Thank you.
> Q What was the first thing that went through your head when you heard that a
> plane crashed into the first building?
> THE PRESIDENT:  Yes.  Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in Florida.  I
> had gone down to tell my little brother what to do, and -- just kidding,
> Jeb.  (Laughter.)  And -- it's the mother in me.  (Laughter.)  Anyway, I was
> in the midst of learning about a reading program that works.  I'm a big
> believer in basic education, and it starts with making sure every child
> learns to read.  And therefore, we need to focus on the science of reading,
> not what may feel good or sound good when it comes to teaching children to
> read.  (Applause.)  I'm just getting a plug in for my reading initiative.
> Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all,
> when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first
> building.  There was a TV set on.  And you know, I thought it was pilot
> error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake.  And
> something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there,
> listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, "America is under
> attack."
> And in the meantime, this teacher was going on about the curriculum, and I
> was thinking about what it meant for America to be under attack.  It was an
> amazing thought.  But I made up my mind that if America was under attack,
> we'd get them.  (Applause.)  I wasn't interested in lawyers, I wasn't
> interested in a bunch of debate.  I was interested in finding out who did it
> and bringing them to justice.  I also knew that they would try to hide, and
> anybody who provided haven, help, food, would be held accountable by the
> United States of America.  (Applause.)
> Anyway, it was an interesting day.
> -end quote
> "Interesting Day" huh? There is really nothing left to say except that Bush
> confirms that he had prior knowledge. While it is possible for an average
> person to forget or jumble the events of an anverage day, I would say it is
> impossible for a real president on the most important day of his life to
> simply confuse the events of that day of Sept 11th over and over. This tells
> me anyway that he is recalling it as he expericenced it, in the sequence he
> gives. The only problem is that he is flubbing his lines, the story he is
> supposed to be putting over on the American People. Yes Mr Bush, there will
> be hell for attacking America.
> Paul
Government Had Prior Knowledge - Pending 9-11 Attack
It's All About Blood Money
P R I O R   K N O W L E D G E !
Afghanistan War Planned Months Before Suicide Air Attacks
Motive is Oil Profits for Multinational War Partners
May be tied to OKC blast and Operation Northwoods.
NEW! CIA meets with Osama bin Laden weeks before 911

Re: ~Firefighter Magazine Raps 9/11 Probe~
You might be interested in some comments from a civil engineer and
structural dynamicist. I got my engineering license 50 years ago. I have a
BS and an MS from CalTech, in civil engineering and structural and
foundation design. I am a charter member of the structural enginering
institute of the ASCE and a life member of the ASCE. I spent 10 years
working on very light weight structures used in space, and on structures
used down to 12,000 feet in the oceans. I've seen a lot of you-know-what hit


OKC Bombing & Middle-Eastern Connection

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything, I will  not refuse to do the something
that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the
grace of God,  I will do." - Edward Everett Hale


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