-Caveat Lector-


Man, the State and Dope
Kent Heiner

Kenneth Waltz, in the political science standby Man, the State and
War, analyzes the causes of war. Waltz divides theories on the
causes of war into three categories, which he calls "images." The
first image of war is that it is caused by the evil nature of
certain men or of mankind. The second image points the finger of
blame at the nature of individual states. The third image concerns
the nature of the international system in which states interact
(Waltz, 1954).

Similar to the three images of war, we may propose three images of
the causes of failure of the "War on Drugs," paralleling Waltz’s
three images: private greed or self-interest, the demands of the
state, and the constraints of the international system.

Image One

The first image, or private greed, is certainly the simplest to
relate to. People deal drugs because there is money to be made from
it. Not surprisingly, this is the prevailing perception of
America’s drug economy. Unfortunately, the public does not
understand the true size and scope of this economy and therefore
cannot guess at how highly organized and institutionalized the drug
trade has become. By borrowing some concepts from the study of
economics, we are better equipped to understand the drug trade’s
potential for corruption.

Political Economy is the study of the interplay between politics
and economics. The Liberal approach (Liberal in a classical sense,
as opposed to the political left) to political economy is to view
the political-economic arena as a free marketplace where all
parties can exchange goods and services and compete for advantage.
Politicians compete for constituency as well as money and power,
and the public competes for access to politicians as well as for
economic advantage; thus, government action is seen as the result
of competition among politicians and among their constituents
(Frieden and Lake, 1991:10). This view is also referred to as
"public choice."

The Public Choice school of economics deals with, among other
things, the influence of special interest groups on public policy.
Many economists are dismayed over the inefficient economic policies
implemented by the legislature: price supports, prohibitive
tariffs, and so on. Such policies benefit special interests at the
expense of the interests of the general public. For an outlay of a
few thousand dollars in lobbying costs, special interests such as
the automobile industry can buy foreign trade legislation which
places high taxes on automobile imports and thus takes millions of
dollars from the taxpayer (in the form of high prices) and puts
that money in the hands of the industry. Public Choice explains
that: 1) individual special interests lobby politicians because it
is in their interest to do so; 2) individual citizens do not lobby
against the special interests - neither do they organize into
groups sufficiently large to combat a particular special interest -
because they cannot compete with lobbying firms and it is therefore
not in their economic interests to do so; and it therefore follows
that 3) lawmakers make these policies because it is in their
economic interest to do so. For instance, as economist Todd
Buchholz has demonstrated, the cost of contacting one’s
representative in Congress to complain about any particular special
interest legislation is greater than the cost borne by any
individual consumer as a result of that legislation (Buchholz,
1989:241-248). Public Choice shows that price supports and other
interferences in free-market activity, however annoying economists
may find them, are the result of clear economic incentives
resulting from the structure of the political system.

At the same time refining and expanding this concept, we will look
specifically the illegal narcotics industry as a special interest
and its influence on the government bureaucracy as a whole rather
than on legislators only. We intend to show that just as surely as
the above-mentioned market forces must necessarily result in bad
legislation, the forces of the black market must necessarily create
large-scale and high-level corruption.

Public Choice, when considering public policy with regard to the
open market, shows that the dominance of special interests over the
public interest is a matter of economics and rational choice; the
same is true of the black market. The syndicates that control
narcotics distribution have an economic imperative to illegally
influence the officials charged with enforcing the law; and this
influence carries a tremendously high dollar value. On the other
hand, the resources devoted by other parties to expose and combat
this illegal relationship are comparatively small, at least in
terms of their effective use.

This could be because the public does not realize the costs they
incur from the failure of public officials to carry out their duty,
or possibly because the public feels that the expected rewards of
the effort to stamp out corruption will not warrant the costs of
that effort. The corruption of government, just like inefficient
economic policy, is the result of economic choices made not only by
criminals and politicians but the public as well. The public
unconsciously demands government corruption by virtue of these
facts: 1) there is a public demand for illegal goods and services;
2) there is also a demand for laws against these goods and
services; and 3) there is not a clear aggregate demand for the
enforcement of these laws.

Conceptually, corruption is not an anomaly in the system of
government; it is merely a special case of the general principles
set forth by Public Choice. The narcotics industry is not only one
of the wealthiest special interests, generating approximately as
much revenue (at an estimated $400 billion annually – ponder on
that for a moment) as crude oil production; it is particularly
vulnerable to government action, as the government holds the sole
means of punishing its activity and has the sole discretion of
doing so. It is therefore no less likely than one of the interests
of the open market to solicit the favors of government. Criminal,
as well as legitimate, interests want to have protection from
competition and will rely partially on the government for it.

When applying the principles of Public Choice to the regulation of
a market, we must focus on those who have the greatest latitude and
power in regulating the goods and services in question. In the case
of black markets, the law completely forbids activity of this kind
rather than constraining it. For this reason, once the law is
established, those who enforce the law have more potential
influence over market activity that those who created the law.
Because the executive branch of government, that which is charged
with enforcing the law, is composed of both elected and non-elected
officials, we will be considering the motivations of both in our
economic model.

This distinction between elected and non-elected government
officials is significant in the context of Public Choice because
the school often explains official behavior in terms of an official
quest to maximize votes, in much the same way that other economic
actors seek to maximize money. This motivation is clearly less
significant with non-elected officials. However, all actors in the
economy seek to maximize an abstract concept called utility, which
is not necessarily equivalent to money. Elected officials find
utility in votes. Consumers at the supermarket find utility in
groceries. Utility is defined by an actor’s interests and

Rather than focusing on the drive to maximize votes, we should more
properly stress the elected official’s drive to maximize a
generalized utility - which may at times have money, the near
universal means of exchange, as its primary focus. One could
demonstrate that money can be parleyed into votes, and vice versa.
A political actor is, after all, an economic actor. Particularly
when examining the politics of regulating the black market, those
political actors who participate improperly in the regulatory
process (by aiding and abetting illegal activity) will have money
as their primary object.

In the essay, "Invitational Edges of Corruption," Peter K. Manning
and Lawrence John Redlinger examine the problems inherent in the
regulation of the narcotics market. They begin with a comparison
and contrast of licit and illicit markets and the manner in which
each is regulated. By way of comparison, they note that both licit
and illicit markets "have sellers within them who seek effective
control over the manner and type of regulations that will be
applied to them." By way of contrast, they note that the intent of
regulation in licit markets is to ensure the quality of products
and services and to ensure their delivery; the intent of regulation
of illicit markets is ostensibly to eliminate the availability of
that market’s goods and services (Manning and Redlinger, 1976).

Manning and Redlinger also make the following distinction between
licit and licit markets: that in the former, regulators of the
market are often chosen from the ranks of the market’s producers
and distributors, but in the latter, this is not the case.
Reconsidering, they add a footnote that this at least has not been
found to be the case in the United States.

This writer contends that sufficient evidence exists to demonstrate
otherwise. This essay will demonstrate that some of the officials
having the greatest responsibility for the prosecution of drug
trafficking are in fact complicit in such activities; high
officials tolerating or cooperating with the black market have
effectively become competitors in it.

Some - perhaps even most - officials may place moral and ethical
considerations at a higher priority than money. But because of the
nature of the black market – namely the astronomical amounts of
illegal revenue and the resulting high demand for corrupt officials
– there will always be some who will provide such illegally
demanded services. There is a ready symbiosis between illegal
activity and political campaigning: candidates need money – lots of
it – and criminal enterprises need political patronage. And, as
will be shown directly, the money from those enterprises can be
contributed through seemingly legitimate channels.

Making further distinction between the black market and the open
market, Manning and Redlinger assert that "Sellers operating in
illicit markets do not possess the same credibility of licit
sellers and, consequently, they do not have the same type of
influence over [the regulation of] their market." This may be true
of street-corner dealers, but as shown in many instances, the major
vices are often, if not predominantly, financed and organized by
citizens of distinction (Chambliss, 1988a, 1971). In fact,
money-laundering laws are most effective against those who have no
legitimate business to hide such money in; thus, they favor the
owners and operators of big businesses, particularly banks. Michael
Ruppert’s experience in New Orleans is a perfect illustration of
the collaboration of government, business, and "organized crime:"
this former police officer saw drugs being brought into the country
in a joint venture by the CIA, the military, the Marcello crime
family, and the defense and oil-industry contractor Brown and Root
(Ruppert, 2000). The biography of Sam Giancana, the famed head of
the Chicago "Outfit," shows that this mob leader also cooperated
very closely with elements of the CIA; Giancana viewed the mafia
and the CIA as two sides of the same coin, both having partnership
with big business (Giancana and Giancana, 1992).

Again as a footnote, Manning and Redlinger recognize the
possibility that their assertion – that vendors in the black market
have diminished influence over market regulation – would not
necessarily be true in the case of those who deal heavily in both
licit and illicit markets. They also note that "Hypothetically . .
. if illicit sellers could effect control over their markets
through higher, more powerful channels [than by bribing beat cops],
they would attempt to do so."

This essay will show that such influence is indeed sought and
obtained at the highest levels of the United States government and
that this influence has a far greater effect on national drug
policy than popular efforts to either decriminalize drug use or to
completely stop the traffic.

Manning and Redlinger, in keeping with their view that narcotics
traffickers have diminished influence at the higher levels of
enforcement, focus on the ways in which police departments may
become compromised by such individuals. The following paragraphs
will focus on the influence of the narcotics industry on those
higher levels and the "respectable" citizens exercising that

The power of discretion of a prosecuting attorney is a power with a
tremendous potential for abuse. From the county prosecutor to the
U.S. Attorney, such attorneys are in, as criminologist William
Chambliss says, "a central position of influence over criminal
activities" because they alone decide whether a criminal allegation
or complaint will become a case. Police and federal agents may
charge individuals with crimes, and private citizens may complain,
but both matters must go through the state’s attorney to ever get
to court. Police are required by law to enforce the law; judges
generally cannot dismiss a case, though they have great latitude in
sentencing; but the prosecutor is almost entirely free from such
legal constraints. The Big White Lie by Michael Levine is but one
example of many accounts told by frustrated DEA agents who caught
high-level dealers red-handed only to see the U.S. Attorney refuse
to convene a grand jury and seek an indictment (Levine, 1993). Why
do such things happen? Chambliss writes, "Prosecuting attorneys do
not achieve that office by being neutral and uninvolved in
politics. On the contrary, a [county] prosecuting attorney must be
nominated by his party, financed by people with money, supported by
newspapers, and helped out in times of crisis by influential
citizens. The prosecutor is in a position where he or she virtually
controls one of the largest industries in the state" (Chambliss,

U.S. Attorneys are not elected; they are political appointees. In
1993, when President Bill Clinton took office, all 93 U.S.
Attorneys were sacked and replaced (Wall Street Journal, 26 March
1993). Why was this unprecedented move taken? To secure the spoils
belonging to control of those offices, including a portion of the
profits of the black market. President Kennedy’s appointment of his
brother Robert as Attorney General should be considered in this
light as well. The Kennedy brothers fought a well-known and all-out
war on the criminal interests allied with their political rivals.

Even the Attorney General, the highest official in the Justice
Department, is not immune to the influence of the narcotics
industry. Three examples will illustrate this point. First, we have
a February 11, 1982 Memorandum of Understanding signed by Attorney
General William French Smith and addressed to CIA Director William
Casey. This MOU excuses the CIA in advance from having to report
drug smuggling activity on the part of any part-time or contract
employees (Central Intelligence Agency, 1998). That this memo
served a sinister purpose cannot be doubted in light of the
trafficking which the CIA overlooked and even actively participated
in during the contra war. Second, IRS investigator Bill Duncan
testified in 1988 to the House Subcommittee on Crime that money in
a bank account belonging to Attorney General Edwin Meese III had
been traced to Barry Seal, an agent of both the CIA and DEA and a
legend among drug traffickers. Money from this same source was
traced to several FBI, Customs, FAA, and DEA officials. Ed Meese is
known to have interfered in the prosecution of CIA-related drug
smuggling cases in this period. Bill Duncan resigned from the IRS
in 1989 under pressure to commit perjury (Reed and Cummings,
1994:286; Brewton, 1992). Thirdly, Terry Reed, a contract employee
of the CIA working with Seal and Oliver North in the mid-1980s, was
a first-hand witness of future Attorney General William P. Barr’s
involvement in a multi-faceted CIA operation including such crimes
as drug smuggling, money-laundering, gun-running, and violations of
the Neutrality Act on behalf of the Contras. This operation was
staged in Bill Clinton’s Arkansas and had the governor’s knowledge
and consent (Reed and Cummings, 1994:268-279).

William Chambliss, as noted above, demonstrates the symbiosis
occurring at the municipal level between government, large
businesses, and criminal enterprise. He rejects as misleading the
perception of organized crime as an institution existing apart from
society at large. Other social scientists have noted the
inseparability of organized crime and legitimate social
institutions. Gary W. Potter, professor of Criminal Justice and
Police Studies at Eastern Kentucky University, rejects what he
calls the "alien conspiracy" perception of organized crime as the
corrupter of legitimate institutions. He asserts that ". .
.organized criminals, legitimate businessmen, and government
officials are all equal players in a marketplace of corruption" and
that any of the three groups are as likely to initiate an exchange
of services. Potter affirms that "organized crime must be viewed as
an integral part of society’s political, economic, and social
structure." Peter Dale Scott, an emeritus professor of English at
U. of C. Berkeley and a former Canadian diplomat, coined the term
"deep politics" to describe this same integration of crime and
public life. Scott’s writings have focused mostly on the national
and international aspects of such crime (e.g. Scott, 1993).

The same symbiosis existing between criminal and legitimate
enterprise at the local level also exists on a larger scale;
municipal syndicates could not thrive under a hostile national
political economy. The group organizing the federally-protected
drug traffic is the national counterpart of the better-known
municipal syndicates. These local syndicates require the
partnership of local banks and business, local officials, and local
news media to be successful. Like these smaller syndicates, the
national syndicates have partnership with national and
international banks, media, businesses, and public officials. At
the federal level, the CIA and Justice Department (which
encompasses the FBI, DEA, and INS) perform the functions which at
the local level are the domain of city and county law enforcement -
to regulate the narcotics trade. That is, they are the means by
which certain distribution networks are protected and others are

The Central Intelligence Agency historically has had little or no
official role in government drug policy. Nevertheless, during the
more than fifty years of its existence, it has been a major factor
in drug enforcement efforts. That is to say that the Justice
Department has the option of deciding whether to prosecute a case
only if the CIA or State Department doesn’t torpedo it first.

One of the CIA’s responsibilities is to report on terrorist and
insurgent groups around the world. These groups rely on illegal
activities, frequently drug trafficking, to fund their campaigns.
The only effective way to report on these secretive groups is to
cooperate with or infiltrate them. The most effective way,
especially if the CIA shares common goals with such groups, is to
sponsor them. Thus the CIA has become the sponsor of many drug
trafficking organizations throughout the latter half of the
twentieth century. These groups have been variously composed of
Nationalist Chinese (1950s Burma), Cuban exiles (early 1960s South
Florida), Hmong tribesmen (Laos, during the Vietnam War), Kurds
(mid-1970s and later), exiled Nicaraguan National Guardsmen (early
1980s), the Mujahedeen (Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1980s) and more
recently the Kosovo Liberation Army (late 1990s).1 With CIA
assistance, these groups have achieved prominence in the narcotics
trade and have naturally come to the attention of the DEA. But the
DEA’s efforts to prosecute such organizations are either officially
halted or quietly undermined in the name of "national security."
Professor Alfred McCoy, now teaching Southeast Asian history at the
University of Wisconsin, was one of the first to note this problem
in his 1972 book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia.

Michael Levine quit the DEA in 1989 after his 18 years of efforts
to put away many of the most powerful dealers in the world had been
repeatedly obstructed by the CIA, the Justice Department, and his
own superiors in the DEA. On his first DEA assignment as an
undercover agent in Thailand, Levine had arranged a meeting with
"then the biggest source of heroin on earth" in Changmai. He was
called into the US embassy and told that he was not going to
Changmai. Furthermore, the case was to be shut down because it
could adversely affect other government priorities. Namely, the
target of the case was a key figure in the government’s regional
anti-Communist strategy. The pattern was repeated for Levine later
on assignment in Bolivia (Levine, 1993).

Agent Celerino Castillo reported that he was instructed by his DEA
superiors to quit pursuing a CIA-connected cocaine smuggling
operation which he uncovered at El Salvador’s Ilopango Air Base
(Castillo and Harmon, 1994). Dennis Dayle, former chief of a
special DEA task force, reported that "In my 30-year history in the
Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major
targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be
working for the CIA" (Scott and Marshall, 1991:x-xi). Panama’s head
of state, General Manuel Noriega, was a DEA target for years but
was protected by patrons in Washington – often the CIA – until he
became too great an embarrassment and was seized by the U.S.
military in the 1989 invasion (Mills, 1986).

The White House has also demonstrated its vulnerability to the
influence of the drug economy, in ways too numerous to fully detail
here. The Kennedy Administration’s effort to clean up the
Teamsters, jail certain mafia leaders, and break up a Gulf States
smuggling ring, thus to eliminate major sources of funding for
political rivals, were among the greatest factors contributing to
the president’s 1963 assassination.2 Lyndon Johnson came to the
presidency as a result of the assassination and did not seek
reelection in 1968 because the Vietnam War, fueled to some degree
by drug profits, was spinning out of control and creating a
domestic crisis. Richard Nixon’s 1971 declaration of the first "War
on Drugs," his diplomatic pressures on Turkey to cease opium
production, and his administration’s cooperation with the American
mafia and the French government to destroy the Corsican mafia all
served merely to weaken the so-called "French Connection" and give
a market foothold for the above-mentioned Gulf States syndicate
which had organized new sources of supply in Southeast Asia
(Krüger, 1980). The burglars who broke into the Watergate Hotel in
1972 were all affiliated with the CIA and its Cuba operations,
which operations were extremely entangled in drug trafficking.
Nixon’s near-impeachment and resignation may have stemmed from an
effort on his part to protect from exposure a GOP- and
CIA-connected money-laundering operation from which the burglars’
money came. The Carter Presidency ended and the Reagan Presidency
began as American hostages were being held in Iran; evidence
continues to amass showing that Bill Casey, the Reagan team’s
campaign manager, who was Reagan’s future CIA director, negotiated
with Iranians to delay the release of the hostages until
inauguration day, thus denying Carter the opportunity for an
"October Surprise" comeback (Sick, 1991; Parry et al.). Casey
played a major role in the trafficking associated with CIA support
of the Nicaraguan resistance. Reagan’s running mate George Bush, a
former CIA director and future president, has had no more than one
degree of separation from CIA drug smuggling operations since the
1960s.3 His sons Jeb and George W. have had ample opportunity to
carry on that tradition as Gulf States governors; now George W.
occupies the White House. Governor Bill Clinton’s toleration of
trafficking and the economic frenzy that it created in his state
was a major factor in his election to the Presidency;4 his
knowledge of Republican complicity in those same activities was the
trump card that he played to prevent his impeachment. 5

>From an academic perspective, CIA protection of drug traffickers
might be seen as an unfortunate side effect of legitimate national
security efforts. A more practical-minded person might see the CIA,
a quintessentially secretive and powerful organization with
operations around the globe, as the perfect cover for making
astronomical amounts of money from international narcotics
trafficking. Both motivations, national security and financial
gain, are a factor in the relationship between the CIA and drug
trafficking organizations. One cannot truly say which is the tail
and which is the dog.

The first image is the pursuit of money for money’s sake, and
Occam’s Razor suggests greed as the best explanation for
officially-protected drug trafficking; but that is not the whole
truth. In some respects, the guilty officials in the
above-mentioned agencies are merely the instruments of policymakers
at a higher level, both in government and the private sector. It is
here that the second image, or the demands of the state, comes into

Image Two

The second image is the one most often espoused by the government
officials who will even acknowledge the problem of government
failure to prosecute certain trafficking organizations. The second
image is that other government priorities take precedence over the
"War on Drugs." There are variations on this theme. According to
this image, American allies abroad sometimes have members
participating in drug smuggling and the U.S. prefers to preserve
this alliance rather than to prosecute. This seems to be the
conclusion of Professor Alfred McCoy in The Politics of Heroin and
is also the impression left by the observations of James Mills in
his book, The Underground Empire, which tells the story of three
investigations conducted by Dennis Dayle’s special DEA task force
(1986). This is also the explanation implied by the State
Department’s instructions to DEA agent Michael Levine in Thailand
(see above). Another variation on this image is that allocating the
time and resources to investigate allegations of trafficking on the
part of our allies is simply not practical in the midst of a covert
operation. Such was the opinion expressed by Charles Cogan, the
CIA’s chief of operations for South Asia during the early 1980s,
looking back on the Afghan war (Hilton, 1996). These two variations
on the first image do not, however, satisfactorily explain active
support of the drug trade by government officials. A third
variation on this image is that the United States government may
make a deliberate decision to fund a campaign vital to the national
security with drug money, as the French did in Indochina until
their 1954 defeat at Dienbienphu. If one does not consider the
depth and breadth of corruption associated with the contra war,
this might have sufficed as an explanation for the Reagan
administration’s support of the contras after the Boland Amendments
cut off congressional aid; but too many private pockets were filled
in the process to think the entire affair justified for reasons of
state. Similar circumstances attended the Ford administration's
arming of the Kurds: in March 1975, the Shah of Iran agreed to cut
off overt U.S. arms supplies to the Kurds in exchange for Saddam
Hussein’s agreement to relinquish control of a waterway which would
allow increased oil exports by Iran. According to Paul Jabber, a
professor of political science at UCLA and a former consultant to
President Jimmy Carter, a decision had been made at the NSC level
to re-arm the Kurds by selling heroin in the United States. This
decision was allegedly reached because the administration could not
expect congressional funding for the operation even as the
disastrous Vietnam conflict was coming to an end (Ruppert, 2000).

Though deliberate decisions may be made to use drug revenue to fund
operations when congressional support is denied, it is not
reasonable that an administration would turn to narcotics
trafficking as a means of revenue for the sole reason that the use
of federal money for that purpose has been outlawed. Compliance
with the law could not possibly be the motivation for such crimes;
furthermore, if an administration were determined that it would
pursue a cause despite congressional disapproval, it would
certainly be a more defensible course of action to illegally use
the revenue hidden in the national security community’s enormous
"black budget" than to turn to drug trafficking.

Image Three

The third image, seldom expressed at all, is related to Waltz’s
third image of war and the Realist perspective on international
relations and international political economy. That is, that the
international system is anarchical in nature and all states must
provide for their security with this in mind.

Because the international system is based upon anarchy, the use of
force or coercion by other nation-states is always a possibility
and no other country or higher authority is obligated to come to
the aid of a nation-state under attack. Nation-states are thus
ultimately dependent on their own resources for protection. For
Realists, then, each nation-state must always be prepared to defend
itself to the best of its ability. It must always seek to maximize
its power; the failure to do so threatens the very existence of the
nation-state and may make it vulnerable to others (Frieden and
Lake, 1991:10).

In other words, there is no world judicial system which will
redress international wrongs, so states must provide security for
themselves. Where tensions exist between states, sometimes that
means doing unto others before they can do unto you, as was the
case in Israel’s 1967 preemptive attack on its Arab neighbors.
Striking first is not to take the high moral ground, but many
statesmen view the world as being amoral in nature. Machiavelli
also pointed out the amorality of interstate relations, and wrote
that being right is no substitute for being in power.

The relevance of this to the narcotics trade is that the United
States, like all other states, seeks security through the
accumulation of wealth. It takes money to maintain armies and to
produce superior weapons. In a world system in which money
laundering and the smuggling of arms and drugs are the top three
businesses, a state which refuses to participate in such illegal
activities may fear that it is putting itself at a serious
disadvantage. Furthermore, a state recognizing that the illegal
trade in drugs will always be present may decide that if that is
the case, they might as well be the ones reaping the profits. This
is the third image of government toleration of drug trafficking and
is the one put forth in William Chambliss’ 1988 presidential
address to the American Society of Criminology, "State-Organized
Crime" (1988b). Official participation in smuggling can be viewed
as a form of modern mercantilism, the sixteenth-century doctrine
which "asserted that power and wealth were closely interrelated and
legitimate goals of national policy" (Frieden and Lake, 1991:69).
In the nineteenth century, Britain used its opium monopoly to
correct its balance-of-payments problems with China, despite the
fact that the drug was illegal. When the Chinese restricted all
trade – legal and illegal – in protest, the royal navy was
dispatched to "reopen the market" (Beeching, 1975).

Of course, complicity in smuggling on the grounds of national
security is completely indefensible as a policy. Such activity is
not only criminal; it is inherently destructive and corrupting. It
undermines the very legitimacy of the state. Even if viewed as a
sound idea, it would in practice be impossible to carry out such a
policy in a sensible fashion. The government would be forced in
many cases to prosecute the agents of its policy if their
activities were exposed; if the laws against smuggling were
repealed and such activities were done openly, the profits for the
activity would evaporate. Lives are destroyed every day as a result
of such policies.

Which of these three images is most accurate? That is a highly
subjective question, for it can only be addressed by polling the
participants for their individual motives, and they are unlikely to
answer honestly if they can even be identified. The fact is that
all three images are applicable, and that is one reason that the
phenomenon has been the subject of such controversy.


Beeching, Jack. 1975. The Chinese Opium Wars. New York: Harcourt
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Brewton, Pete. 1992. The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush. New York:
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Caro, Robert. 1982. The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path To Power.
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Castillo, Celerino and Dave Harmon. 1994. Powderburns. Oakville,
Ontario: Mosaic Press.

Central Intelligence Agency. 1998. Report of the Inspector General:
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Trafficking to the United States. Volume II, Exhibit 2.
http://www.cia.gov/ cia/publications/cocaine/13.gif.

Chambliss, William J. 1988a. On The Take. (second edition)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Chambliss, William J. 1988b. "State-Organized Crime." Criminology,
27:183-208 (1989)

Chambliss, William J. 1971. "Vice, Corruption, Bureacracy and
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Garrison Case. pp. 25-26. New York: Sheridan Square Press.

Frieden, Jeffrey A. and David A Lake. 1991. International Political
Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, second ed. New
York: St. Martin’s Press.

Giancana, Chuck and Sam Giancana. 1992. Double Cross. New York:
Warner Books.

Hilton, Chris (writer and producer). "Dealing With The Demon."
1996. Australian Film Finance Corporation.

Krüger, Henrik. 1980. The Great Heroin Coup. Boston: South End

Levine, Michael. 1993. The Big White Lie. New York: Thunder’s

Manning, Peter K. and Lawrence John Redlinger. 1976. "Invitational
Edges of Corruption." In Paul Rock, ed. Politics and Drugs. New
York: Dutton/Society Books, 1976.

McCoy, Alfred. 1972. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. New
York: Harper Colophon Books.

McCoy, Alfred W. 1991. The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in
the Global Drug Trade. Brooklyn: Lawrence Hill Books.

Mills, James. 1986. The Underground Empire. Garden City, NY:

Morrow, Robert. 1992. First Hand Knowledge: How I Participated in
the CIA-Mafia Murder of John F. Kennedy. New York: S.P.I. Books.

Potter, Gary W. "Corporate and State Corruption: Organized Crime as
a Case Study of Criminogenic Policy." From syllabus for CRJ 875,
Crime and Public Policy, Eastern Kentucky University.
http://www.policestudies.eku.edu/ POTTER/Module8.htm

Reed, Terry and John Cummings. 1994. Compromised, p. 286. New York:
S.P.I. Books.

Ruppert, Michael. 2000. "The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire." http://
www.copvcia.com/bush-cheney-drugs.htm .

Scott, Peter Dale. 1972. The War Conspiracy: The Secret Road to the
Second Indochina War. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

Scott, Peter Dale. 1993. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK.
Berkeley: University of California Press.

Scott, Peter Dale and Jonathan Marshall. 1991. Cocaine Politics:
Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America. Berkeley: University
of California Press.

Sick, Gary. 1991. October Surprise: America’s Hostages in Iran and
the Election of Ronald Reagan. New York: Times Books.

Smucker, Philip G. with Mike Tharp, Warren P. Strobel, Franklin
Foer. "Why America may, or may not, arm the rebels." US News and
World Report, April 26, 1999.

Twyman, Noel. 1997. Bloody Treason. Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Laurel

Wall Street Journal, March 26 1993.

Waltz, Kenneth N. Man, the State and War. 1954. New York: Columbia
University Press.

Webb, Gary. Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack
Cocaine Explosion. New York: Seven Stories Press.

Wise, David and Thomas Ross. 1964. The Invisible Government. New
York: Random House.


On nationalist Chinese in Burma: see Scott, 1972; Wise and Ross,
1964. Especially after the early 1960s heyday of the CIA’s war on
Cuba, anti-Castro Cuban exiles played a prominent role in Latin
American-US drug traffic: see Krüger, 1980; Scott and Marshall,
1991. On Hmong tribesmen: McCoy, 1972. On Nicaraguan exiles: Scott
and Marshall, 1991; Webb, 1998. On the Afghan War: McCoy, 1991;
Hilton, 1996. On the Kosovo Liberation Army: Smucker, 1999;
Chussodovsky, 1999.
See "Rogue Elephant" by this author.
http://members.home.net/memresearch/econ/rogue.htm . The Kennedy
Justice Department’s targeting of the Teamsters Union is
well-known. The Teamsters were at the time aligned with the
Republican party (See Chambliss, William J. 1988. On The Take.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press). Teamsters President Jimmy
Hoffa dreamed of assassinating Robert Kennedy to relieve the
pressure (Twyman, Noel. 1997. Bloody Treason. Rancho Santa Fe, CA:
Laurel Publishing. Records of the FBI and the House Select
Committee on Assassinations record that Hoffa discussed an
assassination plan remarkably similar to the one eventually
perpetrated in Dallas). New Orleans crime boss Carlos Marcello was
also aligned with Republican interests, particularly anti-Communist
organizations, and was summarily deported by Robert Kennedy to
Guatemala. Having been unceremoniously dumped in the Central
American wilderness by immigration officials, Marcello was
infuriated and swore revenge. However, he spoke aloud his belief
that the only way to stop Bobby Kennedy was to get rid of Jack.
(House Select Committee on Assassinations, Vol. IX, pp. 82-83).
Hoffa and Florida mafia boss Santos Trafficante cooperated in
smuggling drugs into the United States, with Teamsters Local 320
being one of the fronts for the activity, according to the findings
of the McClellan Committee, a Senate committee of which the Kennedy
brothers had been a part in the late 1950s. Hoffa and Trafficante
could count among their associates in this business one Jack Ruby,
who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald – the President’s alleged assassin –
as America witnessed the deed on television (Scott, Peter Dale.
1993. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. Berkeley: University of
California Press; Morrow, Robert. 1992. First Hand Knowledge: How I
Participated in the CIA-Mafia Murder of John F. Kennedy. New York:
Shapolsky Publishers; Giancana, Chuck and Sam Giancana. 1992.
Double Cross. New York: Warner Books). Ruby was then in the employ
of Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana; he answered to David Yaras, who
had assisted Hoffa in the organizing of Teamsters Local 320 in
Florida (Krüger, Henrik. 1980. The Great Heroin Coup. p. 143.
Boston: South End Press). The official investigation of the
President’s murder made casual note that Ruby had called Yaras in
Florida on the night before the assassination (Scott, Peter Dale.
1993 op. cit., p. 163) Rose Cheramie, a heroin addict who had been
thrown from a moving vehicle by two of Ruby’s drug couriers on a
trip from Florida to Texas in November 1963, told hospital staff in
Louisiana about the President’s impending assassination in Dallas
(DiEugenio, James. 1992. Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the
Garrison Case. pp. 25-26. New York: Sheridan Square Press). Sam
Giancana confided in his brother that his Gulf States smuggling
ring, which included the Louisiana and Florida bosses, also had
wealthy Texas oilmen as partners and even used offshore oil rigs to
bypass US Customs inspection. Giancana alleged that the CIA took
ten percent of the proceeds in return for ignoring the traffic (see
Giancana, Chuck and Sam Giancana. op. cit.). That the CIA was aware
of Ruby’s smuggling activities is confirmed by former anti-Castro
operative Robert Morrow, who worked under the CIA’s Tracy Barnes.
Barnes told Morrow that one of Ruby’s smuggling partners was also
one of the Agency’s assassins and that Ruby was taking advantage of
that fact, counting on the CIA to remain silent on the smuggling
for fear of exposing the assassination program. (Morrow, Robert.
1992. op. cit., p. 165). Giancana also alleged that his fellow
crime bosses, Texas oilmen and elements in the CIA had all worked
together to assassinate the President (see Giancana, op. cit.).
Considering the politics of the time, these wealthy oilmen are more
likely to have been Republican allies and contributors than
Democrat, although the Texas firm Brown and Root (a large
contractor involved in both narcotics trafficking and offshore
drilling) was the number one benefactor and beneficiary of Democrat
Lyndon Johnson, JFK’s successor (Caro, Robert. 1982. The Years of
Lyndon Johnson: The Path To Power. New York: Knopf). It has been
thoroughly and publicly documented that the CIA contracted with
organized crime to assassinate foreign heads of state. Not
coincidentally, those foreign heads of state were often in
countries key to the CIA-Mafia drug traffic. Prime targets were
Cuba’s Fidel Castro and the Dominican Republic’s Rafael Trujillo,
killed in 1961. Henrik Krüger writes: "The Dominican Republic, a
focal point in the [Cuban] invasion scheme [of 1960-61], also
became a transit point for Trafficante’s narcotics traffic.
Furthermore, the CIA, according to agents of the BNDD, helped
organize the drug route by providing IDs and speed boats to former
Batista officers in the Domican Republic in charge of narcotics
shipments to Florida" (The Great Heroin Coup, p. 145). Given the
CIA-Mafia partnership’s tendency toward assassinating heads of
state who interfered in their narcotics smuggling, can it be any
surprise that they did the same to Kennedy when his Justice
Department threatened to put them behind bars?
Mike Ruppert saw drugs being smuggled into the U.S. by the CIA, the
military, Brown and Root, and the Marcello crime family in 1977,
during which time George Bush was CIA director. One aspect of the
operation used offshore oil rigs owned by the Zapata Offshore
Company to bypass U.S. Customs. George Bush became president of
Zapata in 1954 (compare Giancana and Giancana, 1992, cited above).
Reed and Cummings, 1994; Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, said
"There was a hundred million a month in cocaine coming in and out
of Mena, Arkansas." Nichols said that ADFA laundered the money (see
the infamous documentary "The Clinton Chronicles." Regarding Mena,
the documentary is one-sided but essentially correct). Arkansas
State Trooper claims that when he asked Governor Clinton about the
CIA drug flights into Mena, Clinton replied "That’s [Dan] Lasater’s
Volume II of the CIA Inspector General’s Report on the CIA and
cocaine trafficking contained damning revelations regarding
Republican appointees. This report was released to the public on
October 8, 1998, one hour after Henry Hyde’s committee voted to
begin an impeachment inquiry. The report contained, among other
things, the above-mentioned Smith-Casey memo, rumored to have been
drafted by none other than former Smith underling Kenneth Starr,
the independent counsel whose investigation produced evidence of
the impeachable offenses. That possible publicity regarding Volume
II weighed heavily on the Senate’s mind during the impeachment vote
is evidenced by four visits from the senate to Mike Ruppert’s web
site on September 11, the day before the final vote. See
http://www.copvcia.com/alert_Jan.1.htm .

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