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Monday, January 7, 2002

Fighting the Eurofascists

By Vox Day

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Twice in the previous century, misguided European political
experiments have resulted in American soldiers shipping out and
fighting Over There. On Jan. 1, 2002, the euro made its debut, the
latest in a long chain of events which will, sometime in the next two
or three decades, result in the citizen- soldiers of the New World
being forced to administer yet another bloody lesson on the
battlefield to the Old World's freedom-hating elitists.

While the attention of most Americans has been understandably focused
on the continuing war on terror, the significance of the successful
implementation of the 12-nation euro should not be ignored. This new
currency is the latest and most important step in accomplishing what
Hitler and his National Socialists failed to do, namely, establishing
a single centralized and anti-democratic European state.

Unity, union – these words strike a harmonious chord in the ears of those of us who 
are so fortunate as to be born in these United States. But not all unions are the 
same, nor should the consummation of all unions be desi
red. To unite can also mean, "to bind together, to fasten together as one." Thus was 
derived the ancient symbol of Roman authority, the fasces (an axe, surrounded by a 
bundle of sticks), from which the epithet fascist evo

Fascist is an apt word to describe the true nature of the European Union, for like 
their Italian and German forebears, the state socialists, the fascists of the European 
Union are gaining power through an illusion of demo
cratic approval. While not one European country contains a popular majority supporting 
the full integration and complete abandonment of national sovereignty sought by the 
Eurofascist elite, the long march towards the sing
le central state continues. Indeed, in most referendums wherein the people of Europe 
have been given a voice, the euro and the EU have been defeated.

Do not be misled by the naïve cheerleading from businessmen intrigued by the prospects 
of stable 4- percent growth in unionwide GNP. Fascists have always appealed to 
business leaders, as I pointed out in a previous column
 about Larry Ellison, Oracle, and the national ID card. The European Union has little 
to do with business and everything to do with the concentration of power. Indeed, the 
promise of free trade has been its stalking horse
 from the very beginning, taking in even the best and wisest of Europe's 
conservatives. In the memoirs of her Downing Street years, Margaret Thatcher writes:

"The wisdom of hindsight, so useful to historians and indeed to authors of memoirs, is 
sadly denied to practicing politicians. Looking back, it is now possible to see the 
period of my second term as prime minister as that
 in which the European Community subtly but surely shifted its direction away from 
being a community of open trade, light regulation and freely co-operating sovereign 
nation-states towards statism and centralism."

There is simply no question about the anti-democratic nature of the new regime. The 
European Union is like the Hotel California, a place from which you can check out, but 
never leave. As with Germany in 1933, one final vo
te takes place and then the wolf is within the door, and it is no longer considered 
necessary to revisit the issue ever again.

"The euro is forever," said Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, giving 
fair warning to the Danish public on the eve of their vote on monetary union. The 
Danes, surprisingly, braved the disapproval of their
 Eurofascist leaders and voted no.

When Austria voted the anti-EU Freedom Party into power, the foreign ministers for the 
other EU countries immediately imposed diplomatic sanctions on Austria for daring to 
voice an opinion contrary to the will of the Unio
n. And when Irish voters declined to ratify the Treaty of Nice, EU leaders ominously 
demanded another, and illegal, vote on it within months. But as an English Member of 
Parliament writes:

"In practice, EU leaders have rarely allowed the letter of the law to stand in the way 
of deeper integration. After Denmark's 'no' to Maastricht in June 1992, the Danes were 
told to think again. A second referendum was he
ld in which they were told that they had been given concessions although these were 
described in the rest of the EU as 'explanations' of the previous text."

Every step along the way to the single central state has been marked with similar 
dishonesty and lies. Lady Thatcher adds:

"We had to learn the hard way that by agreement to what were apparently empty 
generalizations or vague aspirations we were later held to have committed ourselves to 
political structures which were contrary to our interest

We Americans have a strange reluctance to believe what is right in front of our eyes. 
It took eight years and thousands of lives being lost before we could bring ourselves 
to respond to the threat posed by radical Islamic
ists opposed to our government and our way of life. Perhaps it is because the mundane 
dishonesty of our political system encourages us to ignore all statements of purpose 
as meaningless, or maybe it is a fundamental sense
 of decency which prevents us from comprehending the reality of naked evil when it 
presents its face. Remember that Stalin, Mao, and even Lenin have all had their 
apologists here in our country, not in benighted backwater
s, but in important places, in academia and the New York Times.

Americans want to believe well of even the worst of men, and we strive to do so until 
it becomes impossible to continue denying what is undeniably true.

And so it is still possible, at this time, for some to deny the fascism that beats at 
the heart of Brussels. It is possible to look past the violations of national 
sovereignty, the shattered promises, the raw hypocrisy an
d the outright lies. But deny it or not, the beast is nevertheless there. Sooner or 
later, it will be exposed so that none will be able to dispute the truth. The European 
Union has no legions, but an empire of stealth and
 wealth is an empire all the same, and its grip is no less iron for all that it does 
not wield a sword – yet.

European union is not inevitable. That lie is no more true today than it was in 
Hitler's time, or Napoleon's. But now, as then, the lie must be resisted or it will 
begin to become reality, and the world will once more rue
 that which was never supposed to happen again. My hope is that we'll fight the 
Eurofascists sooner rather than later, but either way, you know we're going to win.

Britons, Spaniards, Italians, Germans – we've already beaten everyone but the French, 
and if we can't beat the French, well, we might as well go ahead and surrender to Omar 
and Osama right now.

Question of the week: [Referring to the mainstream media] Why waste your time with 

Thus spake Vox: I don't think that anyone should waste their time with the mainstream 
media, indeed, I encourage every reader of this column to cancel their subscription to 
papers like the Washington Post, the New York Ti
mes and USA Today. I encourage everyone to turn off the ABCNNBCBS news, and Fox News 
too if they're going to continue collecting CNN's excremental leavings such as Geraldo 
Rivera and Greta van Susteren instead of giving u
s more voices like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

However, we cannot successfully oppose the enemy unless we know them, and so as long 
as the mainstream media can make a rightful claim at being America's "opinion 
leaders," I will continue to track the propaganda they att
empt to pass off as truth and expose it for what it is. After all,
you can't hit a target at which you're not looking. That being said,
I look forward to the day when we can all safely ignore them with

Vox Day is a freelance writer.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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