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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

Send a Letter to Congress Calling for the Censure of the Felonious Five!

Florida Voters: This Time We'll Be Organized BEFORE the Election

To Take Back our Democracy, We Must Take Back the Media

The Public Cause Network Reports on 'A Systematic Deception of the American Voter'

Once Again, Bu$h Lies About HIS Deficits

'My Way, the High Way' by Senator Jim Jeffords

Bush Photo Op Advance Team Injures 4 Firefighters in Brookline, MA

Republicans Owe Clinton A Big-Time Apology for 'Wag-the-Dog' Accusations in 1998

Fascinating Interview with Greg Palast, One of the Few Remaining Investigative 

The Enron Quid Pro Quo's Keep Stacking Up

More on the Report of the 3,767 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan

25 Things We've Learned Since 9/11

Helen Thomas: 'It's Time to Speak Up'

John Ashcroft, Draft Dodger

Pat Robertson Launches Campaign for a Law Enabling Churches to Endorse Political 

Flying under the Radar: Bush's Stealth Moves on the Faith-based Front

Far-Right Recruiting Drive

__Anti-Bush Protests

On January 8, protest Bush in Boston at the Boston Latin School at 3:30 p.m. On 
January 9, protest George & Jeb together in Washington DC.

__Send a Letter to Congress Calling for the Censure of the Felonious Five!

"A Draft Resolution of Congressional Censure Against United States Supreme Court 
Justices Kennedy, O'Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas for Their Betrayal of the 
American People and the United States Constitution Displayed in the Decisions of Bush 
v. Gore...Add your own personal thoughts about the Bush v. Gore outrage to the 
following letter, print it out, sign, and send to your members of Congress. It's that 
easy." Send the letter drafted by Eric C. Jacobson and David Harnden-Warwick at 
Censure the Five. Also, you can read Mr. Jacobsen's recent article that was published 
in the Los Angeles Daily News by clicking on the 'Media' link on the lower left hand 
side of the page.

__Florida Voters: This Time We'll Be Organized BEFORE the Election

A distinguished panel of leaders -- including Rev. Jesse Jackson, Congressman Alcee 
Hastings, Civil Rights Commission Chair Mary Francis Berry, and others -- headline a 
community meeting in Ft. Lauderdale on Wednesday January 9th.  The event will build 
support for pre-emptive actions to ensure that the discriminatory actions used in 2000 
to disenfranchise Florida voters will not be able to be used in 2002.  If you are in 
south Florida bring 5 people with you and go!

__To Take Back our Democracy, We Must Take Back the Media

"Against the daily combination of those corporate tendencies--conflict of interest, 
endless cutbacks, endless trivial pursuits, class bias, deference to the king and all 
his men--the public interest doesn't stand a chance. Despite the stubborn fiction of 
their 'liberal' prejudice, the corporate media have helped deliver a stupendous 
one-two punch to this democracy... Last year, they helped subvert the presidential 
race, first by prematurely calling it for Bush, regardless of the vote--a move begun 
by Fox, then seconded by NBC, at the personal insistence of Jack Welch, CEO of General 
Electric. Since the coup, the corporate media have hidden or misrepresented the true 
story of the theft of that election." So writes Mark Crispin Miller in The Nation.

__The Public Cause Network Reports on 'A Systematic Deception of the American Voter'

Writes Wm Wilgus: "The REAL story of the Election 2000 Presidential Race is about the 
media deceiving large numbers of voters, how the media was manipulated into deceiving 
those voters, why the media was manipulated into the deception, who did the 
manipulating, where the money that enabled the manipulation came from, and who the 
manipulator's accessories were. The deception was about one candidate being a liar, 
unscrupulous [oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable], and the 
flunky of another person...The candidate on whose behalf all of this was done is 
George W. Bush and the persons who did it were the 'back room boys' in his campaign 
organization. Every campaign has them, of course, and they're referred to as the 
'Oppo', short for the 'opposition research department'. Dubya's Oppo (headed by 
Barbara Comstock and her deputy, Tim Griffin) was very well financed."

__Once Again, Bu$h Lies About HIS Deficits

Bu$h "mocked Democrats on Saturday for allegedly arguing that Mr. Bush's expensive, 
long-term tax cuts caused the recession. But that isn't the argument. The real 
allegation, which Mr. Bush did not parry because he cannot, is that the tax cuts have 
pushed the federal budget from surplus back into deficit, thereby squeezing the 
government's ability to beef up military spending and homeland defense while taking 
care of the nation's other needs -- notably, the long-term shortfalls in Social 
Security and Medicare and the immediate gaps in health insurance for more than 40 
million Americans. Many of the Bush tax cuts have yet to take effect and could be 
postponed or canceled, yet Mr. Bush, in an interesting twist of language, now insists 
that any such postponement would amount to a tax increase... [Bu$h] assured the nation 
that it could afford the tax cuts... 'Not over my dead body' is memorable and 
dramatic. It won't change the math."

__'My Way, the High Way' by Senator Jim Jeffords

"As we began 2001, I was hopeful. With a 50-50 U.S. Senate, I expected that moderates 
would be a strong force and that bipartisanship would prevail. At first, this seemed 
true. Moderate senators from both parties worked together to make significant changes 
to the president's budget when it was considered in early April. We were able to 
reduce the size of the tax cut from $1.6 trillion to $1.25 trillion and to add $450 
billion for education. But when we sent that bill to the House-Senate conference 
committee, all our work, including the $450 billion for education, was stripped out of 
the final compromise. There were no moderates on the conference committee; it was 
totally controlled by the Republican leadership and the White House. More than simply 
disappointing, the events were a clear signal to me that the Republican leadership had 
no intention of working with the moderate wing of the party. Something radical needed 
to happen."

__Bush Photo Op Advance Team Injures 4 Firefighters in Brookline, MA

Remember the media furors over Bill Clinton's haircut at LAX airport, and the 
helicopter trips to play golf? Now just IMAGINE the furor if an advance team for a 
Clinton photo op had had an accident that sent 4 firefighters to the hospital! That's 
EXACTLY what happened in Brookline Massachusetts on Sunday, but did you hear one word 
about it? Of course not! It's one more Republican media scrub!

__Republicans Owe Clinton A Big-Time Apology for 'Wag-the-Dog' Accusations in 1998

On August 20, 1998, our last democratically elected President, Bill Clinton, ordered a 
cruise missile attack on Afghanistan in an attempt to hit Osama Bin Laden. (Clinton 
missed by a few hours, the time it took for the missiles to reach Afghanistan from the 
Indian Ocean.) Two prominent Republican Senators - Arlen Specter (PA) and Dan Coats 
(IN) immediately suggested that Clinton was "wagging the dog" to distract the nation's 
attention from Monicagate. These accusations were immediately trumpeted by right-wing 
commentators on on radio and TV. Obviously these traitors were so obsessed with 
President Clinton's private life that they were paying NO attention to Bin Laden's 
terrorist attacks on US targets in the middle east and Africa. We demand an apology!

__Fascinating Interview with Greg Palast, One of the Few Remaining Investigative 

"But I got particulars of a meeting in which Saudi billionaires up who would be 
responsible to paying what to Osama. And apparently around the time of the meeting is 
when Osama blew up the Kohbar Towers in Saudi Arabia killing 19 American servicemen. 
It was seen by the group as not so much a political or emotional point, but as a 
reminder 'to make your darn payment.' Osama is often compared to Hitler but he should 
be seen as John Gotti times one hundred. He is running a massive international 
protection racket: Pay me or I will blow you up. The fact these payments are made is 
one of the things the Bush administration is trying very hard to cover-up. Now whether 
these payments were paid because they want to or it is coercion the Bush 
administration does not want to make a point of it." Palast also discusses the Bushes' 
CIA-based ties to the bin Laden family, Carlyle, the Bush-Barrick Gold Mine scam, the 
corruption of the Media and the stolen election.

__The Enron Quid Pro Quo's Keep Stacking Up

>From Texans for Public Justice: "In the Bush White House, Enron Chair Ken Lay 
>reportedly is the only executive who got a private audience to discuss the 
>administration's energy policy with Vice President Dick Cheney. Federal Energy 
>Regulatory Commission Chair Curt Hebert also resigned shortly after he said that Lay 
>told him that he would lose Enron's support in the White House if he kept opposing 
>open access to privately owned power lines. Bush promptly replaced Hebert with Texas 
>Public Utility Commissioner Pat Wood, who had Enron's blessing. Governor Rick Perry, 
>who received the next largest chunk of Enron money, appointed former Enron de Mexico 
>President Mario Max Yzaguirre as Public Utility Commission chair in June 2001." The 
>Houston Chronicle reported on Dec. 19 that Perry defended his choice of Yzaguirre 
>against charges that he was ineligible. He also denied that the appointment was a 
>quid pro quo for a $25,000 political contribution made by Ken Lay the next day. 

__More on the Report of the 3,767 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan

"A new report released by Professor Marc W. Herold of University of New Hampshire 
found that the Bush administration has overseen the killing of at least 3,767 
civilians in Afghanistan between the dates of October 7, 2001 and December 6, 2001; an 
average of 62 civilians killed per day...The failure of the Pentagon to admit to their 
actions, along with the frequent statements by mainstream U.S. news sources that 
civilian death reports could not 'be independently verified,' inspired Mr.  Herold to 
come up with an in-depth report on the number of civilians in Afghanistan using 
references from news reporters who visited the aftermath of U.S. bombing incidents, 
eyewitness and survivor accounts, distinguished non-governmental organizations, and 
news articles published in mainstream reputable national newspapers. Mr. Herold found 
that the Pentagon frequently shrouded the truth and even directly lied to the American 
people." So writes Christopher Reilly for Yellow Times.

__25 Things We've Learned Since 9/11

As we look back on the first year in the new millenium , it might help us to sort out 
what happened in the past four months -- and thus how to respond -- by compiling a 
summary list of What We Know.

__Helen Thomas: 'It's Time to Speak Up'

"If there ever was a time when Americans should speak up on behalf of people in this 
country whose rights are being abridged, that time is now. I remember with tremendous 
sadness the statement of Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran minister in Berlin, after World 
War II as a warning of what can happen when people do not come to the defense of 
others whose civil liberties have been taken away. Niemoller said, 'In Germany they 
came first for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then 
they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came 
for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then 
they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then 
they came for me-- and by that time, no was left to speak up.'"

__John Ashcroft, Draft Dodger

>From the New Republic: "Ashcroft, you see, is the last person who should be accusing 
>others of undermining a war effort, given his own sorry performance during the 
>Vietnam War. While attending Yale and then the University of Chicago Law School in 
>the 1960s, Ashcroft repeatedly sought and received student deferments from his local 
>draft board in Springfield, Missouri. In this, Ashcroft was hardly unique. But, as 
>The Boston Globe reported last January, when Ashcroft graduated from law school in 
>1967 he took the far less common step of seeking an occupational deferment granted to 
>those who hold critical civilian jobs. (Out of 35 million men registered with the 
>Selective Service in 1967, only 264,000 received occupational deferments.) The 
>'critical' job in question? Teaching business law to undergrads at Southwest Missouri 
>State University--an assignment he lined up with the help of a family friend." 

__Pat Robertson Launches Campaign for a Law Enabling Churches to Endorse Political 

Pat Robertson left his post with the Christian Coalition only a month ago, promising 
to devote himself to spiritual leadership.  Instead, he used his Christian 
Broadcasting Network today to mobilize conservatives to support legislation recently 
introduced that would further tear down the wall the Founders set up between church 
and state, which ranks as one of the great achievements of the American revolution.  
Robertson and the bill's more than 100 co-sponsors -- almost all Republicans -- are 
helping the Bush White House prepare itself for this Fall's congressional races, since 
Bush & Company think that legislation designed to stir up the far-right is their 
ticket to victory.

__Flying under the Radar: Bush's Stealth Moves on the Faith-based Front

"In a little-noticed move, the White House recently agreed to drop the most 
controversial feature of Bush's faith-based legislation, the so-called charitable 
choice proposal that would channel federal money to religious organizations. That left 
the bill in Congress consisting chiefly of popular tax incentives for charitable 
giving. But...the administration quietly took steps to implement it by means of 
federal regulation. The strategy was hinted at in the fine print of the 
administration's August report on faith-based charities, which blamed 'not Congress' 
but 'overly restrictive Agency rules' that 'improperly limit the participation of 
faith-based organizations.' Now, according to OMB Watch, a watchdog group that 
monitors those mind-numbing little entries in the Federal Register, a new $10 million 
Justice Department program to combat juvenile delinquency would be allowed to give 
grants directly to houses of worship." Jefferson's wall falls brick by brick.

__Far-Right Recruiting Drive

Writes Yigal Schleifer: "Experts and movement members alike agree that many of 
America's tiny but energetic far-right groups are seizing on the terror attacks to 
boost recruitment and help spread their messages of hate. 'Their information campaign 
is being stepped up, not only stepped up but altered to use the Sept. 11 attacks as a 
lever to change people's opinion in order to get them to come aboard,' says Mark 
Pitcavage, national director of fact-finding for the Anti-Defamation League, a New 
York-based organization which monitors the activity of hate groups. In the days after 
the attacks in New York and Washington, hate groups attempted to take advantage of 
anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiment. Members of the World Church of the Creator, an 
Illinois-based white supremacist group, sought new recruits at a demonstration in the 
Chicago suburb of Bridgeview at which police prevented a crowd of several hundred from 
attacking a local mosque."

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