-Caveat Lector-



 Expansion of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem's
Political Influence on International Affairs
At the recent Grand Council meeting held in Chicago, an informal group of
members, composed of Sir Brock Dickinson, KTJ and CDR Sir William Cox, GOTJ
and Chev. Edmund Allen Voyer, GCTJ, GMTJ issued a proposal that was
subsequently passed by the Grand Council, that the Order, led by the GPUSA
and the Priory of St. Michael & St. George with the Priory of St. Charles the
Martyr, develop advisory groups within the Order that could provide services
to the United Nations and international governments. These activities would
be tailored toward the Order eventually receiving observer status at the
United Nations.

Round Table of Advisors. The first step for the Order would be to establish a
security policy round table consisting of retired diplomats and flag officers
from the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom,Europe, former
eastern block countries (Poland, Hungary, Russia, Moldova, etc.), Asia, the
Middle East, Latin America and Africa. The members of this round table would
be either Knights, Dames or Companions of the Order.

The purpose of this round table would be to offer advise toward regional
conflict resolution with a relatively unbiased view point providing input
from enough world views to present practical solutions.

In order to begin this process we must recruit and collect resumes of current
members of the Order suitable for the project and target foreign diplomats
and flag officers for prospective membership in the Order.

We must then prepare a marketing prospectus with a background on the Order
and its capabilities regarding: 1) Military policy studies. 2) Geo-military
analyses / situation studies. 3) Strategic thought and strategy development.
4) Advisory services (rent an expert). 5) Trusted third party review. 6)
Brief resume section with biographical data of the round table members. The
organization of this advisory program would be in three parts; 1) The Round
Table of our think tank members (perhaps called "Council of Advisors"). 2)
Administrative Directorate, tasked with editing, publishing, organization of
studies, time management (providing a role for additional members of the
Order). 3) Liaison Directorate, required to organize, coordinate, and run
meetings and to raise funds for these activities (another role for non round
table members).

The Round Table members would become "active" members of the Templar's
military team, they would solicit think tank type work for the round table.
The tasking would then be divided up among authors (round table members) who
would each be charged with answering or addressing a specific question or
problem. The same issue may be given to all round table members.

The Administrative Directorate would track authors and ensure that responses
are received in a timely fashion. Everything would be edited and synthesized
into a final report returned to authors for their review and final comment.
The entire activity would be virtual, and can be conducted via email. Actual
conferences can be attended by our members eventually, we may also be tasked
by the UN to host conferences and round tables as we become proven and
trusted advisors. In the future, we could receive non-profit contracts that
may even involve our members traveling to peacekeeping or similar sites
around the world to do assessments, success and effectiveness surveys, or
even to conduct flag and senior level officer training programs and seminars.

We can help put the prospectus together. Once we begin to develop the
prospectus, we must recruit senior members of the military and political
establishments from around the world. Fees must be waived for the prospective
members of the Round Table and we must be willing to use the Order of Merit
as an additional recruiting tool.

We should create a restricted access website that serves as the working forum
for round table members, and as the management tool for the Administrative
and Liaison directorates.

Issue the Order's own Passport. Along with the establishment of the Round
Table, the Order should issue its own passport. This can be a unilateral
action, though it would be strengthened by recognition from external
agencies. There are precedents, such as the those passports issued by the
Mayor of Hart Bay, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa (issued in opposition
to the old apartheid regime). Visas were required in advance of travel, but
were generally available.

The Knights of Malta, of course, issue their own passports and although this
is backed up by actual territory held within the Holy See, the precedent
could work in our favor.

Establish an Embassy. The next actions we can take would be to establish an
embassy. Although staffing of an embassy is a thornier question, the
establishment of diplomatic outposts, with contributions from the various
national Grand Priories, is easily attainable, at least from a fiscal
perspective. We propose that an ideal choice of locale of the Order's first
embassy is Israel (putting the Order right back in the heart of Jerusalem).
We believe that the Israelis could be convinced to accept an embassy in
Jerusalem, given the refusal of so many countries to move their embassies to
Tel Aviv and if the initial contact is made through individuals associated
with the US military.

Subsequent missions and embassies could be placed where politically most
appropriate, perhaps at the UN in New York and or Geneva.

Acquire Territory. The most difficult step of all would be to acquire
territory. There are several ways to obtain territory, but most are either
dramatically too expensive or impractical. One possible way to acquire
territory would be to convince a nation to accept the Order as a sort of
honorary Foreign Legion, and jointly administer a very small piece of
territory. The best bet here might be one of the European "city-states":
Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco or San Marino.

Seek Permanent Observer Status at the UN. This to is a difficult task, as the
whole concept of permanent observers is under debate at the moment. However,
even the step of seeking such status lend credibility to claims of
sovereignty, whether or not the observer status is granted.

We may also expect the Knights of Malta to actively campaign against us, as
we threaten their uniqueness within the existing power structure.
Furthermore, the greater the legitimacy of a sovereign Templar Order, the
more threatened the Knights of Malta may feel.

One final word of warning. This is not the first time in which neo-Templars
have sought to build political power. In 1814, Admiral Sir William Sidney
Smith, a British hero of the Napoleonic Wars, proposed similar things for the
Order under Fabre-Palaprat.

He sought the donation of the island of Malta from the British government,
and proposed a Templar navy to confront the Barbary Pirates and suppress the
slave trade.

However, the Order of the period self-destructed into schism between
Fabre-Palaprat and the Duc de Choiseul, which was not resolved until 1838. By
that time, the political influence of Sir William's initiative had dissipated.

We must be careful not to let the current controversies surrounding Templar
leadership undermine our ability to move forward. Indeed, the selection of
future Grand Masters must be approached carefully and a figure identified who
will enhance our efforts.

The Priory wishes to note with sadness, the passing of the beloved wife of
Chev. Richard Shull GOTJ, the playwright, Marilyn Seven Shull. Report on the
Grand Council Meeting 7 June 1997 Chicago, Illinois, by Chev. James Knighton,

This correspondent attended the most recent Grand Council meeting held at the
Union League Club in Chicago on Saturday 7 June 1997, as the assistant to our
Prior. RADM James J. Carey, USN (Ret.), GCTJ, GMTJ, Grand Prior, SMOTJ Grand
Priory of the United States of America, presided and COL Chev. Stuart B.
McCarty, GCTJ, Grand Chancellor, shared the dais with him. The day's agenda
was extremely full, as the assembled Priors and Grand Officers expressed a
unanimous desire to rationalize and streamline the Order's structure and
operations in the United States, although they by no means agreed on the
specific methods by which this admirable and long-neglected goal should be

One of the most interesting items on the agenda concerned a restructuring of
national, priory, and Commandery officers' duties and functions along the
lines proposed in a "Standard Organization Manual" (hereafter "SOM") which
would act as a supplement to (rather than as a substitute for) the current
"Knight's Manual." The "SOM" appeared to this correspondent to be similar to
the employees' guides which are found in modern corporations; in effect, it
set forth in detail the "job description" of each officer at every level of
the Order (Grand Council, priory, and Commandery). The "SOM" also envisioned
the creation of eleven standing committees and three special committees at
the Grand Priory level, and four standing committees and three special
committees at the priory level. Finally, the "SOM" went so far as to depict
the Order's organizational structure in flow chart form, once again on all
three structural levels.

The "SOM" caused a great deal of discussion within the Grand Council because
it represented an unprecedented step in the rationalization of the Order's
formal structure; indeed, the Order in the United States has never devoted as
much attention to the internal details of its administration as even a small
corporation (or other type of entity) would. Of course, the formal structure
on which the "SOM" is predicated would require a much greater degree of
regular participation in the mundane work of the Order by Brother Knights and
Sister Dames than is currently occurring.

In keeping with the "nuts and bolts" theme set by introduction of the "SOM",
the Grand Auditor then presented a lengthy report on the Grand Priory's
financial condition; there was discussion of the issue of payment of overdue
oblations, as well as the very contentious matter of initiation fees.
Specifically the local Priors expressed concern regarding the ideal level of
such fees so that they cover the costs of a new knight's regalia and the
costs of the actual investiture (rent, catering, etc.) while not becoming so
high as to give the impression that the Order is simply a club into which a
new member can gain entry by paying a steep charge.

Our Prior, Chev. Edmund Allen Voyer, GCTJ, GMTJ issued a proposal that was
subsequently passed by the Grand Council, that the Order, led by the GPUSA
and the Priory of St. Michael & St. George with the Priory of St. Charles the
Martyr, develop advisory groups within the Order that could provide services
to the United Nations and international governments. These activities would
be tailored toward the Order eventually receiving observer status at the
United Nations. This proposal is discussed in greater length elsewhere in
this issue.

There then followed another unprecedented proposal, which dealt with the
creation of an endowment fund and planned giving program similar to those
widely used by non-profit foundations and charitable organizations. Like the
"Standard Organization Manual", the fund proposal was extremely far-seeking
and represented a significant step towards putting the Order on an equal
footing with other similar groups. Once again, the actual establishment and
administration of such a fund would require a lot of work on the part of
Knights and Dames, both at the Grand Priory and local Priory levels.

Dame Patricia Cotter's DCTJ, (of the Priory of St. Michael and St. George)
gave a presentation on new insignia for Dames which was accompanied by
professional-quality illustrations and graphics. LTC. Thomas P. Curtis, GCTJ,
Prior of the Priory of St. John the Baptist (Milwaukee, WI.) and Grand
Aumonier, also presented a new design for the Pilgrim's Medal, to be awarded
to members of the Order who make a trip to the Holy Land. The officers of the
Host Priory, St. Norbert (Chicago, IL.) also weighed in with a very practical
proposal for the production of a brochure, designed specifically for
prospective members and postulants, which would contain a brief history of
the Order as well as a short list of recommended books on the Order's
founding and early years.

 Christians in Distress
An area that should be of major concern to all Templars is that of the
massive persecution of Christians taking place around the world today. The
SMOTJ will be addressing this critical issue at the Arlington, VA World
Templar Convent. The following article reviews the current state of affairs
with world Christianity. More reports will follow in future issues. The
Global War on Christians Reprinted from The Readers' Digest. By Ralph

For too long we've ignored this campaign of terror. In China's Henan
Province, 36-year-old Zhang Xiuju was dragged from her home one night by
police. When the police returned her lifeless, battered body, they claimed
Xiuju had died accidentally when she jumped from a car.

In Pakistan, Munir Khokher was wounded by a gunshot when he tried to stop the
destruction of a Christian cemetery by Muslim mobs.

In Bangladesh, when Marzina Begum and her family would not celebrate a Muslim
holiday, the villagers beat her husband, breaking his leg.

You haven't heard of these people. They are but drops of water in a vast sea
of victims--men, women and children who have been tortured, imprisoned and
executed. Their crime? They are Christians.

Never before have so many Christians been persecuted for their beliefs. An
estimated 200 million to 250 million Christians are at risk in countries
where such incidents occur.

"We are not talking about mere discrimination," says Nina Shea, director of
the Puebla Program on Religious Freedom, "but real persecution--torture,
enslavement, rape, imprisonment, forcible separation of children from

Until recently, such cases were given scant attention by the news media and
were largely ignored by most human-rights organizations, the federal
government, even U.S. churches. But now, two important new books are helping
to force the issue into the open: Nina Shea's In the Lion's Den and Their
Blood Cries Out by Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at the Institute for
Christian Studies in Toronto.

Other examples of persecution:

In China, thousands have been sentenced to "re-education camps" for attending
prayer meetings or Bible lessons. Catholic Bishop Su Zhimin, 64, who had
already spent 15 years in prison for his priestly activities, was re-arrested
last spring by authorities apparently intent on preventing a pilgrimage,
which he helped organize, in honor of the Virgin Mary. He is now missing.

The British newspaper The Observer reported that in Cairo, Egypt, a teen-age
Coptic Christian girl was kidnapped by Muslim extremists who forced her to
fast, pray and memorize parts of the Koran. During her nine-month captivity,
she was raped repeatedly. Her captors poured sulfuric acid on her wrist to
obliterate a tattoo of the cross, and threatened to pour it on her face if
she removed the Islamic veil they forced her to wear. Terrorized, she signed
papers of conversion to Islam, then escaped and was sheltered by a group
called Servants of the Cross.

Marshall notes that, contrary to perceptions held by secular and Christian
Americans alike, "most Christians are not white. Christianity was in Africa
before Europe, India before England, China before America. Three-fourths of
all Christians live outside the West. It may be the largest Third World

Both authors examine in detail the two most implacable foes of Christianity:

Muslim Militants. In some Islamic countries, such as Jordan, officials are
tolerant of other religions. But in others, Islam's Shari'a laws, derived
from the Koran and sometimes part of the legal code, "are used to invoke
discrimination, repression and outright persecution against Christians,"
Marshall says. No nation illustrates this more brutally than the Sudan.

Since 1989 the Sudanese government has been engaged in a wholesale war
against Christians, who constitute roughly one-fifth of the population.
Marshall reports that the goal of the ruling National Islamic Front led by
Hassan Al-Turabi--who some consider the country's de facto leader--is to
"eradicate non-Islamic religion."

In the North, Al-Turabi's forces control the necessities of life.
"Non-Muslims are given the choice of converting to Islam or being denied
food, clothing and shelter," Marshall says. Thousands of women and children
have been sold into slavery to Muslim masters who force them to convert to

Sudan's Nuba Mountains, where Christians have lived since the sixth century,
are now a wasteland of mass graves, destroyed villages and camps filled with
starving women and children. Half a million Nuba Christians, virtually all
men, have been killed in the past decade. "The word genocide is thrown around
too frequently," says Marshall. "In the case of Sudan, however, it is a
factual description."

American ally Saudi Arabia is another country where, Shea says, "freedom of
religion simply does not exist." All citizens must be Muslims. Expressions of
Christianity--wearing a cross, reading a Bible or uttering a non-Muslim
prayer--are prohibited.

The Mutawwa'in, the Saudi religious police, search out hidden church services
among the millions of Filipinos, Koreans, Indians and other foreign workers.
In December 1992 two Filipino Christians, allegedly arrested for preaching
Christianity, were sentenced to death on Christmas Day. After an
international outcry, the sentence was commuted to deportation.

Communist Oppressors. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its Eastern
European client states shook China's leaders, who noted the church's role in
fostering the collapse. According to a Puebla Program report, China's
state-run press, referring to Christianity, proclaimed, "If China does not
want such a scene to be repeated in its land, it must strangle the baby while
it is still in the manger."

This chilling pronouncement ignores the fact that Christianity has been
rooted in China since the seventh century. It survived even Mao Zedong's 27
years of fierce repression, which culminated in the Cultural Revolution of
1966-76, when countless Christians and other believers were executed. "It was
probably one of the largest intense persecutions of Christians in history,"
Marshall writes.

Many of China's estimated 40 million Christians still worship in fear. They
rise on Sunday at 3 a.m. to make their way to secret worship centers in the
homes of evangelists. Police roam the countryside seeking out these "house
churches." In Xinjiang Province, police burst in and found 17 worshipers.
When five women admitted they were the leaders, they were detained, beaten
and tortured. Life for China's Christians has taken a turn for the worse
since 1995, when Ye Xiaowen, whom Marshall describes as "a prominent atheist
and Communist hard-liner," was placed in charge of the government's Religious
Affairs Bureau. Last year a Catholic priest, the Rev. Charles Guo Bole, was
convicted of illegal evangelical work, including "organizing Bible classes"
and "establishing underground evangelical church centers." He was sentenced
to two years of imprisonment at a laogai, a reform-through-labor camp. Four
Catholic bishops are also being held in the Chinese laogai.

The Shea and Marshall books are helping to rouse a growing chorus to join
what had been a handful of voices raised on behalf of persecuted Christians.
Chief among those early voices was a Jewish lawyer, Michael Horowitz, senior
fellow at the Hudson Institute, a think tank based in Indianapolis and
Washington, D.C.

"Why a Jew? Why me?" Horowitz is quick to answer his own questions: "It may
be easier for me to see the eerie parallels between what is happening to
Christian communities today and what happened to my people during much of
Europe's history," he says. And he is grateful for the way American
Christians joined with the Jewish community in the campaign to free Soviet

That's why he was shocked by the silence of U.S. Christians in the face of
worldwide persecution. "I didn't understand how the American Christian
community, so vociferous, so committed to ending the suffering of Jews in the
Soviet Union, could have been so mute, so tongue-tied, on behalf of its own."

Then Horowitz realized that some people had never heard the message. And some
in the human-rights community and among the intellectual, media and political
elites had such a misinformed view of Christianity that they were blind to
the problem.

The U.S. government has also shown a lack of understanding. Nina Shea recalls
when she and others briefed the Clinton Administration's new ambassador to
China, former Tennessee Sen. James Sasser. He revealed extensive knowledge of
human-rights problems in China. But when asked about the perilous situation
of Christians meeting in secret house churches throughout China, the puzzled
ambassador responded, "What's a house church?"

Shea says, "China is the litmus test. If our government means to take the
assault on Christians seriously, it must deal with China." But she isn't
hopeful. Despite several Congressional proclamations bemoaning the
persecution, the China lobby--pushing for increased trade--has thus far
proved too powerful.

The White House answered Christian human-rights activists by forming the
Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad. "It is a slow and cumbersome
mechanism," says Shea, who was named to the panel.

But there are signs that the government is reacting to growing grass-roots
pressure as more Americans become aware of the persecution. Legislation has
been introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R., Pa.) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.)
that would create a White House position to monitor levels of religious
persecution and have the power to impose sanctions against offending

A board of Christian leaders is organizing an International Day of Prayer for
the Persecuted Church, set for November 16. "If tens of thousands of churches
engage in an interdenominational effort," Horowitz says, "we'llsend the
world's tyrants a message they can't ignore. And Washington won't be able to
ignore it either."

Dungeon, Fire, and Sword: the Knights Templar in the Crusades. by John J.
Robinson, Evans & Co., 1991. Reviewed by: Chev. James Knighton, KCTJ

This non-fictional historical text is an extremely lengthy and detailed
account of the Crusades which, despite its title, actually sheds very little
light on the Knights Templar specifically. For the most part, Robinson's
dense narrative is simply a chronicle of the seemingly endless sweep of
various armies across the Holy Land from approximately 1100 A.D. until the
early fourteenth century. This reviewer was surprised to detect a fairly
strong bias on Robinson's part in favor of the various non-Christian tribes
who opposed the European crusaders, and, later, the states which they
established throughout the Levant. Robinson seems to regard the Templars with
a certain amount of disdain, as he trots out the old allegations of unjust
enrichment, self-dealing, and moral depravity which King Philip IV of France
manufactured to suppress the Order. Unfortunately, he offers no concrete
proof of any of the charges while presenting them in print, as, for example,
when he describes the unproved accusations of sodomy among the knights. This
type of titillating material appears mostly in the last two chapters, which
detail the downfall of the Order. Aside from two pages in the first chapter,
in which Robinson offers his opinion as to why the idea of a military order
appealed to men raised under the rough ethical codes of the Middle Ages, this
book is just a military history of the Middle East and North Africa in which
the merchants of Genoa and Venice, and the individual monarchs who led the
Crusades (such as Louis IX of France, Frederick Barbarossa, and Edward I of
England) are given more attention and study than the Templars who died in
their service.

Despite this reviewer's disappointment with Dungeon, Fire, and Sword, it is
worthwhile to remark at least briefly on the author's background, as some of
his other work reveals him to be a much more scintillating and focused
writer. John Jameson Robinson made a fortune in the public relations business
before taking up, at the age when most men would consider permanent
retirement, a second career as a writer of medieval history books. His
research into the military history of that period led him to an intensive
study of the history of Freemasonry, which culminated with the publication in
1990 of Born in Blood: the Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, a seminal Masonic
history book which was a popular hit and is still in print. After that, in
1993, Robinson published A Pilgrim's Path, which was a defense of the Masonic
Fraternity specifically addressed to attacks on it by Christian
fundamentalists and conspiracy theorists. Like Born in Blood, A Pilgrim's
Path gained some measure of popular exposure and made Robinson, (who,
ironically, was not a Freemason until shortly before his death in 1993) into
a visible, public defender of the Craft and a much-sought-after speaker on
talk radio and television shows, as well as before gatherings of various
Masonic groups.

This reviewer has read and thoroughly enjoyed both of the texts mentioned
above, and had a very high opinion of Robinson due to his work on behalf of
Masonry generally; thus he was very disappointed to find that Dungeon, Fire,
and Sword was so tedious and one-sided. In fairness to the author, however,
the text is not entirely without use. Indeed, it would be the ideal starting
place for a reader who has never read a general history of the Crusades and
who wants to gain a detailed grasp of the "big picture"; furthermore, it is
very much to Robinson's credit that he was never a professional academic
historian and, therefore, writes in a style which is easily comprehensible to
a lay person and is free of the weird analytical fads which have marred so
much academic historical analysis over the last twenty years.

Dungeon, Fire, and Sword is currently out of print, so readers will have to
rely on their local libraries to obtain a copy. For advanced students of the
Templar Order, however, this book is better left alone. Instead, readers who
have wanted to investigate the world of Freemasonry, perhaps with a view to
joining the Craft as a complement to membership in SMOTJ, as this reviewer
did, should take a look at Robinson's Masonic texts (both of which are in
stock at all major bookstores) and they might even be moved to petition for
Lodge membership, as this reviewer has done.

Nine millimeter cloth rosettes with red cloisonné inserted crosses are
available from the Treasurer, for $20.00, each purchase includes a donation
to the Priory. Call Chev. John D. Simmons, KCTJ at 212-288-3589 for more
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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