Friday Jan. 18, 2001; 12:15 a.m. EST
Taliban Transvestites in Burqa-Clad Breakout
A group of Taliban terrorists were so desperate to escape the war in Afghanistan Wednesday that they disguised themselves as burqa-wearing females and made a break for the border.
"A carload of cross-dressing men, believed to be members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, were arrested after a high-speed chase that began when a pedestrian was run down along a remote road near a northern town," witnesses told Pakistani Interior Ministry officials, who shared their accounts with the Associated Press Thursday.
Pakistani police gave chase to the burqa-clad bin Laden gang as they sped towards a tribal area refuge. When cops caught up with the blue crew, they ordered the women to disrobe, whereupon the ruse was discovered.
Pakistani Interior Ministry officials told the AP on condition of anonymity that some foreign nationals, including Arabs, were among the Taliban transvestites arrested.
Local police and a Pakistani intelligence official in Lahore told the AP that the detained female impersonators included one Saudi, one Yemeni and at least one Pakistani.
The al Qaeda cross-dressers were captured in Daoud Khel, near the border with Pakistan's North West Frontier province.
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