I thought this was why people ran for high office; to cheat, lie and steal with more power to get away with it. Making money dishonestly is known in the USA as "getting ahead." Very high ideals are placed on selling worthless stuff to gullible people and slapping similar crooks on the back at cocktail parties. Everybody wants to do it; if they don't they are "UnAmerican."

These are part of the "family values" that are held in such high esteem in my native country. Who am I to question them?

The ultimate goal of every red-blooded American is to make millions of dollars and honesty is not considered an impediment to that goal. If it can be done without doing anything to earn it or by dishonest methods all the better.

And don't forget; in the USA the very condition of having lots of money makes one "smart."

No matter how one gets it.

For uninitiated, overserious individuals without a sense of humor the above is known as cynical sarcasm.

> http://www.flybynews.com/cgi-local/newspro/viewnews.cgi?newsid
> 1011305019,92452
> ....All this could simply be chalked up as yet another story
> of corporate
> greed run amok, until the umbilical political and financial
> connections
> between Bush and Enron are illuminated.

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