-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:51:05 -0500
To:                     Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Canadian Flag Censorship

From: "Carlo Stagnaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lew Rockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jim Bovard"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ralph Raico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Matthew
Gaylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: canadian flag Date: Fri, 18 Jan
2002 14:52:33 +0100

Dear Friends,

A few days ago, Canadian government ordered FORCES Canada to remove
Canadian flag from its website. They said the flag is a trademark of
the government (!). Since no other site has been forced to do it,
argue Canadian government legally attacked FORCES
(http://www.forces.org) since it is a pro-right to smoke
Please find below the incredible story. Hope you find this of



Why do we have a Canadian flag on our site? Here is the incredible

January 9th, 2001 - FORCES Canada receives a phone call from the
Treasury Board/Secretariat Canada. It is demanded to cease and desist
from using thew Canadian flag on the FORCES Canada site, because the
Canadian Government has the trademark on the flag, and it does not
allow citizens to use it. A written comunication on this issue is
required by FORCES Canada.


January 10th - The communication is transmitted via e-mail, as shown

Subj:trademark infringement
Date:1/10/2002 8:17:23 AM Pacific Standard Time
Pat, this is further to our telephone conversation of January 9, 2002
regarding products identified on the Forces Canada Internet site that
were infringing on a registered trademark held by the Government of

The flag symbol is a global identifier of the Government of Canada. It
is used to identify federal institutions and is protected under the
Trademarks Act (Section 9 (1)(n)(iii) of the Act). The flag symbol was
approved and entered as an official mark of the Government of Canada
on the Trademarks Register held by the Canadian Trademarks Office,
which is part of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office at Industry
Canada, on 30 September 1987.

As discussed, there is evidence that Forces Canada Internet site is
advertising on the World Wide Web bearing the flag symbol of the
Government of Canada. You are advised that your organization must take
immediate corrective action with respect to infringement of this
trademark. In addition we require a written undertaking to immediately
cease and desist displaying the flag symbol on the Forces Canada
Internet site and all associated pubic relations products.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Jan Ovens
613-957-2544 I [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I Facsimile/Télécopieur :
613-946-5187 Federal Identity Program, Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat Programme de coordination de l'lmage de marque,
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada 400 Cooper St. | 400, rue
Cooper | Ottawa Canada K1A 0R5


January 10th - FORCES Canada replies:

Date: 1/10/2002
Dear Jan:

Thank you for your written directive. I am arranging to have the flag
removed from the FORCES Canada website as soon as possible. When this
has been done, I will advise you. It will also be removed from any
other materials used by our FORCES Chapter.

FORCES Chapters are grassroots, volunteer groups. We do not buy or
sell anything. The only thing we "advertise" by use of the flag is our
geographic locations.

I must tell you that this situation has produced incredulity, not only
on our part but in our international Chapters as well. With this type
of 'ownership' of what was a unifying Canadian citizen identification
symbol, it's impossible to dialogue with counterparts in other
countries on the basis of a "free" nation status.

Thank you for the very professional way in which you have handled this
matter. I appreciate your civility.

Best regards,

January 11th - the flag is removed, and this letter follows:

Dear Jan:

The Canadian flag has been removed from FORCES CANADA - What's New and

Please confirm that this Website modification is satisfactory.

Thank you and best regards,

January 16th - This letter is received by the Canadian Government:

Subj: trademark infringement
Date: 1/16/2002 10:45:36 AM Pacific Standard Time

Pat, I have visited the Forces Canada Internet site and concur that
the necessary corrective action has taken place with respect to the
trade-mark infringement issue identified in my E-mail to you of
January 10, 2002. Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.

My regards.

January 18th - Gian Turci, Canadian citizen living in Italy, sends the
following letter to Mr. Ovens:

Dear Mr. Ovens,

Please check the site www.forcesitaly.org, of which I am responsible.
You will find that I am in violation of your "trademark." I take sole
responsibility for this act of individualism, as a Canadian citizen,
against a once great nation.

I left Canada because, as a Canadian, I could no longer tolerate the
violations of human rights perpetrated against smokers, as the
Canadian Government has embraced junk science, scientific corruption,
and systematic disinformation on smoking as its public policy. I do
not intend to remove the Canadian flag from the above-mentioned site.
Please proceed with the lawsuit against me; you have no choice, since
I am in violation of your law.

You may find that many other sites, in the near future, will be in
violation of your law. Please report to the Canadian Government, and
tell them to take that law and shove it - together with the
antitobacco frauds. Nothing personal, Mr. Ovens; we are both
professionals: you have the duty to enforce the ownership of the
State-Oppressor, and I have the duty to fight for liberty and truth.


Gian Turci

The Canadian flag is considered as an identifier in very many
applications, from souvenirs to commercial use. Considering the
ferocity of the attacks on smokers and the tobacco industry by the
Canadian Government, the reason why the Canadian Reich has singled out
FORCES is obvious to anyone who visits either FORCES Canada
(www.forces-cdn.com) , or FORCES International (www.forces.org).

But what is more important, is the concept that a flag which, by
definition, defines the people of a nation, is considered as a
definition of Government instead, clearly indicating the perception
the Government of Canada has of Canadians. Considering that Canada is
perceived by many as a "leading nation" in the globalisation process,
thus a model to follow, this is yet another demonstration of what
globalisation really means.

Any support from our Libertarian friends is appreciated.

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