-Caveat Lector-

In the second article here, the author questions calling
Bush "Commander in Chief," saying that he as president  is
only commander in chief of the military, not of us "private

This author - whith whose first article on the "Republicrat
Party" I am basically in agreement, should look into the
meticulously researched work of Eugene Schroder (go to
www.afcomm.com  ). The country is being governed under
emergency & has been at least since the early 1930s. Under
the longstanding conventions of international law/the law
of nations, when a country is  in a declared emergency, the
normal civil law is suspended and the country is run
differently - in our case under the president as commander
in chief of all the forces in the field - essentially a
military dictatorship run under the Doctrine of Necessity
which holds that 'necessity knows no law.' The
dictator/monarch's word is law. Haven't you ever wondered
how it is that the executive has usurped the law-making
power of congress with all those EO's?

                Let the truth be known.


-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Lee Markland

Thoughts On Bill Cooper

Poor deluded Bill, poor deluded right wingers. Indeed there is a
covert government, but it is financed, managed and controlled by
persons with right wing (or as call themselves, conservative's).  The
cable news networks, the major media, the large and multi national
corporations are all conservatives, right wing and fascist elitists,
who look down on their constituency of "conservative and/or
Christians" as mere tools to use, by exciting their emotions.

Adolph Hitler made mention of the short memory of the masses, and in
that regard he was quite correct, as he used that short memory to
gain power.

The bug a bear of the New World Order, first was publicly aired by
George I (George H.W. Bush or Bush 41)

The New World Order is in reality the hegemonistic economic and
military dominance of the world, not for the benefit of you and I,
but for the benefit of the "conservative" corporations and
international financial institutions that really run the world behind
the scenes.

Ken Lay - Enron-George Bush are well known to the readers of this
newsletter. Are they also aware that the biggest weapons makers and
the only manufacturers of nuclear weapons in America are General
Electic and Westinghouse, both of whom are run by "conservatives",
ex: right wing "family values" man Jack Welch of GE, and GE owns and
controls NBC, Westinghouse owns and controls CBS.  Rupert Murdoch (an
arch conservative) owns Fox, he also owns Staples, the right wing
London Times, the New York Post, Harpers Collins, the publishing
house which was not going to publish Michael Moore's book, as well as
hundreds of other newspapers, magazines and businesses.

Murdoch's influence is so profound that Tony Blair, the PM of
England, when running for office, went to Australia, supplicated
himself before Murdoch. Blair, ostensibly represents a "Liberal"
party in England, Murdoch is an arch "conservative".

It is true that this country is, and has been run by "conservatives",
even during the Clinton administration, and indeed Clinton's actions,
the one's in which he was effective, versus his lip service, were
totally conservative. At the top of the corporate conservative agenda
was NAFTA and GAAT, and Clinton threw the full force and weight of
the Presidency and the Democratic Party behind the NAFTA and GAAT
agenda, thus betraying his labor constituency and labor all over the
world.  In fact he was probably more effective and instrumental in
pursuing the corporate labor agenda than Bob Dole would have been, in
as much as he represented and controlled the so called "loyal

It's a shell game. The current President is, with the consent and
demand of apparently most Americans or at least "conservative, god
fearing, family values types" propelling us hell bent for election
into a jackbooted dictatorship.

The only reason so called "patriots" even support this drive to
overturn the constitution, is because their phobias, fears, needs and
religious superstitions have been evoked, and they are, by those
phobias, fears and needs, the instruments of their own damnation.

They are being tweaked and used.  The same incidentally is true of
most "liberals", who mimick the "conservatives" in their lack of
memory and
critical reasoning skills.

Here is how I see the sad state of affairs. There should be a
national consensus and a mutual concern that runs through the veins
of all American's. If you listen to the right and left, you will hear
almost indentical concerns and fears.  However humans carry along a
lot of other baggage, baggage which should be trivial, and if the
person possesses criticial reasoning skills, would be recognized as

However these trivialities have emotional roots planted in
superstition, religion and are watered by psychosexual fears and
needs. Which is what really drives us humans, because after all our
main purpose on earth our fundamental drive, besides survival, is to
reproduce. Which necessitates copulation, which in turn is driven by
hormones, which in turn requires the establishment of a belief or
feeling of dominance, security, control, superiority and submission
depending upon whether one is the male or female.

Poor Bill Cooper was afflicted with this patriarchial obsession and
was a male supremacist, which also means that he had to be and was a
misogynist, something that he adamantly denied, however to belie his
denial, he was easily provoked into a vicious attack for something so
innocuous as a woman telling him that she had no need to identify
herself as a Mrs or to take up the husbands name and give up her own
identity on marriage.

Bill was also, quite apparently, an apocalyptic Christian, which
translates into a Fundamentalist, which translates into a
patriarchial misogynist and homophobe, and quite possibly he was also
a racist (the roots of which are also mired in psychosexual needs,
such as the need to breed and thus ensure what one perceives as the
after death continuance of their identity (seed), in which their
heirs will continue their existence by  looking like them (being of
the same race, at least).

Poor Bill, a person with whom I might otherwise agree on so many
issues, thus created a schism, he identified me as an enemy, and held
forth self-righteously as the supreme arbiter of all that is truth,
and wished nothing more than to restructure the world, or America at
least, in his own narrow image. An image that would preserve his self
perceived superiority, safety and security and anyone who had needs
that he deemed to be threatening to his own needs, was therefore a
threat, an enemy, and thereby he assumed the same stance and position
of George W. Bush, and his Jesus, in Matthew12 30 `He who is not with
me is against me

This is pretty rigid ground, and demands complete and total
agreement, as well as domination and control.

He who takes such a position of intransigence alienates, turns aside
and otherwise turns into enemies, those whom share similar opinions
or whom might otherwise be allies.

This brings to mind the tactic of "divide and conquer", a tactic that
the right wing, and conservatives are especially, but apparently not
overtly conscious, of employing, they are playing into the hands of
the ruling elite by being so self righteous, so narrow, so
unforgiving and close minded.

Which brings to mind Isaiah 19:2    And I armed Egyptians against
Egyptians, And they fought,  each against his brother, And each
against his neighbour, City  against city, kingdom against kingdom.

And this is the tactic used, by those whom use or money and blood for
their own purposes, to keep us under control like cattle, that we may
be milked and slaughtered for their benefit.

For when one looks at the real differences between "conservatives"
and "liberals" one see's differences that are in reality trivial, but
those differences are fed and magnified by demigogues and "leaders"
(religious or secular) whom harrangue and milk those constituencies
for the purpose of enhancing their positions, their finances, their
social prestige, power and influence.

Those personages with religious needs and susceptibility are the
easiest to propagandize, mobilize, manage and control, one needs only
play on their fears and needs, then play ventriloquist by speaking
for their deity and interpreting for them the words in their holy
scripture (true of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism,
or any religion that has self appointed spokesmen, shaman, priests,
rabbi's, ministers or whatever).

Thus, for all the good he could have done otherwise, Bill Cooper was
an instrument of his own destruction, in a direct way was responsible
for his own death.  His underlying message got lost, because he
demonized and chose to make enemy over one half of the audience.


Bush as our "Commander In Chief" Not.

I can't blame the media and pundits, such as Dan Rather and Chris
Matthews, call Bush their commander in chief, after all they are
dependent on their corporate conservative paymasters, and he who
signs the paycheck dictates the direction of the spin.

But I can blame so called Patriots, such as this Robinson guy at Free
Republic, for calling Bush his commander in chief.

Now these patriots who are suppose to be guarding our constitution,
prove themselves ignorant of the document they are suppose to
be "guarding" and championing.

Read Article 2, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, not of
civilians, not of me or you, but only of the Armed Forces - unless
Bush signed an executive order in the middle of the night that has
conscripted the entire population into the Armed Forces.

And as regards the charge of treason against the likes of John
Walker, the American Taliban, farcial, since congress has not
declared war on Afghanistan, and in fact the Taliban were, just weeks
previous, our partners in oil crimes.

New book just out, Ben Laden, The Forbidden Truth by Jean Charles
Brisard and Quillaime Dasquie, originally in French, now translated
into English. The whole dirty story about Oil, Bush, Reagan, Clinton
and the Taliban and Ben Laden.

And this capture and transportation of Afghan fighters to Guantanamo
Bay, extra (ill) legal, that's why the government calls them
detainee's, not POW's, and in accordance with international law they
have no right or jurisdiction to detain a foreign national or kidnap
them from their own country. But legalities don't stand in the way of
the Bushes or Clinton yet, look at the invasion of Panama, another
violation of a nations sovereignity, another illegal act actually
condemned by the U.N., then again the U.S. could care less what the
U.N. says or does, and that blows away another arm of the New World
Conspiracy theory in which the U.S. will be taken over by the U.N.,
the opposite is actually the truth, and perhaps that is the purpose
behind the right wing spin of a U.N. conspiracy theory.

If one wishes to make any sense of the world around us, then consider
the following as an axiom.

The opposite is true. That is take everything you hear from the
media, from the government and even from  "trusted" organizations and
look at them in the mirror.  After all, "they" have successfully
infiltrated and coopted most so called movements, just like "they"
created the "terrorist network" Hamas, which is now being used to
continue the violence, which is used as an excuse to continue the
bulldozing and dispossession of the Palestinians.

Read by reverses, the mirror effect, the opposite is true and George
Bush is no one's commander in chief, unless they are on active duty
and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Which brings up another subject, Military Tribunals. Again totally
illegal and unconstitutional when applied to civilians and foreign
nationals.  To be subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and
Military "Tribunals" one must be on active duty in the military, the
code does not apply to civilians, except perhaps only in a state of
Martial Law. Has Martial Law been declared over the entire world or
the U.S. even, yet? Does the United States have jurisdiction over
Afghanistan or any other country, if not then why are FBI agents on
the ground in those countries. The deployment of the FBI and other
police forces overseas, is as illegal as the deployment of military
forces in the U.S. against it's own citizens. That's why it is the
National Guard in Airports and not the 82nd Airborne.

Then again twas Republican Eisenhower who deployed our military
forces against the populace in Little Rock, albeit the cause was just
and sufficient, but never the less unconstitutional.

I reiterate my points. Bush is not "our" commander in chief, the
United States is not at war, therefore the charge of treason can not
stick (the execution of the Rosenberg's was illegal for that reason
as well, since we weren't officially at war with Russia). If John
Walker, who joined the Taliban months before 9-11 is a traitor, then
so is George Bush who had given them $43 million dollars just weeks
before bombing them. Military Tribunals as applied to civilians and
foreign nationals are illegal, according to National and
International Law, the holding of foreign nationals, kidnapped from
their native soil in confinement as "detainee's" and subjecting them
to degrading and inhuman conditions is also illegal, according to
International law.

None of this stops the war machine, and the onward jackbooted march
of the New World Order, a march led by "conservative" media and
pundits who draw their wages and profits off the production of war
materials, and "free" unfettered international trade, which enables
them to export jobs, exploit cheap foreign labor and reduce the wages
and income of loyal conservative patriots.

Now if the right wing could get over it's religious fantasies, and
trivial "family" values issues, and start talking to
the "socialistic" anti WTO, and anti New World Order "left", "they" -
the real conservative ruling elite, would be in a heap of camel dung.

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transformed befor
our very eyes."


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