-Caveat Lector-


The Parallel is Watergate
by Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | January 20, 2002

In the spring of 1974 the nation was torn by war, the White House was
occupied by a rather dictatorial Republican President and there was a
Scandal brewing that threatened to bring him down.  Twenty eight
years later the ghosts of Watergate have returned to the Oval Office
with a vengeance.  Now, as then, it will all come down to two small
but very terrifying questions:  What Did He Know and When Did He Know

In the beginning, as the first reports of a break-in at the Watergate
complex surfaced, the White House took a firm stand: no one connected
to the Administration would have been involved. But, day by day,
first with one revelation, then another, Nixon's inner circle began
to crumble, and the core of the White House defence strategy emerged.
It was based on one premise that had to be defended at all costs:
"the President had no prior knowledge of any crime."  Clearly, Karl
Rove, Karen Hughes and Ari Fleischer will employ the same strategy.

If guilt by association is good enough to bring down a president, George Bush is gone. 
 Ken Lay and George Bush were heavily involved both financially and socially and made 
no secret of it.  Access to the White House for
"Kenny Boy" as he was affectionately called by Bush was in a word, unprecedented.  To 
the extent that a private concern was actually allowed to sit in and contribute to the 
very planning of the policies from which they wo
uld profit -- not once but six times. Moreover, it is now clear that Ken Lay was more 
than a donor to George W. Bush, he was a 'stakehorse'.  Supplying cash, a private jet 
during the 2000 campaign -- even financing the Fl
orida  recount effort that reversed the national popular vote.  Clearly Kenny Boy had 
a vested interest George W. Bush.

Ultimately, evidence of criminal involvement will be the standard by which Mr. Bush is 
judged, but the parallels to those events twenty eight years ago are nothing short of 

Against a backdrop of war and political controversy Richard Nixon and George Bush both 
established reputations for being aloof, autocratic and downright vindictive.  Each 
espoused a conservatism akin to fundamentalism.

As each scandal broke, the reaction from the White House -- the same: distance, 
indignation, and a call for immediate investigation. Now, as then, each day brings new 
revelations contradicting the denials.  So too, just a
s Rose Mary Woods was forced to explain how critical minuets of taped White House 
phone conversations were mysteriously erased, Anderson Accounting must explain how 
critical accounting records were mysteriously deleted.

In the end Nixon was never directly implicated -- the tide just rose around him.  Now 
twenty eight years later as Mr. Bush stands on the beach, he too must ponder a tide 
that is rolling in.

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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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