-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_500498.html

Police to use 'Spiderman gun' on World Cup thugs

Japanese police have developed a 'web gun' to trap football hooligans in a net.

A prototype has already been tried during police training sessions. It looks
like a handgun and fires a net which is five square metres.

Japanese officers are trained in martial arts but believe they may need
something extra to control European soccer fans because of their bigger size.

Masatsugu Oi, of the World Cup security division, told the South China Morning
Post: "Japanese youths are bigger these days, but still nothing compared to

"Of course, martial arts form an important part of our training, but if you take
the size and power factor into consideration, the nets could be more effective."

Police in Sapporo have been testing the net-firing gun and believe it will trap
offenders effectively. Several World Cup matches will be played in the city in
early June.

Story filed: 12:06 Monday 21st January 2002

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