-Caveat Lector-

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JANUARY 20, 2002
Anti-Semitism in France


(January 20) - The wave of anti-Semitism sweeping through France has
triggered mounting concerns about the safety and welfare of Western
Europe's largest Jewish community. Though a surge in violent attacks
against Jewish schools and synagogues in recent months has elicited
the usual condemnations of anti-Semitism from French politicians, it
seems that France's government has yet to recognize the seriousness
the problem or take appropriate measures to counter it. While no one,
fortunately, has been killed in any of the anti-Jewish assaults, it
time for France to take bolder action to stem this ominous and growing

Home to the third-largest Jewish community in the Diaspora, France has
some 600,000 Jews who span the religious and political spectrum and
are outspoken in their support for Israel. Paris is known for its
vibrant Jewish cultural life, and is said to boast more kosher
restaurants than any other city outside of Israel. But despite the
active and visible role played by many Jews in France's intellectual
and public life, the age-old specter of anti-Semitism has found
fertile ground upon which to rear its ugly head.

According to Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior, there were 320
anti-Semitic incidents in France in 2001, or nearly one every day. In
the first week of this year, there were three violent anti-Semitic
attacks alone in France, including an assault on a synagogue in the
Paris suburb of Goussainville, where a gang of thugs hurled rocks and
firebombs, smashing the synagogue's windows and damaging the building.
On December 30, vandals attacked Otzar Hatorah, a Jewish school in the
southeastern Paris suburb of Creteil, with firebombs, two of which
exploded and caused extensive damage to several classrooms. This
incident came just two months after a Jewish elementary school in the
southern city of Marseilles was attacked by arsonists, who burned down
part of the school and then left graffiti reading "Death to the Jews."

No less worrisome was the flap that erupted in late December, after it
was revealed that the French ambassador to England, Daniel Bernard,
made openly anti-Semitic remarks at a dinner party in London. In a
column published in the December 17 Daily Telegraph, Barbara Amiel
noted that the ambassador of a major European country - later
identified as France - "politely told a gathering at my home that the
current troubles in the world were all because of 'that shitty little
country Israel.' " Ambassador Bernard, according to Amiel, went on to
wonder, "Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of
those people?"

That a senior French diplomat would be willing to make such
undiplomatic comments is shocking in itself. But what is even more
distressing is the reaction of the French government to the entire
affair. Rather than immediately dismissing Bernard from his post, as
was most assuredly warranted by his despicable remarks, the French
chose to defend him, refusing to terminate his employment. It is
perhaps little wonder, then, that Melchior rightly labeled France "the
worst Western country concerning anti- Semitism" in a recent interview
with the French daily Le Monde.

It is time for French society, as well as the French government, to
take a far bolder and more vigorous stance against anti-Jewish hatred
and discrimination. It was just six decades ago that France's
collaborationist Vichy regime, headed by Marshal Petain,
enthusiastically took part in rounding up French Jews and turning them
over to the Nazis. Some 110,000 French Jews were murdered by the
Germans, a number that would have been far lower had it not been for
the shameful manner in which the French authorities and police
cooperated with Hitler's Final Solution. While that ignominious stain
on France's record will never be removed nor forgotten, it
nevertheless behooves the French government to act quickly and with
determination to stamp out any future manifestations of anti-Semitism.

At a meeting on January 6 with representatives of various religious
groups, French President Jacques Chirac reportedly "expressed his
sharp denunciation of every act of anti-Semitism and... said that
these phenomena contradict the principles of the Republic," according
to his spokesman. Such statements are certainly welcome, but they must
also be backed up with deeds, such as providing greater security for
Jewish institutions and launching a crackdown on extremist groups.

Not surprisingly, the ominous threat of rising anti-Semitism has
sparked greater interest in aliya among France's Jews. The government
and the Jewish Agency are to be commended for their recent decision to
grant increased benefits to Jews making aliya from France, a step that
will hopefully serve to boost the number of French immigrants. In
2001, some 1,200 French Jews emigrated to Israel, a 20 percent drop
from the previous year. The government and the Jewish Agency must
therefore redouble their efforts in this regard, and do more to
convince French Jewry that Israel awaits them with open arms. For as
comfortable as life might be along the Riviera or in the
arrondissements of Paris, it is time for the Jews of France - like
their brethren in Argentina, Russia, and elsewhere - to come home.

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