-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

28 January 2002
Federalist Edition #02-05
Monday Brief

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needs of children who lost a parent in the attack on our nation
September 11th, 2001, assisting future victims of terrorism, and
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the same heroic choices he did throughout his life. Please join us in
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Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
The Gipper
On the Left
Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"It is only when the People become ignorant and corrupt, when they
degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising
their sovereignty.  Let us, by all wise and constitutional measures,
promote intelligence among the People, as the best means of preserving
our liberties." --James Monroe


"A wholesome regard for the memory of the great men of long ago is the
best assurance to a people of a continuation of great men to come, who
shall be able to instruct, to lead, and to inspire. A people who
worship at the shrine of true greatness will themselves be truly
great." --Calvin Coolidge


"A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his
mother." (Proverbs: 10-1)  ++  "He who ignores discipline comes to
poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored." (Proverbs
13:18)  ++  "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put
darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!  Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
and valiant men in mixing strong drink, who acquit the guilty for a
bribe, and deprive the innocent of his right!" (Isaiah 5: 20-23)  ++
"Is there injustice on God's part?  By no means!  For he says to
Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have
compassion on whom I have compassion.'  So it depends not upon man's
will or exertion, but upon God's mercy." (Romans 8:14-16)  ++  "God
has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore
Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." (2
Corinthians 5:19-20)


"Law, natural or revealed, made for men or for nations, flows from the
same Divine source: it is the law of God.... Human law must rest its
authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is
Divine.... Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin
sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences
run into each other." --James Wilson


"Let me suggest that beneath the popular support for marriage there
has slowly developed, almost unnoticed, a subversion of it, which can
be summarized this way: whereas marriage was once thought to be about
a social union, it is now about personal preferences. Formerly, law
and opinion enforced the desirability of marriage without asking what
went on in that union; today, law and opinion enforce the desirability
of personal happiness without worrying much about maintaining a formal
relationship. Marriage was once a sacrament, then it became a
contract, and now it is an arrangement. Once religion provided the
sacrament, then the law enforced the contract, and now personal
preferences define the arrangement." --James Q. Wilson


"De-Christianizing America has been high on the progressive agenda,
and, thanks to the government (especially the federal courts), it has
been a great success. Nor can we overlook the contribution of the
entertainment industry, which now determines what passes for
'culture.' The main practical vehicle of de-Christianization has been
the Sexual Revolution. A few radicals have called for the abolition of
the family, but most liberals have been more discreet, avoiding
hostile rhetoric while quietly but constantly pursuing policies that
result in lower birthrates and fatherless children." --Joseph Sobran


"Currently the road most Americans seem to want to take is the road to
government control in the belief than government can give them more
security without diminishing their liberty. Of course, that is not
true. If Americans turn to government to secure their freedom at the
expense of the constitution they will lose it. The Constitution and
the first ten amendments -- the Bill of Rights -- make it plain that
the Founding Fathers had no faith that government could be trusted to
guard the rights of individuals. It is well to remember that under the
Constitution government does not give us our rights; they are our
birthright. It is government's job to protect those rights.
Unfortunately government too often moves instead to limit them. Today
a soft generation that in recent years has willingly accepted
government limitations on freedom in exchange for laws enacted in the
name of the common good now appears willing to give up even more of
its fundamental liberties in the name of fighting terrorism. Thus we
see a new push for a mandatory national identify card masquerading as
a national drivers license, except that we'd all have to carry one.
With the new technologies now available these would be so-called
'smart-cards' and they could be used to track our movements,
activities and purchases. All such information would go into a
centralized -- read federal government -- computer. And if you think
such a system would not be abused by every segment and every level of
government you are living in a dream world. The push for such a card
is being led by the American Association of Motor Vehicle
Administrators which says its purpose is to make us all safer. Also
less free, but it doesn't say that. Every American who values his
freedom should protest this proposal, even if it eventually means
taking up arms in defense of liberty." --Lyn Nofziger


"Ted Kennedy says the tax cut is responsible for the $150 billion
reduction in the surplus in 2001. However, the cut in tax rates
couldn't be responsible, because it hasn't taken effect yet. Where was
Ted Kennedy last year when that bill that would have eliminated his
$5,000 pay raise went through? You don't see Kennedy volunteering to
give back his pay raise. Instead, he wants you to feel guilty over the
puny little $300-$600 rebate on your taxes you received last summer.
Sen. Kennedy is rich. The move to block the rate reduction to people
in his tax bracket may seem like a magnanimous gesture, but don't be
fooled. Kennedy wants you to allow him to stimulate the economy by
extracting more hard-earned money from the taxpayers of America so
that he can dole it out to his friends, who, in turn, give him hefty
campaign contributions, which helps keep him in office. Our money is
his power. Ted Kennedy is blaming the economic downturn, which began
under Bill Clinton, on George W. Bush. The only men (and women) who
are dumber than Sen. Kennedy are the ones in Massachusetts who keep
sending this man back to Washington every six years." --Jane Chastain


"The Enron debacle is the nation's most famous business failure not
just because it happened suddenly, amid a thunderclap of revelations
about misstated profits and possible criminality, but also because it
offers the tantalizing prospect of a Bush scandal. So far the
expectation has been unrealized, as the company's SOS calls to
Washington were met with the proverbial 'drop dead' from Bush
officials. Although Democrats can't quite decide whether the scandal
is that Bush officials gave Enron special favors or that they gave it
this death-bed cold shoulder (or maybe a little of both, depending on
the day), the Enron disaster will linger for months. ...The
administration is not resisting congressional investigators solely
because of its stiff neck. It has a legitimate interest in preserving
its right to keep some of its internal deliberations secret. But the
best way to do so may be to reveal as much information as possible
while continuing to deny any legal obligation to do so. In particular,
the administration should disclose information about the Cheney energy
task force and about Enron contacts with administration officials. The
administration appears to be beyond reproach in this matter. It should
do itself the favor of acting like it. ...If the administration
provides full disclosure, criticizes and prosecutes any lawbreaking
that has occurred, and stands for carefully designed reform where
necessary, neither partisan nor ideological opportunists will be able
to feast on Enron's carcass." --National Review


"If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of
unpleasant facts is folly. We see around us today the marks of our
terrible dilemma -- predictions of doomsday, antinuclear
demonstrations, an arms race in which the West must, for its own
protection, be an unwilling participant. At the same time we see
totalitarian forces in the world who seek subversion and conflict
around the globe to further their barbarous assault on the human
spirit. What, then, is our course? Must civilization perish in a hail
of fiery atoms? Must freedom wither in a quiet, deadening
accommodation with totalitarian evil?" --Ronald Reagan (1982)


"The tragedy-in-process that moves our country toward socialism is
based on the success of liberalism in teaching people to look to big
government rather than to themselves for the satisfaction of their
needs -- and to man's law, rather than to God's commandments, for
moral direction. The ultimate tragedy will consist of a massive
redistribution of wealth and power -- not as is commonly believed from
one citizen to another, but from all citizens to the government."
--Linda Bowles


"Inclusiveness is good in general but wretched when it means altering
historical reality to impose proper quotas on past events.
Retro-quotas are an old story in schools, textbooks and the art world.
Museums are under pressure to produce 'gender-fair' exhibits with half
the works by women, even in shows about eras in which virtually all
painters were men. Out of concern for the self-esteem of minority
students, history texts routinely do the same false balancing act,
mugging the truth so all cultures end up with at least as much
achievement as the West, preferably more. Along the way, a level of
comfort with dishonesty has been reached. This helps explain why
tinkering with the Sept. 11 flag-planting seemed like a small or
nonexistent issue to backers of the diversity movement, including the
media. The model of the statue, presented on Dec. 21, drew virtually
no press attention until conservative commentators discovered it three
weeks later. But it's worth taking seriously. Doctoring images and
removing or adding people for political purposes is what backward and
repressive societies do. Part of the amusement of watching the Soviet
empire was seeing officials being airbrushed out of old photos taken
during parades in front of Lenin's tomb. Reality was unimportant.
Images were at the mercy of politics. Do we want our images to go that
way too?" --John Leo


"A prediction: In coming decades, involuntary euthanasia will be
commonplace in Europe, and Gen-Xers' battles to stay alive into old
age will be treated with the same cold contempt as they treated the
silent screams of the unborn. Millions will be put to sleep like aged
and incontinent household pets. Since the 1960s, the radical young
have pleaded for a world free of the strictures of the old Christian
morality. They are close to getting what they have demanded; and my
sense is that they will not like what they get." --Pat Buchanan


"What is it that the Bush administration's European critics like so
much about civilian casualties? It's a natural question, given the
Europeans' evident contempt for one of the purposes of the Geneva
Convention: to deter un-uniformed soldiers from hiding among the
civilian population -- a practice that obviously makes it impossible
for an attacking army to distinguish between legitimate targets and
noncombatants. In other words, the Geneva Convention seeks to protect
innocent civilians by keeping soldiers in uniform, and by defining
those combatants who don't wear uniforms as being outside the rules of
warfare and undeserving of the privileges afforded to legitimate
prisoners of war. During the bombing in Afghanistan we heard a lot
from the Europeans about collateral damages, so it is strange that
they should now turn around and be willing to overlook the chief cause
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan: al Qaeda and Taliban troops who
not only didn't wear uniforms, but actively hide among civilians.
..Not only has al Qaeda not signed the Geneva Convention, al Qaeda
and the Taliban aren't even governments. Remember, it wasn't just the
United States that said that the Taliban wasn't the legitimate
government of Afghanistan, even the United Nations took that position.
At its heart, the Geneva Convention ... is about reciprocity between
governments -- you treat our prisoners decently, we'll treat yours
decently. Saying it applies to al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners is like
saying the START II agreement should apply to relations between the
U.S. and Belgium, or -- even more aptly -- to U.S. relations with the
Hell's Angels. Because al Qaeda and the Taliban are, in essence,
armed, criminal gangs, and nothing more." --Rich Lowry


Terrorist Attack on America Confirms Need for Missile Defense

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"From the New York Times: ' "I would gladly have him for my own son,"
said Bill Jones, a family friend, whom Mr. Lindh lived with in San
Rafael for two years after his separation from Ms. Walker.' Bill Jones
is the former owner of a gay bathhouse in San Francisco. That's right.
John bin Walker's father, Frank Lindh, left little Johnny's mother
when he was 16 -- for another man. Anyone mention, among the reams of
speculation about 'why,' that his father's sexual disorientation might
have had some influence on Johnny's 'problem childhood'."

"Not to compete with the fundraising that supports The Federalist, but
I'm sure a number of conservative readers would support a fund to buy
ONE WAY tickets for: Altman, the Baldwins, Barbra, Rosie, and any
others who find our current administration so unpleasant."

"Is it possible that those who detained this remarkable American
patriot, General Joe Foss, simply didn't know what the Medal of Honor
Editor's Reply: More than just possible -- highly likely!

"In the year 2000, the last full year for available statistics,
638,902,993 people flew the friendly skies. If all the baggage had
been searched by experts, it would not have prevented the events of
September 11 -- and isn't that, after all, the point!"

"Nail clippers deadly weapons? Parking areas so far away from the
airport that you have to catch a bus or train to the terminal. What
happens when the terrorist training camps teach karate and judo and a
jet is hijacked by those who need no weapons? Will the sage Mineta
decree that all passengers must be handcuffed to their seats?"


"At least once per day, without fail, my computer, like every computer
I have ever owned, has some kind of emotional breakdown. It simply
stops working ... often when I'm not touching it ... and puts out a
message on the screen informing me that an error has occurred. It does
not say what the error is, nor where it occurred. For all I know, it
occurred in New Zealand, and my computer found out about it via the
Internet, and became so upset that it could not go on. When this
happens, I have to turn my computer off and start it up again. When I
do, my computer puts a snippy note on the screen informing me that it
is scanning its disks for errors, because it was shut down improperly.
'But I didn't do anything!' I shout, but my computer ignores me,
because it is busy scanning its disks. You just know that if it finds
any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even know
where its disks are. While my computer is busy, I scan my wart. I have
a wart on my right leg. It has been there for many years. I call it
Buddy. I keep an eye on Buddy, in case his appearance changes. I've
read that it's a bad thing, medically, when a wart suddenly changes
its appearance. If I ever look down and see that Buddy has turned
green, or he's wearing a little pair of Groucho glasses, I'll know
it's time to take some kind of medical action. Such as quit drinking."
--Dave Barry

This Week's Leftoons:

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