-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

30 January 2002 SPECIAL EDITION
Federalist Edition #02-05
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to liberty, and
few nations, if any, have found it." --John Adams


"Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be
worshipped." --Calvin Coolidge  {}  "There never has been a period of
history, in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as
laying at its foundation." --Justice Joseph Story  {}  "We have never
stopped sin by passing laws; and in the same way, we are not going to
take a great moral ideal and achieve it merely by law." --Dwight D.
Eisenhower  {}  "You don't make the poor richer by making the rich
poorer." --Sir Winston Churchill   {}  "From fanaticism to barbarism
is only one step." --Denis Diderot  {}  "When bad men combine, the
good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied
sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." --Edmund Burke  {}  "It is easy
in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude
to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the
crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson  {}  "The captain of a ship is not chosen from
those of the passengers who comes from the best family." --Blaise
Pascal  {}  "No one has a finer command of language than the person
who keeps his mouth shut." --Sam Rayburn  {}  "That a Parliament,
especially a Parliament with Newspaper Reporters firmly established in
it, is an entity which by its very nature cannot do work, but can do
talk only." --Thomas Carlyle  {}  "If we get the federal government
out of the classroom, maybe we'll get God back in." --Ronald Reagan


"The world loves us, bleeding and suffering nobly, at the moral high
ground of Ground Zero. To which we say: no thank you. Our paramount
national duty today is to prevent another Sept. 11, not to glory in
the moral high ground -- the moral vanity -- of the victimhood we
suffered last Sept. 11." --Charles Krauthammer  {}  "The
pre-occupation of some in the media -- and of self-styled human rights
groups -- with the way Taliban prisoners are being treated (which is
better than they have treated us) reveals that too many among us are
still not willing to do what it takes to combat terror." --Cal Thomas
++  "They feed us, let us shower, pray, write home. They even gave us
a mattress, prayer mats and a copy of the Koran. What a bunch of
twits." --Kathleen Parker  {}  "We would be doing a great disservice
to all nations to blur the distinction between combatants and
stateless terrorists." --Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld  ++  "Even
the most humane societies cannot afford to treat agents of terror as
regular, uniformed soldiers." --Victor Davis Hanson  {}  "Modernity,
which is another name for the American experience, is incapable of
seeing wholeness." --Paul Greenberg  {}  "The Enron collapse provides
an example of how government does so much to prevent the market from
working properly in the first place." --Rep. Ron Paul  {}  "Business
is the center of the American economy. You can't have jobs without
healthy businesses. And business is what we do best in this country --
better than any other nation on the planet." --Larry Kudlow  {}
"While it may take a costly grace to maintain it, in the end
Christianity blossoms wherever the seeds are planted. What grows out
of that seed has roots that are thousands of years old and branches
that reach toward the heavens." --Diane Alden  ++  "It is easy to see
the hand of God behind our rulers. It may be more difficult to see a
higher moral authority in the 'fools with robes' whom we tend to
elect, but it is still there." --Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
++  "A Christian can believe that God 'ordained' the 'powers that be'
-- including political rulers and slaveholders -- for purposes too
deep for us to understand fully, and that while they last we must
provisionally accept them; but that they were not meant to last
forever." --Joseph Sobran


Excerpts from the President's State of the Union Address

THE PRESIDENT: As we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our economy
is in recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers.
Yet the state of our Union has never been stronger. ... We last met in
an hour of shock and suffering.  In four short months, our nation has
comforted the victims, begun to rebuild New York and the Pentagon,
rallied a great coalition, captured, arrested, and rid the world of
thousands of terrorists, destroyed Afghanistan's terrorist training
camps, saved a people from starvation, and freed a country from brutal
oppression. ... Terrorists who once occupied Afghanistan now occupy
cells at Guantanamo Bay. And terrorist leaders who urged followers to
sacrifice their lives are running for their own. ... The men and women
of our Armed Forces have delivered a message now clear to every enemy
of the United States:  Even 7,000 miles away, across oceans and
continents, on mountaintops and in caves -- you will not escape the
justice of this nation. ... Last month, at the grave of her husband,
Michael, a CIA officer and Marine who died in Mazar-e-Sharif, Shannon
Spann said these words of farewell:  "Semper Fi, my love."  Shannon, I
assure you and all who have lost a loved one that our cause is just,
and our country will never forget the debt we owe Michael and all who
gave their lives for freedom. ... Thousands of dangerous killers,
schooled in the methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes,
are now spread throughout the world like ticking time bombs, set to go
off without warning. ... Tens of thousands of trained terrorists are
still at large.  These enemies view the entire world as a battlefield,
and we must pursue them wherever they are. ... [T]error training
camps...still exist in at least a dozen countries.  A terrorist
underworld -- including groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad,
Jaish-i-Mohammed -- operates in remote jungles and deserts, and hides
in the centers of large cities. ... [S]ome governments will be timid
in the face of terror.  And make no mistake about it:  If they do not
act, America will.

Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from
threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass
destruction. ... The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and
nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade.  This is a regime
that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own
citizens -- leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead
children.  This is a regime that agreed to international inspections
-- then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime that has something
to hide from the civilized world. ... [T]hese regimes pose a grave and
growing danger.  They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving
them the means to match their hatred. ... In any of these cases, the
price of indifference would be catastrophic. ... We will work closely
with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the
materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of
mass destruction.  We will develop and deploy effective missile
defenses to protect America and our allies from sudden attack. And all
nations should know: America will do what is necessary to ensure our
nation's security. ... We'll be deliberate, yet time is not on our
side. ... Our war on terror is well begun, but it is only begun.  This
campaign may not be finished on our watch -- yet it must be and it
will be waged on our watch. ... History has called America and our
allies to action, and it is both our responsibility and our privilege
to fight freedom's fight.

Now Americans deserve to have this same spirit directed toward
addressing problems here at home.  I'm a proud member of my party --
yet as we act to win the war, protect our people, and create jobs in
America, we must act, first and foremost, not as Republicans, not as
Democrats, but as Americans. ... My budget includes the largest
increase in defense spending in two decades -- because while the price
of freedom and security is high, it is never too high.  Whatever it
costs to defend our country, we will pay. ... My budget nearly doubles
funding for a sustained strategy of homeland security, focused on four
key areas:  bioterrorism, emergency response, airport and border
security, and improved intelligence.

Once we have funded our national security and our homeland security,
the final great priority of my budget is economic security for the
American people. ... To achieve these great national objectives -- to
win the war, protect the homeland, and revitalize our economy -- our
budget will run a deficit that will be small and short term, so long
as Congress restrains spending and acts in a fiscally responsible
manner.  Americans who have lost their jobs need our help and I
support extending unemployment benefits and direct assistance for
health care coverage.  Yet, American workers want more than
unemployment checks -- they want a steady paycheck. When America
works, America prospers, so my economic security plan can be summed up
in one word:  jobs.

On these two key issues, trade and energy, the House of
Representatives has acted to create jobs, and I urge the Senate to
pass this legislation.  Good jobs depend on sound tax policy. Last
year, some in this hall thought my tax relief plan was too small; some
thought it was too big. But when the checks arrived in the mail, most
Americans thought tax relief was just about right.  Congress listened
to the people and responded by reducing tax rates, doubling the child
credit, and ending the death tax.  For the sake of long-term growth
and to help Americans plan for the future, let's make these tax cuts
permanent.  The way out of this recession, the way to create jobs, is
to grow the economy by encouraging investment in factories and
equipment, and by speeding up tax relief so people have more money to
spend.  For the sake of American workers, let's pass a stimulus
package.  Good jobs must be the aim of welfare reform.  As we
reauthorize these important reforms, we must always remember the goal
is to reduce dependency on government and offer every American the
dignity of a job.

During these last few months, I've been humbled and privileged to see
the true character of this country in a time of testing.  Our enemies
believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in
fear and selfishness.  They were as wrong as they are evil. ...
[A]fter America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked
into a mirror and saw our better selves.  We were reminded that we are
citizens, with obligations to each other, to our country, and to
history.  We began to think less of the goods we can accumulate, and
more about the good we can do. For too long our culture has said, "If
it feels good, do it."  Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new
creed: "Let's roll." In the sacrifice of soldiers, the fierce
brotherhood of firefighters, and the bravery and generosity of
ordinary citizens, we have glimpsed what a new culture of
responsibility could look like.  We want to be a nation that serves
goals larger than self.  We've been offered a unique opportunity, and
we must not let this moment pass.

America will lead by defending liberty and justice because they are
right and true and unchanging for all people everywhere. No nation
owns these aspirations, and no nation is exempt from them.  We have no
intention of imposing our culture.  But America will always stand firm
for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity:  the rule of law;
limits on the power of the state; respect for women; private property;
free speech; equal justice; and religious tolerance.

The last time I spoke here, I expressed the hope that life would
return to normal.  In some ways, it has.  In others, it never will.
Those of us who have lived through these challenging times have been
changed by them.  We've come to know truths that we will never
question:  evil is real, and it must be opposed.  Beyond all
differences of race or creed, we are one country, mourning together
and facing danger together.  Deep in the American character, there is
honor, and it is stronger than cynicism.  And many have discovered
again that even in tragedy -- especially in tragedy -- God is near.

Our enemies send other people's children on missions of suicide and
murder.  They embrace tyranny and death as a cause and a creed.  We
stand for a different choice, made long ago, on the day of our
founding.  We affirm it again today.  We choose freedom and the
dignity of every life. Steadfast in our purpose, we now press on.  We
have known freedom's price.  We have shown freedom's power.  And in
this great conflict, my fellow Americans, we will see freedom's
victory. Thank you all.  May God bless.


"Democrats are saying that President Bush's 'irresponsible' tax cut
has swallowed up all of the federal budget surplus and is now
'raiding' the pensions of American seniors. Never mind that this is
the same tax cut that 12 Senate Democrats voted for. Meanwhile,
Republicans are blaming Democratic spenders, though they have only
themselves to blame for any political vulnerability because they were
the first to propose the lunacy of a 'Medicare lockbox' in 1999. This
has now become the first refuge of budget scoundrels. The pols know
that a lockbox can't be enforced, and even if it could, it would
protect trust funds that don't really exist. But talking about it lets
them avoid dealing with the real Social Security and Medicare problem,
which is their long-term solvency. It's a bipartisan con job." --Wall
Street Journal


This week's "Propagandum Magnum" Award: "Though no network news
executive openly suggested that the Bush administration had timed the
Lindh hearing to coincide with the start of the Enron hearings,
several executives said they would not be surprised if Bush officials
had planned it that way." --New York Times columnist Bill Carter
**This would be the same Bill Carter who was silent when Bill Clinton
chose to bomb an aspirin factory on the eve of his Senate impeachment
vote.  {}  This week's "Leftmedia Parrots" Award: "In the wake of the
Enron fiasco, will Congress finally put its votes where its mouth is?"
--Dan Rather  ++  "Could this be the straw that breaks the camel's
back that makes people say, 'Enough is enough! This has got to happen!
We don't care what those folks on Capitol Hill say'?" --Katie Couric
{}  This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award: "To Dan Rather and to a lot
of other powerful members of the chattering class, that which is right
of center is conservative.  That which is left of center is middle of
the road." --Bernard Goldberg  ++  This week's "Bryant Gumball" Award:
"I think [Bush's] sending a message to the media, 'Watch out, because
I know you're all liberals. I know you're all against me, and I buy
that myth,' which is the oldest myth in the business. There's not a
word of truth to it." --CNN's Bill Press on Mr. Bush reading a copy of
Goldberg's book "Bias" about the Leftmedia. **Since the Leftmedia
applauded former President Bill Clinton "sending messages" via cruise
missiles, shouldn't they consider themselves ... spared? {}  From the
"Nitpicking" Department: "Am I nitpicking though if I go back to that
graphic, Joe, if you can put that up again? You look from November
2001 until now it's gone down six points." --Matt Lauer to Tim Russert
on a New York Times Bush approval ratings poll showing the president
at a record high running 82%, lower than some polls which continue to
show Mr. Bush at a record high running 88% approval rating.


"[Former New York City Mayor Rudy] Giuliani will screw you every
time." --Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose husband has taught her
much on this score, we know!  {}  This month's "Demo-Goguery" Award:
"I don't think the politics of personal destruction, Bob, have any
place in the public debate.  So much for changing the tone in
Washington." --Tom Daschle to Tim Russert responding to Dick Cheney's
labeling him as an obstructionist to Mr. Bush's economic recovery
legislation.  {}  The New York City Board of Education doesn't want
any blessing going on around there! After a teachers union
representative questioned whether the parents association of Beach
Channel High School in Queens may constitutionally enact their First
Amendment rights of "free speech" and "free exercise of religious
faith" by posting a "God bless you" sign, the education board banned
the phrase "God bless you" from school property. **We suppose this
means the board would be perfectly OK with a "God Not Allowed" sign
instead!  {}  From the "Dumb and Dumber" Department: Washington state
lawmaker Hans Dunshee is frothing mad over a little piece of history
-- a stretch of state road designated Jefferson Davis Highway No. 99
in 1913, as part of the United Daughters of the Confederacy program to
establish a chain of highways across the country. Jefferson Davis, of
course, was the first and only president of the Confederate States of
America, and Dunshee wants to rename the road the "William P. Stewart
Memorial Highway," for a man from one of the first black families to
settle in Snohomish County and who fought with the Union during the
Civil War. Dunshee declaimed, "In this state, we cannot have a
monument to a guy who led the insurgency to perpetuate slavery and
killed half a million Americans."


This week's "Village Victimitis" Award goes to San Diego State
University, which just unveiled its new treatment of the school
mascot, now said to be more closely based on Aztec culture than the
affectionately cartoonish former warrior mascot "Monty Montezuma." The
school's new "ambassador," who sports a plumed headdress and a violet
brocade gown, has been called a "guy in a purple dress," although the
student portraying the role, Alberto Martinez, claims he will
"celebrate, honor, respect and educate people on Aztec culture." Manny
Lieras, president of the Native American Student Alliance that
initiated the drive to "Ban Monty" in favor of a more historically
accurate character, responded: "What the hell is this? This is
horrible. ...This guy is no different than what we had before."  {}
Another item from the "Road Rage" Files: The American Civil Liberties
Union is threatening to sue Mayor Carolyn Risher, of Inglis, Florida,
for issuing and posting a proclamation banning Satan from her small
town. The ACLU is requesting repeal of the "No Devils Allowed" ban and
repayment of expenses for printing the posted edicts. **We guess that
ACLU chapter has taken to heart all those jokes with a punchline where
Satan asks God, "Where are you going to find a lawyer?"  {}  From the
"Village Academic Curriculum" Files: "We pledge allegiance of the red,
black and green/ Our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle,/ and to
the land we must obtain./ One nation of Black people,/ with one God
for us all,/ Totally united in the struggle for Black Love,/ Black
Freedom, and Black determination." --"Black Pledge of Allegiance"
posted on the Web site of Millwood Middle School students in Oklahoma
City. (The pledge is reputedly the work of Maulana Ron Karenga,
founder of the violent 1960s Marxist group United Slaves, and
originated in California.)


"Jeffrey Dahmer's parents undoubtedly would have said he was a
vegetarian." --Dennis Prager on comments by John Walker Lindh's
parents that he "loves America" and did no treasonous acts.  {}  "Poor
old Peter, Tom, and Dan, Hanging on as long as they can.  Replace
those fossils With three John Stossels.  Topple TV's Taliban." --F.R..
Duplantier   {}  "Today's kids, and even law students, are taught that
the Constitution is a 'living document.' (Do you give it mouth-to-page
respiration if it stops breathing?)" --David C. Stolinsky  {}  "George
Stephanopoulos's memoir, 'All Too Human,' is on bookstores' remainder
tables, selling for $1. Apparently there are plenty of them at this
price. Hurry down." --Gary Aldrich  {}  "Maybe they figured how do we
beat Bill O'Reilly? Maybe we create a two-hour program and call it
Chung-King?" --Fox's Shephard Smith on the announcement Connie Chung
has jumped to CNN.  {}  "VP Cheney, on why all energy meeting notes
haven't been released: 'There's an important principal involved
here'." --Freudian slipping item from National Journal's "Hotline"  {}
"Muslim religious leaders who are all males are known as Imams. Do you
suppose if they ever let women have the job they'll call them
Ima'ams?" --Lyn Nofziger  {}  "You may have seen that both [Al]
Sharpton and [Jesse] Jackson have rushed down to Houston, to pose for
pictures and agitate in front of Enron. To call these two
'ambulance-chasers' is almost a waste of breath now. But aren't they
ever embarrassed? Aren't their supporters?" --Jay Nordlinger  {}
"Andrea Yates, the Houston woman charged with murder for drowning her
five young children, is doing much better, her brother tells the
Houston Chronicle. 'She's continuing to improve,' says the brother,
Andrew Kennedy. 'She is coherent and talking more.'  Well, what lovely
news. The condition of Yates's five children, meanwhile, is
unchanged." --Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web  {}  "Doctoring
images and removing or adding people for political purposes is what
backward and repressive societies do. Part of the amusement of
watching the Soviet empire was seeing officials being airbrushed out
of old photos taken during parades in front of Lenin's tomb. Reality
was unimportant. Images were at the mercy of politics. Do we want our
images to go that way too?" --John Leo on plans for an "ethnically
corrected" statue to fallen firefighters on 9-11. **Hey, did anyone
notice that the proposed "revised" flag-raising monument did not
include a female firefighter, homosexual or transgendered person!

Jay Leno.... The New England Patriots beat the Pittsburgh Steelers on
Sunday. And this time, the Patriots did it without help from the refs!
...  American Taliban fighter John Walker is now in the process of a
plea agreement. The charges might drop from traitor to just idiot.
Did you see Johnny Walker's father on TV saying, "My son loves
America"? Yeah, right -- like O.J. loves his wife.  ....  The Disney
Corporation has been hired by many airlines to train security
personnel on how to be more cheerful while on duty. I was at the
airport the other day and the only two security workers I saw on duty
were Dopey and Sleepy.
 .... I went to Wal-Mart today and guess what I picked up -- Kmart! As
you know, Kmart has declared bankruptcy, due to its two closest
competitors, Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Kmart stock is now under
99 cents. That means it is now affordable for Kmart shoppers.

David Letterman.... Letterman's Least Effective Opening Lines For
Telemarketers: "How would you like to own land in Afghanistan?" "Can
you call me back? I don't want to run up my bill" "Hi -- I'm phoning
from prison" "Meow" "Dude, did you know your phone number spells
'cabbage'?"  "Do you have 3 hours to talk about insurance?" "I'm
selling a new video 'The Best of David Letterman'" "What are you
wearing?" "There's still time to buy New Jersey Nets season tickets"
"Good afternoon, my name is Osama"

Argus Hamilton.... President Bush said ... he won't turn over papers
about his contacts with Enron.  He said none of his people did
anything wrong and Enron's collapse is not his fault. Somehow you know
this is going to end with Susan McDougal going to jail.  .... The
Battleground 2002 poll said Republicans lead the Democrats on the
issues of the economy, education and national security. What a huge
turnaround in one year. Thank goodness the public loves sex scandals
or the Democrats would be finished. .... Congress sent a delegation to
Guantanamo to inspect the prison that holds al Qaeda terrorists. It
wasn't a pretty picture. They saw torture, malnourishment, and
hopeless faces, but the Navy is not responsible for Castro's side of
the fence.  ....  The White House announced ... the United States will
ship $122 million worth of wheat to the people of Afghanistan. The
Afghan people don't know how lucky they are. If Tom Daschle's state
grew broccoli, they would be eating broccoli.  ....  Telepictures
Productions announced Rosie O'Donnell will be replaced by comedienne
Caroline Rhea on its afternoon talk show. Daytime shows have to stay
fresh. This week, Martha Stewart will show viewers how to make
potpourri out of a Kmart stock certificate.  ....  Robert Redford will
receive a lifetime Oscar in March honoring his entire movie career.
He's played a bank robber, a con artist, a Washington Post reporter,
and a billionaire who bribes housewives to sleep with him. For thirty
years, the Democratic nomination has been his for the asking.

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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