-Caveat Lector-

>what I find amazing is that somehow "conservatives" are lovers of the
>constitution, so by implication "liberals' or "progressives" are not.

The typical conservative has no more use for the Constitution than the
typical liberal, but at least most conservatives are more honest about
their attempts at subversion.  Both wish to use government as an instrument
of forced plunder--to ensure that their twisted needs are met.  The goals
of each may be different, but the means are the same.

In politics, there are two kinds of people: those who wish to control
others and those who wish to remain free. The only means by which the
former may reign over the latter is by deception and force; by deluding
those who enjoy God-given personal liberty into accepting empty promises of
security, elaborate schemes of dependence and the propaganda of divisiveness.

>people keep spouting this bilge - I guess often enough that everyone just
>nods their heads as if it were true.

Most "people" have never even read the Constitution, much less understand
the intent of its framers.

Edward   ><+>

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one

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