-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Nurev Ind wrote:

> Party of Citizens wrote:
> > If chosen ones can coin the neologism, "antisemitic" can I not coin
> > "prosemitic"? I want to be as approved of by the chosenites as
> > possible. Tell me what a good prosemite would be like?
> > POC
> Michael Hoffman, Bill Shannon, and YOU. Of course.
> Prosemites are racists who hate Jews ( anti-semites ) and pretend that
> they like Arabs, when all they really want is a venue to hate Jews.
> How's that " Doc "?

Chuck U:

That was pretty good. Got me so confused I don't know my prosemites from
my antisemites any more. Must be your superior Chosenite
reasoning. Anyway, send me another gross of bagle holes as they are really
bringing in the shekels up here in the 'true north, strong and free'.

Here is a secondary quote which is easily verified: "The latest Council of
Jewish Federations demographic survey ... since 1985, most Jewish
marriages have been intermarriages and the chance that the child of an
intermarried couple will be raised as a Jew is only 28%" Now I think that
if you look at conversion alone, any argument of biological-racial
continuity from the Ancient Israelites goes out the window. Other than
this individualistic conversion there were the mass conversions recorded
in history of the Edomites under the Romans and much later, the
Ashkenazi-Khazar conversion. What percentage of today's Jews are
considered to be of Ahkenazi origin according to the Jewish encyclopedias,
Encyclopedia Britannica, etc? What do the geneology/family tree references
tell you? The oldest Jewish family tree from my quick search only goes
back to the 1400's. What do you get? These short family trees are
consistent with continuing conversion. Both ways, as the case of the
famous dancing midget proves.

Alrightee then, so God or G-d if you prefer is not a racist. That's good
news. We all have a chance to be Israelites. Jesus Christ was 100%
explicit: "I came only to find the lost sheep of Israel". What part of
"only" do I not understand? Also He said "Hear O' Israel, the Lord our God
is one" so forget about any nonsense that the Torah according to Jesus
Christ is polytheistic. Also forget any nonsense that He invented a new
religion or negated the ancient laws from Moses and the Patriarchs prior.
"Not one jot or title" did He change. Now convince me that Jesus Christ
was not the Torah personified. Try arguments from Schonfeld, "The Passover
Plot", Maccoby, "The Myth Maker" and Cohn, "The Trial and Death of
Jesus". Cohn, BTW was President of the Supreme Court of Israel.

Surprise me. Give me an argument I have not heard. So far I can refute all
of them. There is nothing in the Traditional Jewish Prayer Book that I can
find which I disagree with. I don't recall any portion which says whether
the Messiah prayed for is a Messiah of first coming or second coming. Do
you? The De Sola Poole version also says "Judaism has never called for an
unreasoning faith" and "The word Torah means teaching". So present us
with a reasoned teaching that convincingly proves Jesus Christ violated
the Torah. Until then I have to conclude that treatises like those of
Schoenfeld, Maccoby and Cohn are just more bile and bullshit, used to
justify the ongoing campaign of terror, genocide and theft of ancestral
lands inflicted on millions of hapless Palestinians.

If a "Semite" is a True Israelite, then let's have a look at the best of
the "Prosemite" arguments. My arguments are derived from a 2,000 year old
biography and historical record. That record also talks about the "Whore
of Babylon" which is revealed in modern churchianity from the Whitehouse
preachers and tele-evangelists to the Vaticanites. Don't expect these
avatars of the Whore of Babylon to contend for the True Israelite faith.
As Revelation says, liars and cowards have no place in the Kingdom of
Heaven so you are welcome to your one billion plus boot-licking lackies
and male impersonators like the Hagees, Grahams, Robertsons, Falwells etc.

Party of Citizens Inc.
Bagle Hole Distributors

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