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Los Angeles Times
Letter to the Editor
145 S. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA, 90012

Re: Terry McDermott, Jan. 27, 2002 article on Mohamed and Amir Atta

Letter to the Editor:
On July 13, 2001, Mohamed Al Fayed lost a lawsuit against the CIA/Pentagon
under the Freedom of Information Act to find out why they had more than 1100
pages on Princess Diana shortly before her death.  This caught my attention
when I noticed that most of the Terrorists of September 11, 2001 were of
Egyptian or Saudi descent.
Since the middle of October I have known that Mohamed Al Fayed and Mohamed
Atta had relatives by the name of Sayed.  In your article you wrote that:
“Atta was born here in 1968 in the delta province of Kafr el Sheik.  His
father, Mohamed el Amir Awad el Sayed Atta, came from a tiny provincial
village, and his mother, Bouthayna Mohamed Mustapha Sheraqi, from the
outskirts of the provincial capital, also called Kafr el Sheik.”  Yet
nothing was said of Mohamed Atta’s grandfather.
In my publications I have found that in 1964 Mohamed Al Fayed was
representing in 1964 el-Amir Atta while he was associated with George de
Mohrenschildt.  Who was de Mohrenschildt?  He was a CIA agent who was Lee
Harvey Oswald’s closest friend.
I am attempting to see if there might be a connection between Al Fayed’s
Sayed relatives and Atta’s.  Or if Mohamed Al Fayed was actually
representing Mohamed Atta’s father, grandfather or some other El-Amir Atta.
In 1993 I discovered a TOP SECRET CIA document, after winning a lawsuit
Bruce Adamson vs. United States Department of Justice, in 1993, where the
number two man (James Jesus Angleton) at the CIA was monitoring de
Mohrenschildt’s mail “illegally” while in Port-au-Prince Haiti.  I was the
first to publish these documents in which Mohamed Al Fayed had an affair
with George de Mohrenschildt’s daughter, Alexandra de Mohrenschildt.  I am
enclosing this document for your verification of my claim.  Also note that
Ben Bradlee caught James Angelton breaking into Mary Meyer’s home twice at
the very time Angelton is monitoring de Mohrenschildt’s mail.  Meyer was one
of President Kennedy’s lovers.
There is presently an outstanding lawsuit by Mohamed Al Fayed against one
alias Oswald DeWinter who said he had documents which proved that MI6
British agents were behind the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed in the
Los Angeles County Court House BC 213751 courtroom #406.
Another interesting twist which caught my attention was that Mohamed Al
Fayed’s brother-in-law was Adnan Khashoggi, once boasted of being the
richest man on the planet.   Khashoggi was at one time the personal adviser
to the Saudi Royal family at a time O. Bin Laden was a frequent visitor.
Khashoggi was also the middle man during the Iran-Contra missile deal
working very close with former President George Herbert Walker Bush.  One
may note that Khashoggi is the largest stockholder in Barrick Gold which
donated more than 148 thousand dollars to George W. Bush’s campaign last
year.  In February of 2001 Khashoggi sold his New York City Olympic
Condominium for less than half of what he paid for it in the 1970s $36
million dollars.  His half-brother Amer Khashoggi runs a pilot training
school in Saudi Arabia and published a book The Industrible Pilot.  See
website URL http://ciajfk.com/zero.html
The American Public deserves to know if Amir Atta is the same man Mohamed
Al Fayed represented in 1964.  Since Mohamed Atta was the ringleader of the
September 11, 2001 tradegy.
Let me thank you in advance for publishing my letter.
Respectfully submitted,

Bruce Campbell Adamson, P.O. Box 1003, Aptos, CA, 95001 --


Received by Flynt on Jan. 31, 2002:

L.F.P. Inc.
Attn.: Larry Flynt - PERSONAL
8484 Wilshere Blvd. Suite 900
Beverly Hills, CA, 90251

Re:Father-in-law to Oswald’s closest friend,George de Mohrenschildt was in
charge of 250 CIA agents!

Dear Mr. Flynt:
In 1978 you took an interest in exposing those responsible for the
assassination of President Kennedy and you offered a $1,000,000 reward for
anyone who could prosecute them or helps bring out the truth.  In 1997 you
hired me to write a story on what proof I had uncovered in the JFK
assassination in the matter of CIA agent George de Mohrenschildt who was Lee
Harvey Oswald’s closest friend.  Perhaps you felt the story was too
confusing, but according to Allan McDonell you were going to stay out of
political issues.  Your magazine even ran a 100 promo to my website.  I
thank you for this.
The other night I watched The Bill Maher Show and you said we are just as
much interested in political matters as porn.  I am glad to hear that you
are.  Since 1996, like yourself, I have been my own publisher.  I have over
400 Positive responses to sells on ebay from readers and other individuals
who have read my books. Such as:  The JFK Assassination Timeline and 2).
1,000 Points of Light; the Public Remains in the Dark, which is volume one
of an eleven volumes series Oswald’s Closest Friend; The George De
Mohrenschildt Story; also The Adamson Report; Zapruder/Bush and theCIA’s
Dallas Council on World Affairs.   In your biographies you have stated that
the $1,000,000 reward still stands.  My driving goals are not the $1,000,000
reward but to educate the American public on what really happen.  Very few
Americans know of George de Mohrenschildt or that he was friends with former
President George H.W. Bush since 1942.  I have been publishing on my own
since 1996 have a column in Books in Print and  supported by Amazon.com.
My latest volume I found out that George de Mohrenschildt’s father-in-law
(2nd marriage) was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents from 1950-53.  Why
wasn’t the public ever told this?  How is the American Public to ever know
the truth if the Press won’t cover the story?
This matter is much bigger than you or I and unless the public is educated
there is little hope.   Leon Panetta a former California Deputy Attorney
General and Congressman Sam Farr have all supported my research and
presented 3 of my books to the Judiciary Committee on July 18, 2001.
Please read the enclosed volume with documentation.  Can you imagine the
cause and effect in D.C. if Larry Flynt granted a partial reward for
information pertaining to the JFK Assassination Investigation?  I need not
tell you that there is no statute of limitations on murder. I can tell you
this it would make President Bush nervous for there is no question about the
role his father played in the Bay of Pigs invasion, association to de
Mohrenschildt and to the JFK assassination.   I am in West Los Angeles if
you should feel the need to call upon me, please do so. Let me thank you in
advance for your time.

            Bruce C. Adamson

En: vol. 11 and documents which prove a conspiracy; Letter from de M to JFK;
de M to LBJ; LBJ to de M; Bush Sr. to BcA; FBI documents on Bush;
Letter from CIA Director to Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt, Feb. 21, 1953;

Please visit website at http://ciajfk.com

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

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