-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

No distinction between good, evil?



© 2002 Linda Bowles

I would not be at all surprised to see John Walker Lindh appear on stage as
the keynote speaker at the next Democrat National Convention. The theme of
his speech would likely be international tolerance and understanding.

John Walker Lindh, also known as Johnny Taliban and Johnny Jihad, is to be
tried in an American court. He will be given all the usual protections
afforded a bona fide American citizen, despite his clear allegiance to
Islamic fundamentalist organizations bent on killing as many Americans as
possible. He will enjoy the standard presumption of innocence,
notwithstanding his presence in the middle of a war zone, dressed like the
enemy, praising bin Laden and wielding an assault rifle.

Within seconds following the first court appearance of a cleaned up and
soft-spoken young traitor, his father, Frank Lindh, was before the network
cameras speaking to the world, "John loves America. John did not do anything
against America." Then John's mother fought through her tears to recite these
words: "My love for him is unconditional and absolute. I am grateful to God
that he has been brought home to his family, me, his home and his country."

Unconditional and absolute love? What we are hearing is the rehearsed whining
of a modern day American parent seeking to excuse her parental negligence by
appealing to a false interpretation of Christian values: the ill-begotten
idea that God wants us to forego distinctions between right and wrong and
good and evil. It is a wretchedly wrong concept that is undermining our

Next to speak to the panting press was San Francisco attorney James
Brosnahan, who asserted that John Walker had repeatedly asked for but had
been denied the services of a lawyer. Furthermore, his client had not been
advised of his rights and was illegally subjected to intimidating questions
and threats.

Thus a calculated campaign of deception begins on the steps of the
courthouse. Legal charlatans use the technicalities of our judicial system
and the gullibility of the televised media to make a mockery of the courts
and the law. Tragically, our system of justice has become a paradigm for our
faltering and confused society.

It cannot be said too often that our courtrooms have become little more than
subjective charades, where overpaid lawyers preen and perform for the
cameras. It is where juries – being a sample of the general population – are
easily misled, becoming quickly lost in a maze of moral relativism and
psychological gibberish, and unable to make coherent decisions about
corruption and virtue, truth and lies, and innocence and guilt.

Watching the media and the lawyers operate makes it easy to believe that this
would be a better world if all the liberals wallowing in the filth and muck
of current events would take a bath.

The information age has not liberated us – it has captured us. It has enabled
us to become, to an extent never dreamed possible, victims of vast propaganda
campaigns, involving staged stunts and crafted news, making Shakespeare even
more of a prophet: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely
players ... "

Some observers, struggling to find words, have described the phenomenon of
juiced-up journalism as a "media circus." This comparison cries out for
rejection – it being patently unfair to those in the circus community,
including the clowns, who organize and run a show fit for general viewing,
and present it with precision and discipline.

Following the Islamic-Christian Summit in Rome, Italian Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi said, "We should be conscious of the superiority of our
civilization, which consists of a value system that has given people
widespread prosperity in those countries that embrace it, and guarantees
respect for human rights and religion. This respect certainly does not exist
in Islamic countries."

Berlusconi was demonized as a bigot for telling the truth about Islamic
countries, not a single one of which embraces religious freedom, human rights
and "democratic" values.

It is liberal dogma that human life is an accident, and that we are but pawns
at the mercy of an indifferent universe. There is no basis for judgment, for
blame, for accountability, for punishment or for claims of superiority.

In the fatalistic words of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, we are:

But helpless Pieces of the Game He plays

Upon this Chequer-board of Night and Days;

Hither and thither moves, and checks, and slays,

And one by one back in the Closet lays.

We must win the war against unbelief and nihilism within and around ourselves
before we can win a war "to the death" with terrorism.



WorldNetDaily contributor Linda Bowles is a nationally syndicated columnist.

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