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    Well, the question of nobility and kingship is an interesting one.  Once again, there was a split two centuries ago within occult circles over that issue.  Certainly the Freemasons on the side of the Republic would not have agreed with Joseph De Maistre and the Freemasons on the side of the royalist blood-lines.  However, what is overlooked in any analysis of this split (as exposed by John Daniel and other heroic researchers) would be the common control mechanism beyond both of these, fomenting wars and spiritual oppression.  Leaving the term "Illuminati" behind, I do believe this control mechanism goes beyond the human.  It goes beyond "conspiracy".*  We must not overlook the obvious.  Whether there are extraterrestrials involved in this or not, we cannot overlook the real nature of control.
    The real nature of control is not any human control.  The real control is on the spirirtual level.  "Above" the White House on any map is the real control of any nation having turned its back on God.  No, I am not talking about the Scottish Rite Masonic center seen on the map, not really.  I am talking about the geometry of the streets themselves.  This is not insignifigant.  It is symbolic of a spiritual darkness that is not conspiratorial as much as it is institutional.  We must reckon with this fact, and not merely political conspiracy, if we are truly going to get to the root of the problem.
    There is a fundamental truth that I believe was revealed to me one night in prayer.  The real truth is that of a spiritual battle between Light and Belial.  This transcends any conspiracy.  I also believe it was revealed to me that we are loosing our freedom because we have made it in to a god in the United States.  I am convinced that this is true, and that it goes for secularists, and it also goes for Christians who believe in the concept that we are a "Christian nation".  Both have turned a decent system of government in to a god.  One of the first things God does when He puts a nation under Judgement is to destroy its false gods.  That is actually a mercy in that we can see the effects of our actions and turn around before it goes too far.  We do not see it as such, and continue sinning.  Whether we loose our freedom at the hands of Skull and Bones or whether it is at the hands of Red China or some foreign despotism, it really does not matter.  Either way, we loose something precious because we valued it more than God.  That is my view of things, as much as I wish it were not.

*Note: According to Jasper Ridley, historian and author of the book The Freemasons , Kissinger's favorite person, Prince von Metternich, suppressed the Freemasons as part of his attack against liberalism.  Kissinger is, of course, a major architect of the New World Order.  He is idolizing a person who suppressed Freemasonry, or at least Grand Orient Freemasonry.  Hence there appears to be an inconsistency in some conspiratorial accounts that can only be reconciled by an understanding of the forces beyond the material or political.

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